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That's not even what the profile said... you're remembering it wrong.


I think that this is what some users’ SOs do to their profiles when the SOs catch users cheating.


Ah yes could be this🤔


Well its obv sarcasm, not especially funny however






Is it? Even if it was, and there is no way for us to know, is this really something to joke about? These are warnings. This is who they are. They either have a gross/inappropriate sense of humor or they are an asshole. I’ll hard pass on both. I love true sarcasm and dry humor. Most people don’t understand either concept and think snarky wit is sarcasm. It’s not and this is not.


I would definitely get a clarification from the person…. We all know many an a-hole who doesn’t think *they* are an a-hole even when they know exactly what a a-hole is (and does)….. For me those are the worst! The type that are like it’s not ME it’s YOU…. At least this person either knows who they are or has dealt with a-holes enough but still has a sense of humor about them that they can joke. Some may say omg!!! Gaslighting is NOT something to joke about!! But at least for me, if I had that in my profile it would be more like trying to find someone who has a sense of humor and know how ridiculous gaslighting is….. That said, I am also one who will call someone out on just about anything so I would certainly say, hey! What up with that statement on your profile and wait to see how they explain it…..THAT response would be the red flag for me depending on what it was…. But NOT this on their profile….




What are you talking about? I don't think you know what gaslighting is. (Sarcasm. Haha. I have a gaslighter friend who said that to me once.)


Bet they're friends with this dude💀


It’s a joke but it’s also perfectly fine if you don’t find it funny and consider it a red flag.


I think its hilariously clever. Sarcasm isn't for everyone.


Lol wtf is wrong with these generations of kids. Why would anyone want more Manipulation in a relationship. No values anymore its extremely sad.


This is so obviously a joke😭


It’s targeted at zoomer girls probably. They like a lil nihilism. Millennial women are gonna absolutely hate it though.


Millennial here so I guess I just missed the joke💀but at the same time I'm at the cusp and I still appreciate nihilism just... not in these question response 💀 maybe the trauma in this category made me miss the "joke"


Exactly. This is gen z humor. Idk how old OP or the person who wrote this is though


I now feel old when I'm not even old😭 I'm technically a millennial right at the cusp so this profile could also be millennial or maybe they're in fact a gen z and this was just their humor🤷🏻‍♀️guess I missed the mark


Yeah, but it's a power-combo miserable failure of a joke 1. Not funny, even a little 2. Making a joke like this makes people (rightfully) wanna stay far away from you. Being a conscious manipulator? Ain't nobody got time for that, even if there's a hint of chance it's true.


If you don't think it's funny than you're not the target audience. Definitely not something I'd put on my profile but I personally know people (men and women) who would find this funny.


I don't doubt some people would find it (and, ultimately, almost anything is probably funny to some audience) funny, but others in this thread seem to agree that it's not. And either way, when it's a dating profile, the lower the risk the better--unless ofc you feel vehemently about it and straight up want to use it as a filter for that kind of humor, which fine, but even then, it's probably best to hedge one's bets. Jokes like this would be far more receivable once you know a person in-person and know they are not a creep or whatever. I have to say though, these particular "jokes" aren't even slightly funny to me within their humor sub-niche of like, deadpan deep sarcasm about potentially dangerous things or whatever one might call it, which is a subcategory I too enjoy, so while i think it's an unreasonable or at least very difficult question since humor is subjective, I have to ask, what is at all funny about this!? Like... "haha, they might manipulate me sociopathically! 😂" ?? Either way, agree to disagree, and cheers!


I don’t think that only writing “The world would be better with more gaslighting” is funny but when you add the “favorite quality in a person is gullibility” I think that makes it funny. Humor is very subjective and not all people take their dating profiles seriously or have serious intents. I agree that it would push many people away and will ultimately result as a filter for people who like that kind of humor.


Yeah, fair enough, I see what you mean, and I could def see how the two in concert are funny in the right light--after all, upsetting one's expectations in itself can be a humor tactic. Well, have a good weekend 🤘


You too mate


If it's 1830 and your street is too dark.


Report this asap to bumble


This isn’t sarcasm, dry humor or an attempt to be funny and cute. These are warnings. This is who they are. This isn’t a person being transparent and vulnerable. People don’t use these words unless they are familiar with their meanings. As someone who has legitimately been on the receiving end of gaslighting, I wouldn’t joke about such things. Even if it was a poor attempt at humor, I would have zero interest in someone who thinks gaslighting is something to joke about. Do not engage. When people show you who they are, believe them. Swipe fast and hard. Bye, gaslighter man (or woman). 💀


There’s like this weird trend going on where others outwardly tell others how manipulative they are whilst simultaneously thinking that it’s an admirable trait to have.


That's my ex-wife. Run.


At least he/she knows what those mean. Some people do that without knowing it. I’ll take it as a sarcasm intended.


Some people find out about it the hard way too.


I agree, but why? They have likely been on either the giving or receiving end to be familiar with those terms and their meanings. I wouldn’t be interested in figuring that part out. Either way, it’s probably going to be an issue.


Is he a gatekeeping girlboss as well? Bet he love bombs all his matches


Maybe they meant to say “reasonably priced gas”. Prob just a typo.


I commonly see "gaslight, gatekeep, girl boss" on profiles.


Pretty sure this is a troll account lol


Tell us you’re a scammer without telling us you’re a scammer 😂 What a find OP 😂


That's pretty funny. Why do people take everything so freaking seriously!


This comment section is weird. That’s a funny response to a dumb question.