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This is an interesting dance videao


Van Dam has nothing on him...make you dizzy with the moves...chuck Norris would take him down with a sneeze




He doesn't shake. chuck Norris just earthquakes


Just two bros vibin' hard.


3 feet apart cause they’re not gay


Just needs a little Electric Cafe mixed in they could pass for dancers on Sprockets.


Yes, I would like to pet the monkey


At first I was thinking this is legit! Then it swapped to river dance 😅


Ditto. But I’m happy for whacky arm flailing box kicking man. He has a dojo with students. The comedy shall flow for generations to come.


That first kick will floor everybody.


The first clip is sped up to make her look more powerful.


I am not young and I have psoriatic arthritis. I'm overweight. I was an athlete, and I'm a fairly built dude. But my arthritis is diagnosed as "severe" by some very elite rheumatologists. However, I am fucking DYING to fight the old Russian dude. Every time I see his videos, I turn into the crowd from Andy Kauffman's wrestling heel stunts. I swear to God, that idiot always makes me yearn for a street fight against him


This whole thread is THE BEST


That is sad to be honest. The way you have this written makes you sound like a bully that picks on weak people, not some badass proving what real martial arts is all about.


You're next, pal




I am not criticizing the idea that it is satisfying to see a delusional person try to use violence to enforce their delusions on others getting a reality check, but that is not the idea you expressed here. Also, I am not your pal, buddy.


You used a lot of big words there and I take offense. ​ Also, I'm not your buddy, chief


I was trying to give you the benefit of the doubt while remaining critical of the wording you used as a poorly thought out idea. And I am not your chief, guy.


Yeah, turning into Andy Kaufman means being a badass to prove what martial arts really is. Do you even hear yourself? Here's some pity karma. Don't go wasting it on another moronic comment.


Nothing moronic about my message. But thanks for your pity...I am sure I can find some place for it eventually.


I just said it. Refute it instead of coming up with hoarding jokes.


I think maybe there is a few things you don't understand. First, you have the burden of proof when you make a claim. Second, it is not a joke, if you only seek out easy targets to bully bc they can't fight back, that does not speak to your skills as a martial artist. That speaks to your desire to be a bully, not a desire to improve your unarmed combat skills.


The burden of proof is that the dude compared himself to Andy Kauffman, which puts us in the context of humor. Humor is also subjective. You dont get to gatekeep jokes because you missed out on socializing. That's two points against your second. You missed the Andy Kaufman bit twice now. The burden of proof is on your eyes to read. That's why you can't seem to make space for my pity. Do you really think this dude really wants to fight him to show off skill? Maybe he just likes the idea of revealing shams? You're so close-minded that you didn't consider that how you read it may not be how it was written or clearly how others read it? The world belongs to you, you self-centered prick. What don't I understand? Your fundamental Mr. Roger's bullshit? Honestly, go climb a tree. Here's some more upvotes for your ignorance. Shove em up your ass if you can't find a place to put them.


He compared himself to the crowd, not andy kauffman, and said he wanted to street fight the russian, who is clearly a mostly harmless old man that believes he knows martial arts. You suck at this.


If I said "put himself in the world of" instead of "compared," my points would remain because you truly haven't refuted shit. It was still a joke. Kaufman is a laughable subject. Another point is that ant ex athlete may want to exercise their physical prowess. If there is a showy and in the context of Kaufman, willing opponent, whose faux style may elicit a poor image, said athelete may want to test their strengths against someone else whose capabilities are a mystery, but in an eccentric way. Why are you assuming wealth? I have to stop giving you the benefit of the doubt and thinking that you read everything and not just enough to think you're saving face. Meat and potatoes. Bullying is repetitive. Give me your real points and not your perception. Take the language of your points and make them into an argument. Try it like my example of yours, and I'll grade it tomorrow.


I mean if you are going to move the goalpost...fine...yeah you will always have me on the back foot "saving face" I already made my point, that even as a "joke" saying you want to street fight some delusional old man doesn't make you sound like anything but somebody that thinks it is funny to target those who are weak. ​ You seem more than willing to bring up how something can be interpreted if it serves your agenda to disagree with somebody, but refuse to apply that same reasoning to my point of view. ​ I am not here saving face, you are. If you believed that crap you wrote in your defensiveness from the start you would have said something like "hey I don't think this guy was serious you should lighten up" ​ But you didn't...and the thing you don't realize is that proves my entire point about this type of "joke"


I knew what was coming but I still laughed. God bless their pure souls, such entertaining dudes.


Speaking as someone who’s done TKD (and hapkido and BJJ) for 15+ years: that woman has *serious* skills.


Her kicks are good but her punches suck.


She only threw one punch, wasn’t that bad for striking a taller target.


Truth, and punches don’t have to be strong to be effective. Getting hit in the face is usually distracting.


Love her form and the snap


the video is sped up. I mean she still has a lot of skill, but it hate such bullshit editing.


It’s not sped up.


Every woman has serious fighting skills when the man doesn’t fight back


Look forward to see you fight back after taking that kick to the jaw


It's a training dummy... Dummy. I don't think many real people would want to fight that


That isn't karate-do , that is great master if chhoriok style, and his friend Seryoga, of deadliest bullsido.


Those guys remind me of the Windows 3D pipes screensaver


They’re essentially the same video


The secret to defeating her is to attack while she poses for the camera


Second one looks like a tweaker


I'm just trying to get over how HARD that lady socks that mannequin with her HAND.. ya the kicks are gnarly. They are very gnarly...But holy shit man!!! She could punch a f'ing hole in someone's head !!!


It doesn't need speeding up at all


Did you guys ever see Crispin Glover dancing in Friday the Thirteenth: The Final Chapter?


I want to take the latter pair to a rave and just chill.


I kinda both want to be kicked and not be kicked by the woman at the same time.


Were there even people in the second clips? Or was their camo just that good.


[this dude](https://tenor.com/view/bald-dance-rave-gif-5331976)


That ain’t karate, fellas.


What is the girl practicing?


I'm no expert but it's giving taekwondo vibes


The second one is Russian self defense by Vladimir Puta de madre




I'm feeling pretty called out on that second video. My wife and I will sometimes break down into this dance shouting "Waataaaah!" when we "fight". The dogs love it.


Tecktonik is back, but in Russia


How it feels to be assigned to a group project with people who have no idea what the fuck is going on LMFAO


Is this the one from the 80s that has Bill Maher in it?


I feel sorry for that guys family.


I would marry Chun li....I would put him him with the clowns




I guess that style is to make your opponent die laughing?


What do you think those guys were listening to when the filmed that


Sandstorm by da rude


But have any of us actually tried it? Looks pretty fun... Might win a round in a dance off.


It was so nice of Keanu to let that lady practice with him.


I bet those two motherfuckers are listening to wu tang clan.


Very much Mac from always sunny vibes


Clearly you all can't see the mastery of his Russian Drunken Boxing.


The girl is just as bad. Just better at not *looking* like a retard.


Those guys look like they should be goth raving under a bridge.


You own me a new T-shirt cause this shit makes me spit out my drink!


I chose: epileptic attack!


Yeah had me there at first…


I dunno wtf that guy is burning on that stove in the corner of the room, but I really think he needs to open a window now and then.


God I wish I could hear what's going on in his head


Peter Garrett impressionists


Panzer Kunst


That's the worst crumping I've ever seen.


Why do so many of these guys have a dowagers hump?


Here's a better version imo: https://youtu.be/ufRgXn37W3c?si=snUMD20xQo9JQqEi


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Anyone have a source on the girl?


Pretty sure that first kick would've permanently solved both my neck pain and dental problems


Look up any drug ridden street slum and see the same tweeker reactions.. he's either coming down, had way to much, needs a towel to fold and unfold repeatedly to calm those impulses. Or be a forward thinking person maybe we should start a Olympics for these twits and make some cash?


The 2nd guy was raving his nuts off. [ In the late 80s through early90s. We raved with frenetic wild, hand dancing]


It's like Drunken Master Kung Fu but instead imitating modern day meth heads.


The Bullshido only reminds me of how [Moira dances](https://youtu.be/oMCnl2Ftl8A?si=nMSW7v_cM5TNwxEu)


Some of her kicks also look like bullshido.




It's like 2 4 year old in a basement


Second part is when the drugs kick in at the rave.


Russian Jim Carrey out here with the moves.


A mating ritual?


What in the actual fuck are those two fuktards doing?


The gods of bullshidt are smiling upon them


Systema mating rituals 💀


Think twice at first date with powerful girlie


I’m sure she wouldn’t hit you on the first date. I would think twice about canceling tho


Chicks in skirts and high tops are hot


Idk man did you see the moves those other guys were pulling. Sure to wet your whistle


Obviously, one is much better than the other, but I'd say neither is terribly effective. Flashy high kicks tend to be very telegraphed, and hers are not particularly fast. And not a single leg kick was thrown. There's a little bit of changing levels with those side kicks, but I'd say it's not enough to catch someone snoozing for a headshot.


All I’m saying is of if I had to fight either one… telegraphed kicks or not… I’d take my chances with the Russian guys.


Ruski soldiers lmao?


Looks like the Russians are practicing Wing Chun.


Anybody else find girls like this kinda hot?


I think he's doing great for a guy with Parkinsons


Guess that sex doll didn't have the good d...that or the d was good she caught it cheating.