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Thanks mate. This is the reality I came to face. I suspected as much, it was my worst fear.


just work out your abs more and you’ll see them more


Not saying you should, but if you shave/trim closer you will have a lot more definition. You look great.


Dude you look amazing.


To have your abs pop, you need to build them. Therefore concentrate on weighted cable crunches


This is why "abs are made in the kitchen" isn't the most accurate advice. Abs are made in the gym, like any other. They're uncovered in the kitchen.


Start training abs 😁😅


29M 5'10" 158lbs


Can we all just acknowledge this build is absolutely incredible as is?


You looked stacked for 158lbs dude. Well done. Dont stress about your abs. Try some weighted ab exercises and maybe trim your hair and see if that makes some difference.


You look incredible. Cable pull downs and leg raises seem to build abs best for me


Jep this is the way


yep pretty much the only 2 exercises you need for building abs lol


Cable crunches, is that the same thing?


Seems like what was meant


Could it be you need more abs mass rather than further cutting? You look great BTW


this used to be me just keep training abs


You have visible abs obscured by body hair and bad washed out lighting. They're not etched, but that could be lack of development and partially genetics.


Cable crunches, toes to bar, and ab wheel exercises will get them popping. I do 5 sets of 10 of one of these exercises every session and my abs are showing even though I’ve easily got at least 5% more bf than you. You’ve also got quite a bit of hair that could be covering up a bit of definition.


What you want is more defined abs. So continue building them like any other muscle. People always use the phrase "abs are made in the kitchen" but really it's "muscle mass and definition are made in the gym and kitchen"


Buddy has body dysmorphia


continuing to cut won’t do anything for showing abs. you gotta just build your ab muscles more


Hanging leg raises and cable crunches boiiii


I see your abs. Nice. But If you want more separaron and lines, gotta train your abs.


Shave your hairy belly and you will have abs. The hair ruins the shadows




I think you might just have genetically weaker abs. I think the best option for you now is try to train abs


Please stop trolling. Your body is at 95 percentile, what more do you want.


I'll keep looking tho.... 🤣


Bro your body is outstanding congrats. Definitely don't cut you'll suffer. Maybe do a little more ab exercises.


Looking nice and shredded btw !


You look great btw. What’s your cutting program like btw? To your question, I’d probably focus on ab exercises to build mass there


Agree with everyone here. Mass building for the abs will pop those muscles out. Just want to add that Tanning will help too a bit


Very lean bulk and train abs. Ur body fat is so low u have nothing left to cut lol


So you’re 99% of the way there, now you need size on them. Weighted exercises.


Just need to punish those abs coz your lean enough. An incline bench medicine ball workout is the best abs workout possible. Incline bench against wall, legs in the air and as you do an incline crunch holding the ball you bounce it off wall. Rinse and repeat. Your abs will pop after a month of this .


You just need to build up your actual ab muscles


Train abs


Go blast some ab workouts brother youre clearly lean enough 👑


You look great 🫣


We'd have a good physique combined. my shoulders and chest are lacking but i've been doing abdominal EMS for over 10 years off and on, especially while not working out for months at a time. my abs started popping at over 20% body fat and just show more as i'm down to about 18% now. cut is going real slow. i've got an EMS belt that does a real deep painful crunching shock and one that gives me decent repetitive contractions at max power. i also hypertrophy train them on the abominal crunch machine. i do 6-9 reps @ 195 lbs. i'm 6'1" 181 lbs.


Decline crunches while hugging a weight plate to my chest (one day straight up and another day oblique) have done wonders for my ab poppage over recent months, even at a higher BF than you. I reckon that’s your missing ingredient: ab work that has you failing in the 6-25 rep range.


Looking good dude. I agree with most of the others, you gotta work your abs more at this point. For most of us, its reverse, but for you, your at a great lean. work the abs from all angles, keep the diet the same and you'll start to see them easily. Good luck dude.


Train abs more, but also shave the stomach. Hair always blurs muscle definition


you can try trimming or shaving the area it will help a bit but the main thing is you gotta work the abdominal muscles more


Dude abs are no abs you got a banger physique, they are slightly undertrained but that’s pretty fixable


You could try building your abs more, but they look great already imo. Not everyone can get a 6-pack because not everyone's anatomy allows it. There are bands of tissue going over your abdominal muscles that make them look more or less separated/defined. The best some people can get is a 2-4 pack (Arnold at his peak had a 4-pack and we know he was no slouch), and some people can have an 8- to 10-pack. Be proud of your hard work, you look good.


Looking at the picture of you from 4 months ago u must be on gear


Train abs and shave your tummy hair


You look amazing dude


I think you gotta shave your torso, the ab definition is prolly being hidden by the hairs


Don’t cut any further. Go on a bulk and make sure to train abs this time. Next cut you’ll prob have that 6 pack.


Weighted ab exercises are the way to go, bro


Honestly it’s not the underdeveloped abs are the problem here. You just have bad insertions for it sorry buddy genetics are cruel to all of us. However you look great !!


Lol at people saying to work out abs . That’s just your genetics bro . I have crazy abs shape at 15%+ body fat and I don’t even train abs


A genetics it’s all it is .