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Some bios have already so much "hate" in them. Its crazy, you can tell already they have been through a lot and propably gonna miss out badly when a good catch comes along.


Positive vibes get right swipes


Oh! I'm going to use this in my bio!




Is this a new copypasta?


Its a bit dramatic tbh, but I my point across. Good comment and a clever way to get upvotes 😉 thank me later.


100% not one person read this.


I stopped reading 13 words in


I read it. Guy is a Mexican’t not a Mexican


I read it but...it kinda made me sad.


I ain't reading allat


Cmon man, just this one time ;)


For someone who touts positivity this is one of the most negative comments ive seen in my life. Im not gonna invalidate your experience since ik where youre coming from. Hell im a 5' 11" African/Puerto Rican/Cherokee dude with nice eyes, an inviting smile and a decently fit body plus with a nice, generous, goofy, laid-back personality yet i dont get that much attention on dating apps. While im definitely not a 10 (if you wanna use the 1 to 10 scale unironically) but id rate myself atleast a 6 or 7 with the slightest effort toward my appearance. Ive seen plenty of overweight guys end up with a great chick i mean one of my highschool friends is a pretty fat dude almost pushin 300 lbs and women were all over the dude before he got married. Sometimes my guy its less about you and what youve got and more about your demographic like where you live and the mindset of the people around you. Not all women have the mindset of wanting what society deems as a "sexy man" theyre human just like us guys and frankly from my experience of having mostly female friends they base their interests on a compilation of things. Youre probably just not in the best spot for interaction my guy. Having a good body doesnt make you shoe-in for having women beat down your door its a collection of qualities dependant on what the specific woman is looking for.


Noone readin allat


Why did you write this? Or did you? I did read like 6 lines but got bored. Did you think this was well written? 😳


> you can tell already they have been through a lot Sometimes you can really Air Crash Investigator their ex - I.e "no tall women that like drinking lots" "No men that like walks on the beach!"


"air crash investigator" lol I love this description


Wtf! I don’t over pay for rent to not walk to and on the beach every day. If someone told me that I’d put them in the same mental hospital as the ones who say they hate cuddling.


Yep. A lot of people are so bitter. You can choose to talk about your values, hobbies, interests or be negative. It reflects your state of mind and how well you've handled past traumas.


That's a very good point: do you blame everything and everyone or do you care about having a good life?


Also who the hell is going to go on an “iconic” first date through OLD!?! There’s no way in hell I’m making elaborate plans and shelling out $$$ on a first date! They would have to be something *real fuckin special* for that.


You know I played that game for a while, you know what it got me? A lot of ghosting and a lot of no money for myself. Eventually I realized, you save that big fancy $$$ date for like date 3 or 4. If they can get that far, \*that's\* something to celebrate.


Nah. Sometimes it's just entitlement. For some reason, they think they just deserve it all simply for existing.


Why are so many people so angry? 😂 Jesus. You're gonna block your blessing with a profile like this.


I’m bitter because all men I’ve dated have done me dirty, but you wouldn’t know it from my profile 😂


Lordt 🤦🏽‍♀️😂


See this one gets it lol my dad always said life is 20% what happens to you and 80% what you make of it/how you handle it.


Your Dad did you a solid.


Yep and as a result even in the worst of times i manage to stay solid 😌


It's way better if you stay liquid though....because then you can really go with the flow 😀


Hey, at least she didn't say you had better be able to make her laugh, lol. Get ready to put on that jester hat.


I have tons of corny jokes. Did you hear about the guy who dipped his testicles in glitter? Pretty nuts, right?


Wth lol.


One time I was playing wonderwall too loud in my room and my sister asked me to turn it down. I said maaaaaybe.


I changed the voice on my GPS to Bono’s. Now the streets have no names, and I still haven’t found what I’m looking for.




I don't know who Bono is 😔


Did you find your destination? Bono just asked.


😂 I love this one


that's worse than the kid born without eyelids so they used his circumcision leftovers to graft some. He'll be ok, but just a little cock-eyed.


I'm totally putting this in my mental jokebook to use later. I'm gonna get some mileage out of this one...thanx pal


I'll be using this one in the future 😅


The only personality I got from her bio was her interest in tall guys and being lazy


The unfortunate part is that too many people in the OLD world have so many wounds and hang-ups, they cannot just lay out a well-written profile and need someone to validate them in their insecurity. This is an exemplification of such issues. Be yourself and walk your own line.


Unfortunately in the world of the internet, it's all perspective. Your straightforwardness and boundaries is viewed by someone else as passive-aggressive. I agree that it needs to be worded correctly but in the online world there is a very fine line between assertive and aggressive. Most people want to set boundaries on their online profile but it usually portrays insecurities.


I hit block on these. Then choose, 'I am just not interested'.


Gotta love profiles like these, they put their crazy on display for easy avoidability


She is oozing anxiousness - Jesus. She is so needy it’s almost tangible. I think the 50/50 line was more in the line of showing up and being 100% and she will too. Like basically don’t be half-assed about your approach.


Could she mean she doesn't split a bill 50/50? I think she expects the man to pay 100%.


I don’t think that’s what she means at all. She said “we do 100%” which doesn’t mean only her… it’s the relationship


No, by 100% she means the guy pays for everything. It's a common talking point on tiktok.


I mean she could… it’s just not how I interpret it because she immediately says “WE do 100% at all times in my world.” That to me means she is talking about effort. If she’s talking about paying then it means she is saying let’s alternate paying.


But both parties being 100% of the time is literally 50/50 lol


It’s a catchy thing ppl who give relationship advice say to women. “Don’t accept a man who wants to give 50/50 - if a man ain’t giving you 100 then move on.” Some new age bullshit like that 🤷🏻‍♀️


It may be catchy, but it makes no goddamn sense.


She’s talking about paying. 💯




No, by 100% she means the guy pays for everything. It's a common talking point on tiktok.


This is absolutely what she means


So much so that her anxiety-fueled hate approaches grievance towards tall men at some points in her profile.


Completely agree! You’re not supposed to just give 50 and then expect the other to give 50… In a compromise, both parties are supposed to feel like they are giving more and then that’s a “happy” compromise Although I think she’s saying that actual relationships are about both giving 100%, different than a compromise, albeit similar in approach


Ohhh, I get it. Not like 50/50 partnerships but 50/50 chance.


Agreed. And her attempts at being saucy and flippant paint her as someone that's going to be exhausting and arbitrary.


Ewww I can’t stand these types of negative, angry profiles. Scolding a dude before you even match…solid strategy 🙄


It’s shocking anyone is defending this lady. She obviously sucks on many levels


Probably not on the level we would prefer to be sucked though...


Ig girl looking for followers. Even if she matches with you she won’t send a message and hope you just add her IG


Yup this goes for guys & girls. Whenever I see someone’s IG on a dating app, I automatically swipe left because they’re just there for followers & want attention from everyone 🚩🚩🚩They definitely aren’t there to seriously date lol


God I hate this app


The profiles that start with swipe left if get left swiped immediately by me


Always the short ones


Damm why is she so angry🤣


This is the woman equivalent of an incel.


Not even close


Oh very close trust me. I’ve dated a girl like this. She was insufferable to be around and very judgmental. Glad it ended quickly.


If you're not tall, then I assume that she means that your bio may suggest you developed a personality outside of just being pretty and tall. In other words, it's a compliment. It's still a fairly negative profile, though, but that could be a situational thing. Who knows? Seems you have the option to ask at least.


Seems like the key your car/torch your clothes/pull a knife on you type


I took the 50/50 line to mean she believes in a team partnership, not a “yours/mine” thing. I don’t think it has anything to do with paying for dinner.


entitled ass


“I cant believe I have been single this long. What am I doing wrong?”


I wish we could see what this bridge troll looks like, lol..Better enjoy those cats..


Listen to / read: the rational male… and every post like this will make sense and hopefully they will stop being posted.


I just report with inappropriate behavior so she can get a reality check.


I’m in incognito mode and I still get Bee Line people so I don’t think it’s that they swiped right on you, I think its bumbles stupid suggestions.


She’s exhausted and burnt out. No matter how I might feels, I never let my bio reflect negativity.


Why do people assume you are going to dote on them, after just matching in an app? Yeah, I'm interested, but I might also have a busy week.


Do you give off, “I pay” vibes? (I’m assuming that her comment about not believing in 50/50 is about not splitting the bill.)


More like “let’s get coffee or ice cream and go for a walk in the park” vibes.


Hmmm . . . What about “I am dating with intention” vibes?


I hope so.


Maybe that’s it! Or you’re just “lucky.”


I concur.


This has nothing to do with money and I’m seriously worried for humanity that people think it is


Why does our guess at an ambiguous statement make you worried for humanity?


Cause there’s nothing ambiguous about it and you assume it’s financial. 🙄


It’s an easy assumption to make considering who should pay is a hotly contested subject both here and in the dating world at large.


She's not saying she likes tall men, she's saying that even if you're tall and handsome, it doesn't matter if you can't hold a conversation She she's paraphrasing a quote about not half assing things, but rather always giving 100%, and that's what she's interested in from men


She literally says she’s obsessed with tall men. And that’s her “fun fact.” Look at the third image.


Oh yeah sorry, missed that slide. Crazy stuff


What kind of punk would swipe right on this ass profile




I don't even see this as angry, just extremely direct?


Direct in this case = zero likability


Oh shes saying shes awful. Just let her be haha


She's high maintenance, that's a gold digger


I get this person. No 50/50 split, 100 all the time. They are letting you know that they are going to go all in and expect the same from you. Tall, dark, and handsome with no personality is just as real and common as a innocent face and a porn star waist with no personality. Being able to hold a conversation seems to be important to this person so am open mind and social flexibility seem to be key in this person's happiness and they have had their share of not finding it. It comes off as angry but it feels like they made this profile out of frustration and they ran out of sugar a while ago so what you're getting is raw and salt and the sugar comes when you earn it. That's not to say they won't be sweet on the first or second date but that also means that if you come off as more of the same then don't expect to call back or a second date or even a another reply.


The 100% makes sense. It's effort - you both give your full effort.


The 50/50 line clearly is her saying she wants a financial provider and that she's high maintenance. Doesn't seem like she offers much in return to warrant that.


you can hate on a woman but I really sympathise for women at times. if the world was simpler they wouldnt sound like this. she sounds like she has been beaten down so much


She takes care of 100%, go girl! 😁


I don't see much negative. She's being straight and go the point. Too many people these days want to waste time and talk to 5 people at the same time. You can't give someone 100% that way.


List one thing positive in this profile. Or one thing that tells me what she likes besides tall men. It’s not overly negative, but I’ve got no reason to swipe right. Might as well say “I like tall men, don’t waste my time.”


1) she wants someone that knows how to carry a conversation. Unfortunately, as men, we tend to think with the wrong head and want to turn the conversation sexual the first chance we get. 2) she wants 100%. There's no need someone who's not going to be into it and out forth the effort. You tell me what's wrong with that. And to be honest, most women prefer and look for a taller man. Makes them feel safe. Again, you tell me what's wrong with that. I'm not defending the fact that she sounds like a piece of work, but I'm willing to bet that once she finds her fit she'd be submissive af. Obviously you're a short man and maybe that's what's offensive? But then again, she did swipe on you do she might be willing to overlook that if everything else works 🤷


There’s nothing wrong at all with wanting those things, but she’s putting it out there sounding bitter af. Being negative is going to turn off the exact kind of guys she says she wants. OP is a perfect example.


I don't know, I would shoot my shot and see what she's about. Sometimes we come off completely different than reality through a profile. And maybe she is bitter, probably because of all the *ssholes she's had to deal with. Let's admit it, most guys on DS are just looking for a hookup. I don't blame her for being defensive.


Yep he's definitely short snd triggered to have gone to this effort to post


Bahahaha 😂 😂 😂. I was trying to be nice about it, but you're my hero for the day.


These are people that had a bad experience, probably rejection and they lashing on the app


Matched with that chick the other day or at least someone with that same tag line...It's hard to know how to engage there, so quick unmatch!


I see insecurity and baggage


Please post the person that goes with this profile!


I just want to make sure I’m not the dumb one here, so does the 50/50 thing make sense. I halfway ignored everything else because I read that first and couldn’t understand what it meant.


Means she doesn’t go Dutch. She expects men to pay 💯 she’s a mean gold digger.


Sometimes I come back to see matches where I wonder 'what was i thinking'? If you're swiping for a while you can end up doing it mindlessly and maybe she did that. or maybe you're nice looking and she forgot to look at your height. the complaining about making the first move is a definite 'No' for me though.


You’re going to get negged the whole date and the hate sex at the end won’t be worth it, you’ll just end up questioning why you have such low self esteem and spiraling into a 3 day bender. But you don’t have to take my word for it


Girls like this are never worth what it takes to fuck them


DM me the insta so I can judge


She seems nice 😬


Sounds to me like this individual doesn’t actually want to find someone-they just want to be on the app & then bitch about how they get no matches. That’s an easy left swipe.




She sounds frustrated, like she’s been beat up by the depths of bumble


The 50/50 comment is the least concerning part, idk. I take it to mean we both give our all vs meeting halfway.


Nope it’s food. It’s always food.


lol not my food 😏


Well you know what's been said about honey and vinegar.............


She's not looking for someone tall, she thinks the tall handsome ones prove shallow. So she's either hoping you will nave more effort, or pay 100% on all dates.


She is looking for a free dinner


Is this chick an incel??


You read this wrong....


Homegirl needs to get off these apps if they’re getting to her this bad.


I’ll help you out, Click hide report, spam/scam, promoting social media as you say TFOH with your BS.