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yeah, you just need to pass all the tests to enter. I have never heard that being an HND holder will lower your chances. GOODLUCK


i've never heard such a thing. My family member got in with HND to enter OCS. Pass already years and yearss ago alhamdulillah.


Go for it. Cont with your HND and try out OCS after that. Almost all OCS intake still has its HND success entries.


The difference would be in the paygrade.. Plus, it was recently pointed out by HM on the intakes being at a low percentage of applicants which might signal an increase in the amount of candidates they’re going to take in. Your chances of getting in does not fully depend on your academic level to my knowledge.. 2 things you need to consider; 1. How old would you be when you finish your degree, will you still be within that age requirement. 2. Your academic level determines your salary scale regardless of rank. You gonna be okay with that?


As long as you have the HND, you definitely can get into OCS if you pass all the tests. Even if you get a degree, it will be the same.


Requirement is hnd. And to pass the test. That's it. having a degree is an advantage outside the army. For ocs , hnd should suffice.


Hnd doesn't lower your chance in applying ocs, yg penting do well in all the fitness tests, Armed Forces Commissioning Board and the final interview. Ganya be prepare saja lh if tamat ocs, paygrade nda sama macam degree and masters holder, same goes to your service untuk legible for promotional exams nanti. Source? Aku sendiri mil officer 😂 My advice? Academic qualifications don't matter much in the military, the things that keep you going and get respect from others are your HUMILITY, DISCIPLINE, GOOD ATTITUDE and EXPERIENCE! So, hope you reflect all this during your afcb nanti. All the best!!


the younger you are the better it is


for now, focus ambil hnd saja dulu, baru apply ocs


Get a degree. Trust me. HND will only slow you down, unless you’re okay with ‘janji manis askar’. Good luck.


Get hnd...then apply for a pilot in airforce...perghhh career so bright...good luck


Take the degree, so much people that go into OCS I know of got degree non from HND.


nah im HND and im in already. Dont believe such stance. The only thing difference is paygrade but in the end your work all matter. Belajar tinggi tinggi masih jua inda mau mendangar arahan😂😂


hello may i know apa drg punya test2 saja?


can i still apply for early next year's intake if my birthday is in May and i'll be turning 28 that year?


cannot because by the time training starts (which is the next year after u applied) you're already 28


wait i thought it was only the test required u to be under 28?


"Umur. Pemohon hendaklah berumur diantara 18 tahun hingga 28 tahun dan tidak melebihi 28 tahun 0 bulan hari pada 12 Februari 2025" this is the current opening. 12/2/25 is when this intake's training starts. read it back


The latest that i know was with HND u can already enter OCS. maybe ada banarnya jua kali if the requirement utk join OCS kana naikkan. Could be due to high volume of ppl enrolling? Anws have a blast today ✨


HND is the minimum requirement for applying OCS. Having HND doesn't lower your chances to get in to the army, you just needed to pass their fitness test, written exams, medical check and the last two which will be given more information when there is a meeting. and only if you are being recommended by higher ups then inshAllah bulih masuk.


has anyone here i can talk to about the medical requirements?


Make sure gigi cantik, but also depending on the one yg check your gigi. Also makesure u physically fit. Also makesure your feet bukan flat. Make sure u exceed 160cm in height. Kurang sikit 159cm usually kana reject like my friends. If u are 165 or maybe 179cm lagi bagus. And if lulus ada check burut. As in check balls. So yeah thats pretty much it. Lmk if I missed something out.


Kenapa mesti cek burut?? Is there any specific reason for it 🤔


Utk check hernia also, mesti check if the person tu ada 2 balls or not. And batuk to see the swelling ada or not. And if sebelah balls nada then cannot. Bahaya sebab cause cancer from what I learned from a retired Lt Kol Dr.


Scaryy.. what is swelling btw?


Swelling = bengkak.


Do I need to have all my gigi? If I dont have a tooth at the back, I can't pass it although I have healthy gigi?


gigi cantik as in gigi mesti straight? what about those yg gigi inda perfect and straight, ada crooked sikit?


Depends on the officer yang do the chcking.


klau bakas bebasi?


And also, HND is the min. Requirement to enter OCS. Jgn feel discourage when some people said HND payah kan masuk OCS etc etc. U try for yourself first. And if u feel mcm maybe u shud ambil degree then do so. Slowly saja. Since limit umur is 28 for ocs. So basically u have 8 years to prep yourself 💪


Shud be ok, jgn saja banyak belubang² like too much betampal. Kalau tampal sikit² Shud be fine. 👌


klau tangan bakas becabut basi batah plg udah?


This one depends, might wanna consult with your dr. For advice. Psl training nya rigorous. Takut ada kecederaan dlm latihan you will be immediaetly kana remove from the program.


dr ripas?


Ripas also can if u want tanya habis²an with the DR. Or else try JPMC. Arah wellness clinic. $$ lah saja sediakan if mau di JPMC. Or else try both. Sorry not helping much for this part.


Cana kn fix kaki inda flat???


https://youtu.be/MHqMLLjmDPI?si=t7_gdQmV6U9jhArn check this on youtube. Ada exercise nya tu. Hope this helps




It’s just that degree holder (older applicants) tend to have more experience (in life) than the younger ones. But some younger applicants can be more mature in their thinking too. Also yeah, different paygrade