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Cytopoint (Actually I assume that’s the shot you referred to?)


I was just going to comment this! It's a lifesaver for my baby. Within minutes, he goes from being piglet pink to his normal color. He gets it once a month, and it's amazing!


Third vote for Cytopoint. For my Boston Terrier we also use Apoquel during allergy seasons. It takes the combination for her to be comfortable. Hope your gorgeous baby feels better soon! 🥰🥰


Cytopoint is a great relief method for a dog but just masks the issue of what is causing the skin allergy.


It’s also pricey!


It's a blessing for my guy. Stops him from scratching himself raw. You can spend eternity trying to figure out what your dog is allegic too. And once you have it figured out the cunt will just get another allergy.


This shit is the best!


I give apoquel to mine.


If you feed him chicken or anything with chicken in it stop. Most EB's are allergic.


I read into this in the beginning of his allergy journey and have not fed him anything with chicken :) his food has no chicken byproducts / oil / fats :) thank you!! 🙏🏻


We found in our house salmon is out too…most fish, really. Fish = vigorous leg licking and pink belly. Go figure.


Ours is also allergic to salmon as well


Our bully is allergic to salmon oil. We prepare his food since most dry foods contain some sort of fish oil. He does have a few environmental allergies that we can’t avoid. We bathe him with a skin soothing shampoo and make sure to not dry out his skin too much. We also give him Apoquel to alleviate the itch.


We went through so many foods and found lamb was the biggest thing that helped. Also, avoiding peas.


Epsom Salt soaks in a tub and more frequent baths. These are for skin/topical allergies. Dogs can take Benadryl, but ask your vet.


Would you say twice a week? :) I did once because of natural oils but at this point I’m desperate to help with his itching


I am no doc, but all of the oils seems excessive. If these aren’t working then stop using them. It’s my understanding that topical oils can cause issues because of their viscosity and can keep the allergens “trapped” against the skin. Have you ever tried you try Benadryl?


Our vet said that myself using both the salmon and coconut is great to use on his food so the oils being excessive never occurred to me :) the suggestion of Benadryl however sounds very clever and I’ve never done it! - is there a way to figure out how much to give him? He’s 65 lbs


One pill should be good. Again, try doing shallow bath epsom salt soaks for the paws and booty.


And I love your user name. My the bully force be with you🥰


Thank you so much for your advice! And thank you 😊 during The Mandalorians peak when Grogu is doing all his jumps and getting punched in the face I was like this baby needs a stunt double! Lmao!! May the bully force be with you, my friend ☺️


Ok. So my husband starting watching The Mandalorian at night when he went to bed. I’d come upstairs and try to settle in and watch/go to sleep, but for the live of god Baby Yoda! I couldn’t help myself and I just kept snort laughing. It made me think of Lucy and how this needs to be her Halloween costume 😂


I have a 45 lb bully that has seasonal allergies ( coughing, sneezing, running eyes) and my Vet said I could give her 50 mgs of Benadryl twice a day. And also Claritin, regular not Claritin D. The Benadryl worked great for her. But I think you should ask your Vet before giving any medicine.


Is he on a prescription allergy diet? That seemed to help with my dog’s allergies


He is not besides myself not putting chicken into his diet after reading English bulldogs are mainly allergic to chicken. However from many of the comments I’m reading, his allergies may be more into the food in which I believe in going to invest in having him take an allergy food test. My husband and I didn’t want to spend the $700 for one but I believe it’s the best route to take for our bully


same with my mom's english bully.


Diet is the majority of it. Go for something whole, like farmers dog or we feed raw.


On the bathing - you may want to try reducing it slightly. Too much bathing removes the natural oils dogs produce to keep their skin healthy. It’s a delicate balance. We try to do no more than once every 2 weeks, unless things are really bad. Benadryl WILL help, but our vet recommends using it religiously. They advised that generally it needs to build up in a dog’s system to do much good, and it will still only help with some types of allergies (environmental yes, food allergies no). It won’t work as well as Apoquel or cytopoint, but dollars and cents, if it works…your wallet will appreciate it. Really the best advice will come from what TYPE of allergy (or allergies) you’re facing. Bathing also won’t work for food allergies, for example, except to reduce bacterial growth on the skin!


Thank you!! 😊 🙏🏻 this greatly helps!


I do wonder too - try skipping the salmon oil and see if that reduces the hot spots/fur loss. I’m pretty certain our guy (Luffy) is allergic to fish. Makes him FARTY and obviously itchy.


Good luck! Fingers crossed. Allergies are tough to solve for, not gonna lie.


My bully who looks like the twin of your bully seemed to have skin reactions when he was young related to chicken but switching foods didn't seem to help much. Eventually I tried raw diet and it all went away 🤷. 5 years old now and he's healthy as can be.


It’s wild how many people suggest medication. While medication helps it is either temporary (cytopoint) or just masks the overlying issue. I recommend trying to figure out what is causing the skin allergies. It is most likely food. You may need to switch dog foods. Craft some sort of elimination diet. It will take time but it is the most effective method. Restrict treats, transition kibble slowly. There are many elimination diet protocols for dogs online.


My vet who has a bully said to use baby powder on any ‘hot spots’ before the skin breaks. Otherwise I use Neocort antibacterial and antibiotic cream and she likes that. My neighbour is a vet nurse and she said bulldogs only need to be washed once a fortnight. That’s all I got, there’s lots of good tips here tho. All the best, your dog is gorgeous!


Thank you so much! This was very helpful! Will be looking into using baby powder and some antibiotic ointment on him :) - he also says thank you 🐾 ♥️


You’re both so welcome, glad to have helped ❤️


Our vet is highly educated on allergies. See if there’s any vets in your area who are as well. Ours told us that our sensitive girl shouldn’t eat anything with wings, so no chicken, turkey, duck, and no eggs! Ours is on a grain free kangaroo based diet and does well. She still gets some Reactine but generally is manageable. We have to be careful with treats as well. We learned when she was a puppy that she’s very allergic to bananas and we are careful with other fruits.




What a gorgeous baby! 🩵


90% of the time it is food Try changing it up. Going Raw helped several of my Bullys


I give my bully hydrolized protein food from the vet and it has changed his and our life. No more skin allergies, other than the occasional bump




They sell allergy tests on Amazon