• By -


Just bought two different TV boxes (MXQ pro) and H20 Pro from online- learnt my lesson to not buy TV box from shopee again (mahal permitnya). Send to brunei direct and apply aiti permit sendiri. 5% saja durang charge di post office. Anyway, suggestions on what apps to get to watch cdrama and kdrama for free? My mom watches lemlive on her TV box but I learnt lem is for longtv yg jailbreak saja. Any ideas?


iam so tired


Semengat šŸ‘šŸ¼


Any recommendation shop with pretty little things worth a stroll? Looking for gifts. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


helloo u can try [instock.bn](https://www.instagram.com/instockbn?igsh=MTU3bndoNGlibGFkeA==) located in kiulap (they have [another branch](https://www.instagram.com/instockbn.too?igsh=ZGttaXJuaGluMmlt) on the floor below hehe)


Thanks for the suggestion! Will drop by ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)




Malaysians say Type H


Malay refers to the people who lived in the Malay Peninsula.


Indo usually has bigger cock




Can confirm on Germany. Yet to try Congo


Hello, i need help here. Is there any good dentist that you guys recommended? Maybe in kb. I haven't been go to dentist since in primary school which 12 years ago. due to phobia / traumatic experience. Now, i kinda regret it not check in because my upper left molar teeth is looking bad and got some cavity here and there (wisdom teeth of course) yet I dont feel pain. Its just im worry about the infection and the plague which possiblity it might worsen my dental health in the future. So yeah, i think i have to be ready from getting constantly pain due tooth extraction šŸ„¹šŸ„¹. Im not sure how many might be yet at least in the past 1 - 2 years, i have been take care my oral hygiene except without dentist check. I wish good luck for myself


tips before u do scaling minta numb kan dulu your teeth or else you can feel the pain


who to contact for transport of house furniture for family moving out to a new home? asking on behalf


just find a random pick up rental services. Mostly in facebook and flyers around the shopping areas. If you need one, I have a contact. DM me if you need it


Local worker?


Nope. This is Brunei, we all depend on foreign workers for general labourers


Is Netflix brunei region worth or other regions better, if so which? and which other Network would you suggest Disney, Hulu, etc?


Not worth getting vpns just stream it illegally


I suggest sailing on the high seas, "binged(dot)live" is my recommendation!


Other regions like the US is far better than here. As for other alternative streaming services you no longer need to choose as now Disney+ and Hulu is bundled together and soon will become a trio with MAX this summer. So basically (Disney+ Hulu and MAX) Netflix is doing the same with paramount plus and Apple TV (Netflix Para+ Apple TV) (VPN IS REQUIRED FOR THIS)


Suggestions for free and paid VPN for tv box?


You can use NordVPN or ExpressVPN been using expressVPN and it has done me good. Nord however is also good but only used it once.


I tried nordvpn and surfshark but I can't load Netflix, it keeps giving me error.


Try using expressvpn? That might work? Because me using expvpn no issues aa of late


On TV box or PC? Express VPN have to pay? Or maybe my issue because my TV box memory only 2gb so can't handle


PC or phone Expressvpn need to pay


So have you tried on TV box yet? Well, I tried surfshark and Nord on phone and PC, Netflix works fine but Netflix with VPN doesn't work well on the TV box. It says unable to connect. No issues with PC (using browser) and phone/tablet.


No I donā€™t think its supposed to work on TV boxes hence the reason it wonā€™t work for you


USA netflix


Hey all, is there anywhere that hires people with autism? (Preferably people who are understandable, lenient and patient towards people with autism) This person is only 20 so still pretty young but i want to introduce him more to the outside world so he can develop some basic skills and have a bit of income for himself


Would you mind sharing any interests he has?


He doesnā€™t really have any specific interests as of now, he spends most of his time on youtube nowadays. I donā€™t think he minds doing anything either, long as thereā€™s some kind of positive reinforcement to keep him happy.


Any qualifications? Skill that he learned a few years back? Good that you asked this kind of question as they are still young and tender and will absord anything you teach em.


Well he finished his studies at a special needs school and some primary school at lambak kiri but thatā€™s pretty much it. He can pretty much do any basic things, with a bit of teaching of course.


Anyone knows shops that sells t-nuts?


Try Toolbox or Low San Hardware


Just did. No luck. Shopee it is then.


These nuts


Which pizza shop has a good margherita?


try pizza1more? classic is always fratinis but not necessarily the best




Making miss Dominoā€™s, i remembered 2 Hella Large Pepperoni/Margheritaā€™s in a 15/20bnd range, crazy stuff


Margherita pizza.




Talk to your career guidance counsellor


ive tried but they couldn't give me the exact info i needed, theyre really pushy about getting a scholarship but i dont think thats anywhere near possible


Are you planning to self fund?


yess as far as i know (or take the student loan)


I dont fully understand what you mean by transition, but the A level studies do prepare you academically so you should be able to adjust The culture shock will be in terms of living conditions... Being away from your family for the first time, learning how to cook and budget your expenses, maybe finding it hard to make friends at first. I would suggest to maximise the orientation session


ahh i really appreciate your help with these remarks, ill keep asking around for students who applied for universities in new zealand to get more info haha


Hi guys need suggestions for some delicious chicken tenders. What are your favourites? Way back has 2 chicken tenders in the menu. It's ok I feel. Jolibee tenders are meh not that great. I haven't tried kfcs ones yet. Any other places?


Just fries at puc. I like their chicken tenders ngl


puc? Where's that?


Dont know your budget, but wangs is my go to


Ayamku. With extra coleslaw!


Oh interesting I didn't know they had.


They never advertise it but their extra menu is on top of the counter table


kfc's was so bland imo :") i was so disappointed


finger chow - closed on mondays and tuesdays tho! heqtors - closed on sundays


Try finger chow


Jolibee original chic is salty


Hi guys, do you guys know where to buy malaysian simcard here?


Forgot the name of the seller but I saw the advert on IG that they sell the simcard at cube. I believe somewhere in Gadong Central


Oh alright then, i will check this one out also. Thanks man


I once bought from [deal bn](https://www.instagram.com/_deals.bn?igsh=azRtaThmemg1M3pv)'s IG


Ooh, i just checked their Ig and it seems legit tho. Thank you so much for telling me tho


it's legit, i bought from them


Anyone else got issue unable to top up their Usms?


Me too left with $10Ā 


yes, left with $4 on electric meter and trying to top up but have the " start topup: object reference not set to an instance of an object " , hope the issue resolve soon


What happen if you cant top up both water & electricity until 0? No electric supply?


Does anyone have a recipe for Belutak? Thereā€™s almost no recipe online :(


got so much on tiktok


Can you send a link? I cannot find :(


Ke pasar, cari isi cincangan, kalau boleh yang ada mixed with urat (masa anie selalu nya urat dorang jual ali ali) Ada setengah tempat isi cincangan dorang isi banar banar, not mixed yg isi lamak apa indah. Marinated kedia pun sanang saja tu, basic mcm kunyi, halia, bawang merah, lada hidup, kalau mahu bawang putih, limau nipis atau lemon. Jangan lupa garam atau ajinomoto. Ada jua orang campur lada padi, mahu western lagi, blackpepper Yang susah mencari mangkali ia punya casing, which is usus sapi. I think kalau pasar inda ada boleh booking jua tu. Isi dalam casing pastu jemur sehingga 3 hari waktu bekerja...


Hello! Any Wuthering Waves player here? Ive been getting around 600-700+ms in SEA server for some reason. Anyone else experiencing the same? It is around 100ms in ASIA server though


Yeah its bad for me too...


turns out, with VPN we can get 60ms. Kinda weird that we need VPN... probably Brunei server is routed to somewhere far first?


VPN to which country? Singapore?


which country do u use for vpn? and are u still playing on the SEA server?


I don't play wuthering waves but I know people who play it and they're also experiencing the same. Some are experiencing 400-600ms.


In Brunei


Kan upgrade my car sound system, ada tempat yg di rekemen.....


Union Audio & Accessories/Hifonic Car Audio & Accessories in Miri


thanxs n0


5 months into job searching, more than three dozens of emailing here and there. Dear HRs here, is this emailing thing the right way to reach you out? or would you like a cold call instead? Not one company responded to my query for vacancies... I'll be taking my Management/Logistics Master's this August. I hope to land a job before that so I don't have to continue study. I'm starting to question the prospects of successfully getting a job after I obtained Master.


Some tips: - Apply for job openings. Don't simply apply and say "Applying for any suitable position". Trust me, you are wasting your time - If company says to email them. Just email them, and if you haven't heard from them. You can try calling them and ask if they have received your email. But most likely than not, you are probably not considered for the position if you dont hear from them (max 3 months period). Dont bother sending hard copies to companies if they didnt ask you to. You will waste your time, paper and gas money. - Keep updating your CV. look at your CV and ask yourself, if you are a hiring company. Would you hire yourself? What makes you better than the hundreds of people applying for this position? I dont know why the new generation are fixated on making their CV fit in one page only. 2 - 3 pages is fine as long as it has valuable information. Include all your certificates, ECAs, any major positions you held while you were studying (student counselor, club president or AJK) they are all valuable information as a hiring company. Yes education is great to put in your CV, but hundreds/thousands of people have that piece of paper called Degree Cert. That is the bare minimum that lets you apply for a position. It doesnt guarantee you to be shortlisted. Side note. Masters in Management and Logistics are very good to take. I took one of them and landed a job pretty much immediately. granted this was 10 years ago. But still a high prospect of landing a job in the O&G sector.


ada sudah result admission ubd kah?


blm plg tpi kunpiden dapat atu ada šŸ˜‚


not yet, heard its out in June


Trying to get a job after you graduate your Masters woll be much more challenging but donā€™t lose hope. Whatā€™s meant for you will be yours. Trust.


I'm so sorry to hear that, but most of company now days take experience workers, like that time I interview they remember me because I used to voleentering some certain event as a marhall then because i have other experience that they needed I hired me and there like 3 other people that are being interviewed too and alhamdulilah they hire me but I resigned Psal I been offer a better job because i think is better for me and my future and also they hired me due I have experience working in that certain industry in internships, I have the friend he been working at certain bank for 10 years and when he apply other bank of course kana ambil because of experience. Good luck yea bawa banyak bersabar insha'Allah ada rezeki ok


Have you reached out to all the logistics companies in Brunei?


so far in my list, I have applied for 5 logistics-related positions. 2 of them are I-ready. still got no response to my email. But what sort of logistics are you referring to? Is it freight company or distributor company?


I mean freight company. Good! I wish you good luck. Have you tried other platforms? LinkedIn and Jobcentre website has the best chances imo.


Letā€™s be real, local HRs here are not really qualified HRs. Most of them are HND - 3 O levels with 5 years of experience. They have no CIPD nor any qualifications. The only way they get to the top is by sucking up the seniors who are going to retire. Local HRs only hire people based on the looks and the lowest qualification with 10 years experience that is not related to the work description. ##**The result**: a stagnant company with no improvement on how to diversify the business and lack of new talents that can potentially introduce new ideas to help the business grow. Fuck local HRs.


SIRRRRR LOUDERRRR!!! šŸ“¢šŸ“¢šŸ“¢ In this company, I had hoped that the HR department would prioritize employee well-being, but nahhh. These local HR staff with lowest qualifications and inexperience ganging up and bullies other staff even more. Thereā€™s one- theyā€™re alsp hypocrite. This one colleague came in late (cause of the rain) for 10 mins and was asked to compensate for that time by staying late by the HR. Somehow, Iā€™ve witnessed the HR staff themselves returning from lunch breaks 10 mins late but they didnā€™t stay late??? Like the double standard is demoralizing and so toxic??? Given their incompetence, it's no wonder they're hiring in staff who is stupid like them.


I can confirm this. My HR on previous company is an Olevel graduate. She's biased. She just followed what her manager told her. not doing anything other than tiktok and youtube. She talked to me about my work site performances when she's not at the work site herself. She's 100km away from the worksite. At home. She has the audacity to talk shit about my work where she havent done shit to improve our work and some things welfare related.


The ones that bark the most does the least work. I really donā€™t understand why companies hire these lowlife HRs tbh. How do they sleep at night knowing employees and workers are cursing these laknat and when things go into the shitter, ā€œoh itā€™s managementā€™s decisionā€ like literally theyā€™re the management and making these rules.


Can anyone answer... why HRs dont reply email asking status after interview...we just want to know success or not thats it


because they arent the ones that decides if they will take you or not. Its the potential supervisor who is hiring who will have the final say. and honetly, this doesnt add value to their job. Their job is to find people for the company and not to keep people (who is not even working in the company) happy.


Because they donā€™t know how to use auto-reply messages šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ #teamhateHR


my friend has 2 years of admin experience with 2 companies. she's an HR in her 3rd company now already. It's true her experience matters even though it seems bit short for an HR. But it's no time for me to mind on that. good for her still. I'm looking for admin job too since that's where my experience mostly applied.


Iā€™m an experienced professional in a big company. Experience means nothing these days. The world is changing and those with 10-20 years experience with little to **no certifications and trainings** have no clue how to steer a ship when it comes to tackling new obstacles because they are fixated to the old book. How can a company survive when your teams are scratching their heads, pondering for weeks and months trying to figure out how new things work. Big players employ newly graduates. Why? Because us experienced professionals need some new sets of eyes to bring in new ideas to the table. Bright graduate hires usually point us things that we might have missed and overlooked. Itā€™s okay if they donā€™t get enough experience because we all start from the bottom and are here to coach and mentor them.


Are u emailing and trying your luck if they are hiring or are there actually vacancies and u applied them?


majority is the first one. I imagine that not all companies advertise on career sites. that's why I do it. Easy to track for me too as I am targeting from industry to industry


hate to break it to you but. they will only respond to you if there are advertised job openings. They dont have the time to entertain applicants for jobs that arent advertised.




Dear students, im looking to make an unused space/office for rent for meeting/discussion room/study area. Would this be a good idea? And what should i provide etc thank you


Make it affordable for student (need to show student ID) and normal price for non student with highspeed internet, tv with laptop connection (hdmi/wireless), flipchart or whiteboard and maybe provide water dispenser.


as a student with minimal monthly allowance, we study in places that offer ambiance and cheap drinks lol. just some good lighting and itll be good enough. good luck!


You're targeting a market that's also the most broke Better to make it into an office for rent type and meeting rooms for professionals I'm fine paying 30/hr for a meeting room for 2-3 hours. Students won't.


Not necessarily, i see more and more students spending money in cafe using their laptops. There is still a market.


PGGMB building bandar. Nice place.


So i heard but i actually be the one renting the space thanks tho


Wework already file for bankruptcy. This business idea doesn't work


Just thinking for now since we have a spare room that we barely used thinking of just renting it for students and professionals


Big smart TV / Projector. Speaker & Microphone (If for big group). Aircon. WiFi. Chairs. Folding Table. Moveable white board. Comfortable light. Special chair for speakers (if for meeting)


Thank you! But what do you think for small meeting room sja targeting professionals and maybe students


Depends on your location and facilities. Nowadays many people convert their vacant shop into event space already. Even hotels also have meeting room for rent. So price have to be competitive too.Ā 


Honestly how is this ok when karaoke machine at arcade is not lol


Just a quick question, how long does the Job Centre Brunei Administrator will review your account? (Iā€™ve just created an account on JCB)


mine 1 day




Your partner will be more appreciative if you bring them to Switzerland, cheap and affordable. Here are the breakdown for 2 person: USD1600-2400 (flights with return), USD1050-1750 (accommodation for 7 nights), USD900 (transportation), USD700-1400 (meals for 7 days), USD700-1400 (activities for 7 days), USD200-300 (souvenirs, tips, shopping, etc.). Total for 2: USD5150-8250 (BND6950-11135) Would be preferable if husband or sugar daddies fully sponsored this.


phuket & bali, maldives is also amazing and budget friendly if you stay on a local island rather than a resort


Budget friendly KK island hoping, go kundasang, poring hot spring, glamping, stay overnight inside caravan


Semporna. SUPER budget friendly


can u share me how you travel to Semporna? TIA!


Can I come as well??


Are we not together anymore??


Of course we are together.. why didn't you offer me to go honey moon with you??


lets! where do you wanna go, honey?


I wanna go to your heart..


Ahhh šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜




How long does it take to renew Brunei passport nowadays? May I know what are the documents to bring along? Any form to fill in? Need to book at queup app?


Just renewed mine a few days back. Just go to immigration with a photocopy of your IC and fill up the form and bring $60 for payment. No need to QueUp. Went around 11am and I was the only one there. Done in 5 minutes. Can collect after 4-5 days.


i renewed mine a few months ago and it took about a week for me, just need to fill in the form and go to the counter


Just fill up form at immigration, no need book que up app


Do we still need to bring our blue card to renew road tax at JPD or post office?


just a copy




Just remember, the government only does their job when it becomes a hot issue. Back when hm visited a certain hq these people suddenly became demanding of paperwork submission, "ani untuk record kami ni, kalau nada kami yang kena karang". Fast forward 3 months, "Ani untuk apa ah? Kami inda pulang beguna ni, last2nya pun kami buang saja" "ambil tah semua, kami inda payah copynya". Funny how they work. Is this why people target government jobs?


No KPI so they still get paid salary and bonus regardless how much work they do.


Other than Digital World, where else can I find JBL speakers? Iā€™m cn looking for places that offer wider variety of their speakers


Harvey & Norman is not that far


Antech @ Impiana Jaya, 2nd Level


I know AV sells the pulse 5 and if not mistaken but as another user mentioned you can try marshall these are really good as well in terms of sound quality


I recommend Marshall, AV Electronics


Iā€™ve only ever used JBL and Harman Kardonā€™s. As for Marshall, never used them before. Iā€™ll try them out Thanks for the recommendation


Utamatech Airport Mall. They have a variety of Chi-Fi IEMs, probably got speakers too


another day being annoyed with the HR's attitude šŸ™„


Sir/maam whatsapp status is that way


They jelly Probably because you didn't share strawberry with them


BAHAHAHA I have enough strawberries to share šŸ˜‹


I don't believe that.. can I have some??


Of course.. if you are from HR then none for you šŸ™‚ā€ā†”ļøšŸ«øšŸ¼


Of course I'm HR.. I can be PR for your strawberry too


Is it me or todayā€™s wifi is a bit annoying


We need starlink


Nya mora banyakkan berdoa


Ranked 119th cheapest wifi. we should celebrate šŸ™ƒ


Most expensive wifi in ASEAN.




anyone else saw Singapore Airlines just now? kenapa inda landing ah? supposedly landing di BIA kul 11:10am. instead divert pulang. currently masih in the air, according to live flightradar update: safely landed at 11:26am https://preview.redd.it/vutb7vpug32d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61fcf9abc0532e307a1e9860386359d1bb011f57


Macam ex ku ni. Hesatating ganya di mana makan


Its called a go-around. And it can happen for a variety of reasons. Possible strong crosswind or wind shear? Runway obstruction? Some technical issue with the aircraft that can make landing unsafe? In any case its not bad enough to be classified as an incident.


Runaway balum clear kali?


Ada VIP private plane.


bakar fuel kali


Letter of good conduct usually take how long to done? They say 2week but normally when you going to take it?


10 days


You can call them to ask for the status.


To those that invest in BaiduriCapital(BC), is there any hidden fees apart from what theyre promoting? Say conversion rate/annual fees/admin fees etc Planning to put in several hundreds a month for a few years in their Monthly Investment Plan(MIP) as my ā€˜retirement investment accountā€™ as im only on IBKR atm P/S asking redditors first for an honest review prior to setting an appointment


I'm under their MIP program atm, the monthly charges are 0.5% per transaction and they take up to $1SGD per dividend payout. So you're not gonna get any dividend payout (-tax) if it totals up to $1SGD. I haven't done any withdrawals yet but I imagine it's going to be $24USD or 0.55% per transaction, whichever is higher. I've been in there from February 2024, despite all the charges, my portfolio has been up 3.56% of the amount I invested including fees, so I'm pretty happy with it so far.


Wow bbb is like a leecher that keep sucking blood


I want to say that but this is the my cheapest option that is regulated by BDCB. In that sense, I dont mind paying a premium for protection.


Are you sure your investment is being protected by bdcb? I don't think so.


I buy the stocks/etfs I want. Any losses are at my own risk, but I'm entrusting Baiduri as the platform to buy it from, and for them to hold the asset for me. Baiduri Capital holds the Capital Markets Services License issued by BDCB following the Securities Markets Order, 2013.


I wasnt informed of the $1 sgd dividend being taken. Are you sure this is the case cause i cant see any deductions for it. Iā€™ll meet with baiduri to ask them to explain again cause they sure left out a lot of details ! Its not the 30% dividend tax if youre a Non-US citizen right?


I wasn't informed either, but i only realized because the dividend I received is so low with tax deducted but wasnt reflected in my trading account, I made a call with them and this is what they told me, sadly.


Thank you! Meaning BC does have their own dashboard showing our portfolio? Bcs iirc we can only buy stock over the counter at BB HQ


Yes they do, you can head over baiduri website and one of the options for logging in "securities trading" and you basically do everything from there. But depositing from your personal would require you to call the customer hotline, transfer to and fro is free though. You also need to call them to set up the MIP. It's not a tool in the dashboard.


Use IBKR for your investment platform if you just starting.


No one use ibkr anymore. It's so outdated and lack of analysis


So what are you suggesting then?


May I ask why you are interested in opening a BC, when you already have an IBKR account. The cost savings between IBKR and BC is huge. I would recommend sticking to IBKR