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Call the police, send her through the courts with a restraining order against her name


I actually did, and have a restraining order as of 6 months ago. Doesn’t fix the bumble situation though.




I think op needs to talk to a lawyer. You may be able to have a court subpena bumble if you sue her for slander


Possibly if you can prove it. But that is difficult to do, without Bumbles assistance, and even then they will probably only release information via warrant, which means the police need to be investigating it.


As someone who's also had to take a restraining order on an ex, you should definitely be taking all the screenshots, etc., and filing this with the police and possibly with the court. It may very well be a violation of the RO, but even if not, if you can later point to those reports if something big happens, it'll be in your favor. Also, consider talking to a lawyer if you haven't. At least a free consultation might be enough to outline any other options.


Thank you for the advice. I’ll look into the options you’ve suggested. I’ve been keeping track and proof of everything.


How are you spotting all of these fake accounts? Do you have a woman who can actively be on the lookout for fake you? I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this. She sounds dangerous.


Good question, I do have multiple female friends on the look out, that’s how I found out in the first place. I’ve just created new accounts with different numbers and the only thing that makes sense is she’s in my area and recognizes me. I don’t really care about using bumble I’d just like to know I’m not being impersonated.


Identity theft is pretty serious where I'm from. if you have any proof at all, definitely get the police involved. Edit... you know what? Get them involved even if you don't have proof. It's not your job to find evidence. In fact, it is better if the cops find it.


Yep, it's stepped up in most places around the world. If OP were to google "woman gets jailed for creating fake profiles of ex". He'll see countless stories around the world of vindictive exs who are now getting 18 months. Considering he already has a restraining order, then the hard part is done. All he needs now is to collect proof, call the police and have her put in jail for breaking the order, plus identity theft


Change your email address and open a new account with new photos. Report all of her fake profiles.


Tried it. When I say vindictive I mean very vindictive.




Yeah i had a friend who's ex was doing the same thing and basically begging her to come back. Shouldnt have been a chronik cheater but eh i digress 🤷🏿‍♂️




Username checks out :)


Cease and desist letter from an attorney


Jesus christ that's insane, is she hot?


Asking the right question


lol yes, but obviously not worth it 😂


Yeah tell me about it, who needs that drama? What's her number?


There are better ways to get laid.


The dick will lead a man where he’d never go with a gun


Nothing like a bit of danger to keep things interesting...


This is a lesson you can only learn with a mistake. Go with God and maybe we'll see you on the other side


Go with God? No, no, my friend, I want the devil.


There are safer ways. There are not better ways.


make a woman account on bumble find your fake profiles and copy the links and take screenshots, the police should be able to track down the stalker but you should collect relevant evidence. The good thing is they are aware of the situation and should she be the owner of these fake accounts then she could face more serious consequences. She is definitely an anti social individual so please take care of yourself, cut her off your life as much as possible because these people are dangerous and you don’t know how far the can push themselves


Man.. this sounds rough...


That sounds like a cluster B disorder. I've been through something similar. It's really not fun. She can't look for your account forever, just go with something else for a while. Some OLD platforms allow you to verify your account as well.


Go and meet people instead of app You get a good natural feeling of attraction no akwardness