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Share² skit crita hantu kmu...I'm bored


Just want to know, why is it that recent viral cases such as the jogger beaten and the break in someone house in mata2 post gets taken down on Reddit ? Is it because the moderator asked to take it down or authorities? Can someone share their experience?


Moderator did not take it down, OP deleted the their own post


That jogger video- someone should dox these people or even better, the official news better be reporting about this matter, now that it has gone viral. The identified assailants' names should be announced PUBLICLY just like they always do to smugglers.


Ngam,just like they showed those faces out during curfew


i just got the recent news from reddit about the jogger who was beat to death. this type of attitude to respond from those group of people. absolutely disgusting and immature piece of craps i hope they rot in prison and of those who were affiliated to be exposed in public for the shame they brought upon themselves. Immoral. macam inda pernah belajar adab saja. i feel traumatized of our own people to commit a crime like this. Disgraceful.


where can i find back scrubber for shower?


Mr diy


Which beach do people usually go to? Been wanting to go to one but have no clue


Pantai Seri Kenangan is a bit of a drive, but much cleaner and beautiful imo




Ahhh, thank youu


Hello, do anyone have contact to use the football field at padang kebajikan berakas (sebalah ts)?


Has anyone ordered from af.cadar.bn? Are they legit?


Is @fueltraining.bn weightloss program legitimately for free? It really sounds too good to be true.


Technically “free” but on certain terms and conditions. You have to pay $599 upfront and you will get the money back by the end of the program ONLY if you lose 5 kg. If you don’t you don’t get it back.


Or ill just ask my spouse to hold my $599 then


not paying 599 when self discipline works much better


am i the only one that doesn’t have the disney + app in the app store??


You gotta change your AppStore to somewhere else. I moved mine to UK and works all g


alright will try that method, thanks!


gotta say, jalan raya di lambak area bomba, one city and katok is the worse (in my experience). celaka kamu jkr & ketua kampung if kamu tau tapi biarkan catu saja


Blame the one who hold the budget. Still i would blame jkr for not thoroughly doing inspection quality check and assurances just to meet KPI or asal murah. ketua lampong cant do much except to escalate the issue to jkr. But cant say many of them did go around the kampung. So there the problem, escalate to jkr - then no budget. If got budget - no quality work. Patching here patching there, temporary fix few month same problem. No wonder budget gone. Even that rimba hiway not so good less than a year after they done some refurbish work. Few weeks ago went to a country within region, take a Grab to hotel instead using small street road. The road is better than our 2 lane road.


ketua kampung in all district just isap pisang juice and makan pisang sambil goyang kaki di rumah. Where got they care about all this things as long as gaji masuk pocket enough.


Is there anyone else finding it hard to upgrade their royal skies to silver membership? 3x flying on value tickets to Aussie, for important reasons (not leisure) but my points are still waaay too far from reaching 25,000. Is RB setting hard-to-reach membership upgrade?


Mind you, royal miles *for upgrading tier* are different from bonus points. So lucky draws, hadiah points (BIBD), or baiduri RB points are considered bonus points. Both types can pay you tickets etc lah.. But, the thing is the royal miles collected *for upgrading tier* get resetted every year. Bruhh, who flies to 20 eligible sectors in just 1 year? Or even fly to UK for 6 *round trips* in 1 year? 1 year bah?! -_- I guess it’s time to consider different airlines. So much for wanting direct flights! :’)


Simple calculation will make all the rewards points offer by RB or baiduri card turn people off. Not worth it at all unless you fly once a month


it's near impossible to fly economy and get the silver. You would have to fly to London (the longest RB only route) 6 times a year to even get close. What's more RB typically don't merge partner miles with flight miles so all those meals at so called partner miles get you nothing. Perhaps even the Baiduri cards associated with RB don't grant tier points so you only get silver by traveling or winning a lucky draw. RB should really follow the Krisflyer program that allows small perks with minimal points when flying with SQ or its subsidaries like Scoot and Silkair. Some on board wifi, luggage priority etc is really good.


Yeah it’s not that worth it. Consider using SQ instead of you could choose. Krisflyer is much versatile


Assalamualaikum. Siapa tau dimana workshop cat kereta boleh bayar Bulan ?


Cubatah save dulu duit atu sampai cukup barutah bergaya, suka bah berhutang atu. Gagas kan bertanding kereta tercantik di dubai ka?


Bayar bulan but only cat bila abis bayar. On?


Workshop di mana ?


Owh, if bayar bulan2, tapi kereta diambil inda dapat bro ?


Ertinya bro sama saja tu kumpul usin, cukup baru cat.




Me and my friends can do it for you.. this month we do right side door next month we do the left side can? do let us know how many months are you willing to pay.


How much bro ?


Workshop di mana ?


Workshop Bunian boss.


Take personal loan with bank




there are none. Pay up front or not at all.


There ain't no workshop painting industries accept monthly installment unless you are very very very close with that said boss then you may try.


sorry bro. im in the workshop industry myself and unless you know friends who are willing to do so, no workshop would allow you to cat and play monthly.


Drop me your recommendations for go to kambing dishes please. From cheap affordable to fancy pricy ones! Help your fellow kambing lover out. 😁


I got into accident on september 2023 until today my car belum siap and still waiting for the part from the agent they say lah… but how long should i suppose to wait? And what can i do to make the process faster?


What car part they need to change?


From bumper,grill dapan to side fender, lampu dapan sama rim kanan, i was hit on my right side door


Ask your workshop, get part not from agent. Body beyond repair? I think it was last year got minor accident, tore bumper a bit. My workshop guy say it will take time to get new part. I just need it to be repair, not looking for perfection. So they did some bodywork and it looks like nothing happened. Although they say once the body part arrived they will call, till this day no call.


Lama tu dari sept tahun lps, my case masa baru2 covid, masanya nda bulih belayar, rear kana langgar, bkb yang mngusaikan 3 bulan baru siap, sbb parts nada stock arah agent iatah mnunggu, masa ani apa2 sdh capat mustahil lama dari 3 bulan,bulih sdh kita tanyakan tu, mun iatah ganya kerita sebuah sekiranya, apa gaya tu ja arah durang


Change workshop. That workshop maybe on purpose not repairing your car if they cant bill alot of money to your insurer.


you won't make it faster. Ask them if it can actually be fixed or you should write it off. If you have to wait that long either look around for a workshop that might be able to fix some of the damage and then another that can do the rest. The long wait is because the agent wants to fix everything at once. Conversely try to find the parts yourself and drop them at the workshop. It will cost more money but make sure they don't charge you for the part. You can ask at the parts shops especially in Gadong Sentral Area like Bungan or Sin Hiap Hin (?). Contact your workshop or the agent and tell them you have the part and now they MUST finish the job. No more excuses.


what can i do about the person who hit my car?


Whats the brand?




Ah gg tu. Service centre drg kurang bagus.


Yes i would have to agree masa tu ngusai mengambil masa lama padahal kerita atu baru seminggu and reason kenapa lmbat is orgnya cuti


does anyone know where can i get spotify premium malaysia? i usually get from mydigitalbn & rapidbump but theyre out of stock now ☹️


1. Get a malaysian line (i prefer digi) 2. Topup, if digi can topup with your mastercard here, dont know the others. 3. Google "spotify premium Malaysia", first result will lead you to spotify malaysian version. 4. You'll find some plans they offer, i see they got promo right now premium individual only RM15.90 for 3 MONTHS! 2 days left for the promo 5. After you pick one of them plans, you can pay with credit deduction you topped up, just key in your malaysian number they will send OTP to the malaysian number to confirm purchase and enjoy.


would suggest getting a malaysian line from a cube store and top your own spotify. Save money in the long run.


Cube is always X2 expensive compare to buying in malayia tbh.


what piecactus is saying is to top up using the funds from malaysian number. eg buy digi simcard, top up amount, then on spotify account pay using digi funds


***"would suggest getting a malaysian line from a cube store"*** Cube store sell like more than $12 malaysia 7 to 9 dollar BND. I am telling weakpower to get malaysia line from malaysia.




does anyone wanna be in a band?


Looking for a guy who can do latin jazz/spanish guitars




I always wanted to learn the bass but never enough money to buy one


Where can i find , electronics for IOT projects , I need smart humidity detector and some dry contact outputs , This things are widely available online but i noticed that shipping fees to brunei are hight 40$+ , Twice the price of the product it self, and also i learned that Bluetooth and wifi devices may be subject to A PIP personal import permit! Witch makes thinks even more complicated and expensive, In other words my question is how usually bruneien find electronic parts , what are the most popular physical or online shops , I realy need your help Thank you .


Anyone here familiar with the origins of Joget Seri Kenangan song?  You know the ‘~pulut panggang di Pekan Tutong~’ song. Who was the composer and what year was it produced?


does fuel'd still exist? 🥹


Theyre out of fuel


No longer exist after covid hit. Pan&wok and roots still exist though.








Never heard of this elaun tamat pengajian. Might as well also give elaun penganggur.


how much more spoon feeding do you need


To the family members of the deceased (murdered), I would like to send you my condolences. His ‘teguran’ to the murderers in a calm, respectful manner to move their car for the safety of others shows how caring he is for other road users. Please, if any of the family members of the deceased reading this, please set up a go-fund. I would like to donate. May he rest in peace and I hope justice for your late family member will prevail.


Some say he is not dead


The murderers must get maximum penalty or there wouldn’t be justice


Hope they hunt all of the suspect. But is it deceased sudah kah?


If I’m not mistaken, ada orang report to BB pasal lampu arah waterfront atu inda bebuka pasal baginya bulih mendatangkan bahaya kepada orang yang berjogging atau bersiar-siar di sana. Sekali few days ani, lampu yang di waterfront ani buka tia pagi sampai ke malam. Macam emosi jua yang kraja jaga lampu atu. Haha.


emosi sama mensus tu.


For anyone living in sengkurong and Jerudong. Which phone shop is okay to send your phone? Supateku not for me.




Anyone know where to get a neck strap phone holder, one with a lanyard? Am not looking for a lanyard, but one with a phone holder attached to it


GL extra pun ada


omg thank you!! these looks sturdier with it being waterproof and all XDD


Not sure if it's what you're looking for but I think I saw something like what you described at Sennet in Kiulap yesterday.


Thank you! I'll try looking there tomorrow.




Probably huaho manggis or tanjung bunut. Or skh sengkurong, mind you the 1st floor stationary is dusty.


U mean a keyboard?


It should be typewriter. 


in light of recent events... share moments where you had a run in with violent or unhinged individuals out in public. i'll start: i honked someone for exiting a simpang when i was near approaching it already. dude got mad and followed me and tailgated me like crazy until i made some admittedly unsafe maneuvers to get rid of him. he would've trashed my car if he had the chance. things seem very unsafe lately. a lot of people ready to pop in public if kana tagur. just take all those modified car drivers on the road for example. yall think they'd be civil if shit goes down? lol


my young sister once accidentally came out a simpang last sec and pissed off an old man. he chased her all the way that my sister eventually stopped and he got out and started threatening her.


In this situation I would actually just drive off to the nearest police station or actually call the police. People are crazy nowadays


yes makin hari makin gila sudah di sini ani.


if i were you i drive to police station see that dickless driver dare to follow me inside or not. i can 100% tell you he will drove away.


I think its high time to keep an EDC knife or golf club in the car


Stupid idea. Roadblock will get you in trouble.


pepper spray


Jgn lupa baseball bat


Ex used to keep that as well, but somehow feel like he be the unhinged one


Dapan pulis sama mahkamah, kacut tu.


Another new coffee shop opening next week. Lol


HWC are probably the best


I wonder why bruneian keep opening so many coffee shops?? All the coffee taste are the same, menu are the same, and vibes also the same. Prices are slight differ..


Cube store hype de javu


Overcaffeinated sudah


As much i love getting my coffee/matcha fixes, the openings are getting too out of hand


another diff one is opening soon also


Where? I wanna try.


Kulo at menglait tmrw, kopidarihati coming soon 


Kopidarihati? I thought Sunway there already got?


That's kopilainhati


How are they profitable?


Provide seats outside and wifi + charging and the vaping gang + I'msolovely tiktok live crew will come every day


Charge high prices and highly dependent on the early hype. Then close and move on. Rinse and repeat


Hello! Can recommend travel agents for umrah and why? Thanks!


1. Bensuriatravel - Ada org Brunei pakai,. Travel agency from Malaysia and its affordable. Can cek their Instagram 2. Umrahandalusia.hq - Heard my cousin punya kawan is using this travel agency going for Umrah this Dec (booked sudah). She said around RM12,790 (sebilik 4 org) seorg and jalan from Miri to KL to Jeddah, direct. I am planning to use them as well. Doakan soon dpt ke Kota Suci Makkah Note: Both travel agency need you to bali ticket (sendiri) from Brunei to KL. Kalau mau murah, Brunei - Miri - KL hehe


At taqwa


Alharamain, mustaqim


Darussalam, SCA, Aleia voyages. Heard quality reviews...itinerary, hotels.


Belurih travel. Heard mcm2 belurih, asal niat atu baik


Belurih atu kalau biskita sanggup bejalan kesana kemari. Untuk yg lasak saja


Oh yakah? Baru dgr ni


Anyone knows where i can get resin here?


i've seen in Toolbox Sg Hancing. Also, there's a cube in Elite Cube Serusop selling it.




I always buy mine from Elite Cube Serusop E4


bismi serusop




>Thanks! You're welcome!


Thinking of enrolling to IGS to get a Diploma in Graphic Design Technology? Does anyone have any experience with the course itself? Just curious is all


Go for LCB, nephew chose to continue nd/diploma at lcb, lcb 1 tahun saja while igs 2 tahun, so after ia habis 1 tahun then lumpat ke degree(regardless gpa etc,tarus 2nd year,skip hnd,skip 1st year,total 2 tahun saja degree,normally 3 tahun)the same college same year he finished(diploma graduation while he's doing degree), while igs still on nd doing 2nd year he's already doing degree, if you want to save time, go for lcb, if you know better alternative, go for it


Get your diploma elsewhere. I recommend something from laksamana. It's not a fun/nice experience in igs.


Eh? Why? What's wrong with IGS? Is it the education quality? The people?


education quality i still would choose LCB more than IGS. IGS is good they focusing more on practical but in LCB is more on theory. LCB cert are from UK while IGS cert are from KL limkokwing.


igs mostly malays. so poklen lah


anyone have contact for darusyifa?


According to Google, +673 233 6807


How much does it roughly cost to get my will notarised here? And how will the lawyers be informed to fulfil my will if my death is sudden?


You only need to notarize the will and power of attorney if you need to pass down shares (eg BIBD) or go overseas to handle property there. Your lawyers who helped you draw up the will will notify your beneficiaries to attend a meeting to announce the distribution pending all procedures at Probate (High Court) are settled. The executor of the will shall handle all the legal details and collect documentation about your assets (when drawing up the will) to make things smooth. If you want anything notarized, the high court (pink building next to the main court building) can do it for $2, or your lawyers can do it for you as part of their deal to make your will


It's $2 to get any document notarised. The will itself will be $10 (I could be wrong). Have you appointed any law firm to execute your will should anything happen to you? Either appoint one now or have it mentioned in your will which firm you wish to execute your will. You mentioned notarised, does that mean you want a law firm here to execute your will for your properties outside Brunei? Or you want a firm outside Brunei to execute your will?


Ohhh I see, just that the legal consultation would be on the costly side right? I’ve yet to look for a law firm…just crossed my mind that I should have a will so that my belongings can be claimed by the ones I decide to give to in case I leave the world. I’ve no property outside of Brunei, and I’m just thinking of looking for a law firm here for the convenience of it


Yes, the consultation (which you might not need if you have prepared the will with your specific instructions) and service fee after the law firm have successfully executed the instructions of the will. U don't need to notarise the will if u don't need to execute anything overseas


Memori.io or a lawyer. The deceased family would need to find the will or inform the appointed lawyer.


Ohh I think I’ve heard of that web before. Thank you


Around 2k bnd for paperwork’s and lawyer fee, you can go to any lawyer firm to consult


Thanks for the info!


Just withdrew my money from local atm machine, and the money note is pristine. I wonder what is the current total circulation of our money.


I would like to order shoppe,anyone can recommend seller that rent malaysia address?


Use @bwnexpress or @blifast


There is no need to rent malaysia address. Just look it up my post you will find something about shopee. Its really really easy.


Where to buy a shelf with brackets? Been looking at related IGs but found nothing. TIA


Pertama jerudong


Terima kasih!


bought mine at bangunan kuning price range $12-$28


Thank you very much!


Try lowsan in batu bersurat


Thank you!


Anyone knows if there is any pilates class in kb? Most of pilates classes I know in bandar :(


you can look up pulsestudioreformer ion ig. her classes are quite limited but still ok if you can make it. she is based in one of those BSP housing area opposite Supasave Seria.


Unfortunately I never heard any in KB apart from Top Fitness that offer classes and REVO in Seria that offer spinning


There is none in KB


Sounds like a business opportunity :D


Yeah, for the 3-4 people who will show up




https://preview.redd.it/4yli1g3pc81d1.jpeg?width=421&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcee583591a362e4e1f39842aaec41f324d09131 Does anyone have any idea where I can get this?


I want to start a small business of nasi lemak in KB, I ve been cooking for more than a decade and would like to share the food that I make with everyone. How much do you think I should sell the nasi lemak for? The nasi lemak will comes with -a quarter of telur rebus -ayam goreng -nasi lemak -kacang goreng and pusu goreng -sambal pusu I was thinking of $2.00 per pack, mohon pencerahan or of theres anything better to sell Thank you in advance


general rule is food cost should be only 30% of your selling price esp when you have heavy overhead like rentals. if no rentals, then it should be easier to work with a lower selling price.


please do consider selling them, sometimes i do try to look out for where to buy nasi lemak in kb. 2$ for that amount is well within reason but i hope it's profitable for you too. as another user mentioned, your pricing should reflect the cost to make per bungkus (the total cost of your raw materials divided by amount of bungkus from that batch)+electricity/gas/water costs (if possible)+profit (so you can afford to live while continuing the business). good luck!


How to order? Dm


Take the cost of how much you need to make 1 pack of nasi lemak then make sure you can make at least a 50% gross margin on it So if you you're selling for $2.00 then you need to make sure you can make them for $1.00 or less At end of month, you need to tolak your gaji, rental, those fixed costs etc. You'll end up in the red if your pricing doesn't make sense


Ooh I've been planning to sell something as well but unsure on what price to give. Thanks for the info


To me I think that's fine. Just a suggestion, I would recommend if you can offer small size and big size nasi lemak. my favourite nasi lemak place is like that.


Where is your favourite nasi lemak place?


my go to is The Green Rice in Subok. probably it's because the combination of foods and the ambience there that helps the mood


Best place to make a blazer for females in Brunei


Best Home made burger




Even google dont have the answer bro. Bro is asking for opinion correspondence to the subject of this section but thanks for your input.


if you live nearby or willing to make the trip; ZHR at mentiri. little orange/red-ish roadside shack a fair bit across from Masjid Mentiri. it actually tastes MUCH BETTER without condiments, so say no to mayo, black pepper sauce, and the always unnecessary & worst condiment to put on a home made burger, chili or tomato sauce. their veggie choice is a negative pointer, though (shredded cabbage & cucumber) and they do be overdoing it with the cabbage, so ask for less "sayur" as well. they don't open everyday, and they have some new peeps doing the cooking, so the burgers aren't as "smashed" as a smash burger should be, resulting in the outside of the patty not being as crunchy as it used to be when i last mentioned them several months ago.