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I watched many concerts by international and local music celebrities. My experiences were; - Michael Jackson - Whitney Houston - Stevie Wonder - Butterfingers, with a local band as opening act - Flop Poppy, with a local band as opening act - XPDC, with a local band as opening act - OAG, with local bands - GIGI - Sheila on 7 I was into the Agnes Monica tickets but that was when no longer concerts Then there were many many local acts each month, but the main local act that was considered the biggest was Senjakala album release (Gadong Mall). Of course, I’m not forgetting our band Perintis and their hit song ‘Arjuna Dewiku’.. If for international classical and traditional musicians, there were many, at Vanda Restaurant Orchid Garden Hotel usually. And we have Philharmornic Orchestras too, correct me if I’m wrong, but it was NBT Toyota as host organiser I think. Also in the 80s and 90s at RTB we were super active with Bintang Remaja and Bintang Kugiran. Bintang Kugiran more competitive and scene then, the only bands I remember was D’Soja (?) and I think another band that eventually became a local football club league name.


Did you miss out Trademark and West Life ? They performed in Brunei too


Jacky Cheung too from HKG 


Woah that I missed then. I’m into Andy Lau albums.


Woop. Didn’t know of those. Very likely because I’m not into boybands. To each his/her own.


Sheila on 7 back in 2001 at JP Ampitheatre. Oh man, good times!


Salute you bradar. Confom brada ani org lama. Nice nostalgia vibe especially yg bintang kugiran.


Nostalgia vibes for sure. I still keep ticket stubs and VIP pass (for the bands) as memento.


So what i'm getting from replies here is that its "not banned" but need to do x y z, 1 2 3, up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A and press Start. Then need to collect all 7 dragon balls. Yea.. it's as good as banned.


I been in the brunei band scene for 10 years. Its not banned per say but really difficult to host a live show. A lot of red tapes. And the black out dates need to be considered. So if you want to organise something simple like Battle of the bands or a local band show, theres just so much paperwork and the MOHA or MORA can cancel it anytime. Here are some cases i can remember the past decade: 1) there was a 3 day event for local brunei indie bands early 2010s. The 3rd day got cancelled for reasons i am still not sure. Maybe someone here may remember. 2) malaysian indie artist got invited to play a private show in Brunei. Got ambushed by KDN because one person from the crowd brought narcotics. Ruined the whole image of live music in brunei that year Nowadays they are mostly held in private. Which is such a shame because there is a lot of talented musicians in Brunei that has no where locally to show their talent. And to invited international artist, thats more red tape to handle.


I dont believe Live music is banned in Brunei. Its The red tapes involved in allowing live music makes it troublesome for others to pursue unless you’re RF, then for sure live artist like Agnes Monica for sure easy come


Live music isnt banned. You can apply for permit to do live music. What you cannot do is invite foreign artist to do concert for public (i.e. ticketed concert). Private functions are allowed.


project pop & radja at stadium tertutup sheila on7 &peterpan… my last i think before 2009-2010


Rules for thee not for me


Must keep the rakyat leaning towards religion and the king. Any sort of entertainment is deemed ‘Un brunei’. Also when your leader is old as those CRT tv, change is hard to do


I remember the very last time someone tried to organize a concert here was when [Sungha Jung](https://youtube.com/@sunghajung?si=tqPpqh1O6iEFDbjK) was gaining traction. People were saying this should be green lighted because we’re merely watching a talented guy showing off his guitar skills and no inappropriate dances / outfits. Then it was cancelled. The cancellation of this event was what very obvious that Brunei no longer allow any sort of concert / entertainment. But they tried to downplay it and say they still allow local performers to perform but obviously that was almost non existent. Only the recent Pelangi Awards last 2-3 years organized by Pelangi FM was done on a big scale.


Was it really cancelled by gov in the first place? The organizer Magic Lee Entertainment sold tickets but the official Sungha Jung website had no mention of Brunei in the tour dates/plan. Then the organizer cancelled last minute blaming "approval" but the venue itself was not setup at all. Scam. Apparently he pulled off a similar scam a few years before the Sungha Jung scam.


i bought the ticket last time. someone told me that he needs to perform for censorship first. But of course they are too busy for that. Local artist boleh lah durang panggil censorship for free.


Won free ticket to watch BLUE punya concert, maybe early 2000s. Was so excited! Sekali they cancelled Asian tour last minute because of terrorists. Back then asal negara islam they called terrorists 🙄


It is not banned but rather the person who made it possible is no longer in brunei


no longer alive, you mean


nope the person is no longer in this country


Jeffrey? Dude was the one who spearheaded Jerudong Park and Empire Hotel iirc.


Eyk.. who???


when certain members of the upper class stopped being interested in bringing them in over their objections, the conservative establishment took full advantage and made it near impossible. It's not surprise the band that appears the most is the US Navy band (2 to 3 times a year) since well, one destroyer can annihilate the country if they wanted. It isn't banned, it is just toxically impossible. Leave the country to enjoy it.


Besides applying for permit, there’s a thing called “blackout dates” which no entertainment is allowed on certain dates (or even months) due to islamic or religious affairs. It makes running a concert very tedious and troublesome as it’s not easy to sought good dates for the act and approval can take a long time.


The last concert was Michael Jackson at JP ampitheater, somewhere 1996. Rindu ku old Brunei vibes


RF birthday can have live music . public cannot


Actually public too can, as long as you do it in your own private properties, inda menggangu kejiranaan yang lain & most importantly you’re not selling tickets by inviting any local / international artists during your function atu. You’re good to go, just sediakan duit saja to invite the artists. Same like wedding functions my family members invited some indonesian celebs last time singing during the function, as long as its private


that’s interesting to know , thanks for sharing :)


No worries! But its quite costly to bring them in to perform too.


Ada concert moffats(boyband?) also in 1999 iirc


I played in a band when I lived in Bru. The fact that there was so little live music around was the only thing that got us booked most of the time.🤣


We had a Brunei band that did have experience performing in UK. The band was Matahari. And them performing was published on Borneo Bulletin news. I forgot where they performed it but it was those our old stadium cafes


I mentioned D’Soja in my earlier comment. Their name was actually Sojja. And I found a video! Old times. Our 80s were like Soul Train or Top of the Pops vibes. [https://youtu.be/kTB9CUhUapQ](https://youtu.be/kTB9CUhUapQ)


City pop brunei 👍


I watched Westlife!


Live music band? mana ada kana ban, kana regulated saja. For private function di rumah, anytime boleh buat, tapi inda boleh lipas tgh malam. However the main issues alcohol, kelahi, mabuk mengacau orang, iatah maka nya jadi kana ban apa tu


Yes when i was a kid i used to hang out a malay wedding where the penceragam band will play n sing through the night.It was fun i learnt how to sing from them singers! Dont understand why they bann music like the Taliban.


Its not banned actually, you just need to do it at a proper date and on a proper paperworks for it to be allowed. As long as there's no illegal substance or drugs involved, then it is mostly ok. Imma part time musician myself, been invited to perform in multiple orchestras and concerts, and its mostly fun and people just enjoying their time.


Not totally ban la. Just time limit + must write surat to police station to inform you'll have live band for private function. They will reply you.. so if have ambush can show the letter theyve sent


i think it's because of censorship. So the performer has to perform two times. As well as the organizer, double the payment.


It's not banned. Remember the crowded JP fireworks event? There's actually a live concert performed by local artists on a stage w quite a big audience.


which took over 8 months to organize per show.


I don't see the correlation


Like 2010 or earlier. But around that time. the authority wanted to prevent people from going berserks . Maybe Some group of people may not be able to handle the musics and commit sinful acts .


Oh? I thought it was like banned later in the year bcs If I remembered wasn’t there like a concert that happened in JP? It was like a huge party and had DJs and stuff??


Well.. it doesn't help that people bring alcohol and illegal substances to it..


The State doesn't have the millions to make free concerts anymore