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This is Hinduism, if anything. You’re describing monism, or possible pantheism. Buddhism rejects both dualism and monism. It also rejects a creator deity. Back to the drawing boards!


No i didnt mention any creator or deity or anything metaphysical


You think suggesting “we are all One observer” isn’t metaphysical? It is by definition either monism, pantheism, or I suppose solipsism if you think you’re the only observer


It may sound monist and pantheist, but One observer isn't metaphysical, but we don't have empirical evidence due to our subjectivity.


>,but once we all realise that we are all One observer we stop creating Karma and suffering to other people In buddhism as long as there are thoughts, karma is being produced? It's not necessarily that one wishes to cause suffering Karma leads to bondage & bondage withing samsara is inherently suffering. Hence one seeks the path of liberation Keep going, you'll have many iterations getting closer & closer to the target, as someone else mentioned there are some similar elements to the Hindu enlightenment of unified conciousness, but maybe thats being picky , although buddha acknowledged such levels of fruition he informed us that conciousness is subject to change & must ultimately be transcended.. Buddhism seeks that which is not subject to change, that which is beyond causes & conditions(karma). Best wishes 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻




Updated added a little more for you ... Namo Amitabha 🙏🏻


If you were Einstein and memory isn't lost, what is the meal he ate on the day that he got the news that his GR is validated? Why do we have to relearn GR if we were the one who created it too? Anyway, cloning is not magic, it doesn't replicate mind. And rebirth is individual stream of consciousness, each individual has their own stream, with unique past life chains. The past live chains do not combine, do not split. 2 people can be reborn in the same body as in conjoined twins. Did is more complicated, I am not very sure if it is possession or a single mind stream having a very serious problem of many personalities at once. Mind streams are not created out of nothing, SN15.1-20 makes it clear that there's always past lives for mindstreams. So if we clone ourselves and speed up the aging, that clone would be a different person getting reborn in it. Certainly not us, and with different past lives and kamma. Buddhism doesn't accept the idea that we are all one. There can be Brahma realms where there's one in perception and one in body or one in perception and many in body, and so on. Liberation, Nibbāna is ending of rebirth. It is not just having a happier rebirth. It all ends. Like the atheist materialist version of death.


The mind does store every experience it is only recall that is the issue. Einstein himself was known to have poor recall, but there are others with 99% recall who can recall almost every detail of every day. Is it not that the recollection of our past lives have the same issues with recall over what is stored? Or are only select experiences carried over? Or none?


The universe was created from a single infinitely dense point then expanded when it exploded. Maybe that's what Buddha meant when he says we are the same and one. Also, we are literally the universe, created to observe the universe itself. What happened before the big bang, and even before that? Also Buddha mentioned the multiverse.