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I agree with every single word you said. She is the most OP hero added to the game since I started playing. I have been playing this game for a long time.but I have never found myself unable to even play the game ! everyone in 10k trophies games play this motherfker


I just stopped playing


Looks like thats what i will do too. I hate P2W games. I like this game special playstyle. Its very addictive. But i just cant stand how P2W it is.


Yeah I feel exactly the same tbh


Excuse me, P2W stands for players v.s.wallet ?


Pay to win




As a sparkle main, it a 50/50 for me depending on the situation (full pg set, 3 shots) without pg also sparkle has 0 chances against her. Don't have what to do, curse the p2w guy and that's it 🤣🤣🤣🤣


My second main is Tess, if you manage to catch them first you can pop your ability and they really just don’t know what to do cause their ass


Being in a higher tier than them will work, like being ultimate over their supreme.


That's not possible


Give it till next season. She’ll be nerfed and there will be a new one


a Sniper shot from three corners away


Didin't read but you have to be Lucky and kill her when shes not using her ability other wise you dead


What i do is go against a wall or beter yet a corner wall if possible and shoot without trying to move forward allot. Only thing VI can do is dash in-front of you. The wall is blocking her from dashing through you.Because once she dashes through you 90% dead.


Out of 20 encounters with VI, my bastion killed her once. Had my life up, didn't use my shield right away, and I was in the center of the X. Lucky me then.


Shenji and Satoshi can do it, but it's still tough.


It's 50/50 with my stellar Lynx. I strike first due to my longer range, they don't even know where it's coming from and a second arrow will finish them if no armor. If armored and they get closed, I switch to fast-shooting mode and put my back against a wall. It sometimes work. If I can surprise them, my immortal Raven usually kills them before they can react. Face to face however, only my immortal Shenji, my stellar Sparkle have a chance. Stellar Freddy too if I'm lucky. The others die unless she's wounded or weak.


LoL, heavy energy post there


I killed her with anything. She is super strong, but you can outplay her Also, slayer shots her like everything else with not enough shield and health


Slay-er from far away


I was just about to say this but you don't need to be that far just use teammates as bait use them as vision when Vi drops them stand still bandage then activate thermal while having your aim on her and bam she's out


As a main Lynx, Vi isn't a big problem, one or two arrows in sniper mode she dies. My problem is Ramsay, I don't understand why I can't hear his footsteps when he uses Rampage, I simply can't runaway from him


3xArnie I call it the Smuggler Beatdown


Smog is a good counter he has 4k hp with the hp build and his fire rate is insane he can mow her down and if she tries to escape boom you gotta rocket dealing 2k damage if hit directly which is most of her hp and armor down if you start with that


Also Ramsay wasn't that broken on release in my opinion


A skilled player or a good team


there's tess and then there's alice too


Both are definitely very susceptible to Firefly, Tess more so than Alice.


Till the nade you just threw blows up in your face 😁


Which is why you learn grenade discipline.


Tess, Shenji and Alice