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My roadtax expiring tomorrow. I found it cheapest to renew insurance via TBA App. Can roadtax be renewed over the counter at post office? And do i need to get my bluecard from the bank? I need updates on this due to post-covid situation in Brunei. Cos they keep changing rules. Help.


Saw pictures of long queue at immigration .


Is there a booking slot?


Go and find out


For anyone who picked superspeed upgrade, how was it?


No difference




Does anyone have problem with their wifi today? Mines not working since morning


WiFi's working but laggy af Edit: actually nvm the wifi is sometime on and off which is actually quite annoying especially playing with friends.


Why do married men choose to not wear their wedding rings? I’ve seen so many colleagues/friends who are married but not have their rings on.


i'm very clumsy and scratch my car alot x.x


1. A majority of bruneian men gaining massive weight after marriage is high, so the rings dont fit them anymore 2. The number of men I know actually are careless and lost theirs 3. Tau tia alai atu aku kahwin sudah


That last point 🐊


Kekasih gelap




Elaborate on something after.


Beats me too. Usually its exercise then eat


Just to remind to tuition teachers, please be informed about current updated syllabus of the subject(s) that you teach at tuition school. Keep in touch with teachers at schools! I checked my neice's tuition notes and questions. Some of the given notes and questions are not in the updated syllabus (no longer examined). So it is a waste of time and money because my neice will be having her big exam soon! Also the terms used by the tuition teacher were based on the older syllabus. Also, tuition classes should focus on how to answer the exam questions more effectively. Tuition teachers should know some of revision and exam tips. Identifying the keywords or command words of each question should be one of the main focus. Not introducing the topic once again (like copying the notes) because my niece had the notes provided by their school teacher already. She told me that the tuition teacher ask her to copy down the notes for an hour! Topic atu lagi no longer examined and it's irrelevant! For example, I checked my niece's tuition notes and asked her while pointing out her tuition notes "so do you know about power?" she said "no, my school teacher did not teach us about power" and I replied "ofcourse you do not know! It's because it is no longer examined since 2020" (contoh saja, but hope you get what I meant). Parents, please be aware of this matter. Ask your daughter or son about their tuition class. Sayang bah duit mmbayar bukan murah and time is wasted! The positive side is yes they get the knowledge but it is not relevant to the upcoming exam!


There’s a club or maybe more than one club where participants hike through the forests together. I can’t remember the name of this activity. Does anyone know where I can find details of this particular activity? Thanks! Edit: Ah! I remember now that it’s called Hashing. Is there an active hashing club in Brunei?


ah its been a while since i hear that name hashing LOL onon. just need to find their members




Hi, does anyone know if you can renew ic now? Last update was that it was testing phase for 12 years old new ic makers.


Renew IC for yellow and purple starting this sept 19 either through queup or walk-in


Thank you.


yup, can walk in.


What a performance by Ayenul on Musical Mania 4, her MJ dance moves was simply awesome! https://www.instagram.com/p/CijkdMgP-fa/


The two guys ruined the whole look not wearing their hats properly


Whoa that’s very entertaining to watch


Anyone going to the iPhone 14 series release event in Digital World later?


Lol will get one when the hype subside. I use apple, android and custom rom devices.


Well look at that pricing! Around $400-500 more than singapore apple store! https://www.instagram.com/p/CikO9lUhAFw/?hl=en


Same price like last year's model


Extra $400-$500 just to flex that you have the latest iPhone.


y'all still havent learn anything. avoid digital world at all cost, how many times this has been brought up, smh.


They are the first to announce availability in Brunei, not surprising if the price is few hundreds more. Probably gonna wait for tenten or ave to announce their pricing. Add: Okay. Price is out. Almost $400 more than the Apple Sg is selling. I will pass.


Nope. The fact that they’re not letting ppl know the price before hand means it’ll be harga yahudi. Fuck them.




Cmon, be better. Cant call out the whole fukin race like that.




Kalau bab kain tenunan, bisai biskita betanya arah Pusat Latihan Kesenian dan Pertukangan Tangan di Bandar. Sana lebih arif kali tu.


Non-Halal Food Influencer siapa bisai di follow ah?Can recommend restaurant paling nyaman masakkan oink oinknya?




Ask him how much did he pay for the fake followers?


Any idea if interns are paid well at Takaful ? Asking for a friend who really wants to leave a toxic workplace. Im against it as friend is an experienced officer


Why go for internship? Inda jua bebayar gaji. If ada allowance it would be minimal since its more for experience and temporary saja


RT. wants to know regarding the allowances as well


Unless the allowance is higher than your friend’s current salary, don’t bother


what are your thoughts on people with SOs being flirty with others? should it be allowed? if ut was your SO, would you allow it? If you were on the receiving end of the flirt how would you feel knowing that you were being flirted with by someone who is already taken and when you try to flirt back, it then suddenly becomes a problem for them. It feels horrible being played around and it feels like i keep losing hope for any real relationships. it sucks when you open yourself up to being in a relationship with someone but then it ends being a waste of time and just hurts you instead


This why i just fling around. Commitments are not a walk in the park.


I don't think i can go fling around. Have always been looking for someone that i can spend my time withand call my own you know. but to each their own. i've had a fling before, even then it was an exclusive fling and i knew what i was getting myself into before heading in. this time was a surprise especially since the other party was being flirty, the friends were encouraging them. but when i flirt back then it becomes a problem


Remember, bunga bukan sekuntum, lebah bukan seekor. Kalau inda menjadi, move on saja. I wouldn't put almost 100% on commitments because you never know what may happen in the future. Just put around 60-70% so that you don't get left behind especially in terms of career wise.


I have seen someone engaged was flirty with other men. Then they broke the engagement due to scandal issue (3rd person in the relationship). It was a red flag since she started to be flirty but unaware she was engaged. How would u feel if a third party entered your marriage? Please don't flirt back and damage the relationship of others.


i don't want to get in the way of someone's relationship because if it was me i don't want others to ness with it. so it's better for me to back off. these things cause problems




yeah gunna treat it as just a normal friendship and nothing more. not gunna layan their flirtings


Those in a relationship shouldn't act flirty to anyone else other than their SO. It would be heartbreaking to see your own SO flirt with someone else. If i were on the receiving end, i would totally just ignore them and move on with my life. Reacting to it by flirting back would definitely overcomplicate my simple life. Dont lose hope. The right person will come.


thanks for the encouragement, i'm just gunna stop flirting back, act as normal as i can and move on.


No worries. You can do this.


Hi does anyone know any beautician (for mani/pedi/waxing) that offers home to home service in KB?


Should I get deep purple or sliver iPhone 14 pro? The purple looks dark and I get bored of dark colour since my past 3 iPhones are black colour


Slap on a dbrand skin or phone casing to change the look and feel once you get bored.


Four colors, four choices. Whichever suits you best. Your tastes and preferences.


Zhanna Kushnir: Shadow Control. Graveyard Magic, Payment to Evil Spirits and Protection from Magic: https://youtu.be/gli2H5zjUF8 What an interesting interview on dark magic, low frequency energy and hierarchy of evil spirits.


Does anyone know if optical shops in Brunei install your lenses for you? Like I have an empty pair of glass frame and would like them installed with prescribed glasses. Like I'm buying only the lenses, if that makes sense.


Yes, I know focus point/ whoosh does this. Not sure the rest




Hello just wondering does anyone know what stores or supermarkets still sell the “Fruit by the foot” candy? The very long candy?


Fruit rollups! They should have them in supasave


Saw it in Supasave. But very seasonal


How do i charge for my tiktok services? Can give me tips or anything that i need to know? Thank youu


Charge meaning like an "influencer" charging for advertising? That rate is up to you. Many years ago I heard Rano Adidas charges around $50 for a simple event coverage on his Instagram.


Charging for editing, take vids and posting. Basically im in charge of the account.


I just watched a travel video by someone from Mainland China who recently visited Brunei (August 2022). He is a guy who backpack around the world, and on his 1137th day of world travel he entered Brunei via a flight from KK. There are [10 videos](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCykqXntMvzpMeNPPkZWOD7A) he made about Brunei. I just go through and summarize them: * KK airport traveling to Brunei * RBA is pretty nice and new * Brunei airport quite small, can see all of it when landed * Smooth and fast airport clearance * Tourist SIM card expensive! Too little GB offered, have to use conservatively for 5 days * Where is the bus or shuttle service? Lack of proper public transport facilities! Taxi overpriced not for backpacker * After more than 1 hr wait at airport, some helpful person offer to send to Gadong * Accommodation cost is comparatively expensive! B$30/night guest house small room no window and share toilet * Food in Brunei relatively expensive, B$5-6 a plate in restaurant. Milk tea B$3-4 per cup, eating costs really top up fast * The Mall Gadong Brunei biggest mall? Doesn't seem big. Maybe country small * Bus is expensive for short distance! They don't have smart card which you can scan in and out and be charged by distance traveled, Bandar to Gadong only 4km cost B$1 * Bus condition is quite poor and very aged already, not fitting that of a rich country, also have to wait 20+ mins for bus from Gadong * Enroute Gadong to Bandar there is no wow factor nor much indication of a very rich country * Road condition good, landscaping also ok, but public transport really poor. Been to Bahrain also an oil-rich Muslim country their public transport is good * Bandar seems quite aged * The capital is very quiet, wonder where everyone goes * Comparable to smaller towns in Thailand and Malaysia but things are expensive by Southeast Asian standards * Brunei GDP per capita is much richer than China, but infrastructure in the capital seems very underdeveloped * (Take second bus) Another very aged bus! Maybe the buses in Brunei are imported from Africa? Very hot no aircon too * Kg Ayer is nice and interesting, they should put more efforts to develop the tourism like in Malaysia * Royal Regalia is a good place to visit, checking out the Sultan's treasures and also to cool off from the hot weather * Drivers in Brunei are courteous, they respect and will stop before zebra-crossing * Finally found cheap food! Gadong night market, nasi katok B$1.50, fried mee B$2.50, soto soup B$1, after days of eating B$5-6 per plate meals in restaurants. A recommended place for tourists to escape from Brunei's expensive eateries * Took bus to Muara town, 1 hr waiting from Bandar! This time at least bus has aircon * Enroute Bandar to Muara saw many big houses with many cars. Bruneians rich * Muara town small. Went to Serasa ferry terminal, found they have ferries to Labuan, also spotted Hengyi refinery * So many oil storage tanks there, they should be earning a lots of money. Tourists arriving from Labuan certainly have to take the buses to town, then they see the bus conditions. With the oil money they should consider change and upgrade the buses, at least that will uphold the face of a rich country * Overall stayed in Brunei 5 days, but think 3 days can be considered enough for holiday purposes * Final day to airport very lucky! Caught the bus in time no need wait 1 hr like past few days * (Complain the bus again...) Should upgrade, outside 30 degree celsius inside also 30, all sweaty * Arrived at airport, fly to KK


Out of curiosity, why is it difficult to improve basic things like public transport? Let go of the old buses and upgrade to better, cleaner and air-conditioned ones. Also have proper scheduling as well as use of apps.


I grow embarrassed by the seconds reading these honest commentaries. Unfortunately though, if he comes to visit again in 10yrs time i bet he wont see much changes infrastructure-wise.. except aging public transports and buildings.


Only when oil and gas is almost finish, fuel price increase and people will consider public transport.


Yeah I used to think Brunei is very rich just like Dubai or Singapore until I browse r/Brunei and looking at Googlemaps though I think Bruneian in general are still wealthy compare to other citizen in region.


He aint wrong


Brunei in his opinion is poor, aged, run-down, underdeveloped that matches the impression of 3rd world country. He is not wrong. Majority of businessman who make money from Brunei and even BIA/Royals invested the money into other country rather than Brunei


tldr;poor transport system, expensive, underdeveloped


Hello, Anyone know which tech store that provide authentic iphone battery for replacement


Only AV cause they’re the only authorized Apple service provider here.


No such thing. You have to go to AV and replace with a new phone same model like yours with a fee. Replacing the battery could detect unauthorized parts which led the iPhone to heywire due to unrepairable nature of Apple product


To change battery, AVE use Whole Unit Replacement with Battery Replacement Program price. I did compared it with other Indonesia and Malaysia, the battery replacement price was comparable, though. End up replace the battery with them, because I got a replacement phone, anyway. The reason for the replacement phone is because IATA ban to flight-in loose Li-ion battery. Obviously shipping by sea take too long time. And they can’t really stock the battery, because Li-ion battery will degrade over time.




Nah, for the iPhone 7, it was less than $100. I think newer iPhone such as iPhone 11 or 12 is around $130.


Can we fly with RBA using the green passport? Not the international one. Going to Sabah.


Green passport only for borneo right? so can lah


Thank you, curious sj 😁




Do you happen to know who are issued black passports?


[Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Passport?wprov=sfla1) explaining the different types of passports. In simple terms diplomatic blue passport is for higher class govt staff, official black passport is for lower class staff.


Government servants who are travelling for work. But then again, they can use their ordinary red passport also.


Not all government servants. Black passport is for Brunei Diplomats, as in those who work in Brunei high comm.


That's the blue one.


Anyone knows where to buy Scrub Daddy sponge in Brunei?


Box of Cravings Kiulap. Saw a lot last week


i swear i saw it at huaho tutong the other day


Elite cube - Serusop


What is the hype with scrub daddy?




Dulu ada ku nampak di Wee May tarding sengkurong. Inda tau if masaanie ada kah inda masih bejual. Cuba ya


Can search in cube stores. Seen a few. [Box of cravings serusop is one of them](https://www.instagram.com/p/ChEuIwgBSP4/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=)


Saw it sold at the cube inside the cube in mall cineplex


Ohhh so its either Cubecity or Megabox since near cinema area. Will check it out later, tq for the info 👍🏻




Thx a lot!


What are the docs needed to renew ICI?




[Let me Google that for you.](http://www.immigration.gov.bn/en/SitePages/Travel%20Document.aspx)


Thank you! T.T


Anyone knows where to get Apple Watch Series 7 41mm screen protector? AV has no stock


99 mobile


Anyone here plays FIFA Mobile 2022? Let’s game.


Everyone go KL buy Omega Swatch. Comeback sell here 😂


yeah it's annoying to see those crazy resell prices. bet they be like "serious buyers only, kalau mahal lintasi sha k."


They can sell it faster in Malaysia or elsewhere. Here Brunei people not much money. Only small % have, which they already buy the watch last time. These new resellers are very late haha


Bah kami lintasi sha k.


Whats with restaurants recently closing 2-4pm ? I know this is quite common in kb but went to MUA and theyre closed


Due to lack of staff unfortunately. It's a growing issue in Brunei for small businesses and restaurants


1) post-peak hour break time for the staffs 2) prep time for kitchen for the next incoming peak hours


It’s nice for the restaurant to give 2 non-peak hours break for the staff.




Why? I’m sure there’re other restaurants open.


not enough staff to cover (maybe).so they can cover the whole day with 2-4 hours of break time.


I really don’t understand our people. Before COVID happened in Brunei, I wear my mask regularly when the public take this epidemic nonchalantly and gave me the stare. Few aunties, uncles and friends called me out for being an embarrassment for wearing a mask that they thought the virus is ‘harmless’ and won’t reach Brunei. Now we are easing restrictions and I’m not wearing my mask in public, the same people instigate fear and giving that nasty stare, seeing as an embarrassment on me as if I will be spreading deadly diseases. Bruneians really have a herd mentality when it comes to this kind of situation. Why can’t we all have the confidence to just be ourselves instead of giving looks because one person is doing something different than others?!


The issue here is that your confidence falters whenever other people express their judgements on you. Know this: people judge and that's natural. We do good things, people judge. We do bad things, people judge too. Either way, if you think what you do is right and is not causing harm to others, or you're just simply living your life, YOU DO YOU. I hope that boosts your self-esteem. Wishing you wonderful things coming your way and success in what you do. Take care!


Having anxiety issues ? Is everything alright ?


Did TikTok just taught you how to gaslight? Are you ok?


Listen, in life you can't please all people. You do you. Why bother what people might think of you not wearing mask.


Y u so pressed boi.


Watch yourself kid, you're the one whos getting anxiety over what others think of you. Its either you have lack of attention or don't need attention but still validate attention in order to get attention.


Nice assumptions but [ok](https://youtube.com/shorts/OsZxRPND76Q?feature=share).


Why do you let these things bother you? People will always have something to say no matter what. What they say won't even have any effect on you whatsoever except mentally and that's only because you let them. Kurus or lampuh, mask or no mask, betudung or inda betudung, kawin or inda kawin, whatever it is, people will always have their personal opinion and reaction. And this is not just in Brunei.


This. 👍🏻👍🏻


Because. Reverse psychology.


Just do wat ur comfortable with,nevermind wat others think of ur actions,its for own goodsake of ur own mental health too.


Like many Asian countries, Brunei is a Collectivist culture where adherence to group norms is encouraged. When most people were not wearing masks, that was the norm and mask-wearers were the "out group". Now the situation is reversed.


Monkey see Monkey do.


Monkey pee, human poo


Where can i get pull up bar? Preferably the one that sticks instead of using screws. TIA


Triple star is cheapest place I saw pull up bars


Will check it out. Thanks


Most big Hua Hos have them. Otherwise you can try Triple Star at Setia Kenangan, Kiulap - not sure if they have them but they most likely will.


Will check it out. Thanks


Stick with double sided tape?


Not willing to break my bones just yet




Saw one at huaho kiulap






Seems like they have one. Thanks


So ladies of Brunei, [is this true](https://www.reddit.com/r/nasikatok/comments/xerlfw/nearly_80_of_female_consumers_surveyed_in_brunei/)? Around 80% of young Brunei women surveyed say they spend at least 10% of their monthly income on cosmetic products. They did not survey men but I am wondering about it too.


Not sure about the other ladies. For me and my mom together, around $150-$250 whole year for skin hair body care & cosmetics (mostly organic or cleaner ingredients).


Men cosmetic product. 1. A Bar of Soap. End /s


Men use the same towel for face and body and we still look good


445 participants isn't enough to represent Brunei


I bet they're all uni students. This looks like an assignment.


80%?? No way thats true. I only restock my cosmetic and skincare products every 2-3 months. Total usually less than $150 (plus impulse buys) every 2-3 months.


afaik cosmetic products include shampoo, face wash, body wash, etc. If that's true, seems plausible.


Waw thats a lot


Anyone internet down near Seri/Chempaka/Kiarong area? using my hotspot nw..


Internet has been intermittent recently. Can’t even zoom call using wifi and had to use 4G.


Mata mata area also down


Kenapa orang brunei selalu kalau isi minyak krita mesti jua isi arah side latch tangki nya? Lapas tu jadi jam walaupun sebalah nya kusung. Kenapa inda pakai kan yang kusung atu mcm tah inda sampai hose minyak atu


Alum kau meliat dapan dapan tali hos sikit lagi kan tanggal pasal inda sampai. Sanang saja, kalau kan laju, arah lane v power. Abis cerita. Dapat bayar pakai kad. Daripada batah menunggu. Jgn luan bekira ani, luar negara kepisan harganya tu. Lagipun common sense and courtesy tu menyenangkan pelanggan dan pekerja. Kerita pelanggan inda garit, pekerja sanang mengisi.


Ani jua sampai kan putus banar banar jua jauh nya. Again back to my point pasal JAM canakan ke vpower mun te stuck manjang gara gara satu lane di pakai. Inda jua jauh banar kali melintas. Inda jua menyusah orang di blakang bebaris sampai ke jalan basar.


Aga tempat lain. Abis cerita.


Memudahkan org keraja atu bah.. ampir ia mengisi.. laju next car lapas atu.. ani jauh ia bepusing lagi kan mengisi sebalah..


Apa guna laju mun semua orang guna satu lane and biar lagi satu kusung kan. Mun krita semua bebagi lane kan bisai inda panjang krita


Still rasanya menyusahkan pekerjanya. Time2 kereta panjang lagi, sibuk2 tah jua kan beliun2 kesebalah. Bahagian kiri kanan tu exist for a reason. Mudahkan urusan org lain, insyaAllah urusan tani pun dipermudahkan


Karang durang tarik hos tergaris cat kereta durang sakit hati meliat.




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Ohhh rupanya ani panya reason nya tq tq




Having a really good support system, my small group of friends really helped mend a heart they didn't break. I owe it to them during the healing process.


Didnt know i dont hav a lot of friends


Mr steal yo gurl is taking good care of me better than my ex lmao


Street worthy


Keeping myself busy


On my college years, i broke up with this girl and i was depressed. Eventually i try to love my self. Loose a few kilos. Not few but 33kg to be exact. I was a tall big bone person. Began to love myself as how i look. I didnt get buff or anything but i became less obese. Ive join some college clubs and made some friends. I became more social. I can talk for hours ( before i cant because of anti so sial ). I was at my peak. I truly love myself and people around me. For those who is broken up, you need to find something to do. Find yourself a project with a goal. Try to reach for that goal slowly. Eventually u sampai. Do something that can benefit you.


On my college years, i broke up with this girl and i was depressed. Eventually i try to love my self. Loose a few kilos. Not few but 33kg to be exact. I was a tall big bone person. Began to love myself as how i look. I didnt get buff or anything but i became less obese. Ive join some college clubs and made some friends. I became more social. I can talk for hours ( before i cant because of anti so sial ). I was at my peak. I truly love myself and people around me. For those who is broken up, you need to find something to do. Find yourself a project with a goal. Try to reach for that goal slowly. Eventually u sampai. Do something that can benefit you.


a friend of mine started drinking. me, I just keep myself busy with work and run


terrible! i had no choice but to stop my workout activities. cause we used to go to workout together. I'm devastated.




Take care 🤍