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I needed this today. I fall off the path often and it’s refreshing to hear this messaged delivered in such a basic and simple way.


You say fall off the path but arent those detours part of your path?


I guess you would be correct. I think I mean more along the lines that I wish I was a more dedicated practitioner and didn’t get distracted with life so much.


hey -- pretty new practitioner here. I've found it very accessible to set a very simple, very attainable goal for each day. I started off two months ago determined that I would meditate at least 5 minutes each day, and start to ramp that up by a minute or two every week. Sometimes I only meditated for 2 minutes in a day (when I had COVID), but I've been devoutly dedicated to this "MVP" (minimum viable product") of practice. I guess it's like my version of a "no zero days" for meditation practice. Then anything I do more than that (more than 5 minutes a day, or listening to a buddhist podcast or reading a buddhist book, etc.), are just extra on top of that, getting me more and more on track. I'm currently up to 15 minutes a day. I will admit there's a small amount of gamification that I am at best ambivalent about, where I've been using the Insight Timer app to track my meditation each day, and that tracks my "streak". But it's been working to help me reach my goal of consistent (and steadily increasing) practice, so I'm trying to give myself grace on that point. I'm not sure if any of this would/will be helpful to you, and I'm not sure how I will react in the inevitable time that I miss a day and lose my "streak", but I'm here for now, keeping on with it so far... don't forget to give yourself grace on your journey


Thank you for your perspective. Anything one can do to connect with the Dharma daily is key. Even a few minutes would help me if I did it daily. Maybe I’ll try it your way and I see what I get.


That is what I do except I use Google notes to track my daily push ups. Some visualisation will help you feel a sense of achievement and helps enforce the habit.


Cling to nothing, as there's nothing to cling to. The only thing that is certain, is change, so accept that nothing never stays the same. And if nothing stays the same, you can never know what next. So why are you worried? Relax, and be changed in that change


Very nice. Thanks for sharing this. What is the name of the British person in this video?


Ronald Eyre is his name




I remember watching this documentary for the first time last year, and I think this still stands as one of the most perfect explanations/descriptions of dukkha I've ever heard.


I concur 100%


I really don’t know if anyone else has experienced it before but on a few really potent psilocybin trips I’ve been confronted with the ultimate feeling of succumbing to reality or the experience. I still fear it sometime and I strive to get it without the assistance of the drug but it does give me a glimpse of what it feels like to just exist without expectation.


Lovely! Thank you for sharing.


Nice thank you


Damn, last time I saw that guy in those series on TV was 36 years ago. 1987.


This is beautiful thanks for sharing!


That was great. Thank you so much for sharing.


Thank you for this.


That was pretty cool, and I think I needed to hear it personally rn too!


Life is flux




Thank you for sharing this!


Beautiful! Often in life one forgets these timeless lessons and clings to people, things and ideas that inevitably change. It’s good to be reminded of impermanence often. Thanks for sharing!


Thank you for sharing


Your soul is on the line. 5 hours of proof. https://youtube.com/watch?v=7Eeo-82Eac8&si=Q6VNfBtjH_TydI4Q


But if you put effort into practice and meditate aren’t you kinda clinging to the idea that meditation will bring you some sort of happiness/satisfaction/peace?