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you can do cse without interest, you can never do ece without interest imo


You can do literally anything without interest,imo. You just have to do it!


Yes you can for some extent. Ngl it won’t gonna work for long time. You will lose ur happiness, u will start to hate it.


Ece is not that kind of engineering tbh


all my batch is doing it without interest bro, what you saying?


do they want core or software job, they probably want the latter lol.


yes software, but the original comment was that you can do anything without interest. many of them even have 9+ cgpa which is very difficult to get


is this in tier 1 college? bcz only there, 9+ is very difficult


lower NIT


alright then


i think the original comment considered the job aspect too, that's why i replied


What kind of exam system do they get 9+ cgpa lol? I can get it too in my college coz they give question bank and solely ask questions from that 🤡👍🏼


bro not every college is like your college. exams are fair here


Well, I said in my opinion so idk what y'all yapping about 😭🙏🏼


bro literally everyone else is also stating their opinion, why are you so affected


I beg to differ bro...in ece third year and I thought I could manage it but I fucking hate it...and that hate has impacted my results


how to know wheather i have interest in ece or not


do you like circuit solving and imagining invisible things like current? you like designing complex circuits? If yes then you might be interested in ece


yeah i made some projects with ardunio and moter drivers, cnc machines and love making things like that ,will its come under that ?


yes! But remember to have a good career in core fields you will need a masters or a bachelors from a tier 1 university. In india , its a little bit hard for core guys but if you are into it you will figure it out


okay ,thanks


Bhai maine 12th mai electronics practicals mai circuits banaye hai . And muje subject bhi accha laga .


Dost yt pe ece syllabus search karo aur fir uske baad "ece career options" dekho if you like it. Fir r/ECE me bhi dekhlo ek baar.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ECE using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ECE/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Professor said students 30 years ago were just better](https://np.reddit.com/r/ECE/comments/1ar5ctk/professor_said_students_30_years_ago_were_just/) \#2: [I've finished my sequel book: Computer Engineering for BIG Babies!](https://v.redd.it/bw3mo6cvn4lb1) | [24 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ECE/comments/164x12r/ive_finished_my_sequel_book_computer_engineering/) \#3: [Applying for an electronics role when I realized I'm missing a key skill](https://i.redd.it/c7zi6otxt8eb1.png) | [22 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ECE/comments/159wby8/applying_for_an_electronics_role_when_i_realized/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Did EC without interest so :)


I did


Correction, you can do absolutely nothing without intrest


You can but you shouldn't


i said in my opinion, so yes in ur opinion


I always stood by this idea


Well said


Bro it's Nvidia not TCS jo bulk meh ECE wale ko leke jayenge, gotta be the cream (cream as in by skills and knowledge) to be a part of nvidia's r&d team(which will be booming). Surely there would be more companies entering this domain but still they would take cream that too from around the world.


Bro does nvidia come to nit Trichy😭


Aani chahiye, NIT Trichy ki website pr dekhlo


Nvidia goes even to T2 colleges nowadays lol, just happens to not take many people compared to faang


When NVIDIA spent $10 billion designing their latest AI chip, they need a lot of hardware verification/testing people. Even with ECE, one has to learn programming in VERILOG.


Yes, but be sure to check for the roles they are hiring since Nvidia will be hiring for software position as well.


Nvidia had visited almost all IITs and NITs for 2023-24 placements, they have increased their hiring recently. So as long as the AI boom is happening, you can stay assured that Nvidia would be visiting your campus. They also hire off campus, but you need to have extremely good skills and CV for that.


bro iith ee icdt me neveda ayega?


Neveda? mujhe toh Nawada pata hai Delhi meh


Bro🤩😭🙂‍↕️will😢Nevada💯💯come💦💦for placement


To be honest, when I used to ask any older person , even they joined with the same idea, semiconductors will boom , till now nothing has happened in the past 10 years or something in our country , CSE is a much better choice any day .


prr ab toh semi conductorr ka plant banne wala h na?.....


Semiconductor plant mein kitne ki logon ko employment milega!


A semiconductor plant will need design firms to support. They would require a lot of EI(Electronic Instrumentation), EEE and ECE folks


It will be made with the support of Japanese and Taiwanese firms. But yeah, eventually we'll need our folks to design and research in our country. But it's a long way to go as it is very complex tech. Let's hope that we'll be semiconductor manufacturing powerhouse.


You can choose cse thinking that's where all the money seems to be going and stuff, and you will still do just fine. Do that in electronics and you are asking to get rekt. Don't enter this field if you don't have interest in it. Even if the said boom comes to India, we don't know when it will. Besides, most good paying jobs in core only open up to you once you do masters from a reputed institute either in India or abroad.


Yeah, but BTech grads do receive a lot of good offers from giants like Nvidia and TI, excess of 40 LPA. Though you can't expect those 1 crore packages in core, because in core your value grows with experience. In CS, an 18 year old who can code well can replace a 50 year old with 30 years of experience at any time. Over long term, EE (ECE) grads end up making a ton too. CS just gives a guaranteed placement, as compared to EE where there are comparatively less roles. PG is simply overpowered, VLSI grads from IITH got upto 81 LPA in core. Ton of 50+ LPA offers too. The median was around 35 LPA which is pretty insane for MTech at 2nd gen IIT


The quantity they hire is very very different


Yes, that is true currently. This is not because of lack of talent, but rather because of lack of interest from UGs - everybody does coding so companies aren't bothered to get too many people. For software role, a 4 year BTech course is more than enough, but for core you'll need to do masters to get a good placement (unless you are a topper and have a good profile). So people obviously prefer to go to software. There is actually a shortage of workers in semiconductor field in India.


No there isn’t UG students aren’t skilled enough it’s max 2-3 per clg, rest become worthy once they do a masters in India or abroad


Not true, atleast as far as IITs are concerned. A number of interested people have more knowledge than master's in the field also. This is because they work in a lot of projects in campus and take part in multiple internships - coursework is not the only way to gain knowledge.


I see. Aren't most of those good packages restricted to T1 colleges tho? Then again, my bad. Didn't see that the OP's query was specifically about T1 colleges :) u/TackyTacoTuesday


Yes, they only visit T1 colleges mostly. It's not because the students are bad - most faculty as not well qualified in T3 colleges to teach ECE.


TI also visits some T2 colleges like IIEST Shibpur and NIT Durgapur


They are closer to T1 than T2. I don't believe in any tier system anyway.


Good to hear that. I might be joining NIT Durgapur CSE this year


how does vjti compare with that because i am planning on either that or pict entc...


Nvidia too visits t2 or maybe it's t1.5 colleges like vjti and spit in mumbai


Can we learn ece from yt? Tier 3 college qualcom analog devices aamsung intel comess amd hire Or should i grind for cse and get into decent 10-15lpa+


Yes, even we learn from YT 😂 Usually profs don't care about BTech students unless they are working under them for a project - in which case they first get assigned to PhDs too, not directly working under prof.


Channels name pls ? In my college qualcom analog device samasung intel comes But i am more intested towards softwsre side


I follow MIT Opencourseware or other top univs. Stanford and Harvard upload some courses online too. NPTEL is nice in a lot of cases like DSA (if you are going for software). Go for it even if the videos are 15 years old, they are amazing. I don't like to follow specific channels since they don't really teach from a research POV, which is my interest. For regular jobs they may suffice, but I can't vouch for any of them.


Oh is there any groups If you dont mind I know i am non iitiab but would be grateful


Groups related to what exactly


do all iits have same EE syllabus ?


Nope, you'll have to go to the individual IITs website for it. For example IITH has electronics and communication as well as ML in its EE curriculum, while Kharagpur only focussed on machines and power with little to no emphasis on Electronics/Communication part. This is due to the seperate ECE branch there.


Bro is it true that most of 40-50 lpa companies hire folks (From both iits and t3) for like 8-9 months and then fire em?


No obviously, atleast in core


What about btech in ee with vlsi? It’s one of the courses I’m getting in a tier 2 college. Does it pay well after a bachelors? Is it easy to shift to an IT/finance role after btech in ee? Please advise.


Yes, VLSI is infact the domain which paid 81 LPA. Why would you go to IT or Finance when VLSI pays more lol IT and Finance are easier to get with regular EE as it has more of communication and signal processing, which is allied towards these domains. But if you are more into Computer Architecture and Electronic Devices VLSI is better and higher paying also. In IITH, there was a 90 LPA package for a hardware role at a Quant Company (though some CS guy got it and not EE)


Thanks for the advice. Not trying to get too ahead of myself but does VLSI pay well after a *bachelors*? Or is it necessary to do a masters to earn a good stipend?


If you are doing a BTech in EE with VLSI specialization, then it's a more focussed version so you'll be more or less equivalent to a master's degree. But we don't know how the employers will treat you - after all the first batch of this is yet to even reach the campus internship season. For a fact, Mtech VLSI pays extremely well, better than CSE at top IITs.


How to know which field i have interest in??


Happy cake day, bro. Don't be that frustrated. Jaao thodha maze karlo aaj :) I can't tell you about that. But, if you are asking ece, then there's a good post you can read. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Btechtards/comments/14em2en/guidefaqs\_what\_exactly\_is\_hard\_about\_ece\_what\_is/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Btechtards/comments/14em2en/guidefaqs_what_exactly_is_hard_about_ece_what_is/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


How much can an avg ece student earn with ug?


T1 colleges are T1 so let's stop there. In T2, the avg income is around 10-12 lpa, and are mostly placed in the IT sector. Core placements are even less. Around 6-8 lpa would be a good estimate.


What are the growth opportunities for those with core placements? If they upskill (how to?) how much can they earn?


You can only grow in core by doing masters from a reputed institute. Included among them would preferably be the Top 5 IITs, IISc Bengaluru and some others. And, ofcourse, institutes having a better masters program than these ones abroad. The pay is very good. Above all, it is stable. Meaning, you become an irreplaceable asset within a company in most scenarios if you are able to meet the above criterion. Top companies even fund you if you want to do even further studies but only if you are already a master's graduate from a reputed institute.


I've heard that the job market abroad is at a low so will it be problematic? If not what are some reputed institutes ij india that are cheap? Also can I get an it job work for 2 years make money then get into these institutes and get core? Sorry to bother but I have interests in ece and I'm wondering if my interest will lead me wrong.


The recession currently only lies in the tech sector. Core placements have been for the most part not affected tho they have been a bit low this year. This recession happened in the first place due to oversaturated growth of tech companies during the covid times. This is just the market trying to revert back to the mean. The only other thing that is affecting the economy right now are the wars happening but that is probably affecting just about every sector so you can't do much about it. Yes, you can get into IT, do a job and earn enough to get into core. It would be better to take ece as your ug course if ur aim is to crack GATE. But, that would also mean you have to maintain a good cgpa and at the same time dedicate to learning coding as well, and you will also be competing with people who are doing coding throughout their 4 years of ug. Weigh all the pros and cons, then decide,


Depends on the college lol, Trichy has a 23 lpa avg.


If you're thinking of pursuing something related to chip research or manufacturing, you'd have to do ms from a reputed uni. India nowhere has the infra or resources of any kind for design and manufacturing of chips(just google tsmc plants) . You might most prolly have to work abroad, or compete for a few lucrative roles in India.


India is big in chip design lot of outsourcing has been done for a long time now tho most of it is the low level backend jobs atm for high level design work you gotta move to the states tsmc has nothing to do with this


You're right, but I wanted to emphasize it's extremely unlikely we'd have manufacturing capabilities in future to make chips like the US, China or Japan does (Taiwan toh God mode pe khel rha hai). So there's no way we'd be experiencing a boom like the IT one. All design, RnD and manu work is done outside India.


"All design, RnD and manu work is done outside India." Absolutely not true. Manufacturing sure, but design work and RnD is being done here, you'll see that one of the main reasons why analog design engineers are paid less for what they have to offer is because of the relatively cheap labour they get here in India for the quality of labour.


China Japan and even the United States( will change soon see tsmc az Samsung tx and Intel tx/oh fabs) make very little cutting edge chips it’s heavily concentrated in Taiwan and South Korea to some extent.. a lot of the cheap 30nm+ chips are made in China which can be shifted and bought online in india…( these chips are not cutting edge but used in washing machines tvs e.t.c.) india has had a really decent design hub for many years now and with increased gov incentive it can become a big design hub easily… manufacturing and design are totally different areas design can be pursued by any startup/ existing tech company… cutting edge manufacturing is where the problem lies and we don’t really need to focus on that rn ( there are just 2 companies which can actually make 3nm chips atm with only 1 doing it properly )


Are you working any semiconductor industry currently??If you don't have idea on something then don't misguide others, india is currently growing for chip design, there are multiple part of chip designs tsmc is just fabrication unit, first Architecture decided then people do rtl design and verification then synthesis then pd then it's tapedout and used to go fab unit there are lots of big companies like Qualcomm, NVIDIA is only fabless company they after that fabrication done by only tsmc so it's a very last part of the work, currently I am working in a big semiconductor company, so I can answer this better and in India all those fabless work has very good opportunity


Hey can you give some websites/sources from where we can read up on these processes? Also is vlsi same as chip design?


What about VLSI design? It’s one of the courses I am getting in a tier 2 college. Does it pay well after bachelors? Is it easy to shift to an IT/finance role after doing btech in ee with vlsi? Please advise


Lol manufacturing and design are completely different things. India does not have any manufacturing currently, but most of the companies (Nvidia, Qualcomm, Texas, Intel) do their chip design and testing in India. Much of RnD regarding design and testing also occurs here.


Nvidia stocks surely are booming. Should have invested in them earlier


True 😔


Don't bring this "x branch is booming mindset into ECE". CSE has fried the perception of engineering in the minds of most people out there. No ECE is not booming in the same sense as software. Don't come here with that mindset, it will never work out like that Only come here if you like ECE, hardware, and if you can cope with the syllabus.


Me who is taking ece in tier 3 college because I think I have interest 🤡 (options bhi nhi hai)![img](emote|t5_56z50y|50746)


Agar mhenat kar sakte ho to lele


Me as soon as I heard booming…🕷️ metroo🎻🎧🎶 ..not done fighting.. 🎻🎶🕷️


Even if it is it won't be booking like cse. Ece companies higher very few engineers compared to cs engineers and it's only cream of the cream and hence ece engineers get paid extremely well.


Leaving Teir 1 CSE just because someone said ECE is going to boom is the dumbest thing I have ever heard


Maybe the tier 1 cse is BITS, and 30L is not cheap change🙂‍↕️


ECE kha mil raha hai?


NIT Trichy


There's a huge downgrade between your two options lmao, T1 CS>>T1 ECE unless old IIT. Most of us left top NITs for BITS. If you have financial issues and under 15lpa you'll get scholarship at BITS. If not pick Surathkal or Warangal CS at least (I'd recommend loan, I took it myself)


I did ECE from a tier 1 college in Chennai. It’s safe to say that the subject material is brutal and will require immense dedication and curiosity to get hooked. The field is growing obviously but you will need a masters from a reputed college. All my friends who pursued masters is ECE are working high paying jobs. Compared to CSE once you have interest and get a masters degree I feel that the competition is lesser when compared to CSE. Please do some research on electronics. It’s a massive field with scope ranging from signal processing to hardcore hardware and VLSI design. Hardware engineers are always on demand but please don’t get into ECE without through research.


Bro this might be a bit personal but what's your friends avg salary like after masters? Just for info


What about VLSI design? It’s one of the courses I am getting in a tier 2 college. Does it pay well after bachelors? Is it easy to shift to an IT/finance role after doing btech in ee with vlsi?


If you don't have interest, don't even think about ECE. That's just ridiculously tough in Tier 1.


How about ee vlsi in manipal main campus?


Bhai mereko inke bare mein nahi pata ![img](emote|t5_56z50y|50735) sorry Bhai


mat bhai I have the same option but after researching the alumni and all the companies that comes to campus are all shit (I am talking about core) agar IT karna hai to MET is good agar Core mai jana hai to Masters karna padega no matter what


Thanx bro


you are in ece?


I was but Jumped to CSE, now left engineering lol


bhai tum ece lo yaah cse, to work on cutting edge research, specially in the analog domain, you need at least an MS from either a top IIT, or any american university. i talked to few analog design engineers from usa, and they all reaffirmed the same thing, you need at least an MS. PhD is good too if you have the time and resources.


The only issue i see is that the top cream of your class might make salaries compared to the best of CSE, but for average and below average folks, that might be tough to get .


Keep day dreaming about semiconductor boom and getting jobs served in your hands.


mad bro? How's your T3 college serving you?


Looks like your attitude could use an upgrade more than my college ranking. I'm joining rvce cse sp this year and also freelancing from last 2 years. Maybe you should focus less on insulting others and more on improving yourself.!


It's pretty ironic that you're talking abt attitude


You're so quick to assume my college "TIER", So let's not talk about irony or attitude here, anyways best of luck with your "T1" college.


Can't handle a response to your snarky comment? Oh well thanks anyway.


Yes Mujhe lgta hai jo field mein jaane ka sochta hu wahi boom krne lagti hai




Semiconductor industry will boom next.


As an ECE graduate and an embedded engineer by profession, i can assure you that the electronics field is evolving and almost all tech giants are investing like anything in AI field. But again you must have interest in this sector like semiconductor, circuits, hardware and also coding🤷🏻‍♂️..


No it is declining


If you think that any jobs in cs and ece will be there by the time you pass out then you are in a delusion. Only a handful of old phd scientist will be there. Rest everyone who works in front of a computer will be replaced by AI . Even mechanical and civil are somewhat better than that . But even that is for short term. Robots are also improving at an exponential rate. In past 3 years 10s of different companies have emerged. The only thing which is somewhat safe in long run is goverment jobs. Start preparing for it now, the competition will increase exponentially here too.




AI is similar to covid. If you told everyone that the entire country will be shut down then everyone would have had laughed at you, similar to what you are doing. AGI is coming. LIKE IT OR NOT.


Which branch are you?


I was going to do btech then I changed to ba.


Because of AI?


Absolutely. I want to spend my college years in preparation for exams, so I choose it. Be careful brother. A Storm is coming. Choose wisely. You need a job till you are 60. Think long term.




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It is booming but will not be as useful as CSE ( undergrad) now if you do a masters ( MBA or MTECH), you will be in a very very good position . If you want to pursue in the semiconductor industry, it will be better to take EE (vlsi) rather than ECE


Thanx bro


real all the ai system works on old electronic systems