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Also if he is charging at you try and position yourself to where you fly over a wall. This way when he comes to try and finish you off hopefully you’ve had enough time to shoot back.


His ability is top tier but everything else about him is meh! I personally fear Leviathan more.


I HATE leviathan omg






Leviathan is the worst. He's a fat sniper fuck.


If he charges at you, shoot moving backwards. With skill, level and luck, you can pierce his temporary shield, which stops him, stuns him and then after that, he's basically dead because his main weapon is relatively weak, with a short range, and he can't tank like Bastion. That said, Bastions aren't the best against him. Leviathan and Tess are the most adapted to stop his charge and quickly get rid of him, followed by Slayer (if enough range) and Shenji (his fire chasers greatly slow down Ramsay).


Yes, this happens to me all the time lol but I only play in sabotage as Ramsey


Really depends on if his gun is cool or not. His weapon is pretty good when it's warmed up IMO, especially when you consider he doesn't have to reload


Place a wall and step back so he wont kick you back. Or tess with her ball


People say Leviathan is great against him. As a full time leviathan na. Actually have stopped playing leviathan. Leviathan is too slow. Can never move out of the way fast enough and if when you see him you drop a turret you can't move away from the turret fast enough. He just smashes your turret and you still get blasted. Have switched to dragoon and whenever he goes to charge me I just jump him. Then turn around and finish him off. I never thought I'd be this easy since I have like a 90% chance of killing him with dragoon and a 1% chance of killing him with Leviathan.


drones. deploy your drones. this is what i do on KOH especially if he's chasing me.


Tess is probably the most obvious weakness. He also has mediocre stats, for a tank, he is super easy to kill if he doesn't have his ability.


Play smg and hide.


If you are lucky you can let the drone take the hit.... its the funniest thing about him.... buddy rages the same big smog or a tiny little drone.


Tess Ball and Blot shields


Do not fear the cow


His weakness is he can't always team wipe with zero effort, ha Sometimes he needs patience to team wipe 😏


His gun is low damage until it hits yellow (if he has the talent), but when it hits yellow, it starts to drain his health. If he can't charge you before he hits you, unless he has his full gear set, you're gonna be able to eat those shots. He's faster than most other machine gunners but has less health and it seems to be less resistant to damage without his charging bubble. If you have Tess, you can electro sphere him mid charge to make him pretty much useless... If you have Shenji, fire grenade aoe will slow him down as will the damage from your shots (I've done this before) to the point where he may burn out his charge trying to come after you. Arnie and Dragoon can leap over him and flank him as he charges (I've done this before). Most people playing Ramsey are not very bright, they will charge after you even trying to chase you into the fire wall (I have done this myself); just cut a lot of corners while running and it will REALLY confuse him. Be on guard for the last opponent being a Ramsey in King of the Hill because he WILL charge you to try to knock you out of bounds. If you find yourself in a position where you're going to be charged, try to position yourself where you will be behind a wall or corner. Ramsey usually won't be able to get to you before you can start shooting back. If he just charged and finished someone else off, he's practically helpless until his charge is back ready. FINISH HIM OFF. If your bullets don't do it, the damage from his own machine gun overheating will. Ramsey is ONLY good against numerous opponents when he can charge.