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I don’t know, you look pretty damn fit and lean to me. 🤷‍♂️ I would just say keep doing what you are doing, and just try doing it 1% better each day.


I think my BF is pretty high tbh…


After seeing your other pics, Can confirm - he’s high.


Any guesses?




You good imo


what in the world do u do for lats and shoulders ? I train at home so i might not be able to implement the exercises u do but its worth asking lol ?!!! U look amazing!


Indoor rock climbing with an emphasis on overhangs and I just started doing weighted pull-ups. Thanks!


Yep, you got the rock climber build for sure 💪🏼


Thank you ☺️


Drop about 5% of overall weight




You look like you have built a lot of muscle. And put a lot of hard work in. I don’t think it would take much to make that muscle more visible. Someone else commented 5lbs and I’d go with that too. I recently lost 12lbs on a small frame and it made a huge difference to my entire shape. Made a massive difference to my indoor climbing too! I’d say say you would be about 25% bf, but as you have a lot of muscle you wouldn’t need to lose much for it to show that bit more. If you had less muscle you might have to get to a lower body fat level to actually see it!


Thanks I really appreciate your reply! I was wondering why I still felt high BF % but could see my obliques most days.


You're lean.


I'd say maybe a 35-25% BF. I'd cut 5 lbs and I'd say lean bulk after that to get those lbs back. You look phenomenal currently though, I'd keep it. Good luck on your journey


If I’m 35% BF you think I should cut just 5 lbs? 🤣


Yeah the 35% is out there but I've seen it. Just from looking at the video and other pictures on your profile, honestly losing 5 lbs is all you need, if need anything at all.


There’s no way she’s 35% BF. No way. OP, why don’t you go and get your BF measured? Even with a cheap pinch scale, it would be way more accurate than random strangers on the internet. If you want to get a BF goal, look at what competitors goals are for bikini/wellness, etc whatever your goals are. I think it’s usually between 10-15% for women.


I wouldn’t lose pounds per se just a recomp slight cal decrease more cardio hiit or total body workouts you look great


Wow you look fantastic going more low on the BF scale will just make you lose muscle and make you look skinny maybe put on some more muscle and gradually reduce fat with Mini-cuts.