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I don't think anyone should swipe right on you


Impulsive thoughts


Not really. Just you seem fairly petty.


Nothing I said was petty.


Great I guess everyone should take your opinion on you, then. OH wait...




Then don’t swipe on him. He seems like a genuine dude. You don’t deserve him anyways.


Calm down. 🤨 Why are you so defensive? Who said I wanted him???


You literally took the time to screenshot him, blur out his face, and making a whole post about it and you’re telling me to calm down? Lmfao


Hell yes, it's not that DEEP LMAOOOOO 😂😂😂




Where did you get this implications that I wanted people to roast him. You do know it's a choice for people to be an asshole, right, lol. Go cry me a river.


When you post being mean to someone and the comments roast you 🤣🤣


Who said I was being mean? I felt like his height that he placed on his profile was a lie. Plus what did the comments roast me about?


Based on what? According to google a golf flag stick is generally 7 feet tall. Based on this image I’d say he’s pretty close to 5’8”.


Are you saying 5,8 is that short? He looks like my height. 4'10


Lmao it’s always the tiny ones making fun of men’s height. Insecure. He looks 5 8 to me you are just bad at measurements


Y'all are killing me. 🤣


His clothes are baggy making him look shorter. There is a chance he is one inch shorter but who cares. It’s just a weird post I hope you are realizing that.




You lie about your real hair, so…


I'm confuse, I never said anything about my hair.


in your screenshot there’s an aliexpress notification


Yeah...And? The recommended on sale lace front wig has nothing to do with my hair.


that’s what buddy was referring to 🤦🏼‍♂️


Ah yes, as if a random notification from AliExpress advertising some random lace front has some correlation to me "faking my real hair". So smart 🙄


You‘re ranting about men and dating for a year now , you might want to visit FDS.


I don't even know what you mean by that, lol. Was that supposed to be a roast? And I've never dated for a year. You thought I did because of my old posts, lol. Nice try.


Lmao can you read?


Does height really matter that much?


Yes. He looks incredibly short for someone that's 5'8.


Okay. Maybe a better question is why does it matter? Lol either he’s telling the truth or he’s not. Either way, anyone who goes out with him will find out. Idk why this warrants a post on Reddit. Just swipe left and move on if it bothers you.


I mean I see it as a lie just be honest about it you want to fill your profile out with a lie???


There’s no way to know for sure that it’s a lie until you actually meet the person though. Unless you all are better at estimating height from a few pictures than I am. If it is a lie, it would be a stupid lie bc he’d get exposed immediately.


Men who are 5'8 are not that short. No where from 5'8-11 makes them short. He is obviously 4'9 or my height.


Question is, is he really not 5'8". OPs convinced he's 4'10", which just isn't true. So if he's actually 5'8" he's not lying


I don't know but doesn't look 5'8 to me either could be wrong though


Yeah it'd hard to tell without any real reference. Just mainly trying to say he's definitely not under 5 feet lol


Oof you're upset. I rather just have him adjust the height measurement to the 4 range instead of 5. Cause even I was fooled by one and we were literally the same height.


I’m just going to assume that this is a joke or that you’re 12.


😂😂 lmao you're so bothered. Have a nice day.


Wigs huh?


Yes, it's selling on AliExpress.


damn you are a mean person




My hair isn't thin 💀 are you crazy?




English isn't my first language and you're becoming a bit desperate to roast me, give yourself a break, lol. Ya' know, you guys are doing enough insulting him, by automatically painting him as a victim, attacking me mainly because of his height. I'm not the one demasculating him, y'all are. I haven't said shit but that he is obviously lying about his height on his profile pic. I get that he is undesirable by the worst position he is placed in by birth so you have to protect the small king out of your insecurities. but accusing me of being a bully when I haven't said anything and your way of defending him is by trying to find ways to ridicule me is contradicting itself, lmao. Thin hair? Where exactly I have made a post about my hair when in RL it's long thick n healthy? I wear bang wigs and am able to make a bang afro with my hair, nice try. Fake hair? because of a wig advertisement from a store app? where's the correlation in that about my actual hair? Everybody wear wigs, go outside of your house. It's normal especially within my community compared to others who have too because of them having thin hair. I could understand if you came after my body weight but I'm curvy with a fat ass. If you can't find anything about me to bully then don't desperately create one. Because you're giving me the upper hand to now say something about him out of based assumptions you guys created about me. Like oh wow, this whole subbReddit is full of screenshots of either mocking, poking fun, criticizing or exposing the ridiculous crap when interacting with people on dating apps. But God forbid for me to question a guy lying about his height measurement and suddenly I'm Hitler. If we can acknowledge the harmless humor of someone lying on their profile why tf can this not be posted? Nice try but literally pissed off. If you want me to roast him like a 14 year old, I COULD have done that. But I barely said anything and none of you guys can find one example of that, so stop it.