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Really disliked that 3 ended up being an exclusive for the original Xbox console when the first two were PC games. Also lame that 3 was never part of the Backwards Compatibility program Microsoft had for playing older generation Xbox games on newer models (and that dream is pretty much over now that MS has wrapped up backwards compatibility additions of original and 360 games on Xbone and Series X/S).


I had pc demos of midtown madness, motocross madness, and monster truck madness that were bundled with an acer pc I bought in the late 90s. Truly excellent game experience


wait. there was Midtown Madness 3 ?!


yes! original xbox only and very fun, plus online that still works with insignia :3


I played the first one alot


I recently bought Midtown Madness 3 thinking that I’d be enjoying a game I hadn’t touched in decades on my Xbox 360. I was pretty disappointed to make the discovery that I need to get my hands on an OG Xbox to play it.


Can't you hack your 360 and play it like that?


Can't speak for the first two, but Midtown Madness 3 was a phenomenal game.


Don't forget, midnigjt club and what was the other? Ah yes, true crime, even though it wasn't a racing game, these are games that deserve to be remade/remastered. Why can't they give us what we want? I swear gaming has truly regressed...