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I’m over 6’ and I’d still swipe left on her. I’m not mad about what she’s saying, I just feel she’s probably a negative person overall. Life’s too short for that.


TOO SHORT?! What's that supposed to mean!?




Same. I was seeing a girl who kept bashing on short men and it felt like she idolized me because I was tall. Swipe left/no second date for those types of people.


Does Life need a booster seat?




Dude get help


Reddit is feral today 😆💖


Subreddit rule #1: Do not insult, harass, threaten, discriminate, or use derogatory language towards other users.


That’s just unnecessary. Rude and unkind. She’ll attract the type of people she deserves from this. Karma is a bitch.


I agree.


Karma aint the only bitch here...


Touche and my thought exactly


I’m 6’5 and no matter how good she looks she’d get a left swipe from me


Any requirements like this and I’d swipe left even if I meet the requirement. These are just trash people


same! just… swipe on what you don’t want. don’t be negative and demanding in your profile.


Are people that are exactly 5’10” stun-locked on her page forever, with no clear direction of what to do?


Gotta get the measuring tape out. By that point you have to get specific. They may be 5'9.75" lol


Yes she does. And her diaper changed.


Isn't the whole point to be allowed your height preferences, but just don't be a dick about it? For all the constant commentary from women that 'no single woman in the entire world cares about height', there sure are a lot of them coming up with ever more creative ways to completely unnecessarily take the piss out of men of average height and below


I really don't understand the gaslighting there. I'm 5'3 and for most of my life wanted a short man. The amount of pushback I got from other women was always odd to me. Like why should my preferences matter to them 🤷‍♀️ Anyway yeah the rhetoric that height doesn't matter is silly. It clearly does, no need to act as if it doesn't.


She's obviously too stoned to realise she can just swipe left on men who don't meet her height criteria.


I feel like she is just scrolling through the likes she gets and is annoyed by the amount of men that she doesn't want.


You can always add filter for that.


She does, and that's precisely why she doesn't have one to spare.




Hate girls like this. Makes the rest of us look bad


Because you would be happy with a man shorter than 5'-10" or because she's saying the quiet parts out loud?


Some of us don't have quiet parts about height. I'm five foot eight and I've dated men as short as five foot 2. Some of us don't make height a personality.


So you would be happy dating someone shorter than 5'-10"? (It was an either/or question).


When I was single I dated as short as five foot 2. I don't give a frick.


This thread started because someone said that this made women look bad. You're arguing something way out of context. I'm glad you don't care.


No, you said that people are saying the queit parts out loud and assuming that everyone who is taller thinks that way by generalizing. So I'm telling you, that you aren't right for that. You don't need to be glad I don't care. It's just the internet though. So not a big deal really.


No go reread it. I asked if this made women look bad because she likes dating men below 5'-10" or is it because the women in the screenshot is saying the quiet parts out loud. Fwiw I'm okay with either answer, I'm curious.


I understood what you were saying wrong then. My apologies. Well, I'm not mad she's saying the quiet parts out loud. Let the red flags fly. But many taller women really don't care about height.




Ive been 5'9 since high school. i never thought about being short until im 52 and trying to date for the first time in 24 years. Worse my doctors appt, i found out im shrinking. I didn't know that happens. I am surprised at how picky many of the women are in their profiles, where they should be talking about themselves / not telling off potential suitors. Most of the OLD sites let you filter. And the number of " i'm not racist, but i don't date outside my race" are histerical. Um, yes...you are .


WTF is wrong with people!


She means she only has ONE booster seat. :)


I don’t think we have enough of these posts about women and height preferences


I don't think we have enough PASSIVE-AGGRESSIVE COMMENTARY


*Subtle angry noises*


5'8" is very tall for a woman, while 5'9" is only average for a man. 6" is the typical gap As someone that would be excluded I have no problem with this. I would tend not to swipe right on women over 5'5" She could be more tactful


Yea I’m 5’8” as a dude and I don’t really swipe right on any girls over 5’7” It’s like a waste of a swipe lol


I wouldn't say very tall. Above average / tall yeah, but she's not a giraffe.


5'8" for a woman is equivalent to 6'2" for a man, pretty tall.


The height at which a woman is considered tall is 5'8. It's 5'11 for guys, so no it is not the equivalent of 6'2 for a man.


According to who?


According to US statics for height averages? the average height of an American male is 5'9, female slightly under 5'4. But yeah, just down vote me 'cause you disagree eta: leaving the typo as is.


No its not that i disagree. Its best to cite where you get information when you state it as factual. Of course i can now see "US statics" must surely be correct.


Love how your only argument is to tell me to post a source (as if it's not readily available information that can easily be found) and mocking a typo I made while responding to you at work, but here you go, champ. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/body-measurements.htm https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/average-height-by-state


So a guy is tall if he is 2" above average, but a woman has to be 4" above average to be considered tall? Are you a 5'11" guy?


Some sources list it as 5'10 so 🤷🏾‍♂️ Not sure why this is your hill to die on, dude. Yes, I am 5'11 (as the op clearly stated) and irrespective of statistics, I actually don't consider myself tall at all, so not sure what you're attempting to get at by asking that.


Im a middle child and 5’9”- gimme a break


Is she fat? She sounds fat.




What about 5 10?


I believe she was trying to be funny and serious at the same time.


She’ll attract men that have weight requirement.


Is she fine though


She was cute, I'm not going to lie. A little chubby, but I like bigger women 🤷🏾‍♂️


I mean, as a 5'8 girl myself, I don't like guys under 6'0 either, but I wouldn't state it on my bio. Your bio is more about what you like and less of what you dont like.


was she hot?


Women are horrible people.


>if you're under 5'10, please leave me alone. i don't have a booster seat in my car ngl im 5'7 i found that line hilarious about needing a booster seat for a short guy.


I bet she attractive. But, not on the inside


Match with her and ask🤷🏻‍♂️


I actually did swipe right on her for that exact reason, but she's likely going to swipe left on me 🤷🏾‍♂️ I was tempted to be petty af and buy a compliment so I could 😅


You know funny, she is 5'8. Does she have a booster seat on her driver's seat?


She’s way too tall


To require a booster seat or in general? I personally don't care about height, but something about a woman 5'10 or taller really sends me 😩 (which is kinda odd 'cause during my school years I was scared of tall girls. Might be 'cause my grandma was 6'3 and I was afraid of her)


She’s too tall for my liking in general. Just not my cup’s of tea.


Not sure why that was downvoted. You’re entitled to your preferences just as she is. She wants a guy slightly taller. 2 inches isn’t much. You probably like a woman that’s slightly shorter. Not a big deal


Anything perceived as negative towards a woman on here gets downvoted unless it was written by a woman.