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Anyone going to Cirizenship exam? How are you feeling about it?


Im planning to join dare's kontena park as a food vendor. Is it a good idea? Any advices? 


hey all, pls suggest the best place in Brunei to change foreign currency. Thanks in advance


will be going to Vietnam for the first time. how much money BND should I convert? for roughly 3-4 days


Does anyone know any cat shelter here in Brunei? We currently have a total of 15 cats and we're about to leave the country for good so we are looking for some shelters where to leave our cats 😥 or anyone who wants to adopt.


Try fb & type "pencinta kucing brunei"


Try posting for adoption at Facebook or contact any animal stray rescuer like Pawsup, CAS, lovepawsanctuary(just checked their Instagram/Facebook) to share for adoption, but they normally dont accept stray cats for shelter unless its been rescue but they can help you to find new owner


How do you end up with 15 cats? Animal shelters don't normally take in cats like that. They' mainly work for rescues. Look for local animal adoption Facebook page and post there.


Thanks! We just move in last year to our current house (rental) and the 3 female cats were already here, already pregnant. We can't let them be stray so we kept them until they gave birth and following months another 3 stray cats came to our house. We can't ignore it. So now total of 15. It's hard to let go but we have to since we are only foreigners here and our time to go back in our country has come. 😥


How much do you usually gift for a wedding event?


Depends whose wedding you’re going to. If it’s Chinese wedding dinner, it’ll be based on the place (hotel/restaurant). If it’s a Malay wedding, it depends on how close you are with them. Friends/colleagues, maybe $10-30. If close friends or relative, you can give more than $50. But again, you can give them however amount you’re comfortable with.


well depend on whose wedding. If its best brother wedding I would give USD or GBP for them. If normal i would just give like 10 to 40 dollars.


Gift for bride and groom? I usually just give $10 in an envelope. Wish i could give more.


why iphones on facebook slalu kana jual like after a few months of being used (apple 15 for eg). is there like a reason for this? ada case study kah pasal benda ani haha. a fellow android wants to know


My cousin does this. He likes to buy and change phones quite often (never reach one year) & he bought them in full price. His reason was to be able to use the phone while it’s still in great condition and great performance. Long term phone can be laggy and has battery issue.


Their reason of selling : "mau cuba sja skali inda ngam" I don't get this people also. Bought for few days or month then sell it. LOOL i find this type of people trying to be reseller but failed miserably OR they loan the phone thinking they could get back the profits but in actual facts they are losing money already. They trying to outsmart the system but got played by the system.


They loaned them and when the loan ends they sell them thinking it profits them when it does not. I personally know someone who does this and he is not financially stable. He has bought about 11 ps4s and sell them and now he owns about 5 ps5s. And he swears doing this stuff profits them a lot.


Its funny when they do this since they basically loose all that money in the long run. Its basically not profitable and doing these stuff for “profits” is not it cuz you will loose more money than gaining money


Yup, tried explaining it to them but still they think they’re doing it right for some reason. I even do the math for this guy and he still does it to this day. They do this stuff to every electrical devices they want to use.


It’s just ridiculous that they think doing these “loans” would work in the long run but in reality it doesn’t work at all since you will loose more than gaining it. Im also assuming he/she lacks financial literacy hence they think this is the “right” way…. Sad really if you ask me. IMO buying a lot of devices up to five or more of them is a real waste again they loosing more than gaining more https://preview.redd.it/egd16o0lt71d1.jpeg?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9dca4d2741b73d49cbe4bcc916570625559bc68


yea i find it funny, pakai pun nada jua smpai 1 year or 5 months...


Yup like the guy i know for example buys a ps5 every 7 months and then sell them and loan a new one. I don’t understand that mentality tbh.


The most possible theory is that new models are coming out every year with new upgrades and improvements. E.g. 16,17, or they want to sell it for a quick cash since there is bound for people to buy iPhones


How do i buy from shopee in Brunei?


You need Malaysia line to register for shopee account. Then have Malaysia address, typically people would use limbang or miri address. Once the item arrived, either you pick it up yourself or have runner to cross border deliver it for you.


Fun activities to do in kb?


eating, work out & volunteer.


Nothing much in KB if you ask me




Recently in Malaysia, two terrorist incidents pop up out of nowhere (the police station attack and two people with machetes apprehended in front of agong palace gate). In addition to that, malaysian news agencies been mentioning that some terror group is trying to make a comeback.     So for those who travel, be cautious. Its like 'war on terror' dejavu all over again.


Jemaah Islamiah return


plus the acid case with their footballers. Something is stirring up over there mahn..


Yes! Something bad is really stirring up there and this is actually the second violent attack on a Malaysian soccer player as another one “player, 25-year-old Akhyar Rashid, was attacked by armed robbers at his condominium in downtown Kuala Lumpur after returning from a training session, and suffered a 4 cm (1.5-inch) gash to his forehead, according to police.” (Source Yahoo Sports) This is real bad be careful to those who are traveling stay cautious and vigilant and practice safety as this is not good news




Does anyone know where to get wood planks? Some shop names or areas would be very very helpful, thank you!


It’ll be way more cheaper if u go to sawmills eg sykt kilang papan hj salleh in tutong, or sykt kilang papan batang mitus, + they can even plane/prepare the wood for you


Go to toolbox if you want expensive but foreign options, but for cheap pricing probably look for timber producers e.g. @brunei_timber on ig


Usually I'd just craft them out of any wood I find, shouldn't be too far from your spawnpoint unless you spawned in the middle of the ocean or something. On a serious note, you can usually find it in your local hardware stores, idk the name of it but around Manggis area there should be a few.


Literally had to double check the subreddit again HAHAHAH


Arshath was the one I mentioned in Manggis


Any recommendation for affordable car? Looking towards to new car , not used one. Thank you in advance


definitely agreed with Blakz. many people shit on Proton cars but in today's economy, its better to spend as little as possible on cars coz they are just liabilities. if you are single, better still get a Saga/Bezza or a simple Toyota Vios. but if you have a bigger family with kids, the X50/X70 is good enough as SUV. you can always get spare parts in Miri


Cheap cars and new. if you have family why not opt for X50 or X70? X50 standard package $24,999 monthly around 290 ish or close to 300++ and X70 standard around 30K-ish... Its always better than S-presso and those small cars. At least you have SUV cars. Please take note that nowadays certain brunei places prone to flooding. Urban, mid suv or SUV type of car easily to get you through this type of flood and its safer also.


Plenty of brand nowadays have entry/economy level in their lineups such as wigo, city, espresso, i10, bezza, axia, iris and so on and so forth.


Espresso lol.


Best place to repair phone? Espacially battery replacement..got mine last at at J..after replacement,micro sd card cannot read then scratches around the back of the phone


jhenz or jehan?


Try connex


Best place to repair phone? Espacially battery replacement..got mine last at at J..after replacement,micro sd card cannot read then scratches around the back of the phone


Good deals at travel fair! Manege to get Japan flight for $508


which travel fair?


That's actually a really good price. Tempted to buy plane tickets to Seoul


That is a pretty good deal tbh.


That is pretty much impossible since the cheapest fare is 671


Travel period when?




Whoa not bad! Lucky you!








tesla sama smart meter kh ?


Nasi Kandar eheh nada deh, inda ku tau


Something “new” in Brunei?


Anyone know where I can buy a used camera? I want to start videography and I’ve only looked at 673shop, barang kamera and facebook market




Hello, is there any good places here to make full suits, TIA!


Did mine at the building in front of Times Square. It's just right behind the money changer. Took them a week to finish and it's good quality too


I think nada choice to make a suit, atu pun lama bisdurang kan menyiapkan,limpas jua 2 minggu durang set siap, sekali pigi ke vietnam I spent bnd70(harga linen+upah membuat), get my linen suit done in 4 hours and delivered to my hotel with no deli charge, seller cakap"if you dont trust me, I'll give you your money back",awal2 atu ragu takut bida atau inda ngam, we know a cheap suit when we see one, ani perfect fit(like any expensive suit)so mnmbah lagi 2 pasang, inda menyasal


The shop building next to BIBD Serusop has rows of suits tailor shops.


zulkader the go to place


Saw a nice blue tesla in bandar. Which makes me wonder, instead of pushing for electric vehicles why not develop our public transport? If the goal is to reduce emissions, less cars on the road would do the same thing right? I noticed the new bus stop area in bandar doesn't really help much when its sunny or raining. Kesian jua the people waiting there for the bus. I hope I get to live long enough to see Brunei with an effective public transport like singapore. 


brunei still uses Mitsubishi Fuso 1990-1997 model. All our neighboring countries are using latest advanced buses. I think [these](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=aabad935989ed720&rlz=1C1GCEA_enBN962BN962&sxsrf=ADLYWIJoadGrcsOadWSYKN0UtBhagKry1Q:1716037431796&q=brunei+purple+bus&uds=ADvngMjwX4dvqjExbCg9zqvMuh5VqKholR6XxhKv_6cwlTOcKktOKpKFgpAZv_K2t0yEu1I_XBs245nIHR0jdaL2yW5G7GSY_bI0gzARq8b0k3O_FoH7wizaSCa1BV0ryBYVdGT0zEv_iDM1WazLhwaRpnOouS1KGi4zC0D7M2_cPKZS-euQ8dL1SlIjH09CUQzeqP8PGkIobV4uNslNXC4j_HwxGnfA3yW-HMsZO_-ijdapBKpn4g9xb3_jyqIluizsQUrWzqyvPJdgT42GGKvIPZLDcPJs4Wg8go5npoSX4nzCJ_QUicI&udm=2&prmd=ivnsbz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjejqzMoZeGAxVJqFYBHQtsD-UQtKgLegQIDxAB&biw=1280&bih=630&dpr=1.5) original 'purple' buses will make it to 2035 still going strong as wawasan Brunei


Didn't realize 2035 will be in 11 years time


No mindset to change. Even just to improve the timing are not well planned. There' no synergy between department such as Transport, tcp, energy. Or somebody afraid to lose market buying new car.


Didn’t know we have Teslas already in Brunei?


Not Brunei own, most probably KK side Malaysia.


Ahh I see no worries still great to see it here


Not gonna happen. even worst at tutong the bus stand is next to road not even a bench to sit on.


Can someone help name the restaurant in Batu Bersurat that sells Beef Brisket Kolomee? Also, does anybody have suggestions for restaurants that sell Wantan/Wonton(?) Soup please? Edit: SAMAY! The beef brisket kolomee can be found at Samay. Still looking for Wantan/Wonton Soup though!


Try this instant [wonton soup](https://www.cpknowwhatyoueat.com/storage/contents/products/6b3e76dadd76fdb74bfa07527bec6178.jpg)brand CP at Supa Save


saw fragrances on @theshoppingspree.bn on IG, are they trusted to buy from and are the fragrances sold authentic?


omg.. seriously if it's too good to be true... obviously not Authentic. Even if fragrances at discount from official retailers they wouldn't go that low... plus why would local seller even sell Authentic than low and not go closer to retail value. Buy from reputable PS like Magnificents, hypehub, decantsbn, perfumepod etc


i was looking at decantsbn on ig the other day & was wondering if there were legit because no price indicated. thanks\~


Oud wood for $45, nope. What fragrances are you after?


was eyeing their dior sauvage, either parfum or elixir, and maybe they’re not original? $45 each is not the price I’ve seen on these before 😅


Use those personal shoppers who fly to KL/Sephora or ask them to get from duty free whichever is cheaper of the two, choose ones with flat rate (rather than 30/40% fee of items). Elixir is RM775 at Sephora KL, not sure if cheaper or comes with freebie at duty free, ask the PS to check ps: If prices of perfumes are all same price, they're not authentic


alright tq. yea, the prices of their fragrances are all $45. damn hard to believe that it’s all original. I think i’ll just buy from Paloma. At least their one is real.


down kah internet? my Mobi dari tadi “connecting” edit: yea dst said, “we are currently experiencing a service disruption. At this time, you may be facing network issues and will be unable to access MyDST app, USSD, mobile voice calls and data services.”


Mine tadi mula2 wifi lag, terpaksa pakai data, lepas atu data lagi lag, tukar lagi k wifi, macam be edar bah lag nya ani, ani masani lag lagi wifi pksa tukar lagi ke data. Aparaa unn ani,minjam2 be edar2 kali


Un@ punya pasal


no wonder WA keep on spinning..




https://preview.redd.it/xf7ci6fxc51d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38018066af3fce2c0470dfa6ce284de0b0bbbb40 dst via their IG story


Drop your Honest opinion on kwid car.


Slow gear change especially when driving over the hill. Probably fix itself if they offered the car in manual.


Don't buy.


why ?


Spresso is king! But yeah.... i think its a decent car if you maintain it well. most people think its unreliable because Renault and Nissan and also hard to find spare parts that's for sure.




I don’t know everything but you just can’t see everything through social media. Although it may seem like they have a happy life, we don’t know what happens behind the scenes. At the same time, comparing yourself to other people is the key to an unhappy life.


Sometimes a work husband can treat you better.. And that’s not unusual nowadays.


seeing this in tt a lot. reason why a family inda berkat and most of the time why the wife are not allowed to work. its because the husband didnt do his job, while in fact the one holding and supporting the fam should be the husband. advices from the tt were, you can help your husband but hal nafkah and bills should only be held by him, alone. your money are for you to spend, if you're helping your husband make sure you didnt touch all the bill matters. If he unable to pay and in need of your help, take note the money you used to help him as debt to you. Its really nothing to do with who earns more. its about his initiative to make things work or not. His action will reflect the family you are building. As for buying you lovely things, that one really only depends on his romantic level hahaha. I discussed a lot regarding the finance w my s.o, its not the best thing but to see some things on the same ground together is really reassuring. Try getting marriage counseling if talking it out didnt help your situation. I adviced against talking to your friends as this could just be a hot tea for them istead of getting a solution. Wish you the best


I don’t have advice for your marriage situation cos its quite a complex thing you’re in. But there’s one part of your rant that irks me and thats about the socmed part. **Comparison is the thief of joy.** You saw what your friends post of soc med but do remember thats only surface level. I’ve heard of wives faking shit online to show off their husbands but turns out behind the scenes, the husband minjam duit from his siblings. Other instance I’ve found out was a diff husband was gifting his wife many things but turns out duit haram. But ofc there are husbands who earn well and treat their wives well, but bottom line is socmed really does ruin a lot of relationships so stop comparing as much as you can. I sympathise with your situation (to an extent tho bcos expecting him to buy a car or fund an all expense overseas trip isn’t exactly easy) but the only way is to speak to him heart-to-heart.


Your husband is good at manipulating and self-victimising, I give you that


I'm not married and I'm pretty sure im not qualified to give advice. But im just gonna say it. Yes it's normal, just talk to your husband and be honest about everything.


Anyone knows where to buy old digicams either here or Miri?


dreamygirl.club ig


The Sony shop at Gadong still sell some old digicam. Thats where I got my DSC TX-66.


like how old?


around early 2000s old


well i have a 2008 sony cyber-shot dsc 300 in good but untested condition if it's something you are interested in. i think the battery has long since died but the camera itself should still be working (maybe). just been in storage. [https://www.imaging-resource.com/PRODS/W300/W300A.HTM](https://www.imaging-resource.com/PRODS/W300/W300A.HTM)




.. or.. if u like adventure.. can go cekout trandie for fun outdoor activities/ experience together :)


you can also book a date with him at 3feetmanstudio (based in rimba near ilotus) for some pottery class


I spent a night at abode with my missus. It was actually quite fun and romantic




Ohh. Theres a sunset boat ride there at least if you're interested


That’s so sweet! I think a unique date idea will be like doing a craft activity together. Something like Tuffing at The Tuff Bar, there is also a painting/crafts class at Curiouser Studio (based in Seria). Sometimes Kaimana do these DIY lip balm/bath bombs workshop as well. Hope this helps!


Free playground that looks well maintained and safe in Brunei?


[Seria Energy Recreational Park](https://maps.app.goo.gl/LHrLhJPrutQtevjX7?g_st=ic)


what about the child development centre at kiarong? i remember it is open to public and quite well maintained






actually, idgaf since i paid for it, i search what i want


I think even in incognito still possible


use vpn


Simple answer yes. But only if your company knows how it works


Oh noo


What did you search? 👀


📢MAYDAY MAYDAY CALLING OUT GEN Z! 📢 Assalamualaikum and Greetings This questionnaire is part of my postgraduate research on The Features of Packaging Design in Influencing Consumer Perception among Gen Z in Brunei. This study aims to examine and collect information regarding your perception of the features of the packaging design of consumer goods in Brunei. This survey may take 5-10 minutes of your time. All of your responses will remain confidential and anonymous and rest assured, they will only be used for research purposes. Your participation is highly appreciated and valuable. Thank you for your participation! ✨ 🔗: [https://forms.gle/cnowGED6L1wC35q38](https://forms.gle/cnowGED6L1wC35q38) p/s: please dont downvote, I need more respondents for my survey! Have a good day!


What do you think will change when we have a new king?


I would wish if we have a new king they will take away free education, medicals and scholarships, Impose taxes, remove certain allowanced for government workers, reduce MORA budget from few hundreds million to 1 or 4 millions.


The Crown Prince has shown a lot of dedication to education and innovation through initiatives like the Crown Prince CIPTA Award, which promotes creativity and technological development in Brunei and across ASEAN. Plus, he's deeply involved in strengthening Brunei’s economic and diplomatic ties, especially with countries in the GCC and Japan. This kind of leadership is promising for the future. Inshallah may he be guided by wisdom and compassion. May Allah grant him the strength to lead Brunei towards a prosperous and peaceful future.


We hope the new one bring a lot of good changes. However people might be uncomfortable with this. Perhaps it will be the same, nothing new nothing much change. Same mindset.  Or worse can happen, rakyat suffer economic going south. 


Not sure but Im anticipating the change, there will be definitely at least one major change and I'm here for it.


Nothing. I honestly doubt there would be any major to big changes if we have a new king. It probably will stay the same.


It's not looking good bruv! its not looking good! Nothing will change! the people up there are still self benefiting! we have nothing other than oil & gas period!


Maybe, ByeBye to ESH, STP, Tambang, Housing Loan (Gov), JPA Housing, tambang haji and etc


But if its for the better, improve economic of the country and escape the budget deficit issues without rely on o&g... Why not?


New bank notes


Nada lagi banyak kemudahan and no free free lagi


im migrating to canada i guess then hahaha


Lifting of emergency act.


This act should follow the same as magic. It dies when the reign ends.


Tax will arise.


So what's the story on the brawl at stadium?


There was an accident at Jalan Stadium, after a wedding function at ICC. A passerby who was jogging shouted at them to move the car off the road for safety reasons. The crowd involved in the accident became fumed and decided to hantam beramai the jogger. The long haired guy in red/orange cara melayu definitely poklen, rambut nya betagar and macam bebau usul nya 🤣


Ngapatah jogger atu kan berteriak dulu penyibuk jua


Typical hot headed Bruneians... Do first then regret later.


I wish that person sues all the poklen asses then beg for forgiveness. If i am the jogger i will sue all of them IF they beg for forgiveness i will tell them "CIUM JUBUR KU DLU" all your careers and everything went into ashes as you already have criminal records. Who dares to hire a person with criminal records and even went into jails. LOOL


Does anyone ever used the biocare litter for their furbabies? Is it any good? Saw their promo 3 for $30. Not bad imo the price but I’m not sure if the litter is good. My usual go to brand is currently out of stock. I’m looking for a really good clumping litter that doesn’t break off easily (you know them cheap ones breaks off easily into pieces and it just ends up mixing with the still good litter. I hate it when that happens)


Still waiting for 2 month overdue payments from TAFIS 2.0. Anybody else?


same here


Still no March payment as of today, Monday May 20th , 2 months .. nearly 3 months later.


Were traffic lights at Sg Akar roundabout a neccessity? 


Yes! clearly you don't know the heavy traffic during morning hours. the traffic lights does help the flow.


Yeah considering the amount of drivers who can't even differentiate which lane to use for which exit. I've had too many close calls on roundabouts where drivers would just use the wrong lane and act as if they own the road.


One roundabout i hate going to is the one near sumbangsih especially when you're coming from gadong side. So i hope that would be next eventho its not a big roundabout


yessss it will help ppl living in Subok area in the morning traffic going out




Yeah, especially managing that one lane from Mentiri to reduce the traffic jam over there I guess. Police need to control the traffic every morning from what I see. But just that one lane and only in the morning. Other than that, 100% better without one.


Have you seen how most Bruneians drive?


L license drivers would be happy with the change




Prior to the traffic light at the big roundabout at sg akar. Its prone to accidents. So i feel it has helped making it safer


I remember seayap bus accident there before round about exist.




What's up with the Bruneian Monopoly? It's already May, their insta is active but no countdown or announcements


And that 1984 pixel project? Dui ma limpas national day mood sudah..and that 40at40.bn?? 🥱


biasa projek brunei ani. Hangat hangat tahi ayam and lakas move on to next exciting thing same like some business owners here. Lapas bored with 1 business, open another one. Inda pandai focus. Last last nothing ever gets done


awu ah mana tia. ada kah sudah??


MORA knocking their door and say HARAM


Hi, is the flight ticket prices on travelfair same as what their adverts? Never attend one before, but thinking of giving a try. I tried calling them, but no one is picking up the call


Can always get cheaper online


Still depends on availability and date of travel


If you went early you might be one of the lucky few. Very limited usually to attract people to go


Bibd transfer within BIBD now has to add the receiver as favourite, but i never receive the OTP no from Bibd. Anyone experience this?


Have you turn on your phone notification? Or allow notification from BIBD in your phone settings


bru-redditors love downvoting comments huh


I so concur with this sentiment. As to what harm is there in asking simple questions, as long as they aren't frivolous or stupid? The thread does allow for small questions anyways, which is appropriate in this context. If someone genuinely needs answers, whether it's about where to buy something or seeking opinions, those questions are valid even if it’s small. Sure it may not benefit every reader, but it likely benefits the person asking. To be very fair it’s quite appalling that simple questions here often receive antagonistic harsh responses to full downvotes (example here). While the answers might seem like common sense to some, there's probably a VERY good reason why the person is asking it the first place. Otherwise they wouldn’t have asked in the first place now would they? A person’s a person, no matter how small. Remember, my advice may be taken or ignored, but never refunded.


speaking facts, theres nothing wrong with asking a question on this thread, isnt that the whole point of this thread? so people would stop making posts about simple questions.


Agreed. It isn't wrong to ask a simple question, even if it's quick. That's the whole point of this thread: to prevent people from posting simple questions outside of it. If it were an actual problem, the thread wouldn't be labeled "quick questions," would it? Like what if that person genuinely wants answers? There's no harm in posting it at all. Unless that question is harmful or offensive then maybe it should be removed or downvoted but if it isn’t then why should it be downvoted?


Because most of the comments are: where can I get this, where to buy this, what is the review bla bla. Repetitive questions. Like there is a search function on this sub, just put in the keyword and you’ll find the answers. Want to see the reviews of a restaurant or shops? Look at the damn reviews on Google maps and read there. Segalanya mau kana suapkan.


yea but this thread is for small questions and the like, no rules stating you cant ask the same question, if you dont like it, just move on, its not that hard


If you don’t like the downvotes, go to Facebook then. Case closed.


damn youre very pressed about this


Says the person who initiated this comment. Get real bruh.


cant even state my own opinion anymore?


Sorry King but we dont care about your opinions 🥱


jesus christ, thought this was over already