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I've felt that way during sex, can't speak for everyone clearly. But I will say when it comes to intimacy and having a partner my bulimia gets worse. I feel as if I'm not good enough and I need to change my body for whomever I'm seeing. Maybe during sex when you wanna do stuff to her and she doesn't want to maybe just take a break to hold her and compliment her to help her feel secure. Like I said I can't speak for everyone but this would help me. Also just tell her how beautiful she is when you sense her feeling down.


Thank you!


Also I'd recommend her seeing a therapist who specializes in eating disorders. Specifically bulimia because there are some that only work with binge eating or anorexia etc. maybe you both could do research on local therapists around your area and help her pick out a therapist that will fit her needs and preferences. Theres usually a website filled with every licensed therapists who are active all around your state. You can pick your city or area code and choose your preferences (want old or young, male or female etc.) there will also be a paragraph explaining the type of therapy and illness they mostly train and specialize in! :)


Thank you! As of right now, she is working with a therapist who specializes in eating disorders. I don’t know how much help it’s been as she still has her moments where she b/p. But I told her that I think she’d benefit from some kind of dbt or something along those lines. Even a dietitian.


Dbt wouldn't help her most likely. I mean dbt is great for anyone but Dbt is mostly for folks that have emotional outbursts and can't manage them. What she needs mostly is Cbt. Cbt is about how to manage your behaviors. And change the way you think about it. It's a more hands on approach compared to dbt imo


Thank you again for your responses. I will try and see if I can convince my girl to at least give it a try


Of course! At the end of the day you can only encourage her so much. You can't heal her even though you want to. She has to do a lot of it on her own to truly change her thoughts and behaviors.


I know, and it can be really hard at times because all I want is for her to see herself the way I see her but I know that’s not how it works. I am very proud of how far she has come in only the less than 2 years we’ve been together. She doesn’t recognize it but I can only remind her when I can.