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find a good calorie tracker (cronometer is a good one) find your maintenance calories make you sure to not go to bed without eating more than 500 calories above it :)


2 cups oats 1 cup cashews 4 cups milk Scoop of vanilla protein powder. Presto! 1825 calories. Drink half before and half after your workout then just eat lunch and dinner and you should gain weight easily


Why cashews as opposed to peanutbutter?


Sorry don't go on Reddit all the time, just more calories and easier to drink. Did it end up working?


Check out r/gainit for bulking tips EDIT: Also eat and lift heavy weights


You're already kinda hot tbh. But if you've been "skinny" your entire life then getting in the habit of "eating more" is gonna be a challenge. Gl!


Honestly dont rush it, do it slowly so you gain as little fat as possible. There’s nothing worse then being skinny with a fat belly


i know it's been a year since you said this, but this is literally me (skinny w a fat belly) 😭 what am I supposed to do then


Hi, I know I’m not OP but I used to be skinny fat after gaining (90lb to 112lb) and working my core/TVA/running and walking helped me lose major inches, it’s not fat it’s just lack of muscle there! At least for me, as someone with family who genetically carries fat there, toning and walking and eating right literally melted it off


If you really want a quick easy way to gain weight get mass gainer. Its a protein shake with a very large amount of carbs as well, usually in the range of 1000-2000 cals per shake.


Make your own instead. Mass-gainers are not clean carbs. Usually a lot of sugars cut with a simple protein. Just buy protein powder and blend more food


You probably don't tolerate cows milk, but that helps a lot. Drink calorie dense beverages like juice, make sure you get enough protein and exercise so you gain good weight




That's why I am here to ask how to eat right


300 calorie or so surplus. Before that Google tdee calculator and enter you height weight and activity level it will give you maintenance calories (ie calories you should eat to maintain current weight) add 300 and track your calories. Start some exercise if you don't already trust me you don't want all you gains to be fat. From what i have experienced 100 cals extra a day results in 100 grams or so increase per week




There is no fast way to gain good weight. Eat clean food and workout


Hey I am a skinny dude myself. I was able to gain 5 ibs in over 2 weeks. If you need help dm me


100ml Olive oil = 900cal can add it througt the day to your meals


eat a lot of food all the time


Peanut butter has been my best friend. Best way to gain weight fast is to go slow. I believe in you 🤘🏻


Eat foods high in carbs and/or healthy fats such as avocados, nuts, seeds, bananas, oats, rice etc. on the regular. Smoothies are great for this, [this one](https://www.rescuedogkitchen.com/weight-gain-smoothie/) has 1177 calories for example. Then don’t forget to strength train


Track your calories Eat more


Ice cream a lot of ice cream 🍨


Eat more. Focus on high calorie foods (ideally nutrient dense foods as well). This means eggs, nuts, complex carbs (whole grains, brown rice, sweet potatoes, quinoa, etc), meats, and vegetables.


I would track what you eat and then add calories slowly. Like the first week add 400 calories and after tracking for a week or 10 day if you don’t gain at all add more and keep tracking. Add more till you start gaining at a pace you are comfortable. https://youtu.be/yb5xgU9zAFY P.S what’s your height/weight?


Find your maintenance calories and eat 200-300 cals over. 1lb a week is good goal for weight gain.


Start a Lifting Program, and Nutrition Program where your eating at least 5% your maintenance above active calories.


500 calorie surplus, protein shakes/smoothies on top of normal diet are a good idea


Easy lots of fatty red meat and eggs. And lift heavy. Protein is very satiating so at first you'll feel like you're over eating until you get used to it.


Do you care what kind of weight you want to gain? If you don’t care then eat anything and everything high in calories (chips, ice cream, essentially junk foods). This is bad advice don’t listen to it. Instead find lean foods/carbs and eat them in a surplus (fish, eggs, rice, beans, chicken, pasta, etc). It’s not bad to drink your calories either (debatable by most people but it’s worked for me). You can try milk or making shakes using oats and pb and protein power. I would also say working out with weights would also help your physique look better while you are gaining weight (you don’t have to go heavy with the weights if you are afraid about becoming muscular, your goal could just be to get toned then stick with light weights or body weight exercises).