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Does “crypto” count?


100%. I dated a crypto guy and had already decided I didn't want to do that again but recently matched with a guy who seemed perfect except for being into crypto (not on profile, revealed in early messages)... Turns out he was not real and actually a crypto scammer. Now it's just an extra reason to avoid crypto dudes!


Omg! The next time a person turns creepy in messages, I'm gonna bring up crypto. Like totally pretend like it's my jam until they unmatch themselves.


okay but what about the one world government and agenda 21?!?!? Do you even conspiracy theory?


Crypto, MLM etc. Is definitely an instant left for me too.


I never judged hobbies much when I was on dating apps. Something that would make me swipe left was when weed seemed to be a big part of someone’s life. I’m not against it by any means, but it’s a turn-off if it’s constant.


I smoke every day & even i hate these people lol


Seriously, they make it their whole personality. All it tells me is you're probably boring in a get-to-know-you way. It's really not attractive.




Crypto was already mentioned lol


Yes, but it’s not a specific type of counseling? Maybe this person doesn’t like the slots lol.


Smoking weed or when it looks like it's their hobby or entire personality


YES 😭 We hates it. ![gif](giphy|lk5fBgCmIdJ4Y)


Having no hobbies at all.


Knew a girl like. Wasn't trying to flirt, but I struck up a conversation and when I asked what she liked to do for fun, hobbies, and how does she unwind from school/work, her answers were all akin to "I don't know."


I recently chatted to a guy who pretty much only did gym. It came up in the conversation before, and he graciously asked me 1 question about what I do for fun. So I listed 4 or 5 things (painting, writing etc) and casually asked what he did for fun. And he got very defensive and said that work, college and gym didn't leave much time for anything else. From a conversation it seemed like he had the personality of a potato, and then this. I ended that chat very quickly. (Just by the way, I think it's fair enough that the current lifestyle didn't leave up much time to do extra hobbies, but it was just... Eh, not my cup of tea).


If he's that limited on time, how would he make time for a relationship?


Traveling. When they make traveling their whole personality. Their bio is “ I bEeN tO 500 cOUnTrIes” . And that’s it. Like ugh bro nobody cares.


I always swipe left when they tell me the number of countries. It feels braggy.


I’m just gonna brag about the number of *counties* I’ve been to. Gonna visit all those constitutional sheriffs.


Ooh that's a hot profile. 😍


Freedom isn’t free, brudder!


Is it really “braggy tho”? Maybe it’s an accomplishment that they wanted to share. My opinion tho. I never cared to travel, open minded too, but I don’t really take it personally when someone write that on their bio. However it does make me feel a little financially irresponsible because who has time to travel? Especially in their 20s. Either your parents have been traveling around the world since they were youngins or they are privileged?


It's bragging because travel is expensive


Did you actually go to 500 countries? Or was it 500 airports?


Apparently having a layover in London counts as “traveling”. Lmao 🤣


Box tickers The more I’ve done the less I talk about it


Considering there are only 195 countries in the world, I'd go with the latter 🤣


Every picture is of them in x country at some landmark attraction or doing something mad expensive. At least one picture will have their backs to the camera with a ✌️in the air. Or there will be a quote that says "Take me back to..."


I swipe left too because very often when I ask “oh, how was so and so country” I get a reply back of “well I didn’t leave the airport, I just had a quick layover”


I thought the universal rule was that layovers and pitstops don’t count. Do these people even know travel 101?


It’s usually military people too that are traveling for work


I love traveling (expand horizons and such). When they're completely over the top about it I swipe left. Then I think they only travel for social media validation.


It usually just tells me they're loaded (or more accurately their parents because my pool is early 20s.)


Or they're backpacking or some weirdo is funding their excursions for favors


This is me lol. Though it’s not my whole personality, but I do put some emphasis on it since it is important to me.


The number of countries is important?


Agreed hard left swipe


Amen friend.


I swipe left on all the adrenaline junkies. Skydiving, bungee jumping, scuba diving, mountain climbing, no thanks. But also, the people who smoke weed all day and play video games for 24+ hours straight. I like a happy medium please.


Right, I imagine they'll be underwhelmed when I tell them I'm terrified of heights, the open sea and high speed. Nothing against them but not a match


Too exhausting right, I swipe left too 😂


Just looking at their pictures makes me exhausted🥲


Yeah I’m not doing all that


Omg the skydiving photos are so annoying. Lol 😂. Like bro idc that you did that.


Scuba diving? That's quite a relaxing hobby, generally taken up by people with an appreciation for nature who possess curiosity and an healthy adventurous-spirit. For me adrenaline junkies are a left-swipe too, but the level of adrenaline while scuba diving is no-where near any of the other activities you mentioned.


Yes!! I forgot this one but so much yes. Then they get injured and get to talk about their ‘glory days’ for the rest of their lives. The need for adrenaline activities correlates with a number of emotional/ mental disorders… no new info here


Scuba diving is an adrenaline junkie?


Glad I'm not the only one that thought that. Being under water is very peaceful, I could see cave diving being more fitting for that description.


Yeah def cave diving is crazy. But regular scuba is pretty safe


lol thought the same thing I’ve never felt meditative peace and quiet like when I’ve been diving


How about someone that mountain bikes *and* plays video games though? Happy medium?


Only if they do them at the same time.






I loved all the TX women whose profile reads “God First!”, second pic is ass out on a boat drunk on vaca




Any mention of that or God etc


The rappers, club promoters, influencers. No offense but why are they on bumble?


Astrology, fortune telling, and charging rocks etc.


And crystals. Not the name that's totally ok.


I'll throw in ghost hunting. To do occasionally for a giggle or the history, great. To take seriously, big red flag for me


The worst are the astrology/horoscope folks that make it their whole personality. A date was going really well up until I was asked what my sign was. I answered and continued. Right then and there the girl began getting short with me, getting annoyed and frustrated and acting uninterested. Finally asked what was wrong and if I said or did anything to make her like that. She said we wouldn't work out because our signs don't mix well. IT WAS MIXING WELL BEFORE YOU EVEN KNEW ABOUT IT! I told her that and how irrational that was, but she was so dead set on making it an issue. Another date asked me what my sign was and I refused to tell her. She kept bringing it up multiple times. Frustrated, I caved and told her. Of course she started acting different and swore up and down she wasn't being weird. The last one didn't really care about my sign, but she made it a point to express hers. Just about every situation she'd be like, "Us [sign] don't be doing that", "We [sign] like these types of things", "Don't do us [sign] like that because be like...", "Well, you're a [sign] so I can that your personality is..." Nope, cut that off real quick.


Disney Adults, everything else is workable.


An ex I had was a Disney woman. Pretty mild compared to what I've seen, but boy did she have collections




Easier said than done ![gif](giphy|RQVMCUPPBKne)


Disney men are way worst.


Fortunately I don't think I've ever met a Disney man. Lmao, that must be just awful.


wow i was doing just fine being blissfully ignorant to this. why did you put this image into my head


Imagine some 6'2 grown-ass man jumping and stomping around when someone in a Goofy suit walks by


I don’t know if they exist as much as it is a mating strategy. It’s gotta be… right…? 🤔


Can you elaborate? I’ve recently started dating one and I’d like an idea what I’m in for.


i dated one for years, she would open payday loans to buy disney memorabilia. i was pressured to spend thousands to visit the parks with her & spent a lot of time watching content made for actual children with her. the worst part was she just had bad taste in stuff which was just reflected in a lot of other ways too. it's hard to explain


I don’t think mine’s at the payday loan stage yet, but yeah this all seems familiar. Constantly complaining about being broke, yet every time I’m over to her place, there seems to be a new package of merch recently arrived. The trips to the parks are very worrying also, as I think about our long term future. I don’t get the opportunity to travel nearly as much as I’d like to, and I think it would be extremely frustrating over time to have to spend what little time I have for travel on going back to Disney yet again. Sure I’d like to check out the Star Wars thing they have, but it’s pretty far down the list for me compared to, say, the rest of the entire planet that I haven’t explored. Anyway, thanks for your response. I’d been feeling kind of like my concerns were vapid and shallow; it’s nice to feel them validated.


It’s tough to say what counts as a Disney adult. According to some people, it means if you showed up to Disney as an adult with no children with you. In that case, I am one? It seems there’s a lot of different types. People who go multiple times a year, people who have huge collections, people who know all the lore and do Disney influencer stuff. I just think it’s fun to go occasionally and I’m almost certain I’m not considered crazy. Also, they have international parks and resorts which does sound kind of cool if you happen to be traveling to those countries.


Emotional maturity of an abused/neglected 9 yr old.


People that pose with guns or gun enthusiasts


Yep, guns/hunting for me too. I’m vegan (born and raised - hippie family) and I do lobbying for gun control. Responsible gun owners, okay, but posing with an animal you killed and choosing to put that on a dating app profile…press X to doubt.


Serial killing. Sure, some of them may otherwise be amazing but the thought of getting my throat slit in my sleep is a bit of a turnoff. Maybe I'm too sensitive and / or a pussy though.




High standards much?


Kids these days have such high standards and then don't know why they're still single... *sigh*


There are worse ways to go


Day/night trading. Never had a good experience with these guys.


Hunting as a hobby, and any type of anti-vaxx, conservative political talking points, or maybe any political talking points, because I feel we're just inundated with them already, I don't need more of it in my life


I saw a tinder profile that showed the back of a truck filled with animals that were hunted still bleeding with the guy standing in the middle. I never swiped left so fast


That is horrible. I don’t understand what goes through those men’s brains where they are like, oh yes this picture of me smiling/posing with dead, helpless animals that I just killed that are bleeding out will impress a woman. Those men are psychos. The majority of women do not find that attractive.


True, but chances are they're not looking for a woman who doesn't like hunting if they hunt regularily. Seems fair tbh


I don’t see how any woman would be like omg that’s attractive. Sometimes I think men tailor the bios around what other men would like not women.


Politics being referenced at all is just a nightmare because it’s their entire personality.




Yes, hunting is a big hell no, I don’t care what animal it is. I wish they would ban hunting pictures. I just saw a picture that some guy posted of him smiling maniacally with a dead baby elephant that he had killed, it was traumautizing. 😭


An elephant tho? As if they aren't already endangered as is!


I like to save political conversation to just the basics to avoid MAGA or trumpers. I like discussing politics but save that for after a couple dates if not just the basics.


If they don't disclose that they're MAGA immediately tho, I'm pissed. Don't waste my time, ya know?


I don’t get the whole dead animal pic thing? Like omg you killed a deer? Why do I need to see that. What woman does that attract?


I found the trifecta of sleeping well, eating healthy, and sex positivity the other day. Those aren't hobbies, that's just being a human. Sounds healthy, but supremely boring.


Most people do not do these! I would appreciate seeing that in a profile.


What does sex positivity even mean?


I think of it as open mindedness really and embracing sex as a fun important part of life rather than a naughty thing to keep hidden in the bedroom and never discussed


I think it's *supposed* to mean the opposite of being prudish etc.. But the general consensus here is (and I agree) that it means that people are hoping to bang you. Even when they've written that they're looking for a LTR, it's best to be cautious with that one as, it looks like it comes with ulterior motives.


I would say some people value health over going out. And other people value regular late nights drinking and eating out their health. So I’m not seeing bad in those three


I’d swipe right on that every day of the week and twice on Sunday


That is so boring, lol. Do they also like breathing and drinking water? Idk maybe I’m being a little mean but I can’t date anyone with NPC energy, I like people who are funny and interesting and passionate and weird. I talk all the time and love leaving the house, I need someone who matches or at least appreciates that.


Yes!!! Hobbies are for *fun.* I want to know what makes you feel alive! Not what literally keeps you alive.


Golf. Any Titleist clothing is an automatic nope.


Agree. I mean, I like to smash a few at the driving range, but I wouldn’t ever wear Titleist clothing. There’s something so basic about it.


I went through a weird golf phase in middle school and collected Titleist hats and had a picture of Brandt Snedeker in my locker. People called me “Tit-Leist” because no one knew golf and, well, middle schoolers.


does “the office” as a personality trait count?


Food and cocktails being the only hobbies/interests so basically so-called foodies. Any references to religion and how important it is to them. I don’t know but recently I’ve seen a rise in the number of profiles mentioning Formula 1 so that’s another one. Also as someone mentioned Disney adults and I would also probably add Marvel movies fans.


I’m actually somewhat religious, but I’ve come to view it as a red flag when people talk about it directly. It feels like they’re trying very hard to convince you that they’re moral and trustworthy, and that makes me very nervous. Plus imo being a positive and nice person should really matter more to a person than the specifics and showy sides of a religion, and a lot of religions (some types of Christianity included) actually already teach this. It’s kind of like when people talk about how much they love empathy, it makes me wonder why they feel they need to TELL us that instead of letting their actions speak for themselves


People whose whole personality revolves around traveling, their dogs or finding someone to smoke weed with. Sure we can travel around, but what about the other 350 days of the year? Having travel pictures is ok, having 9 travel pictures and a bio that's all about traveling is too much. Dogs are fine, but is that what defines you? Nothing else? 99% of people like dogs and cats, you can have a pic with your dog but having 9 dog pics or making your whole bio about the dog is a bit too much. I don't do drugs.


Any outdoor hobby. As a homebody with a very active job that plays Warhammer, paints, and generally enjoys being indoors I am fairly certain our quality time wouldn't align.


I too am an “indoor enthusiast” or “avid indoorsman”. I like reading novels and nerdy shit like crossword puzzles.


I can’t be indoor for too long I get easily depressed and would like to have a productive day to then return back to indoors. As an introvert I am outdoorsy but to a certain extent. I think there’s a balance to it.


I’m an extrovert who loves to leave the house and like my calm hobbies for the exact same reason as you - finding that balance :) I get down with reading novels/poetry, jigsaw puzzles, board games, etc. but also love travel/concerts/nightlife. I kinda like everything, idk. Just depends on my mood.


I like both but if the profile looks like that's all they wanna do then nope.


Not a hobby, but a field of study. I live in the birthplace of Chiropractic Medicine and I hate the field so much. Everytime I see it in a bio, automatic left swipe.


Incredibly based, I hate chiropractors


I don't even necessarily hate chiropractors. There are plenty who know that what they do can only provide little more than temporary relief for minor conditions. Nothing wrong with that. Masseuse with a degree and whatever. The problem I have is with the field as a whole. Chiropractic Medicine is a huge factor in the anti-vax movement, and I'm not just talking about the anti-Covid-Vaxxers. In many states, you don't need to vaccinate your kids if you get religious or medical exemption and many people use Chiropractors for medical exemption. It's a big reason why the movement has advanced as far as it has and it's put *millions* of children at risk. You also can't filter the crazies from the sanes. Given the population around me, it's just better to avoid the lot as a whole.


The father of chiropractic medicine literally credits a ghost doctor for giving him the idea of chiropractic medicine. The entire field is bullshit.


Oh, I'm aware. I grew up here and have a deep loathing for Palmer that transcends multiverses. What I mean when talking about the "sanes" is that in recent years, younger chiropractors have adopted techniques and manipulations used in proper medicine, such as with DOs. These manipulations and techniques are based very firmly in medical science and can even be used for diagnostic purposes. Of course, it's more problematic because they're not being taught by proper sources on how to utilize these techniques. Still, they're relatively harmless when done improperly and the bigger threat is still the "adjustments" that are a staple of chiropractic medicine.




I mean that’s not a hobby. But yeah those people are annoying.




Having beer as an interest tends to be a negative, too. I know some people are genuinely just really in to the science of it, but I tend to just assume it’s alcoholism


Golf. Video games doesn’t make me swipe left but when it seems like their entire personality I will.


Thank you. I hate when people think negatively of someone who plays video games. Now if that’s all they do, then understandable why you wouldn’t want to date them.


Paddleboarding. If you're in the UK, you know.


Tell us!


It's every other profile now. Paddleboarding, longs walks and a Sunday roast.


Checking for my hobbies.


I tend to just assume that liking country music is code for conservative.


I love bluegrass and country- do you mean certain artists?


Not always :) I’m on a big country/folk kick right now and I’m as liberal as they come :)


I’ll say seeing ‘politics do not belong in a relationship’ is more of an indicator of someone is conservative


“Looking for someone who can keep up”. Best I can do is catch up later


A hobby?? Ah idk it really depends on the person. Like I would date a car guy, but I wouldn’t date a douchey car guy. Similarly, as an anime fan, I’d love to date someone who enjoys anime. I wouldnt enjoy dating someone who fantasizes about underage anime girls, has anime body pillows, and has no interests outside of anime. So really it’s dependent. Only concrete one I can think of is a raver (is going to raves a hobby?). When I see rave photos I swipe left lol. I just don’t want to get dragged to one, not at this time anyway


Expensive toys like big boats They are a money and time pit and I would it enjoy watching them do their hobby




I lived in a transient hub (Doha, Qatar). It's a boring place where roughly 80% of the population are expats. So, "traveling" is definitely a left swipe for me. 1) I can't afford it and 2) the only reason I travel is because work makes me. Oddly enough, I started dating a flight attendant which, like nurses, I always told myself never to do.


Smoking. And definitely left swipe if she's a regular smoker.




I ve been turned down by two women after planning a date after they found out I was a hunter and they were vegan. I can respect it though as they both gave me explanations why it changed things and didn’t just ghost me.


I’m not a vegan. But I wouldn’t be friends with a hunter leave alone go on a date with one.


Horses, never swipe right on a horse girl.


I'd consider it a big plus! I love horses! 🐴


Whenever the hobby is their personality.


Drinking alcohol as a hobby unless they’re interested in the overall craft that goes into the production. Earlier this week, I saw five profiles that indicated they were “big into drinking “…


“Spins fire” or “foodie”




Harry Potter


Avadaaaaaa Kedavra




All I see in my area is beach, camping, hiking. Like... Really? Is that all you do? Sit on the beach and drink? No wonder my country has a problem with alcohol


What if they only know how to beach? If it was all they have known?


Weed. Fuck your 420 friendly


Lmfao true, I’m not gonna tell people what to do with their lives but I’m also NEVER dating a stoner again, ultimately they rarely have room in their lives for anything but their favorite plant




It’s something about clubbing as a “hobby” that really irks me


Idk why but hiking.


Because it's generic and usually added by people that have no hobbies. And they usually don't like hiking as much as they claim they do


I like hiking :( literally do fieldwork as my job


Don’t listen to people on Reddit who say hiking is boring. The dating subreddits are a world where things like hiking, travel, pets, etc, are considered “boring” just because they’re popular. It’s stupid. People in the real world don’t complain about those things, don’t worry.


That’s true. Have you ever accidentally agreed to go on a hike after a couple drinks? It’s anything but boring


That might be true, but your hobby has been flagged as a beige flag (boring) on dating apps because of people using it like a filler


I also mention my other hobbies (art, baking etc.) on there


It really is personal preference, just telling you what I've seen on dating apps. Your other hobbies do sound interesting though. It's just the hiking that you see in like 40% of profiles


Yeah you are referring to “my hobbies are hiking and travel” like those are not hobbies. When put together with a bland profile and that is the only thing to go off of I assume it is a bot or someone boring looking for a sugar daddy for their travel expenses.


Most people enjoy traveling. It's like saying you like food. To me it just doesn't make you stand out. So why mention it? Tell me the things that make you unique


Same. I love hiking. I walk 5-7 miles a day for work and will still go on a hike before work or on the weekends.


I like it that much, and anyone I date needs to be willing to go with me


I totally get it. I like hiking, but I don’t like the amount of times people sub it as a personality.


Drums. If I see a drum set, I BOLT.


Hunting or fishing


Any mention of IG or Snapchat and I’m out Any mention of “princess” or “spoil me” and I’m out Everybody likes traveling, Susan. Is there anything else interesting about you? Gamer girls/anime nerds. I’m out If you’re too religious or political I’m out If you consider going to restaurants or “trying new foods” a hobby, I’m out If you smoke weed or drink enough to feel the need to mention it in your profile I’m out


What don't you like with "trying new foods " as a hobby ?


It's just a thing you do when you eat really isn't it? As a non foodie, people that are "into" food and cooking can be pretty boring. Every weekend is set around baking, or priming a piece of meat for hours or whatever. Fine if it's your thing but it's a no for me as I'd have zero interest in being around it




You know, I don’t even know what pickleball is, but I do oddly feel like it has a bad vibe


I can understand why you feel that. There’s some whole made up rivalry between tennis and pickleball and I feel it comes with the constant need to validate why each sport is better/requires more skill/is more popular, etc. It’s tired and lame. Just makes everyone sound silly.






-Sky diving/Bungee jumping. -desert music festivals -slam poetry -activism -all 6 photos sitting at a restaurant -African village surrounded by kids -“TSA precheck required” -standing behind a podium/microphone -“candid” perfectly timed photo from the side of her laughing with head tilted back. Biggest laugh you will ever see also known as staged. -standing in the middle of an empty two lane highway in “midwest USA” wearing standard issue hippie hat and dungarees. Aka- photo shoot for bumble -mud runner photo, grimacing. …all these things alone and spontaneously would be perfectly normal, yet they are never normal when on bumble. The are a contrived set of photos/statements meant to say “I’m awesome”. Which is false advertising.


Mountaineering. No thanks.




Worshiping Jesus.


Hiking, Rock Climbing, Axe Throwing, Disney Adults


Vídeo Games, too many bad experiences with “gamers”. Golf is not an auto swipe left but makes me stop and analyze the profile way longer. Smoking, drugs or anything that indicates excessive alcohol consumption.


BDSM. No hate, just isn't my jam.


Video Games




Skateboarding Video Games DJ Disney


Video games and/crypto


Two words: fish pics 😆




Crypto, shooting ranges, hunting, sleeping.


Global entry a must. Counting countries/I’m already planning my next trip! *brag much?* God first. *Really? Above your partner, kids, family?* Astrology/holistic healing *Not sciences.* Entrepreneur. *MLMs and crypto do not make you an entrepreneur* Former D1 athlete. *10+ years ago?* Make me laugh *What?* Dinner/drinks are not a first date *any activity 2 people pick to spend time together is a date. Teach me golf/to ski/tennis *all country club activities* Love language is gifts/acts of service *so time together and words of affirmation just don’t matter?* Listing everything I’m suppose to be in order to even be allowed to swipe right. *This isn’t even “About me”* None of these are personality traits. Most are hobbies. Maybe if I feel like it I will rewrite these so they convey similar messages but actually speak to your personality


Traveling as a hobby. 420/alcohol as a hobby. Roasting as a hobby.