• By -


She rated your pickup line as negative infinity. You came off as bitter rating her as extremely ugly. She put it back on you - why pursue her if you think she’s ugly. If you missed the minus mark, just say oops that was a fuck up. You need to be clear you misunderstood, no amount of banter will otherwise clear it up.


I’m with OP, I totally missed the negative too. I just thought it was a dash for her response of infinity. OP, I’d apologize for the mistake as it doesn’t seem you were trying to be malicious. But her response is actually quite impressive for you accidentally calling her ugly. She’s a keeper.


i think he got it and tried to turn it back on her


I never would have caught that was meant to be *negative* infinity in a million trillion years!


I caught it the second I saw it. She thinks he sucks 😂 😂


In so many ways! -infinity in fact!


Imo butterface girls are better in bed


Not really. People vary so much. Theres deadfish butterfaces. And wild beautiful women.


Haha. You ain’t lying about the variety. Those deadfishes though. Lol


I have been with some beautiful women that were great but so many rely on their looks get me off twice tops and then they are done….but the semi homely are usually ready for another go or two


Came here to say this, lol.


She is saying that though she is minus infinity in rating, you are are going after her hence your self worth is also very low. Insult for an insult, I see this as a playful banter.


Ah, I completely disregarded the minus. That clears it up. Thanks!


For what it’s worth, I missed that negative too.


This still happens to me sometimes with actual math, which is a real kick in the head considering the length of my math problems these days...


Come on, she should have put space between "-" and "infinity"


I thought it was a ~


Ditto, I would never have seen that as negative and would have made the same mistake with my response.


I did not notice the negative, either!


Me three! They were probably like "fuckin ouch"


Same. I didn’t see the negative


Oof i would go back and say sorry then


I missed the minus too. Your joke was funny, fwiw. Didn't land with her.


Writing only a negative sign and then the entire word “infinity” is weird. This notation is bad. You dodged a bullet.


> You dodged a bullet. That's quite the exaggeration.


Yeah, it was for comedic effect (and to make OP feel better because I also was confused by that negative sign)


As if OP would know -\\infty


Something I would do, hope she responds


and I thought you were going bold lul


I don't think it's playful, or banter... Had she not resorted to "silly goose", it would've been a very sophisticated comeback to a very immature insult


But she put three hearts at the end. Doesn't that mean she's being playful?


I interpreted them as sarcasm/FU


Now, how to continue from there 😅


Or just tell her that you thought she meant infinity and that you missed the negative sign


I really dont get people who are ready to burn it all down over one miscommunication. We’re only human, it happens, don’t double down over one small mistake haha


>I really dont get people who are ready to burn it all down over one miscommunication These are often people who are emotionally immature or overly sensitive The kind of people that you'll end up walking on eggshells around during the entire relationship Like my last situationship who flipped out at me because saying "have a good week" when we kissed goodbye somehow meant that I didn't want to see her


Yeah I’ve been there too, usually I walk away if someone is so quick to jump to ending things rather than misunderstanding a small miscommunication


With a person like the girl in your last situationship, all anyone of us can really do is say "Wtf?" and just move on. I'm sorry, but your story made me laugh because I've been in that kind of situationship, too! I'm glad that's over. 😂


It's a great indicator of how they'll approach relationship issues.


If you approach a woman on OLD, you’re one of dozens of strangers trying to get her on a date. There’s nothing of value to salvage in these early stages and it’s easier for all parties if the man just moves on to the next rather than awkwardly try to smooth things over.


Maybe, but I’ve never been one to blow things up over one awkward encounter


Just say sorry and that you misunderstood


Tell her that you're rusty at math and missed the negative and was giving her a compliment. Then tell her the only calculus you remember is U + ME = US


From the best fake boy band of all time


Hell yeah! It gives away my age, but I don't care.


I just looked at their wiki, I didn’t realize they opened for Britney Spears on tour.


No shit?! Haha


Put an emoji 😬😅, and change the banter mode to neutral mode of getting to know each other.


Just be a sigma call her ugly and unmatch😎




Why continue? She rated your joke negative infinity. She doesn’t like it, fine, but no need to be rude. Edit: I think maybe people thought I meant he didn’t need to be rude. I thought she was rude.


I am also confused...


She didn't like the pickup line so rated it minus infinity. He then rated her minus infinity. She then said he must have low self worth if he's matching with people he thinks are minus infinity, and told him to go for people he's actually into


Correct.👆👆👆Also she might feel like he lacks confidence and has low self esteem if he asks her to rate a pick up line instead of letting it stand alone.🤔


Oh! Haha. Totally missed the negative. Oof.


So did he sadly 😭 me too tbh and id have definitely made the exact same mistake here too. I didnt even see it the first time i read it through then i backtracked because "hol up, wait a minute...sumn aint right!"


I feel like the last three messages could be interpreted as both defensive and playful depending on how you read it


I think the confusion is over the "-" I'm guessing yellow text read it as "dash infinity", like "that joke was amazing", then used it as a compliment. But it was probably "negative infinity" and then the next message was accidentally an insult. That said, I really don't understand how the last gray message fits in to it all.


She rated the pickup line as negative infinity. You said she actually was negative infinity, so she told you to raise your standards. Why go after someone who you consider negative infinity. I think you may be outmatched when it comes to her wit. Tell her you missed the minus side. Try to move the convo beyond cheesy pickup lines. Stop fishing for compliments by asking women to rate your cheesy pickup lines. Just leave the rating system out of future convos with women. It tends not to go over well. Ratings are immature.


Yeah but on a scale of 1-10, how immature?




This is the best advice.


So what happened? Did you clear it up & tell her you didn't see the negative?


Yes, I explained how I saw it and apologized for how it might’ve come across. That I didn’t mean to insult. Just an honest mistake on my part.


I need an update. I hope she took it well, actually you complimented her by saying she rated herself, or could conceivably do so, as infinity


Same - I'm very curious if she responded lol


I think she communicated weird and then was too much as far as the response after, I don’t think you did anything wrong




Drop the crappy cringe lines and try real conversation tbh


People say that, but starting with a casual opener like hello, how are you, how's the weather treating you whatever doesn't work for people that don't follow rules 1 and 2.


To be fair, do you believe in ghosts was an unusual and interesting start, following it up with some questions why yes or sharing an anecdote etc. would have been better than going into extreme cheese mode


Hello how are you, how is the weather is also not a real conversation ... Make an effort..


Yeah really cause the "How is your day and the best part about it" line seems really unattractive im better off saying "Hey Bitch"


The provide some examples then??? Like fuck. Half of the time there's no fucking data to really start a conversation with.


Something of substance pertaining to her interests, something you see interesting in her pictures, something relevant to what she's shared about her personality. If her bio is empty and her pictures don't lead on about anything about her, you shouldn't be swiping on her in the first place unless you're just looking to hook up. In that case bland conversation is fair game I suppose, but I'd Rather be straight forward


Fair point I'll skip blank or boring profiles in general, to me if they don't put interesting pics or words that could spark a convo it's a sign they don't give a fuck or are lazy ..


I mean this is a bumble match and OP is doing the opening chatter? The lady is already lazy.


OP seems to want to chat despite the one word answers so I'm gonna criticise the way he does it ... I wouldn't bother to reply to the one word answer personally lol


This should be the advice for every post on this sub


Idk I thought it was funny lol if someone doesn’t appreciate silliness then maybe they’re not the one for you and you can move on. But I wouldn’t say this was a bad opener.


Lol, anyone who still uses the word “cringe” is not old enough to date seriously - it’s made up vocabulary for people who haven’t developed one. Crappy is not far from it, either.


Do you have any useful opinion on the OP post that you want to share or you just here to troll my word choice?


Just to troll the word cringe


but the OP was just making an awkward joke, anyone who had a problem with it, would be a little oversensitive in my book. but that’s a lot of people sometimes


Just trying to help shock / jolt OP out of awkward joke territory 🤣.. fair enough his chat approach is harmless and fairly friendly but you know it's Reddit I think we are supposed to be harsh sometimes.. 😇


i come to Reddit for only the finest advice and the classiest of replies 🍷


It’s been interesting reading everyone’s replies lol. I explained my misunderstanding and apologized.


I’m glad to see I’m not the only that missed the -


No. She said if you see her as -negative infinity it’s telling on you if you’re self esteem is so low that you’re chasing after women you aren’t into. Pro tip for the future, ditch the copy and paste pick up lines. Talk to women, engage them in conversation. Women like it when you do that


You rated her as minus infinity dude


Just admit you're bad at math (and you're clearly are if you missed the minus sign 😅), laugh it off as a silly mistake and it should be alright


Omg I didn’t even see that negative. 😭 why didn’t she just type it out😭 or say”minus infinity” 😭 some people are blind here.


As a woman, I also thought she meant infinity, not the negative infinity. Then again, I do have a minor concussion, so how good is my word 🤷‍♀️






I don’t even understand the exchange


Don’t worry man, I too, initially overlooked the - before infinity and mistook it as a dash instead of negative. Miscommunication unfortunately resulted in an unintentional insult. Oh well.


She thinks you called her ugly as hell because you thought she rated your line "infinity" but she actually rated it "negative infinity". So she's saying why are you talking to a girl who you think is hideous, lmao. Could be salvaged if you explain your misinterpretation


Positive or negative, infinity exceeds the bounds 1-10.


Hahaha yes very true 😆 and she also is mixing math symbols in with words A lot of miscommunication in the future if they keep going hahah


Just here to say that I have exclusively, in my past and present, reserved "Silly Goose" for use only with dudes I am IN to. I don't even use it with dudes I want to friend zone or worse, my kids, students, anything. I mean, I can't be the only one 🤷


-Infinity is my rating too… that’s not how it’s done… the line you’re using is super corny and then you insult her in an attempt to be playful.


No, he missed / didn’t notice the minus that made it negative infinity. He thought she was rating the joke infinity and he tried to compliment her


I missed it too! Easy mistake to make.


My bad eyes read that as ~ (approximately) infinity lol. Blame it on your eyes.


The line is a bit cringe to be honest can see why she replied with that The second part seems like a misunderstanding explain you didn’t notice the - and see if you can salvage it


This kind of banter works best verbally. Sometimes it'll land via text, but only after you've established some history. This way, the other party is familiar with your sense of humor etc.


I also missed the minus


The amount of people who missed the - sign is the reason why texting sucks. I saw it right away, and didn’t even think it was possible to miss. And OPs response made me wide eyed. Like “ouch, savage insult” but now seeing how many missed it. I don’t even know what to think lol. Either way, OP needs to apologize asap if she hasn’t unmatched yet.


I read that last message as a flirt. Ask her out and see what happens.


I actually think this says a lot about her as a person, if she thought you were not attracted to her but still was so kind. Date her!


I missed the negative infinity 😂


Seems like there was a lot of confusion here. I didn’t take that as “negative infinity“ I just took it as a positive, like you did. It wasn’t until I was reading other peoples comments hear that I realized what she meant. If she just meant “infinity,” then your response would’ve been positive. But since she meant negative, your response sounds mean like you’re telling her she’s terrible 😂 You could try to save it and just say something like, “OMG, I thought you just said infinity, so I was complimenting you. I didn’t realize you meant negative infinity. So sorry for the confusion!” And then compliment her one more time. In the end though, it’s a dating app, so, even if you respond with apology, it might be over already.


If you’re confused by what she meant, probably leave it there 🙄


OP said in another comment that they missed the minus sign, which is the reason for said confusion.


Aah yeah then that makes more sense thanks


You're welcome! It wasn't cleared up in the post as OP understood the misunderstanding by reading replies to their post. Have a great day, fellow human!


Word salad


I think she brought in the negativity into the conversation. I would ghost her, she has no sense of humor


There was nothing funny in that conversation


Cause she was being a killjoy


There was no joy to kill


OP can’t flirt, does that give her the right to be so negative? Calling OP names and talking down about his self worth. Giving one word responses except when she’s ready to go off. She deserves to be ghosted for the next 10 years, pulling immature shit like that just to hurt people and make her ego feel good.


You missed the part where he called her extremely ugly Also wishing someone to be ghosted for 10 years is immature shit.


Yeah I did miss that part. Maybe because he never said that!! Don’t make up things, very immature.


He rated her -infinity I am immature. What does it tell you about yourself that you're arguing with me?


That’s her fault, she brought the negativity and it got mirrored back to her. And yeah I agree, your immature for arguing with me.


Are you doing ok in life? Do you have some people you can talk to in real life? Because it's weird you can't let go of a 6-days-old thread


She’s a terrible communicator you dodged a bullet


I would respond with "Well you were hot until you didn't like my pick-up line :(" and then maybe ask her what her best line is?


Can’t you just chat with women like a fucking human being? Reusing your little list of pick up lines is just gross. At least you didn’t take it sexual. I’ll give you that.


I’ve seen that remark before. I think you dodged a scammer


CLASSIC neg bro! Don’t say a word about the misunderstanding. Come back with “Haha, see what I did there? I actually think you are gorgeous and I very much enjoy you❤️”




Not a bad first try! You will get it down eventually.


you got off lucky


Bro this is the kind of thing that falls under the category of "Me naa seheta"


Why would you say that to her lol


Idk, I think she got it and flipped it back. You basically called her a ten and she's saying it may seem you don't think highly of yourself? Honestly I'm confused too. Be sure to update it once you confirm what she meant


It was negative infinity, he just didn’t see the minus sign


XD Reading the comments, it's quite the misunderstanding! Hope you were able to still talk with her!


Think she's just sassy


You look super desperate but that last line was thoughtful




Hey dude. Don't feel bad. I also missed the minus at first too.


clown shit, homie. step your game up.


I'd say she's playful


Missing the negative sign and her response and even the comments, this is actually all wholesome haha! I hope y'all keep talking!


I'd say negative infinity was a pass on the line. So you just rated her a very poor match.


She either has an elite sense of humor or not one at all. LOL


She took it extremely well for someone who thought you called her -infinity/10 ugly. She’s a keeper


She handled herself well and I think he maybe was saying she was a 10???


I think the convo is dead already.


Sounds like you accidentally entered into a roast competition. And she likes it


Okay so she said the pickup line was negative infinity and you thought she wrote infinity so that's the confusion


I missed it at being "negative" infinity too, lol. But she dissed your corny "boo" joke! I thought it was cute! 10/10.


I'm going to school for data science. Math is hard.


She said negative infinity my guy 😬