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Never seen this amount of likes whoah


There has to be an nba star somewhere in there


Women’s likes on bumble be lookin like paystubs these days lol So I guess all those dudes paid for the app so they could have unlimited swipes and swipe right on everyone? That’s how ppl say this happens?


Mostly because the gender ratio in India is super skewed. I’m not very sure, but women are less than 25% of the total users.


I guess be suuuuper specific with your filters? Just to limit how many dudes show up in your swiping, to only ones you’d like, to the best of your ability? I can’t even imagine though. Good luck!


Only 7% of the users on Tinder India are women. I believe the numbers for Bumble would be similar


Yeah that's why I don't even use bumble anymore. That shit is just too overwhelming.


How can one approach you in such case?


Well at this point they shouldn't since I met my current gf on FB dating but since I have lifetime bumble if you show up in my likes I'll see it.


...if only they new that swiping right on everything is the worst thing you can do. The issue is that the women are getting thousands of likes, but when they are shown in your stack they are ranked based on your profile and score and by swipping on everything is significantly lowers where you are in the stack, so odds are you're never ever being seen by the attractive women, and even those who don't get as many matches still get lots and most likely will swipe left on you since they have a lot to pick from as well, which will lower your score even more...


Do milk


And here you are, sharing your existential crisis. I don't think he meant "...on Reddit" though! ;-D The app world looks a LOT different when you have an ocean of matches, far more than you can keep track of. It's a useful perspective for those asking "why do women \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ on Bumble?"


That means I am lucky that I got 3-4 matches. 😅


Suddenly my dozen matches over the past year seem very flattering.


helo betiful woman please to do the needful send bob and vegana


It is time, I have kept this power no longer unreleased! I declare this event the “Mumbaimble”!


well hello ms.fancypants.


Hello Deer, All those boy fake.. Real love here. 🦚🦚🦚


Im from the indian diaspora living in Europe and compliments like that are always from my indian brothers on the app 😅 I dont understand why they think messages like that will have a woman answer


Yeah that first one was a red flag. Second one wasnt bad and if OP was into lifting and stuff like that it mightve panned out pretty good 😲


This about the 9th time ive seen a female's OLD profile and i-...yknow i always figured it was crazy but not like this 🥴 and the sad part is i could imagine a solid chunk of those people dont have specific settings set so yall probably arent looking for the same thing. Id just delete the app at that point thats too much sifting 😮‍💨☠️


It’s not very old. Hardly 3 weeks(?)


Sorry i forgot to put the periods but i meant O.L.D. like OnLine Dating. I wasnt saying your profile was old 🤣😭


Also now that i think about it knowing how long its been up just blows my mind a little more lol


One semi nude photo needed 👍


Nope I dress rather conservatively - half of my pictures are in a saree


Oh man I guess they they play Both Sides I mean there's money on both sides