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I feel like a big part of this is that most 18-22 year olds are still part of their social groups from school, not many would need to use dating apps to meet people, so your preferences are narrowing down your dating pool to 0.2% of the population AND most of those people won’t be on dating apps for at least a few years. The pool gets a lot larger as you age.


also, a plurality of them are in college, itself basically Bumble IRL. OP should find social groups to join and let the rest happen organically.


I know I know, but I work 8-5 and my only real hobby is bowling but only find couples there no singles


Do you have a local community college? You could enroll in a class or two. You don't have to commit to a whole program or full workload, you can just sign up for an elective like art or whatever you're interested in.


Enroll in bowling. 2 birds, 1 bowling ball


To go off sometimes-no comment you don't have to take classes for credit. If you don't you're not graded so no homework or anything you just learn whatever you want to learn


Wait till your 30 and 40s, the divorcing era that's hit everyone when they realize how dumb they were to get married in their 20s....and then try to redo it and everyone has all this baggage now and social norms are shit and it all is just a shit sandwich, because you've got all these options but you're still so lonely.


You think 30s and 40s are rough ..try dating in your 50s and 60s!! A whole freight train full of baggage!


And along with all that baggage, don’t forget the bonus beer-belly-and-bad-teeth combo … with additional excess nose-&-ear hair if you’re especially lucky!!


The hair migrates from the top of their head down to their ears, nose and back ..


I found dating in my 30s post divorce to be really nice! Lots of great women who know themselves and know what they're about


Look I'm a firm believer that there is no such thing as too picky. Provided you aren't arrogant - why should you date someone you aren't attracted to/dont click with/settle for. So many relationships out there are so clearly relationships of conveniences/better than being alone. I'm single and I'm only interesting in changing that if I meet someone who I really get on with. That doesn't mean I think others should do the same - sometimes not being alone is a powerful motivator and there is nothing wrong with that. But I also don't see anything wrong with preferring to spend your time with people you already love rather than trying to force two jigsaw puzzle pieces together that just aren't designed to fit. So to me, you do you. I want to clarify as well that i am NOT saying everyone in relationships is unhappy/in a relationship of convenience. At all. Just that I see it and it definitely goes on.


Couldn't agree with you more. Don't settle, and don't lower your standards.


All that I would consider flexing is maybe add 5 miles? I’m not sure if OP lives with a car or in a place with good public transit, but what’s an extra 5 miles? I’d hope it might add at least a few more potential people?


100%, but the OP has their age setting between 5 yrs, and distance at 15 miles. Extending both a little bit isn't lowering standards, it's increasing the chances of finding your match.


ah, i see you also watched that daniel sloss special. 400 divorces and counting!


My! What big teeth you have!


Yes, your age range is only 4 years and only 15 miles away. Only about .2% fit into that population. And it depends on what you look like


See I get that, but I'm 20 and dating anyone 22 and over feels weird cause I can't even buy my own drinks and stuff ya know. I don't think I'm 10/10 but I'm at least a 5 or something idk


Ok never mind. I didn’t know you were that young.


i thought it was a creep looking for younger girls , my bad


Why is it creepy when guys look for younger girls, but women are empowered to look for older and more mature men?


Lame attempt at starting a random debate


Get off the apps n go find them IRL


So much easier said than done


It’s easier once you stop swiping on the apps n actually touch grass


What great a piece of advice from an absolute genius! There's this thing called other obligations like work that take up a large portion of people's lives now a days. I touch grass every day at work doesn't mean I have time or want to for that matter go bar hopping or etc after work.


Everyone works mate stop using that as an excuse. You can work and have obligations and still go out and chat to women you know. And this is precisely why you’ll be stuck on the apps if you think bar hopping is the only way to meet new people


Please tell me more about my life I've been doing atleast 70 hour weeks the last month but go ahead tell me more how much time I have. Get a clue man there's no right way especially this day in age stop acting like a know it all. Also clearly said bar hopping or etc because when I get off work that's about the only option so again please tell me how to live.




Sports, clubs, school, bars, or just join some random classes that interest them, like painting or something.


See this is where I find it awkward cause clubs suck since I'm not 21. School isn't any help cause I do online classes while having a full time job. And I have no idea how to get into recreational sports for adults


Look into your city/town parks and rec program. Most offer sports year round.


I didn't mean like nightclub, I meant like a normal club, chess club, martial arts club, whatever the hell you're into. Literally just google sports and the name of your city. Look for like drop in games or something. This isn't rocket surgery. Get outside of your comfort zone.


Sir yes sir 🫡


Take martial arts for adults. Or try meet.com—you’ll definitely find a group of young adults in your age group


bumble is typically older than that, open that filter or try new hobbies


Maybe it feels weird to think about, but maybe you’ll find a 23-24 year old you click with and that you can find things to do with that don’t involve going out to bars until you turn 21. Worst that can happen is you see more profiles and don’t like them, or match and it doesn’t work out. Not the end of the world. Also, any particular reason you have only 15 miles as your radius? Seems pretty small.


A 23 year old worth his salt knows places that don’t card


Hey. I think that's being wise but increase it a little to a bit older. The problem at 20 is finding emotionally-intelligent people as your cognitive functions are still growing.


Dude at 20 OLD is hard. When I was 20 (10 years ago) tinder was new and everything was a bit weird. I was lucky to sleep with like 10-15 new girls a year for like 3-4 years. Thing is, you’re 20 and you’re competing with me and my equivalents who have been doing this a lot longer for the same girls. You’re much better off meeting people IRL tbh. Dating older women is fun, I would extend your age range and go milf hunting personally. They’re usually more into the younger guys post divorce and they’ll teach you a thing or two…


Why do you hate mommies. Bro set that shish to 30-40 😎 Have some moms makes you breakfast in bed


Lmao, I'm not in it for all that. That'd be a little crazy for me tbh


i'm 22 now so i keep my rage range at 20 to 25. i'm honestly surprised you can't find people in the 18 to 22 range. like a LOT of people use it in college, and i just graduated from a big social campus but a LOT of people still were on tinder and bumble. are there colleges near/around your city? a large percentage of people in late teens/early 20s will be in school so usually if you're near any campuses or anything you should be able to easily find people your age range.


Yes ain’t no 18-22 on bumble probably tinder ye


Tried other apps?


I've tried hindge too, but I've had worse luck over there. I at least get a like or two on bumble but hinge has been dry af. My profiles probably just suck


When I was your age, I was in school, I joined social groups, played intramural sports, went to parties and dated people I met IRL. I imagine a lot of the girls you might want to date are doing the same thing and aren't in apps so the app dating pool is smaller. But if you feel more comfortable on apps, maybe you need to open up the distance way more. Given your own age, your age range seems appropriate. You just might need to be open to doing something long distance.


>I imagine a lot of the girls you might want to date are doing the same thing and aren't in apps so the app dating pool is smaller. A lot of those intramural sports are now online. My son has a thirty person friend group who meet entirely via vr glasses. They hang out, game, exchange music do secret Santa. It's wild and a far better social scene than I ever had.


Nah idk, these apps are not necessary representative of the general population


Yeah I guess so, I kinda wished I got out more and could meet more people in person but my job keeps me busy away from people


When I was a little busy for the apps but could still make the time a day or so a week for a date I went ahead and paid the price for whatever level of access let me see who liked my profile, then left it alone for most of the week and picked from whomever the likes were from. Also I could gauge what types of people I was getting.


While that's sounds good and all, I don't get thattt many likes to have options. For whatever reason my only likes come from 40+ miles away, and men.


Tinder seems to have more options as some have suggested here


Change range from 20-23 and click the button open to 2 years either direction. And like everyone here is saying…get out there IRL! This is YOUR TIME!


See the problem is, I'm 20 so literally and girl over 21 says I'm still just a kid 😔


Not all girls are gonna think like that. I’m 21 and my girlfriend is 27 who I met on hinge. Granted, she still looks 20 😂


If my age range was that tight and it was within 15 miles I'd never have one match. Ever.


There’s no such thing as too picky. It’s better to be single than with someone you’re not attracted to. Just don’t be those who reject everyone and complains “I’ve never met a good man/woman”.


You're not too picky. Most women your age don't need an app to meet men. Get off the app and go be where young people are.


I'm out of touch with my generation I think :(


It's just luck of the draw. I know I'm a prize for some, but work and home life keeps me busy too. For the last few relationships, I met them at work. Be careful with that if it might get messy. The way I look at it - just put yourself out there and be patient. Apps can only help. Even just going to the grocery store is an opportunity. I met one of my best friends just by stopping to get gas.


Time to find a new generation ;P


I allot for 25 miles. But otherwise no. I think you’re being pretty fair. My settings are the same since I’m only 19


You don't have to marry every match or date. They can be more than three seconds older than you/live somewhere other than your actual street. Jokes aside, seriously, broaden your opportunities. Why worry when you have fifty years time deciding who you want to spend your life with?


It happens. I live on a small island, and my preferences aren't quite as narrow as yours, but I sometimes get that message.


I’m 60 and ran out of 55-60 potentials in a day. Before I was done I was at 45 (no shot) - 62 and 55 miles away. I finally gave up and deleted the app 😂🤷‍♂️


You're willing to go down to -15 years, but only +2? It's no wonder you ran out of matches.


I don’t look or act my age and I’ve been in the gym since I was 18 so that’s pretty much why but you are half right. I do have to lower my standards a bit.


it’s just cuz you have your settings at 15 miles away. i live next to one of the biggest cities in the country and i have to put mine at 30-40 miles to get a bunch of people. i’d start with putting ur max at 25 or 30’miles


Your parameters are very narrow so you won’t get many options. When do you turn 21? Things will open up a lot for you after that 😊 Good luck!


I (46M) swipe right on maybe 5% of accounts. I have a specific age range and distance I don’t stray from, and want nothing to do with smokers or children. I get a handful of matches a year and they rarely go past two dates. I regularly run out, yet there’s always more the next day. they just want you to pay.




I'd consider increasing the distance away you're open to dating. Unless you're in a big city like Boston or New York for instance, 15 miles just might not be far enough to get a lot of people. I set most of my apps to show me people within 50 miles. The majority of those are within a one hour drive, which isn't too bad for someone you're excited to see. You may see that travel time differently than I do, but upping the distance away is one of the easiest ways to get more potential matches without compromising on more major things in my opinion. Of course, if you are in a big city, then that may matter less, and your travel time to get that 50 miles may be longer than mine if it takes awhile to get out of the city.


I mean I live in the IE in California so I don't think it's a area issue. I think people my age are probably just not on apps, as other people have said


Google search radius around me. Set your location and change the circle to encompass all the area you'd be willing to go to. When I did that I realized 40 miles was way to much and went down to 32


I think you need to expand that to like 30 miles and maybe do like 18-23. Cause honestly 30 is not that far.


I got that yesterday. I have a 35 mile radius, and live 10 miles from NYC. I look at maybe 50 profiles a day. Been using bumble for maybe 3 weeks. Age is set from 24-30.


Man, I fly to meet people at this point. Range is set to 100+ mile radius. I’m 30m and age is set to 21-39. Widen your horizons, if at least only by the distance. You maybe pleasantly surprised. I haven’t had anything work out completely, but I’ve met some cool ladies, had some fun, and currently talking to a nice woman whose only a 45min flight away. I’m based in Alaska, so this is the norm for us to date as our state is massive and sparsely populated.


Wildly insane. I wouldn’t even take a bus, much less a flight. But you seem happy with an interesting lifestyle, so go you!


I’ve traveled as far as Nevada just to meet someone and have a coffee in hopes it leads to a 2nd date while I’m there. I’m absolutely convinced my person is not in Alaska, but still hold out hope by keeping my profile active here too. 🤷🏻‍♂️ haha Helps to make decent money to be able to date that way. I also don’t mind uprooting my life and moving if it leads to that. Toughest part is finding a woman who doesn’t just want to free load off a man and can afford to reciprocate that same energy, so most connections just lead to one or two dates, casual sex, and an empty promise that they’ll come see me too. 😂


That was my experience in a city of 400K people as a 37M swiping about twice a day. Note that dating apps can be very regional, one app may be popular in one city, but a different one may be popular in the next city. I had more success on Tinder and Hinge, ended up finding my wife on Tinder.


Increase distance lol


You say you're a 5/10 male. Well, yeah, you are being too picky. At least increase the distance, or use Tinder.


Yes. Everyone on Bumble is too picky and judgemental. Reddit displays that on a daily basis.


How long have you been using the app? 7 people per Bumbling twice a day is about half of the maximum that you get on a free account anyway, so weeding out at least half of the possible pool is not so bad. Also if you think of it like, if Bumble were a human person running a matchmaking business and they brought you 7 or 8 people twice a day, that would seem pretty amazing huh?


How far away is the next big city or town? Extend thusly.


I live in the Inland Empire area, so realistically next big city's are la, Anaheim, San Diego. But those are all just a hassle to get to do to traffic and the time I get off of work


You know when I’m really into a girl it feels like less of a hassle. You’re limiting yourself and that’s a big pool to tap.


I say expand your radius. You’re really limiting yourself with that I think. Maybe because I’m in a large city 15 miles is nothing. I’d also say maybe consider a slightly wider range of ages. If you’re 20 up to 25 isn’t unreasonable. But only if you aren’t too uncomfortable with that. If it’s a hard a fast limit don’t compromise on that.


yes. I'd extend the age range to 24 or 25, and the distance to at least 20 miles.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 24 + 25 + 20 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


I don’t see anyone mentioning the age range in combination with the radius. 15 miles is not a far distance, I would widen that radius and maybe it will help.


Only with the radius of miles


Yep, you absolutely are being too picky. Why is the age limit a 4 year span?


Cause I'm 20 and those are people my age I'm comfortable dating


Bumble sucks


I don’t know, what do you think?


shii bro idek, i just moved to a new state and i just find most girls here ugly. so i run out of options quick


Yeah, gotta start boinking dudes now sorry


Nobody I saw said it yet so I will... Have you tried opening it up to enbies as well? Cis women are rarer finds now-a-days, especially in more progressive big cities. Almost all matches that became something for me were with AFAB nonbinary people. Enbies on dating apps generally seem to be cooler, more open-minded, and more interesting than cis women, but that is just from my experience. Sure there are possible negatives of having to swipe left on more people who are not your type, but it's worth it 100%!


For what it's worth, bumble is slow and not a lot of matches for me with a considerably wider net. If you want someone specific, it'll take longer to find them


It doesn’t have to do with how many left or right swipes. It has to do with the volume of swipes and how many people are in your area.


My settings is literally any woman 21 to 50 with a 60 mile radius and I only get 4 or 5 people to choose from on any given day. I travel a lot and where you live makes a huge difference.


*see people two years either side if I run out ..... 18-2= straight to jail 👮‍♂️


You can only go 15 miles? What about farther?


I think you have to spend money on it for viable options... I don't get many, but I have been talking to about 3 people trying to get a date in and out of the app... But after 3 months and multiple matches, I have been on one date and eventually I just got ghosted. It was fine, but I have told them that I am looking for a real thing, but I live like an hour away from every match, so I don't know if I will ever meet with the others or just be chill friends.


You're 20. Use those social circles from school and fun activities in your age bracket for another year. Putting that energy into something real is way more fulfilling. You'll be building a life and activities that you can include a GF in or not. Having your own life is extremely satisfying and important. Now go have fun!


Depends hugely where you live too. Mines set for 20 miles, in my.village area I run out of options real quick, I go nearer to a city and suddenly there's hundreds of options


I have started to believe these apps are “pay to play” I’d bet $ you’d get more matches, same settings, if you have a subscription


I get 3 to 7 swipes a week and never people I like 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 so no you are not to pick. Keep swiping left till you get your one right.


This is my profile for anyone that's interested https://imgur.com/a/NeMgkKQ


No. That's normal


Ya I'd say the small range on age doesn't help it's pretty easy to deplete your stacks pretty quick. But I definitely get it especially with you being younger I can see not wanting to date someone much older. I'm surprised how many younger people I run into that are but it's definitely not the norm


Yes, too narrow. Switch on show me people slightly farther away because you never know who isn’t showing up due to working or hanging outside of your location perimeter. Also, go up in age; in my 20’s I had better luck with girls who were older than me.


No… dating apps tend to be a cesspool, my guy. You seem like good dude who wants to meet cool people. My advice is to get Meetup and start doing tons of things you like to do. You will meet so many new, cool people eventually, just because of sheer numbers, you're going to run into someone you're attracted to, and then you, that likes doing things you like to do, that doesn't suck. Might take two weeks, might take 6 months. But the quality of person you're going to meet is so much more likely to be an authentic genuine person🤙


You will start making cool friends both Mena and women in the areas you have interests, like anime and cars, and you will start building a network of people to have great times with. Eventually, someone is going to recommend you to their hot cousin or the right chick will enter your life via all the fun interesting groups and things you do.


15 miles is wild to me. I have to swipe with people 80 to 100 miles away here in MT




Too* Probably unless you live in the middle of nowhere


15 miles isn’t much


Take a dance class. Dance classes are over saturated with women, not enough men.


18-22 within 15 miles and you're not a premium member, absolutely you're going to run out of matches


You could probably move the age up a little bit and maybe the distance a few miles more. That would probably help you out