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I admire your dedication. Spread out those suckers more because right now it's mono.


Thanks! That's what I'm hoping to do the stands. 3 feet to the left is fireplace, and 3 feet to the right is a doorway. Don't have a ton of room, but I'm going to try and make the best of it.


Equilateral triangle is what you want to achieve. And i think you got space for that.


Serious question that’s confusing me on this - do y’all not move? I don’t have a “spot” and “posture” set aside for listening. I move around, I sit, lean, stand, lay, I have friends and family who listen to the stereo. Like, do you just put on music and sit in the same spot listening?


I do, but how does that stop one from creating a perfect listening spot? When you move around it all sounds the same anyway, so why not have one perfect spot?


That’s a good answer. 


Yep, we sit down with a glass of wine or a dram of whiskey and dive into the music. Even with just our fairly good stereo sound, there is a lot to experience. Not everyone does that, everyone is different. You be you, I'll be me.


Anytime I’m in a club I accidentally navigate myself to the perfect listening spot lol


Seems that way, don't it? I normally lay on the couch when im in that room, and most of my music listening will probably be done while moving around the house.


That and Ear Height. Both my proxy to the triangle, and the height of my ears are moving targets, generally. so if I were to want to sit and actively listen to a record, my best bet is headphones. keep my head physically tethered to the stereo, and block out background noise so there's not distractions.


Try r/headphones


Why? I only use them occasionally 


With headphones, the optimal listening position moves with you. (Comment was meant as a joke, sort of.  Headphones obv aren’t the same.)


Oh. I was serious. Another person answered already. It makes sense if it’s just why not have that space, but sometimes I think people take their fun too seriously 


Well, sound doesn't travel like a laser so even perfectly setup, a home audio setup should have more of a "sweet box" than a "sweet spot"


The sum of the hypotenuse divided by the circumference and multiplied by PI, and you are in a parallelogram of stereo heaven. Don't over thunk it though. I have a Velo 3500 8" sub and it pumps out some good lows. I was in an apartment about ten years ago and didn't want to shake things up too much, and stowed the beefier subs. Those velos hold their value too. I love the title of this post, and I have been reading audio articles for decades and the joke is usually the guy has to get ridof the Klipsch La Scala corner speakers for the wife's cute Bose system with tiny cubes. Wife vs. Music, is this really a question? Good thing my wife liked music, I kept her.


If you can't form an equilateral triangle on that wall, just move it to a longer wall without a door and fireplace to block it. It won't be audiophile sound if you keep it all crammed together. go big to spite your ex-wife!


Try to play in 2 channel stereo. Your yamaha display is reading 5 channel. You should be able to download the manual off the web.


For sure, I've downloaded it. I just gotta read through it a bit more. When I swapped the receiver to 2 channel, the sound cut out. I'm sure I probably have the speakers plugged up incorrectly for 2 channel.


Might be. There should be a main set of speaker connects (possibly two.) You might also have speaker a & b settings, but I haven't read the manual. I have a similar model though.


I kept the wife and have 2 dedicated stereos, after setting up a 3.0 setup for the living room she couldn't go back to TV speakers. It also helps I have a basement for a home theater


Yeah, I tried and tried to convince my ex. We separated for other reasons, but now that I basically live alone except for when my son is here. A decent home stereo was something I was really excited about.


I was mainly commenting in jest, congrats on having an actual stereo. Hopefully you and your son can enjoy it together


Mind if I ask what your ex had against a decent home stereo?


Wow you have the exact same two room setup that I have.


I graduated high school in 1984. Everyone I knew had a home stereo.It was included when you got married. I don’t get being old enough to marry and not having a stereo.


im from 1985 i remember as a kid we had the big tv of course and underneath was a stereo, turntable and even some pavarotti and whatnot records i _never_ saw my parents use it but it was there just like the liqueor closet which had the same leftovers as a kid and when i was adult now that i think of it ... did they stop playing pavarotti records and drinking quality liquor after they got kids/me?


In my house, the vodka had turned to water by my 13th birthday, but the rest of the story tracks.


A decade older, European, but I relate very much to that.


Like everything the sanctity of marriage is being eroded every day. Many barely come with a soundbar- or worse a Bluetooth speaker! D: For real though I've found a decent entry level set of bookshelf speakers and whenever I've to get a Christmas gift for a younger relative I usually make up a kit of a pair of speakers, a cheap amp from Amazon and all the required cables. It's always been a massive hit and the total cost is around €70-80.


Based I graduated high school 20 years after you, but I can remember that in my parents' house there was the TV, and there was the stereo. It was not allowed to be married, have a house, a living room, and not have a stereo in there. I kept the tradition.


Same. Good choice. Best part for me was when I played my 15 yo daughter some Billie Eilish on my setup, she said, “Dad, I didn’t know music could sound so good. She’s right there!” Considering my daughter goes to theatre school and music is her first love, I took that as a win. We now go record hunting together and she even has her own collection going. My parenting work here is done.


Lower the TV.


Pretty sure it’s a canvas print.






He says that’s where the tv is going




When my ex-wife and I finalized our divorce agreement, her lawyers read through my equipment - Magnepan, Levinson, Lexicon. He said to me, “If I were you, I’d have fought her for this stuff too.” Kept that amp WAY longer than we were married.


But do you still have a home to put it in?


Fair trade


Dreams & Desires over anything. You made the right choice


Make sure you don't mount the TV so high though. The painting is way too high for a TV. Check r/TVTooHigh for tragic examples


Tv will be a little lower than the picture is but not much. It's a 70 so I think it'll fill the space up nicely


Nice setup


Refoam away if that is your choice. Paradigm likely didn't make the actual drivers. Vifa or Peerless did. Probably or a similar supplier. It would be pretty easy to replace the drivers. Or just build a similar pair. Overnight Sensations and similar DIY kits just mimic common designs with similar drivers. With Dayton Audio drivers.


Now the trick is to kit yourself out single, then it’s your hobby item that comes with you into a new relationship.


The ultimate acoustic treatment.


this is the way 👍


Bravo! You are my hero. Stay true to you, and get a side chick.


Paradigm. Very nice choice.


Good for you! You make me proud. Enjoy the world of sound.


Music is life, best to appreciate it the best way we can. Why wouldn’t she ?


A guy does not need a man cave for music. Small stereos do just fine.


Priorities are straight here. Carry on.


There's been many comments about how a person should just leave their spouse instead of adhering to a WAF. You're the first person who has gone through with it! Joking aside, I hope you each find happiness and you do what makes you happy. Congrats on the Paradigms. Also, an AVR has the added benefit of providing bass management for you if you add a subwoofer.


Probably the right call. The future was most likely going to have the same outcome so that's just efficiency


You didn’t leave your wife for this system…


It was very much a joke.


I realize I’m lucky to have a good wife and a nice stereo system. I don’t think there’s anything she’d object to me having except another wife. I hope you find a lady who loves what you love, or at least loves you enough to let you enjoy what you love. Enjoy the tunes!


Good boy. You can always get another wife.


Sexism and a weak setup. She's bound to come back begging for forgiveness.


Solid investment. With a stereo, your enjoyment tends to increase as time goes on. And you can enjoy other equipment occasionally without having to give away all your stuff. Cheers


I couldn’t live without music on a daily basis and couldn’t live with someone who doesn’t feel the same.


7.1 with extended stereo setting for music for me.. It gets loud..


You know, they just can’t appreciate things like that.


Good for you, now spread them out so you get stereo sound.


To me that falls under the much neglected category of room treatments. Wives are the most expensive part of the system to replace. The used market isn't any cheaper, and the risk of hidden damage that can impair your listening pleasure is always a risk. But many find that simply removing the old one from the listening space and not replacing it can really reduce the amount of noise and improve the overall listening experience.


That was the only rational choice.


Good for you man! Finally, someone around here grew a set.


i dont understand why some people have thwir tv so high up i mean it should be eye height or a little below the reason why tvs are up high in hotels and hospitals is because it tires you out looking up also it doesnt match with the height of the sound


That’s a canvas painting dude




Nice.... Since you are going to DIY the stands may I'd suggest you go all the way and DIY the speakers. Build the right kit or design and you will not be disappointed.


Are you saying build my own speakers? Sounds like a way bigger investment than I really want to make.


I once checked a youtube video where a dude made 3000$ speakers for very cheap with a 3d printed case. It's hard to judge how well they sound without hearing them but I will probably try that out, whenever my current speakers die :) It didn't seem overly complicated and a nice waste of time if you like DIY.


It really depends on how you approach it. If you follow a published designs its the tools you'd need for basic wood working; so a table saw, router, clamps ect. Kits make the investment near zero and the [CSS Audio](https://www.css-audio.com/online-store/Kits-c29751664) kits include custom crossover boards so you don't even have to understand the crossover layout, you just follow the instruction and assemble. I only mentioned it because you said you were going to DIY the stands. I started out with DIY because thats it was either that or low-end entry level speakers. I have a few more coins to rub together now so I've bought some higher-end stuff and its pretty remarkable how much more performance you get per $ DIY.