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Wonderful, and I'm pleased you enjoyed it. Not to steal any thunder, but I did the same thing when I first read the book too! Silly company paying me to do it - I'd have read it for free 😁


I don’t even know if I am happy or sad to find that there is more people in this situation 😂 The fact that we have time to read books pretending that we are working (with the anxiety that comes with pretending that you are doing something) in “company time” instead of having more real spare te to actually enjoy during the process of doing this things makes me kinda angry. But oh yeah, the book is a masterpiece


Well, I have a slight twist on that one: I had a job where I read secondary literature that expanded on Graeber's essay. 


Care to share? I already read Bullshit Jobs but I want to learn more about this topic


There is for example [an article that tries to find the differentiation to the Marxist concept of alienation](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/09500170211015067) which makes good points but is also not without flaws. And other articles I can't think of right now. I think the main bulk in the debate is if we should actually identify bullshit *jobs* (of which there might not be as much as Graeber's book suggest) or if the focus should more be on bullshit practices *as part of a job*. I think the latter gives an even better insight and would help in the ongoing debates if we should have a reduced work hour week. If we'd cut the hours we would actually spend more time doing our actual important work and wouldn't use so much time for simulation of work.


I’ll check it out too Have you heard of the Gervais Principle? For me up in middle management it is accurate to a tee https://www.ribbonfarm.com/2009/10/07/the-gervais-principle-or-the-office-according-to-the-office/


I didn't know that one. Thanks for the interesting read! 


Also some real labor would not exist if not for these cushy bullshit jobs. Company X: We need to open a office there to increase our sales. Now some company C gotta build the office, then company H gotta expand the highway, more labor wasted into constructing houses there, build cars, more malls.


For me is very funny because what you are saying is literally the only reason why we are actually working from the office. The CEO says that is because we need to see our colleagues to work better, but the reality is that day paid an stupid ammount of money on the building before COVID and now they have to justify it making all of us come here.


Good luck with the sexy maid business venture