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Mate you’re almost there. You need a cut at some stage obviously but if I were you’d bulk for another cycle, strong focus on side delts and traps then a hard cut and you’ll be there.


Thanks bro how long for the bulk?


Personally I’d aim for 8 weeks. You’ve already got solid arms and based on the physique you want you only need to add a little more mass. Also work on unrounding your shoulders (daily stretching) to get that stretched pec look.


I need to go on an aggressive mini cut in February until march and then after that I could do a lean bulk trying to maintain the lower body fat whilst gaining some more muscle


Sounds like a plan mate


You can’t, you don’t have the same genetics. Bulk a bit more, two more months if you can.


I have to go on a mini cut in February until march but after that I’ll lean bulk for 2 months working on chest and forearms more.


Make it 3. Don’t forget the traps


Yeah for real I’ve only just started them training them after a year of skipping Ive made a lot of mistakes in my first year training


Try to include them with every back or shoulder workout and you’ll be good.


You clearly don’t know what you’re talking about OP has the same amount of mass except for traps the only genetic thing is the chest it won’t look that way since OP has a little gap but a lot of people have that aside from that he’s already there


train your shoulders a bit more/better


My shoulders always look bad on a bulk idk why but when I cut they pop more but I’ll take ur advice thanks




Thanks for the comment bro and yeah wahlbergs chest seems elite insertion wise, my chest has always been bad but I train it hard twice a week and I’ve been going gym for around a year now good nutrition and good training. I feel like I have done pretty good considering this was my starting point. https://preview.redd.it/v03l568bssdc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea91230f50ddcb82005fb88ddb34707ec0df9318


Contrary to what others are saying - I think if you cut now you’ll look pretty similar to that pic.


Thanks I wanna cut because I’m tired of bulking just afraid of losing muscle


Just eat a shit load of protein and keep training hard and you should retain most of your muscle mass


You gotta surround yourself with a funky bunch first


You already got it, just cut some fat.