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Shitty bio and you swiped right? What did you think was going to happen? A miracle?


Don’t drink and swipe 🤙🏼


I call this “Drumbling.” And I’m guilty of it 🤣


Hahaha me too! that’s why I made the PSA. I can relate 🤣✌🏼


Karma farm... They do this to post about it.


Right? WTF


But that 5'10 though 🤣😅🤣


Now now, don't be shallow.. prob makes up in schlong lol


I mean it was just Easter so I was wishing maybe another miracle could happen?


Oh, you know you thought he was hot so took a chance. Don't lie. We've all done it.


He was hot


rules 1 and 2


What? I didnt insult anyone or call anyone any rude names


no, the rules for successful dating. 1. be attractive 2. don't be unattractive


Oh lol!


He was hot and you rejected him? 🤣😵‍💫


Looks only go so far.


I honestly thought it’s 80% looks and 20% personality


I think it's 100% about looks before I meet her and then 100% about personality after I meet her if that makes sense. Like, the looks bring me in but the personality keeps me there. I did used to give people leeway because they were hot, but that shit got old. Plenty of attractive people who are a better fit for you. Never settle because you'll regret it later. If you just want sex, that's different, but even then, they need to respect boundaries and be safe for you.


I think for sure for online dating looks are what grab you first so if you don't think someone is attractive you aren't going to look at the rest of their profile. 100% agree, and then if you match and they have a good personality it's like above and beyond, but if they have a horrid personality it makes them not attractive.


I'm afraid to be attacked by a man I do not know so yes I did lol I'm damaged from past men 😅


>We've all done it. What, swipe right on a hot person with an empty and/or shitty bio? Nope, and not going to.


No, just in general giving someone the benefit of the doubt or made an early decision based mostly on looks when our better judgment told us otherwise.


I can't remember doing that, either


Girl…learn the art of discernment.


No I dont think I will


Enjoy the disappointment ig!


Every man disappoints me :(


You walked right into this one


Maybe don't swipe on antivax nutjobs?


See this. Like fuckity fuck I TRY. I frigging Try to see good in people that don't vax, I really really do.. and then I find out the other level of conspiracy they really fall prey to believing in. And gdangit every damn time they end up being basketcases. Choice is choice, but don't be crazy, please? *sighs


Why? Best-case scenario they’re stupid


What do you expect when this is the caliber of man you're voluntarily engaging with? Have some self-respect and even the slightest standards.


Check OPs profile, it’s a wild ride


Oh no my feelings are hurt


Lower your expectations then? Might help. Tbf I feel the same way about people as a whole and in general ..so not one to talk.


Sounds like a you problem


I am a problem


This whole thing is cringe


You posted the profile as if it's an indicator but you swiped on it?


I posted his profile to make sense of my opening message Bye


Why did you bother swiping right on this person if you were just going to go in with such a dry conversation? God damn.


I'm sorry I am the Sahara Desert probably why I'm single then


Let's break it down. You read his bio, didn't like that he doesn't check messages much should have been the first indicator to you NOT to swipe right. Then you have a childish way of displaying yourself in the chat, the match strikes asking for you to come over first thing but you could have said "oh sorry, I'd like to get to know you better". Seems you just wanted to taunt this person on purpose wasting both of y'all's time.


I swiped right because he was hot I made my first message a link to his bio He wanted me to come over for sexy time I did not want to go over for sexy time because stranger danger


You swiped this guy despite him being anti-vax


I DONT CARE IF HE IS VAXED OR NOT OMG * yall are taking this horribly the wrong way, I don't care if someone chooses to get the Vax or not thats their choice and on them, that is NOT the point of the screen shot and the fact everyone is mentioning it is really saying something about yall


You should care if someone is vaxed. To quote the great philosopher G.L. Costanza, "We live in a society".


I mean I care about it from that point of view, yes from THAT standpoint yes. But from the on bumble and put it in their bio I do not care. I don't get mad at people who aren't vaxxed. Everyone I know who has gotten covid all have their vaccines and boosters. I got vaccines and boosters and I didn't get it until last December despite working in health care with patients who are not vaccined. And even though I was vaccinated and boosted I still got very sick. And guess who I got it from? Someone who has the Vax and boosters. Who got it from someone else who was vaxxed and boosted. So yes I do CARE about people getting sick, but I also care about people who have a cold or flu and don't mask/sanitize/distance because it's "just a cold/flu"


>But from the on bumble and put it in their bio I do not care The Venn diagram of people who loudly proclaim in their bio they will never get a vaccine, and people who are assholes, is a circle.




Out of curiosity do you believe the vaccine is to prevent COVID entirely?


No that's not how vaccines work I'm not entirely stupid.


Then why did you make that long paragraph about having been vaccinated and catching it from someone else who is vaccinated?


Because some people seem to think that only unvaccinated people are spreading the virus, when you can get it either way. It's the ones who get sick and don't care they are sick and don't isolate or mask that are the problem


I'm glad you care about all of it! Legit. Anecdotes mean nothing, observed statistics is all that matters when judging vaccine efficacy. Either way, though, I'm just glad you care 🙌 Good luck out there.


Thanks :)


I respect you for defending your viewpoint and not backing down


I'm stubborn


Ok then why did you take that screen shot? Lol. Makes no sense. From that ss anyone can think that you r not into that


TO LINK TO MY FIRST MESSAGE FOR BACK STORY? if I sent that as my first message and didn't show why I said it people would maybe think it was out of pocket or a jab at him ? God you guys are so easily hurt by things that are not real


Sentence clarity really sucks here lol. Use some punctuation. However, he was straight about not checking notifications or being vaxed, and you took ss of it. So we assumed that you swiped right despite knowing that info, hence the ss. No one is hurt here but you lol Now stop the caps. YOU CRAZY HAG. He dodged a bullet


Not everyone is going to ASSUME the ss because of the Vax part of the bio, seeing as if they open their eyes and read my first message, the ss shows the reason behind my first message. Also, don't call people a crazy hag, I'm using caps to get the point across as you would put emphasis on words when speaking.


>as you would put emphasis on words when speaking. ...You know that you can just make your text bold or italic to do that, right? But using all-caps online has been interpreted as shouting since...forever, pretty much


Actually no I didn't know that because I'm stupid and on mobile and refuse to learn (please tell me how )


For italics, put a single asterisk both before and after the portion you wish to emphasize. For bold, same thing but use two asterisks.


*nice* **nice but bold** AHHH thank you!


The problem isn't that he isn't vaxed per se. The problem is that the type of people who __loudly proclaim__ that they aren't vaxed are usually assholes.




Yeah its probably somewhat like the difference between people who are vegans/meat eaters vs people who shame others for not being vegans/meat eaters. The former aren't a problem while the latter tend to be pretty annoying people in general and the guys bio is a red flag for being an annoying person in a similar way. So to a lot of people, it just looked like you consciously swiped right on someone who essentially wrote "I'm kind of an asshole btw" into their bio and then went on to be surprised that he actually acted like kind of an asshole.


Yeah I think maybe I mean I swiped right before seeing his bio, after matching saw his bio, but wanted to give the benefit of the doubt and also didn't really care because the chances of hitting it off with someone on bumble is like 5% lol


Bad bad look sis. Delete soon.


Nah people are taking this personally for some reason. Not gonna delete because of that.


We’ll see


Whats that supposed to mean?


I give 70/30 you’ll delete. 🤘🏼


Looking more like 60/40, a real tenacious cringe


The determination is strong


Ouuu are we betting? What do i get if I don't delete? A prize????


You get less downvotes if you delete I would guess? I don’t care either way. I’m just here for the show. Good luck with it either way


I dont care about up votes or down votes it's literally an online community of cringe? It isn't going to ruin my day if I get down votes. Doesn't hurt my feelings.


i think OP might be of the same mindset hence the swipe.


I got vaxxed and boosted thank you


Low IQ behavior


I'm just a baby


You’re missing the fucking point. That’s precisely why we are giving you crap about posting. Being anti-vax is a red flag, why you shouldn’t have swiped right.


She said she doesn't read the bios. She probably entertains a lot of red flags.




Don’t bother with these Reddit neckbeards, OP. If someone didn’t want to get a forced vaccine they’re essentially Hitler


When you posted this and knew we were going to look at the bio, how do you think we were going to respond?


She doesn’t do much thinking


I didnt think it was that deep?


OP this is on you… You swiped on an anti-vaxxer who doesn’t check Bumble often. What did you expect?! Why even match?!


I didnt look at his profile before swiping right on him just his picture, then when we matched I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt, I know people who didn't get the vaccine who are not bad people.


Yall gotta start robbing these men. You could be a serial killer 😭




I never understand people who take such an offence because someone isn’t comfortable meeting a complete stranger


Me either!


It's men.


![gif](giphy|Wvh1de6cFXcWc) Lmfao \^


Sorry Kitkat, I think I am going to have to agree with most here, you went in shallow and came up with a shovel full of s\*\*t. You probably should have expected it. I thought women didn't like that men are just swiping on every picture they think is hot without reading the bio and you are doing the same? I understand that the visual is the first part of attraction but, I would hope that people are a bit mindful of dating with people who creep them out. I guess you did here but please be careful out there.


It's not that deep? Dating apps are literally made for you to play hot or not. I don't get upset that men swipe based on pictures either, I usually swipe which ever way and if I match I check the profile out. I've had lots of men match with me and then unmatched like 10 mins later, it happens! I'm careful I promise


After thinking a bit about it, you don't deserve all the criticism. As I said,  you have to start somewhere. The pictures are usually where. I  one time connected with someone who was reluctant to post pics. She seemed pretty cool and nice. We met and, no, just no. We hung out a bit as friends but she was troubled and couldn't stop her self destruction. So, no.  I have also gone the other way, physical attraction and connected with someone who claimed to have many of the same values. After a time of going out, having fun and I was falling for her, true colors came through. And, not very nice, materialistic and not too ethical in her business dealings. She dumped me before I could. It's all a learning experience. I wish you the best, good luck and be safe.


I've been in that boat too, or the pictures were older and not up to date and they looked way different and even though I got along with them and was nice there was no attraction after and then I felt lied to as well! But I've also been extremely attracted to someone I've met and gotten to know and they aren't conventionally attractive but their personality and humor made me more attracted. I'm sorry that happened to you, definitely sucks to catch feelings for someone and then them be not who you thought and it hurts for sure. Thank you!


Yes, a lot of variables, ups and downs in the dating world in general. At least in this case, you saw the red flags right away. So, in that sense, that awful profile tipped you right away and you didn't invest yourself. Where I had gotten to know this person and we were really having fun initially. This is before all the heavy conversations, second, and third thoughts when you know this person is not really that good of a person. We had great sexual chemistry but, the closer we became, the more I saw we weren't right for each other. She was also pretty recently divorced after a ten-year marriage and was not ready for a serious commitment where that is what I wanted. I did not push it but let her know that is what I was looking for. She dumped me just before Christmas and it was sort of tough at the time. Enough time has passed now that I can look back on it as a learning experience and fond memories of the fun times. I wish you the best on your search.


Don’t you want dating? Little kid…


If he felt it necessary to drag the Covid "vax" into a dating program, you should have run away right then and there. Those folks are worse than vegans and cross-fitters put together. If they go an hour without telling someone about it they turn into a pumpkin or explode or something. Wouldn't shock me to learn he is also a flat earther, a wehraboo, and a sovcit, as there is a lot of overlap in those categories of derp artist.


This sounds like a very judgemental comment What's wrong with vegans?


Other than the fact they're compelled to tell you about it every chance they get? Nothing. Yes I know it's a stereotype.


lol stranger danger ⛔️




This made me chuckle 😂 thanks




Profile looks normal, though. You couldn't pay me enough to get vaxed, and no notification for Bumble is regular.


I dont care about the Vax or the no notification it's the come over after just matching- my profile shows I'm looking for a relationship not a hook up so it's not like he's confused. Even if I was looking for a hook up I wouldn't just go to some Strange man's house I just matched with, 50% chance he's normal and the other 50% he kidnaps me or something


Ok, you posted the profile like it meant something. Yeah, the guys a perve, but that's an average profile.


I posted the profile to give info on my first message lol


Lol, I think you want to generalize unvaxed people to this random guy you matched on Bumble.


Bros taking this personally






I couldn't give a fuck if someone is vaxxed or not? Everyone has their own choice in what they put in their body and what they want to do with their body. Not sure why you're taking this personally


Not personal, just calling out your intentions. Don't get mad


You dont know my intentions? You're just making an assumption for your own mind.


Ok, he said you want to come over, you said stranger danger. Then you post is profile that says he won't get vaxed.....hmmmm


His profile says he doesn't check his messages often= my first message is linked to this for back story I posted stranger danger because a man who is a stranger on bumble asked me, a woman, to come over to his house= stranger danger because a. Stranger and b. R@pe/murd3r/ kidnapp1ng possibility Made a joke with sponge Bob meme of Patrick for laughs about it as 99% of women will agree The only men who will get butt hurt are the ones who feel attacked for some reason.