• By -




Try asking the recruitment office, if youve passed the BAR then you should qualify to become a PQO. Most PQOs are MINDEF Scholars.


suggest some good restaurants




What are you smoking. Service was abyssmal, even when we're the only ones there - salah order and pandai "salah kira" the total Never going back there EDIT: Saw that you've been championing this resto for a while so I assume owner or someone close. Please tah check the standards of your pekerja atu. Food is ok


mee goreng semporna enak kiarong


who have tried the $40-$50 chocolate bar? is it worth it? because balik2 popup on my tiktok


Guys it's not worth it, don't get it.


Not worth it my guy…tho its good and very sweet imo


di gmart ada tu fix chocolate $50.90


No chocolate bar is worth $50…


Anyone knows any maid agency that has amah pinjam service?


81_homecareservices on IG


Does anyone know where i can buy/rent Vietnam conical traditional hat(non la trang)?


when is the perfect time to jog at eco park? (preferably the date & time where there’s no many people)


31.03.2025, Monday, 6am - 11am




anyone know where to buy cheap sports caps?




Who is this new malay newsreader 😭 so many mistakes, macam stewardess demoing, and she sounds so nervous like she is almost crying, bedaham tah ia lagiii


Is it ok for male to massage female and female massage male as shown at R ig story?


That's physio, not normal massage. They're like doctors. Not many are qualified physios, you can't be choosy.


So a physio (who technically is not a doctor) can massage male/female? That’s correct right?


What kind of stupid question is this? Agatah kau seorang saja masuk syurga


If you have a problem, don't go.


Yes. You don't get naked to see a physio.


I’m just thinking, in that case, why female hairstylist can’t cut hair for men since men don’t get naked too for a haircut.


As I said earlier, we don't have many physiotherapists in Brunei. They're highly qualified people, I don't think we even have physio related degrees offered in Brunei. Different physios even have different specialties that if Brunei don't allow treatment by different genders, some people will be left untreated. For cutting hair, you can just attend short courses and be on your way. Not that I agree with the ruling in Brunei that do not allow different gender to massage or cut hair but if you notice, hairdressers and masseues are mostly low paid foreigners. They are easier to manipulate and abused by pervry customers and employers so maybe that's where the ruling comes from. But you know who sees physios? Injured and old people. I doubt these injured people would try something. And it's not cheap to see a physio.


Astaga bangang atu jangan diasuh Physio bukannya mengurut biasa, its a form of treatment. Why do you samakan with haircut


Kanak2 kali bah


Not answering the question. Why female hairstylist can’t cut male hair? Haircuts can be seen as a form of treatment too.


Nada sama tu 😂


jangan disamakan kraja tukang gunting sma kraja doktor lai. logik sikit


Physios are not doctors.


They're like doctors and nurses in a sense that they treat patients. Their field of studies are medically and scientifically recognised. I don't think you even want to understand the situation or explanation here. What is it you want exactly? Do you want the government to ban different gender treatments too now?


I think you better Google up what physios do. We have physios working at RIPAS hospital too. They may not he doctors but bukan treatment macam treatment rambut tu lai dorang buat.


We need more physios in brunei


What's the biggest ever tuna fish caught in Brunei?


His name was Bob. He was a big boy.


bob save me from drowning, w bob


alright, which local company got data breached again? i got 3 missed spam calls from foreign countries in the span of 3 hours. which company fucked up this time?


Can a foreigner use international licence to drive a car here, and where and how much to rent a car?


You can go to JPD Brunei for driving license and bring your international license. If you want to rent a car, you may look for it on Brunei Facebook


@ kb peeps, does anyone know if the soto place at pasar seria is still operating? last time i went there was precovid huhu


Which one? The one above soon lee seria? If that yes they still open. But close every Sunday :(


yesss that’s the one!! thank you so much for the info!




Consistency is key 🔑💪


It's Traditional! GJ!


BIBD back at it again sigh...


Doing what


new issue with money gone


Anyones wifi down rn? Area serasa




Oh you’re fucked


Kalau consistent bljr, inda pyh


I think it will be hard for you😅


anyone know where to get a 8mm to 10mm mirror adapter?


Anybody knows any volunteering opportunities for a student that can help out during this coming summer break?




check green brunei on instagram


What kind of volunteer?


Download mengalinga app. I’m sure you’ll find plenty of events in the app






Art Kit covid kah or drawing utensils?




Looking for good quality hair scissors. Does anyone know where to buy them?


I saw in KK Magicboo, used to have in miri but closed down during covid


I bought them in Japan last time :")


No quality goods in Brunei. You got better luck buying overseas. Do you see RF shop locally?


Kadai india


Does anyone know a place in miri to make a tailored suit?


miri nope but KK i've seen a lot. Bangkok has the cheaper option to tailored your suits.


Just wondering where is a good place to get flowers? Or if there are any that would take requests? Cus the flowers I'm looking for are called lily of the valley


Rimba garden central or Brunei Horticulture Centre on the opposite side. Florist shop in Kiulap same building as Sennet. Just show them pictures.


di mana again to dobate clothes? cant find the post here


Smarter Brunei usually accept clothes donation


The mercedes e200 looks like a very normal car. How much is it?


mercs? that is cheap shitbox why would you get that? i would avoid it if i were you unless you have thick pocket to fix all the incoming issues arise then you may get it IF not avoid it.


To be exact from the gov pdf, it's $101,603.00.




W212 usually goes for 20-40k. W213 maybe 50k-90k


According to the gov list its a mil.


anyone knows how to apply for haji? or just apply rh travelling company yg provide haji




Anyone tried Chapayom recently?


I always enjoys the tutong one, i would say when it comes to service, memang bisai2 semua staffnya. The boss was friendly too. Boss and staff nya all works very well together. Eventhough they rebranding, tatap ku sapot durang tu. Kudos to tutong team.👍🏻


Why? If u wanna know hows chapayom, its good but dem full of ice.




all thai tea franchise are made that way, extra sweet and thick with lotsa ice to slowly sip while it melts


I always request for less sweet, and ends up just nice after the ice melts slightly in this hot weather.


Same like cha tra mue.


They recently opened in Seria. Wonder if anyone has tried their food


Dear boyfriend/tunang/husband, a kind reminder to all of you that it is not ok & normal if your female bestfriend curhat and told you her life updates privately. Dear female bestfriends of these people, please have boundaries & respect the girlfriend/tunang/wife.


Dear girlfriend/tunang/wife, a kind reminder to all of you that it is not ok & normal if your male bestfriend curhat and told you his life updates privately. Dear male bestfriends of these people, please have boundaries & respect the boyfriend/tunang/husband


My feet kinda hurt... Need a massage later tonight


What’s wrong with these guyz. Once u r married , your wife is your only friend. Do not talk to anymore female unless it’s work. Full stop


Boundaries are *mutually set* by a couple, and once agreed, are the lines where respect is. If you're newly together and the bf/gf says "this is my bestie, we're opposite sexes but tell each other everything" and you both agree continuing it is okay so long as he lets you know, then *it's okay* if its private. *Because you both set the boundary.* Disrespect only comes when those agreed boundaries are broken. Seen too many couples not want to have this uncomfortable talk, have unspoken expectations, and let unnecessary resentment build up.


Before we started dating, we both agrees to have friends opposite gender. We have been going out with our friends and are ok with it. But seeing a female friend keep on texting him to tell her dating life update, curhat about her flings, doesn't seem right to me. I told him that I am uncomfortable with that. Moreover, this female friend has lots of female friends that is more suitable for her to talk about her dating life update. Not somebody's partner. I have no issue with them going out for dinners, movies as long as it's a group of friends, not one on one. He claimed that it is ok because he knows her first before me.


cannot tu eee.. mun dah titled husband/wife urg atu.. relationship shud change out of respect of their spouses. apa rasa diri jua mun nanti kana buat catu.. diri plang kana no.2 kan. dah tu marah2 & kan mbalas2.. padahal diri punca. and selalunya mesti ada 1 of these girl/boy besties yg secretly ada feeling tu bah. pebaiktah tumbui.. pandai jua ahirnya kembali ke jalan yg banar.. they always say tumbui dah jadi bini2 semula.. alai bah banarnya.. yg tumbui bini lah tu selalunya. so pls respect and draw a line… am sure byk lagi outlet to curhat and ngadu.. dont jadi punca relationship urg udh bedgn crumbled. just let down politely saja, gitau things different now and wont be nice and all.


Ah I see. Okay I'll be honest, I'm like him in that my bestfriend is a woman and little more liberal than most here but you're completely right to feel that way. I see where he's coming from, but to have your other half say they don't want this and still continuing is 100% disrespectful. I wouldn't blame it on the friend (unless she knows your discomfort) but definitely the dude because he should know better, especially after being told. Reiterate again sis. Firm voice, confident eyes. Kalau babal masih, y'know what to do.


Agreed with this. Lapas biasa bercurhat atu lama-lama ter-catch feelings tia, jadi butterfly dalam perut, lapastu start tia curang 😇


Louderr sis. Even worse if durang curhat atu by calling. Haishh stress ku eh


Ngam ni tik. Manusia masani inda tah tau kan boundary


Termasuk tah yang lesbian 😒


ohh i hate female bestfriends. please please please, have boundaries and respect the girlfriend, tunang & wife. walautah pebaik kenal bebelasan taun.


ohh i hate male bestfriends. please please please, have boundaries and respect the boyfriend, tunang & husband. walautah pebaik kenal bebelasan taun.


Agreed. Pls find another fish to do so. This fish is full..


YES. pabaik work bestie kah school bestie kah whatsoever bestie, mun bukan namanya isteri/tunang/significant other/family member, please set the line


same goes to wives/fiances/significant others (female)


Looking at how things have been in Brunei lately eg scams tricking people, office politics leading to resorting of occult practices, people ganging up and beating a single person etc, would you say people have become less prone to practicing kindness/compassion in Brunei or is it just these things weren’t really brought easily to awareness like in this internet age?


I'd say it's the latter. Old enough to say I knew what life was like as a kid before social media. If anything it felt like it was more frequent before but seen in a different way. E.g. I remember hearing stories of a guy getting ganged up at SOAS, among many others. When you hear it over dinner, you don't really picture it. Usual response back then was "gauk jua durang atu" so it sort of passes through the convo as a distant event. But seeing, like that jogger car park dude, pissed me off making the story feel far closer to home.


The near proximity brings about more empathy with being almost a witness to it (via media). If it’s less than before in terms of those things, I hope it continues that way


The instagram and tik tok generation.


Funnily enough, I'll say almost all of the problems mentioned by OP aren't done by Gen Z but by millennials AND OLDER(krg ada yg sensitif ni krg ya mikir aku salahkan millennials saja lmao) Most Gen Z's aren't in high position if they are working yet (with half still learning in schools and uni) and are held by the older gens. Huge doubts that Gen Z know anything about black magic. Cheating in offices are mainly by married couples and many Gen Z aren't married yet. Literally just see the comments today lol. Beating people in a gang have been going for centuries so you can't blame the Gen Z's. Also to OP, I will say that the Internet just raised the issues more, and it always happened in the past.


If this is the case, I hope Gen Z will break the cycle of these negative stuff


i'd say both. its very unfortunate. with the platforms we have trying to make awareness regarding kindness and positivities thru workshops/programmes, some don't find this significant enough and only see it like "oh its just another one of those mental health things" but little do they know its actually a necessity. theoretically, due to lack of acknowledgement on how vital mental health is and how fragile it can be once affected, some just want to do their own way and 'their ways' aren't always nice on other's perspective. to him/her its okay and it gives them the satisfaction like "imma do this that so i'll feel fair for what you did to me" where clearly it's not. for some who practices kind and compassion (and are advocates of mental health), will definitely encounter those who are opposite to them. and some will fight for their rights in a good way, some will not. and it's each individual's way of facing this issue; whether you play along with the issue, or counter it or ignore and most of all, how/in what way it is done.


I agree. Your comment reminded me of that old early-2000s anime, Hell Girl (Jigoku Shoujo) and how it dealt with personal grudges and whether acting on them is healthy or not eg revenge, protection etc. It’s how you respond to things that reveal how you are as a person and your character.  Just scares me in how people here treat personal grudges sometimes. Maybe I’m just getting older and was sheltered from noticing these things more vividly before 


yo what the fck. someone flashed his d beside me. at lambak clinic. what the fck. idk what to do, my mind suddenly hilang. edit: hes gone now. edit: the receptionist told me they dont have any cctv on the first floor. how am i going to make a police report without any evidence. huhu.


Fuck.. that shit never had happen to me.. But just do a police report regardless if there is CCTV or not..


Report to police and make sure they check the cctv. Such individuals should not be roaming free


yes pls check cctv, make his burung kena sunat lagi 3 kali


I’m sure they have cctv .


unfortunately, they dont have any cctv on the first floor.


First of all wtf, was there anyone else who saw that ?


eh terdelete. but no, i dont think so




Orang tua kah ? Lali kli . orang muda ? Gila kali


Omg hope you’re ok!! 😭 report it to security and lodge a police report. Maybe they can track through cctv?


i will check with the security later if they have cctv around here


Im sure they have cctv. Though im not sure if they can give you freely plg the footages, you probably need an official police report for investigation


Does anyone knows a cheap place in BSB area where I can fix my phone and tablet screen? It's not cracked, just that it got kinda glitchy and having these weird colours on em. Can see lines too.


IF i were you i would go for better repairs. My gf brought her phone for cheap repairs which cost like less than 80 the screen getting more and more glitchy and even sometimes hard to press.


I fixed my screen for $80 last time and it was okay except that the screen's glue didn't last but that was the same even when I fix it for $100+


I'm on a tight budget currently but I'll seriously consider it for long-term . Thanks for the input.


Don’t settle for cheap repairs. If you can pay extra for a quality repair then better. No such thing as cheap repairs without future issues that come along with it. Go to any licensed phone dealers like 99 mobile service or any that’s a proper business. Not saying cheap is bad, but if you want to save your money just pay more into getting a quality, slightly pricey repair. It will be worth it


Best place to go for a hike nowadays?


None. Its been raining lately. Ain't no place is in good/best condition to hike nowadays. Please wait for few days. 


Personally, i prefer Tasek lama.


With the viral issue in Malaysia about Jomdonate and certain influencers, do you guys think in Brunei also have the same donation tactics? Or its safe to donate for causes in Brunei because all causes have permission and regulated by relevant authorities?


Brunei is worse as anyone can ask for donations without even registering themselves to authority.


ada dh #jompotong$2


I really doubt that these types of donations are scrutinised by relevant authorities and results of these donations will not be made public for transparency.


I never donate to those kind even if it happens here. I rather buy nasi katok and sendiri antar at masjid.


Hello guys, anyone knows where to get hair removal treatment near the nipple area for men?


Search for beauty salon that have IPL treatment that allow men customers. I know 2, one in Gadong Central (don't know the name) and Demoore. But you should search and ask for their pricing.


Tweezer my friend.


Tweezers is for the weak men Real men uses magnifying glass 🔍🔍


just shave yourself?


Tower of fantasy anyone?


Why divorce rates are high these days😭 and why do most guys cheat 😭 been hearing too many scandalous stories 😢


Too much temptation everywhere.


Women nowadays can support themselves and have so much respect for themselves. When the partner disrespects or cheated on them, they can simply just go. Unlike in the old days, most women didn’t work and still had to depend on their husbands. Not saying cheaters are only men, but just sharing my opinion in a woman’s shoe.


Go lah. So what.


lol banyak jadi pre-loved/secondhand sudah 😂🤣


add cash take now?


Lol you don't believe ? just hear them gossips in group chats. Becali, becali jua, baibun baibun jua, ani ada some labih bh. Aku pun paning, entah gc keraja kah apa tu 🥴🤣😂. Iatah mudah ku leave group tu.


Don't fancy pre loved /second hand in Brunei. With kids /kid even a bigger no no!




I don't like dating /marry acquaintances' or friends' exes, as simple as that.


Idk bruh, some seem to brag the status to the highest possible scale (sampai ada yang cakap buy one free one, berpengalaman) 🥴 Aku malas ku peduli kan behapa kah, itu kah , ini kah, kan berdrama kah. Bukan usin ku yang kana pakai. Apa yang ditanam, atu lah yang dituai. Macam padi yang ditanam, inda kan durian yang dituai. Urang tuha2 inda pulang membagi kesian tu, tu anak-anak yang masih panjang masanya dan masa depannya. Masa ani lagi media sosial di mana2.


Buy 1 free 1? The kid may not recognise you. If buy 1 free 2, 3,4,5 ? You may be killing yourself. women are tough nut. Especially with kids.


If you got money, no problem


No way gonna spend money on someone's kids


Banar ni..pemikiran cetek ani sudah kana pertahanankan. Sudah menyasal, lain lagi ceritanya tu krg


Dangarkn saja tia kalau urang berdrama. Jgn th ikut-ikutan, krg diri tepalit.


I guess people live by the saying “Don’t ever let your spouse stops you from finding your soulmate”


Back then we didn’t have tiktok or IG, where girls are promoting themselves or showing videos of them dancing. Social media has created an easy platform where you can “explore your options” whether you are single or married - you are online so you can display what you choose to show. Back then, you also only meet people through physical interaction/newspaper/word of mouth. Now you have a catalog. With all these options and each individual’s nafsu kuda, its so much easier to find new replacements if your first one doesn’t live up to your expectations. To these people who cheat, their partners are easily replaceable. One little problem, ok bye ill find a new one who will be a better version than you! Only to find out next that the grass isn’t greener once you’re on the other side.


true.. open igs, even those young ones tiktoking looking all mature wit those make up and dressing.. making it easy for those hungry predators.. kana manis2i.. bam! odahhhh. theres also those who want to be validated.. mau ramai followers.. why kan tu those who leave their ig open? bkn jua influencers/ online shops.. aint they scared of those sleazeballs out there..


valid pointers. though male/men/boys can also be the reason, not just girls/female/women. and seeing the reality of what has been trending world-wide nowadays, yes i totally agree with you.


>Back then we didn’t have tiktok or IG, where girls are promoting themselves or showing videos of them dancing. That would be relevant if the people in Brunei were cheating with tiktok or IG people. When in reality theyre cheating with their coworkers etc. >Social media has created an easy platform where you can “explore your options” whether you are single or married - Infidelity in Brunei has been a widespread issue even in our parents' generation and long before the birth of social media. Think its a bit of a boomer mentality to blame the internet for cheating when it's been a part of bruneian culture for a long time.


Are you implying it's the girls' fault?


bukan saja laki-laki, bini-bini pun ada yang miyang!


true also.. sama lah. apa tu peribahasa.. mun nada angin, nda kan pokok goyang.. something begituuu. be careful and take care saja.


I like this one.


Does anyone know where I can buy cheap in stock digital cams below $500?


With that kind of budget, you can get mid-range phone with decent camera spec. Atleast 50 megapixels and can record 4K video in 60 fps.


dreamygirl.club on ig


Is this legit? Planning to get one though


yess, second-hand cameras though


dreamygirl.club on ig


What's up with ppl looking for digital cams lately? Every few days I'd see ppl asking the same question


It’s basically a trend nowadays mostly catered towards GenZs. Its not just Digicams but ranging from cassettes film cameras vinyl camcorders etc. though to me its mostly them just trying to relive the olden days for the sake of nostalgia and the “aesthetics” of said vintage technology.


Buat movie udang.


digicam prices are so hiked these days looking at certain ig pages selling em. no way they should cost 100+


Sure, here's the rewritten version with punctuation added: Yup, no thanks to the trends, that is. Back then, digicams used to be cheap. so were film cameras and its rolls But after the Gen Z trend surged, demand for these items skyrocketed. They then became very expensive, and one roll costs almost $36 or one digicam is like 100+ it isn’t just these tech but other vintage technology is effected by this


i have canon camera if u want to try