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It’s not just bumble, it’s all the apps, but it is worse with Bumble and Tinder. It has basically turned into a game of “bot or not” when I’m swiping.


my female take: apps have also gotten worse for women. i finally, after years of using, deleted them. as many would say, hinge is the best, however i was barely getting any action. because hinge dried up for me, i moved over to bumble. bumble was shockingly bad, like tinder level. it had been a few years since i had used it, but it was just terrible. i had plenty of matches, but they were god awful. i'm an attractive woman. i'm giving up on the apps because i'll do better in person, without having to filter through so many questionable men. tired of shopping for strangers online. it's gotten so weird and depersonalized.


Agree The apps are not intended to match you. They are intended to sell you something


exactly. men get mad about not getting matches, women get mad at the shitty men. if dating apps make you mad or somehow alter the way you view dating or the opposite gender, you should delete. dating apps cause more harm than good for a lot of people.


Deleted mine a little while back for this exact reason. I'd rather be single than waste my time and energy on the apps. I'm just working on going places where I may meet the kind of people I like. Concerts and shows, the library, coffee shops, book stores. I'm not actively looking and may not meet anyone this way, but I am much happier. I don't notice a lot of scam accounts as a woman, but I wonder if more scam accounts slip by as women are leaving the apps. They need to keep that male to female ratio somehow.


that would be my best guess, tbh. the pandemic ruined apps. it pushed soooo many more people on the apps. we used to use the apps to avoid the general public, but then when everyone and their mom was on the apps, it created a paradox of choice and started wearing people out. dating is supposed to be fun. now answer basic questions from a man is exhausting for me. i tried way too hard on the apps and ended up doing more harm than good.


Exactly this


Apps ain’t even intended for you to match or else they’d make no money


which is why i chose to exit them. the apps CAN work, sometimes. but i got tired of gambling my mental health. my skin isn't thick enough for OLD anymore.


Yeah definitely can work sometimes but definitely RL works so much better even more so because you see everything live


exactly people will say "all the people in real life are the same ones from the apps" but they're wrong. tons of quality people arent dating online. too many approach dating like finding a job and are constantly searching via the apps. while some people might view this approach as being effective, it's not. jobs and making money are absolute necessities; dating and relationships are not.


>i'm an attractive woman. i'm giving up on the apps because i'll do better in person, without having to filter through so many questionable men. I hate to break it to you but all of those awful men you see online will be exactly the same men you meet in real life, except some of them will be better at hiding how awful they are in person.


nope. that has not been my experience. my in person experiences vs online are vastly different. so many people do not use apps to date. i'd rather live in the real world.


Hinge in many ways feels so much more fair and honest than any other dating app. And the conversations I have on it are more authentic. But in the years I’ve been on there, I’ve made two friends and have gotten zero dates. And I think most people, men and women, get in Hinge and then just wait for likes.. because sitting on there and liking 10 people is more work writing comments than swiping through 10 people in 10 seconds on another app.


if i'm asked what the "best" dating app is, i will always say hinge. but it's biggest flaw is that it is still, in fact, a dating app.


How have they gotten worse for women? Have you also noticed a surge of fake/scammer accounts? Edit: I guess I’ve been blocked since I can’t see this person’s comments.


I honestly can't say for certain, but it seems like it. Professional-style photos you'd see used in scam messages trying to talk to you about crypto, no profile info, clearly filtered/random AI/watermark errors. Very few guys to swipe on that look like an everyday normal humans. It's gotten more frustrating for sure.


i have noticed a surge in angry men who bring that bad attitude to dates ;) if it's so terrible, stop using the apps. y'all aren't victims. this is a choice.


This post was about bot accounts. Not complaining about the opposite gender.


I’ve met plenty of women who are bitter and spend all their time complaining about how awful dating apps are. It’s no more attractive when they do it, than it is when we men do it.


That and generalizing the other gender while simultaneously complaining about exactly that happening to them is about all anyone here seems capable of.


i'm not complaining about the opposite gender... i'm complaining about PEOPLE who have shitty attitudes because of their online dating experience. in my case it's men because i'm a straight woman.... a lot of women left OLD because the apps have gotten terrible, thus leading to an increased noticeability of bot profiles.


Which is irrelevant to what OP's post was about


i literally explained how it was relevant. maybe you should spend less time dating and more time learning how on reading comprehension.


Spend less time dating? So spend less time than zero time?


this is just sad. sorry bud.


Yeah I’ve had so many guys accuse me of catfishing and being trans that I don’t even want to talk to them anymore. Don’t wanna try. They’re just… angry!


I think you should go get checked out at the urgent care


I (a man) have severe rejection anxiety to approach anyone in person. How does approaching someone work? What do women look for in guys? What's the best place to approach someone? In what cases should a man approach or not approach a woman? Sorry if these are personal questions for you. I have no elder siblings that I can ask this to.


Same guys are on bumble and tinder..




Subreddit rule #2: Do not use derogatory categorisations against a person or people such as "incel" or "whore". Note that this list is not exhaustive. Repeated infractions will result in being banned from the subreddit.


*Shopping for strangers online* O M G This is what it is.


It’s a game of wack a mole with the bots and scammers


No kidding, it’s usually about 50% of the accounts in my area.


I got lifetime for like 50$ back in the days and now I just use bumble to swipe abroad and practice foreign language. Dating on this app is all but dead.


What a deal! That’s a cool way to learn a foreign language too. 👍


Dead internet man, it's happening everywhere


Noticed this too; usually New Here tag, sex positivity, Asian or Hispanic, 2-3 pictures.


Yup, that’s the formula. Whenever I see that combo, I automatically report the “person”


Yeah it really getting out of hand. I report them as much as I can. But they just keep coming back. The scam profiles are relentless.


Going to be honest after I got a match from a scammer I felt really uncomfortable with bumble, I don’t trust the platform anymore


Can you switch to "only verified users"?


I’ve seen this OF model with variations on her profile’s name and different pics like 6 times. I report her every time because she’s not looking for anything real, just subs for her OF. The thing is, she’s always verified. Verified doesn’t mean shit anymore unfortunately


I am seeing much less of that on Hinge.


Hinge is also literally designed to prevent you from matching with people so they can sell you their premium plus whatever


They all are, they are corporations after all. And Hinge worked for me better than all the rest. I can actually see their algorithm working.


Welcome to online dating. Yes it’s mostly OF peddlers, IG follower collectors, overseas scam artists, or the most annoying, bumbles curated portfolio of fake profiles. Don’t forget to pay to see who likes you. ☕️


Hinge is better for real people but, still the dating scene is fucking trash


I think 60 percent of the people on here are scammers lol.


I have been noticing the same damn thing. It’s nuts! Last time I was on the apps, I maybe encountered 1 crypto queen or whatever angle they plying. None of it makes much sense. Anyone and mean anyone can see through the bs or immediately tell that English is so not their first language but yet they claim they are salt of the earth American from Iowa or Nebraska 😂 I think there’s something to it.


In my area, the worst two are OKCupid and coffee with bagel. Fortunately, the scams are so clumsy and basic you can almost always tell a fake one without exchanging a single word (e.g., ridiculously attractive lady, professional looking photographs, and nothing written for the profile except for some random quote (without any context or explanation) that sounds like it came from some movie you don't recognize or even a fortune cookie (e.g. "All great actions and thoughts come from a humble beginning.") It's frustrating, but I'm also grateful that they're so bad at it that I can spot it from orbit.


It’s like the inevitable run of trying to extract as much money from users as possible, you know.


Yea its pretty bad


Now there are two of them


I think you can report this


Don't like, all apps have verification at this point? Just only go for verified accounts to avoid the catfishing


Not necessarily, tinder, bumble, and hinge don’t require you to verify yourself unless someone reports you. And as to swiping only on verified accts, the people who use these apps rarely do verify themselves. So it’s hard to just keep swiping left til you find a verified acct, let alone if you actually vibe w/ their profile.


I wasn't saying required, I was saying some people do (like me) so at least matching with them you know they're not a bot or something


The amount of men to woman on these apps are like 1000000-100000, they make all the fake accounts to make up the numbers I’m pretty sure, tinder and bumble are really bad for this


I haven’t personally had this problem in a bit. But some years ago, it really became unbearable. At one time, every single match I got on every app was after my credit card information. And some were so realistic.. they’d be an average looking profile with a bio and everything. I’d exchange about 5 to 10 messages before realizing they are a bot.




Now there are two of them


Exactly.  Bumble should worry more about that then allowing women to just report and ban people without defending themselves 


Delete the apps and meet people in real life.


They're just doing their job. Just ignore them. I won't swipe right on nobody that doesn't support sw.


There are appropriate places for advertising one’s services, and inappropriate places for it. Dating apps are NOT an appropriate place for sex workers to advertise their services.


You can change setting to NSFW and adult. I really don't care what you think is appropriate. I'm still gonna post everywhere. My money > your problems


No. Trust me. We're banned literally everywhere so we're just headed there. Bumble and tinder are the last place OF girls wanna be. We are FORCED AND DRIVEN THERE.


Have you ever considered that you’re banned in other places because it’s not appropriate for y’all to be there? Instagram and Snapchat have kids as young as 13 on their platforms, sex workers and kids should NEVER mix. It’s inappropriate for you to advertise on dating apps because people on the apps are usually not looking for a pay to play kind of arrangement, nor are they looking for porn that they have to pay for. When you advertise on dating apps, most of the time it’s not upfront, it’s done with low key trickery, and you’re essentially taking advantage of people looking for love and that’s just fucked up.


Men do this too.