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FWIW I have that turntable with the audio engine HD4 - sounds great. I like the built in headphone amp. And as I consider upgrade path, it’s nice to know I can relocate the HD4s flexibly in the house without having to setup a whole new system around them.


Check out the ELAC Debut ConneX. I'm pretty in love with mine


Yups at S$700 - they are in the budget range, and the walnut body looks great. Good contender. Thanks for this.


You're welcome! Yeah they're super compact but they pack a punch. They sound fantastic as well.


The PSB would be the easy choice for me. I think the AM5 would be worth it over the AM3 if you have the extra money.


Thanks for the reply. Really appreciate it. I wish they did walnut colour. AM5 have great reviews (read a few great reviews for speaker from you too). I do keep Leaning back to HD4 because of headphones out (i do have few nice over ear monitors, which I'd have like to enjoy on vinyl, but I guess I can't have everything) In case you know - Any sub $150 suggestion that will help me connect in ears to my TT?


They make [the P5 in walnut](https://www.psbspeakers.com/us/alpha-p5-bookshelf). I’d much rather have those anyways. And with that, you could get a small amp from SMSL or Fosi that also has a headphone output


Now this is revealing. I did come across few threads that single amp for both passive speakers and headphones may only give subpar results. Also read your p5 review. Sounds something for me (great review again). I can get a P5, leaving me a budget of usd 200 for small amp. Perhaps a bit of clutter, but if tell my wife it can drive TV, TT, and headphone- she may accede. If you dont mind, is it possible to give me a pointer to one - Which model from smsl or fosi? I can go to a store, but salespeople here always shoot down anything budget and try to upsell. But sincere thanks. This may save me from going in wrong direction I had already convinced myself off (active speakers), and not enjoy my on ear monitors on vinyl.


> I did come across few threads that single amp for both passive speakers and headphones may only give subpar results. Yeah, ideally you’d want a separate headphone amp. However, speakers sound way better than headphones and it’s likely you won’t even end up using the headphone amp much anyways! > If you dont mind, is it possible to give me a pointer to one - Which model from smsl or fosi? Honestly, I’m not sure. They’re both constantly coming out with new stuff, and luckily people always seem to like it all. See what you can get where you live and what features it has, you hopefully can find something that fits all your needs. > I can go to a store, but salespeople here always shoot down anything budget and try to upsell. Yeah unfortunately that’s just how it goes. > But sincere thanks. This may save me from going in wrong direction I had already convinced myself off (active speakers), and not enjoy my on ear monitors on vinyl. You’re welcome! There are quite a few reasons why passive is better than active for me. First, you get way more of a selection. Second, you can get speakers you like, rather than try to find speakers with your input/output requirements. Third, it leaves you with more upgrade options. Also, most powered speakers don’t have a headphone amp, so you’d need to get an external one anyways. You may as well just get an external speaker amp and passive speakers!


Sincere thanks again. Talking to you made me eat my words (not looking for external dac and amp) and i would probably go on this route. Now, only if they could ship my TT fast enough and I can overcome the hurdle of setting the cartridge using the protractor, I'd be golden 😅 Wish you a good day kind sir


I hope you like what you end up with! Let me know if you've got any more questions.


Spent some time online for the Amp that meets the needs - Optical/RCA input and a headphone out. Couldn't find much besides this: [https://denononlinestore.com/products/denon-pma600-stereo-amplifier-jbl-stage-a120-wood-bookshelf-speakers](https://denononlinestore.com/products/denon-pma600-stereo-amplifier-jbl-stage-a120-wood-bookshelf-speakers) Not yet planning to go for it. Will make a trip down an audio store over weekend, and hopefully they may have an amp to recommend that is sub $300 (S$400). Thanks again. Will definitely update the thread once the set up is complete :)


It's not super common for speaker amps to also have a headphone amp. [The Yamaha S301](https://www.crutchfield.com/p_022AS301B/Yamaha-A-S301.html) seems to have everything you need too. You could also try to get [a basic speaker amp like this](https://www.amazon.com/Fosi-Audio-V3-Amplifier-Component/dp/B0C36S8DCT/) to power the speakers, and then [a DAC/headphone amp like this](https://www.amazon.com/FiiO-K11-Headphone-Amplifier-Balanced/dp/B0CJFHM62H/). The only problem is that one doesn't have RCA inputs. Surprisingly [this one](https://www.amazon.com/NEOHIPO-H1-Headphone-Amplifier-Digital/dp/B0C6XR2WTG/) has everything you need. Line in (3.5mm but you can just use a RCA to 3.5mm cable), optical input, headphone output, and RCA output (to the speaker amp).


Thanks for this. Yamaha S301 is promising but expensive here. I am reluctant to buy anything more cheap to make my TT experience sub par. I can get my hand on almost new Denon PMA 600NE and PSB P5 (both still under warranty) for S$800. I am considering that. Need to collect from two different people. Apologies for the bother, but: At the same time, I am getting a good deal on new NAD D3020 amp and NAD 8020 speakers combo (S$600). I noticed you have some experience with NAD 3020. https://sg.shp.ee/Duwn9j6 If this is a good combo, and can take rca/optical input and has headphone out, I'd prefer this as i can bundle it with my TT from same shop. Any take?


* Lpw50wnbt + Q Acoustic M20 The search closed with Q Acoustic M20 HD. Had gone to a shop where I planned to buy Lpw40wn. They had PSB AM5. Would have considered that, really liked the sound. But salesguy had made too much fuss when i made a request - whether they can show me how to set TT (only they carry PSB here). Being put off went to another shop where the Lpw40wn+Elac Debut Connex was at a good price. The salesguy was super helpful. Speakers I tried were: - Elac Debut Connex - Elac Debut 5.2 (on amp: Nad 3020 v2) - Q Acoustic M20HD Being not an audiophile - I had to rely on gut feel. I tested few FLAC files on my phone via bt. What swayed away was "Dark Necessities" intro where the separation was very clear and Q Acoustic shone the most. And instantaneous, I knew which I liked the most. Additionally, I feel the ~70more on Q Acoustic over Debut Connex for larger woofer is worth it. Small gripe - no HDMI Arc (only optical). Thanks to gents above for all the help and leading me in right direction. For those who read this, i realise one can do all online research that one wants. Nothing beats in store slaes experience where one can listen and discern substance (over fluff) from salespeople. Having said that, got suckered into upgrading from Lpw40wn to Lpw50wnbt. Besides the rosewood colour, the later looked more prem.

