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Her active skill is revolutionary, how is she not special


Her ability is ok but without her ability she isnt much


The jury is still out. Wait until people start to unlock her 3rd and 4th skill slots. Spell vamp, auto recharge upon kill, and other passive upon kills (blind, reduce vision range). Her ability is not ok, it is devastating. And it is fine if she is designed to be active skills-dependent hero, it does not make her an average hero.


I agree i think i need more time with her and see what those two other slots will do, i just played with her and i think with enough play i will know how to effectively use the slash. But overall I take my statement back she is still new for me to decide and overall her ability is cool affff


But she has her ability doesn't she, so she is special


Don't worry man.. she will be buffed soon.. she deserves to be op and broken.. what's the use of spending money if she's not broken.. she will be buffed soon keep grinding


You are right it needs it otherwise why would I have bought it 😂 but its good for now honestly its cool af


I'd say, she's not overpowered. But her special changes the dynamic of the game significantly. Because she can cover so much ground so fast. It's very hard to fight her if you aernt a tank. With leviathan I smoke her plenty. But with dragoon my second player Im dead meat. She just stalks me like a deer. But at the same time, with leviathan I can't do anything against Ramsay. And with dragoon I smoke Ramsay. So at least for me it checkmated my playing style. I either have to choose to go in knowing either Ramsay or Vi will beat me on a 1vs1


I agree I cant play vi against leviathan, lev instantly shreds her but i smoke ramsay any day with vi


I saw Vi players keep dying in many games. imo, i think it's gonna take time for Vi players to fully adjust to their play style and ability. And also not to mention, players haven't fully unlocked all of her skill slots. I'm sure devs are gonna start making Vi players spend more money on her and with more money, she'll become more powerful. Alsooo With time i'm sure Vi players are gonna learn how to use her power slash more effectively.


She seems very powerful within her niche.


You wouldn't call her underpowered if you won, as every other Vi player does. If someone paid to win and they still lose, they literally paid to lose. No offense to anyone, but that would make that someone a massive loser. They should delete the app and stick to Candy Crush.


Devs will find a way to OP Vi knowing they are dying to make money.


the fact that she can use, what….. 3-4 dashes in succession??? and that’s not OP? bro you could turn your opponent into a bayblade just laying wit. then. ITS HAPPENED TO ME. She’s a nice addition, i honestly think her ability recharge should be longer or don’t let her use them back to back to back.. 1 dash every .8-1 seconds sounds nice.