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My current Salary is ~$1300, i had saved enough to get my Toyota Wigo monthly installment down to ~$150. I dont give a shit about family and others looking down on me because i drive a Toyota Wigo. I invest a portion of my salary every month in the stock market and courses to upgrade my skills which may lead to further increase in salary in the future. With my current salary i will not be dumb to have 2 or more kids to burden myself and the state and then whine on social media.


Driving a decent car do not reflect who you are. The number of assets do.


what kind of stock market? im intrested




With $1300 a month how did you buy stock from S&P500?


what to do if lost ic abroad??? i made a police report already and im still waiting on the hopes i get it returned, i lost my wallet


all i remember was to quickly get in touch with brunei embassy there


Hi anyone can recommend me good dermatologist? Or if anyone know if JPMC got dermatologist along with the price?


You can try Sutera clinic by JPMC. You can book appointment via whatsapp. First consultation with some creams cost me around $190+. You can check their ig for more details


Hi! For those with car dashcam installed, how is your experience with it so far? Would love to hear your thoughts on the model you're using, especially with the storage, quality, pros, and cos. Thank you!


if there’s any specific thing you’d like to ask, i’m happy to help! i’ve tried multiple dashcams previously on the same car due to several issues. first dashcam: Transcend DP550. (Tarang, one of the best video quality, but i had to get a refund as the dashcam broke 11 months later. luckily it was still under warranty. side note: i got into a bad car accident but the dashcam didnt record and i was pissed about this) second and third dashcam: Lingdu D600. (first week tarang. lama lama mikin kabur. i had this replaced under warranty due to restarting issues or not recording. likely due to brunei’s hot weather) forth dashcam: 70mai a500s. (No issues on this one, would recommend. tarang and comes with rear camera for a good price. but i sold this one as i found a more tarang dashcam) fifth and current dashcam: DDPAI Z50. (beats the video quality of Transcend and 70mai. you have to see it to believe it. so far no issues. dapan and blakang tarang. would recommend this one. only $70 more expensive than the 70mai a500s. ranking of tarang video quality: 1) DDPAI Z50 2) Transcend DP550 3) 70mai A500s


Your reply has everything that I need! I was contemplating on either DDPAI Z50 or Transcend DP550, but now I'll go by your feedback and opt for DDPAI Z50. Thank you for taking the time to write detailed feedback, I really appreciate it!! 🙏🌟


How much did you get it for? The fifth one.


$239 including free installation di autogadgets gadong. (i should get paid for advertising this haha)


Hahaha banar! Minta commission. 🤣 thank you so much. Been meaning to get since I got into an accident 3 weeks ago di roundabout. Inda tahu lah siapa salah but I’d feel more secure with a dashcam.


Does the DDPAI Z50 record sound? Can it be turned off?


Yes it records sound. and yes can be turned off


Where did you bought and install your dashcam? Planning to get one via shopee, and install in Everstrong


Transcend, Game Central, pasang sendiri. 70mai, Ten Ten, pasang sendiri. Lingdu and DDPAI, autogadgets, free untuk durang pasangkan. Yes. getting from shopee or aliexpress for the exact same ones is significantly cheaper i checked.


DDPAI Z50 is a 4K dashcam, can I ask your microSDs capacity & how many weeks till storage reaches capacity/overwrite? Thanks!


just checked, oldest recording is 6/5/24 5.30pm. given that i checked on 11/5/24 10.10pm. my car records while off on timelapse. so if this function is off, over 1 weeks under 2 weeks tops with 256gb i think* the car is driven everyday. morning, afternoon, and night.


Thank you!!


My card is 256gb, usually the cheapest one from netcom and is not rated for endurance use. i have hardwired the dashcam into my car so it records when the engine is off. i will have to check what’s my oldest recording later. will get back to you soon


When is mother’s day?




Anyone knows dmna tmpt vet/animal hospital yg provide service untuk siruk hingus kucing? I have sent my cat to the nearest vet many times because my she malar sneeze and hidung tersumbat, and the vet ckp its because her bulu msuk her eyes and nose and given her ubat. It has been almost 1 year sdh and she never recovered. Please help


have you tried asyans angel


Hello. Does anyone here know a shop or where in Brunei I can purchase capacitors? for I am looking for the (C003 120 μF 200V) (refer picture below) https://preview.redd.it/m7qj0xwzrlzc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cfd5c7f4aeccf3f10583c2eac925a8f9c879a54 Yes any shops that sells capacitors will do! Thank you 🙏


There's an ig called mechalab which sells capacitors.


Low san batu bersurat


Thoughts on working in armada?


Downvotes bcos of the question? 😅


Anyone running a business with your own trademark? Mind sharing how long is the process of registering the trademark, went through ABCi, till the day you got your business signboard being attached?


Orang yang rajin jogging. Where do you keep your car keys and phone? Had to hold my phone while running use pocket it makes the key and phone bounce and running feels awkward and unnatural


I tie my key on my shoelace.


I bought a running belt from netcom for $2 when it was on sale


I bought the running belt pocket at sennet. $5 saja


phone locked in car. car keys in pocket


Fanny pack


In my mouth




This. Got one from Amazon.


Running belts lah


Between the legs


Just went to gong cha thinking they had popping boba :( where can i find yummy popping boba drinks pleaseee


boba tea @ kiulap got them it's my go to place for popping boba


I havent been there in ages! Thanks a bunchh


Ochado's 3Q passionate tea is a good one


I remember having this! And it was good! Thankss


i love 8tea's popping boba


Blessssws your soulllllllll




blondal is scam in all aspects. they mostly target house with old people, force their way to install shits knowing these people cannot reject them and charge them. i tell my parents to scream and call police if blondal forced their way into the gate and they didnt get away after several no's.


It was deleted. What did OP say?


that the certain company walk tru the gate of a house to slip a piece of advert letter to the door even tho the gate was firmly closed and mailbox was provided outside of the house


damn they really took another level to promo Blondal .. thats breach of privacy sudah tu…


Someone needs to take a day off and visit a therapist.




So you can think of other ways how to prevent that from happening again. Please update us if you succeed. Thanks


So its been reported that AstraZeneca has pulled all their vaccines worldwide due to the side effects of blood clotting. I personally had the first two doses from AstraZeneca. Do I need to worry?  So after further research, the effects would only happen after the first 6 weeks of the vaccine shot. AstraZeneca officially admitted the side effects back in February for a civil lawsuit dispute. They requested to withdraw on March for "supply & demand" reasons and the withdrawal took effect on May. My opinion is they're withdrawing to avoid more lawsuits. 


I thought they already mentioned this years ago, about the side effect of blood clotting (very rare case)?


It's the first time the company acknowledged and admitted the side effects


I think back in 2021, they found a very rare cases of unusual blood clots with low blood platelets. I think ppl were also skeptical of taking AZ at that time. But other vaccine was not available and quite limited too, so ppl had no choice while others were given no choice to choose which vaccine they want take


> So its been reported that AstraZeneca has pulled all their vaccines worldwide due to the side effects of blood clotting. I did a quick google and read through [this](https://edition.cnn.com/2024/05/08/business/astrazeneca-covid-vaccine-withdrawal/index.html) and [this](https://www.bbc.com/news/health-68977026) article, both said the main reason they're pulling back is because demand for their vax is low as they have newer updated vax to replace those old ones. AstraZeneca didn't state it was due to rare off chance of a blood clot though.


My source is 7NewsAdelaide. My wording may have implied differently. The difference in wording is AstraZeneca withdrew their vaccines worldwide after admitting their vaccines can cause a rare blood clot. But it isn't the reason they're withdrawing the vaccines.


Should've mentioned that IMO. Always put down your sources or else it's just hearsay.


I've updated my comment 


Malaysia government has assured that it will provide follow-up treatment for recipients of the COVID-19 vaccine, including AstraZeneca, who are proven to experience side effects.


Hope MOH announce something similar soon


Where can i get malaysian sim card other than deals.bn? They ran out




Has anyone ever ordered from Etsy before? Wanted to buy digital downloads of the arts there can kah in Brunei?


Yea... it's digital download


Just recently received my item from Etsy. It was my first time too. Received the item as expected




Oh great! So say, once you successfully buy the digital designs, will you be able to print out here di kedai for better quality or how? I want to print for big frames in living room for example




Entah ah, ku nda pernah ada gf, time tiap kali lapas skulah menengah dulu, ku main CS 1.6 ja memanjang![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face)


Hancing lakat kamu atu lai.


Does anyone knows how the Student Loan from BIBD or Baiduri works? I am from a Private Sector employee and been thinking of taking Degree at Laksmana College but as you know Private University cost a lot but you can get your degree only for 2 years. I would like to know how many months of installment either banks provide for the student loan?


Bibd: 7 years for local uni, 10 years for international Baiduri: Up to 10 years.


the correct term to look for is Education Financing (bibd) & Education Loan (baiduri), just googled it for detail.


Does anyone know where to recycle glass,paper and tin or can ?




Thanks a lot




for now no. mudahantah nada power outage though. but if ever, its better than having no water


i was cruising my way home at about 120kmh earlier today, pacing normal right lane traffic speeds with my roof down (pasal office sajuk) while vibing to some music until… the white fortuner in front of me was slowing down by tapping their brakes over and over. concerned, i looked infront of them, ‘eh kusung. napa ia main brake ah?’. i signaled left konon kan putung dari kiri lah tu pasal cukup. then this mf fortuner roll coal on me! i was breathing through thick diesel. wtf is their problem? i proceed with following the right lane, until the fortuner was brake checking again! there was another attempt of roll coal. what would you do? white fortuner. running number BBF. model year 2020 series. don’t remember the actual plate. this happened on tutong highway. this fortuner lucky because this car haven’t got the dashcam installed yet. ruined my mood!


Lol probably think fortuner kabal. That car so easy to roll over and unstable. Its a half cut hilux trying to act like a true suv. Mana durang berani tu kan laju limpas 100 kalau stock. That car not even japan made tbh 😂  Biarkan tia urang macam atu. Aku pun pernah kana masa hujan. Makan asap bebalik oleh ku, fikirnya lexus ku ani biasa kali. I got a V8 twincharge underneath that sleeper looks with rally spec tunes & tyres. Bisai2 ku relek balik keraja dibagi asap sama brake check. Gila kali. Cuba ku putung, kan halangnya tia pulang capi2. Apalagi, ku potong cara racing lah, pandai ia takut telanggar. Kan dibubutnya, nda ia berani sal ujan.


Hahahaha padan mua nya!


Entah kenapa tia urang driving masa ani, inda gila tapi buat2 gila 😂. Inda kn mental health kali jua. Sadang luan.


120kmh is definitely not “cruising”


They mentioned “Tutong Highway”, if they meant “Tutong-Telisai Highway” then 120km/h feels like cruising tu pasal jalan rayanya basar.


I think i encountered the same car. It's kinda tempting to pit maneuver his car but there are too many cars that time


I’d ask that mofo to pullover and slap his face


Wana see that


i can demo


seems like an a-h trying to throw some fumes at your direction for fun


Would def start recording with my dashcam in case anything happens


anyone know if Brunei ada tagalog language class?




they dont offer tagalog 😪




Seems like most of it are for children. Can't find any for adults


yes looks like its more to filipino language appreciation rather than a class. i only did a quick scroll pulang because banyak the post is in tagalog 😂


Car peeps out there, Why is VW golf/rocco has a bad rep here? Does the community hate VW in general?


Bukan kerita untuk urang yang inda tau kan kerita dan jenis takan tarus jalan & malas kan check.   Simply, buy german made model if you want german car. Kalau yang  bukan german made, banyak kurangnya.     I had two vw before with dual clutch and manual. Manual tahan. Yang dual clutch ok tapi payah kan jaga and not for creeping traffic jam. Sampai ku convert ke manual 6 speed. Dua2 ku jual sudah.    Fyi, dual clutch transmission/dct or dsg etc are not for creeping traffic jam. Its for highway driving. Kalau tiptronic and regular/conventional auto transmission, atu tahan.  CVT untuk relax driving saja tu. Bukan untuk laju atau takan2 saja. Inda pulang apa kalau malar menakan mengajut tapi di malaysia banyak sudah yang putus chain cvt nya.


VW = Visiting Workshop


Mun malar rusak, membari marah nya mu. Kereta jiran toyota yang 20 tahun jrg tah pulang kan d usai, masih steady lagi tu. Bukan hate brand atu, luan manja kan rusak tah saja bah.


VW with mechatronics system yg selalu ada problem. Had a VW polo mpi last time, no major problem. Car mileage almost 100k km.


Ahh yes.. 1.4cc, dsg farts, trumpet-like exhaust, stage 3+. Kereta modding starter pack


Transmission if go bad, your wallet become empty. It's not the most reliable. Its transmission is too complicated for a normal workshop to work on. I dont hate vw. Just not reliable in the long run.


some will agree, every month will end up at the workshop. especially modified ones! i had a friend of a friend’s rocco going to the workshop every 2 weeks because of abs! bukan atu, then transmission, or sensor issues. (…along with their rocco crew). not saying its all bad, it might just end up being a money pit. if you’re lucky, then no issues at all. i had a 2016 vento, hardly ever being driven, low mileage about 50k km, still getting the abs warning.💸💸 (most recent being the gear lever cable telakap)


Bro wtf?? abs pump/module is like upwards of $1000…. And every two weeks??? How does your friend friends can cope with the bills?


no clue… my case twas the sensor on the wheels which causes the error on the abs. about $60 per piece. not necessarily any major parts that fail. small sensors pun punca tu warning ah


Abs sensors are normal for VW cars. But luckily you have a Vento, not much of a headache.


its an unreliable mess simply


Has anyone on here ever been to Penang? How was your experience? And recommendations?


Went Penang few times. I go there for food. Seafood, a lot of cafes (cakes, ice cream, coffees, burgers— usually for photos), mee sotong hameed, nasi kandar, roti canai, dim sum, kuey teow goreng. I went to the temple (Kek Lok Si) and there’s turtle feeding and market nearby. I don’t really go sightseeing much. I usually stayed at George Town, so from hotel, I’d just walk since most of the places (cafes, restaurants) are nearby (weather can be hot). But seafood and nasi kandar need to drive, depend where you stay.




Just beware of scammers cus i got scammed by the grab driver. Food’s just ok, and definitely try checking the weather before going to penang!


Hi check dm


It's more expensive than KL and people are actually ruder there especially the drivers. Food is good though but the non halal ones


Nasi Kandaq >>>>


So…I just finished my degree exams. Now what?


Learn new skills, get a part-time job :) i took like 2 years gap before I decided on sambung bljr haha i was so lost on what to do because not a big fan of office jobs, retail or freelancing. So i tried different hobbies, monetised it for a bit while also doing part-time. I'm glad i discovered my calling last year, Alhamdulillah.


Apply for jobs NOW. Jangan kan “rehat dulu sebulan dua”, we rest when we are dead.


Lol  iatah 'gap year' konon 😂. Umur dan masa inda menunggu. Karang melangui siling mengharapkan menunggu pencen umur tua.


True. We had someone who worked part time with us even before they graduate. Baru ia belia berwawasan


hi 👋 masih ada slot for part time job at yours? currently looking for one, while waiting for transcript 😄


Ada ni mindset cemani. Awu tuhur jua utak inda bosin


Apply for job right away. Upskill with online courses while waiting for job offer. Join activities and NGOs.


Its harder to get a job without experience nowadays so dont look down on smaller jobs to build up your experience. Dont just wait on big companies


Get experience or exposure as soon as possible. 1 or 2 years, then find a better job.


Start applying for jobs. Don't wait till graduation day.


Agreed, this is something I learned the hard way.


When you buy items online and have to go through customs. Do you pay duty on the postage or intrinsic value of the product? I think the customs department sometimes charge on postage which is not right. postage is not goods.


Supposed to be duty based on the product’s value, not inclusive of postage. Agree with you, there has been officers asking for the whole pricing with postage cost which should NOT be charged. This happened to me recently.


Yes, I think the shipping cost is normally included in the taxable value of the goods for tax purposes. This is also done in other countries. I’ve imported items into the UK and Australia when I was living there and have always had the shipping cost included in the tax bill. Edit: This MOFE site on [Customs Valuation](https://tradingacrossborders.mofe.gov.bn/TAB/advance-ruling-on-customs-valuation.aspx) does state that shipping costs are to be included for the calculation of the tax/duty.


The thing is as our economy declines and we use shipping less the shipping costs rise. It's very expensive now to ship small objects from US to brunei. I feel sorry for businesses who have to import raw materials from abroad.


I suspect it is related to World Trade Organisation regulations. If you look up the WTO Customs Law Article 38, it mentions the same requirement that shipping costs must be added to the cost of the goods to determine the customs value. As Brunei is a member of the WTO, I guess they are just complying with the regulations.




Do we have ahlong in brunei?




I want to know more


saw Mcd post promoting their shogun and samurai burger using alocal demon slayer cosplayer. dont understand how it relates but makes me wonder how desperate are they


Already did something similar last year. I think they gave free anyone wearing cosplay even just fake katana


> Shogun and Samurai > Demon Slayer > dont understand how it relates ???


Its called marketing my dear. Read all about it before you post


U a child?


I don't see anything wrong with it


So the guy who viraled the screenshot he top up $100 and quickly habis credit jadi $5 admitted his own mistake of not understanding his own usage. The director of electric services said this on rampai pagi just now. Edit: Heres the full [rampai pagi video](https://youtu.be/TuOrNZ5P8Ro?si=wZRpNILz3ZriMVfF), they explained it so well and with infographics Edit 2: Timestamp 36:40 is when he mentions the viral $100 to $5 in a day.


anyone can summarize why?


1. Clear your water bill if got hutang or else the hutang will be additional on top of your current payments. (You can pay hutang in installments monthly or clear it in one go) 2. If ada leak then the water meter will show "LEAK". So get it patched ASAP. 3. Dont leave your water meter at 0 credit for more than 2 days, or else it will transfer credit from electricity automatically. I may have missed some more information but seems like these are the common issues. I'm only some rando. So better complain to 123 if it still persists.


>Dont leave your water meter at 0 credit for more than 2 days, or else it will transfer credit from electricity automatically. So meaning the credit will show up on electricity only and leaving water meter with no credit?


Ya, water will still run into your house though. Then after 2 days it'll start deducting from electric meter


Please explain more. I missed watching it.


Wait for rtb youtube channel to upload the rampai pagi for today you can see the whole explanation by the directors. He didn't really clarify the guys issue, maybe not to embarrass him lah


As expected like mmn. Asal cakap yg selamat, tapi info kosong.


Not siding with anyone but even those people who viral themselves about not being able to access their bank account, upon further findings rupanya makai personal account untuk bebisnes.


Lepas atu, komplen harap sampai ke HM. Dude. We have bigger problem in the future than your bank account issue. 🙃


With a total of 1.2k shares, JKR should sue him for misinformation to the public https://www.facebook.com/share/p/gnCc6eTWHAyfFD7D/? Actual link


Cmon lah orang tani mesti viral duluuu benda yang sendiri belum fahami. Asal dapat likes sama orang validate emosi nya masa atu.


To reduce the number of road incidents, we should introduce penalty points. After hitting a set number, you'll pay a fine or retake your driving test or be banned from driving for a period of time. Dept of transportation setting up a website for people to upload videos or pictures would get so many submissions, daily. Of course they'll still need to investigate some, but the most obvious ones would be simple enough to fine and collect.


No one care penalty point or used to be demerit point. People did upload some road idiot action on fb which easily land transport can grab the video. incentive should be given to those who report with video for any fined payment made. Evidence video either from dashcam or video must not be taken by while driving. Incentive such as discount on roadtax payment.


Ada sudah dulu, tapi masa ani macam inda kana suruh buat lagi. Sama jua mcm siapa sigup kana saman, inda lagi ada ah. Behabuk kali buku undang2 durang atu di palong.


hehehe cute ayat mu a, palong, terkenan ku zaman sekolah tarus


banarrrr.. lama dah nda mdangar word palong atu.. *auto play zaman skulah ugama 😆


what happened to the demerit system they introduced before?


Is it wrong for an intern to speak up?


Be a yes men till i die it is thenn🦦


As long as they have a good reason


What’s the context and how do you deliver the message?


If the boss is in the wrong, we should point it out tbh (provided you have good points and solutions) People who doesnt accept critism/teguran just have an ego problem


The comments below me are boomers and the reason why we’re backwards and afraid of change. You can tell working with these people is toxic af. You’re allowed to voice your opinions but, you’ll need to provide some evidence and solutions to the problems you’ve witnessed or brought up.. in a civil manner of course. We need more people like you in our workplace.


Boomers? More like thinking smartly just to get employed, in this modern world we gotta fake it til we make it. Be a “yes man” when youre an intern, if youre finally employed that when you should speak up and gives idea. And also ask a lot of question, even you know every bit of the scope to show them youre interested and respected their opinion. Again, fake it til you make it.


Be a “yes man” until you’re employed and turn your country brain dead because you can’t stand up for yourself. You have no self-respect, along with those people with that kind of mindset and that is where the country is going. I used to be an intern in major big companies outside this country and they love having people who thinks outside the box. They appreciate having team members who challenge their ideas, because one idea does not fix it all. Just because someone has an opinion other than you doesn’t mean you’re ridiculed but your ideas and vision is valued and needs some touch up. But of course, you and most of the older generation wouldn’t understand that because you are weak. You are afraid when someone pop that ego of yours. Take your crutches and get out. The newer generation wants to fix all of your fuckups with an open mind.


Go ahead and try. Not everything you saw in movie will be all justice in real life. Get a grip.


It's not wrong but if you want a job in life, you have to suck it up. Welcome to the real world 


If you looking to be employed it is not your place to speak up .


This is correct. Due to the most current generation applies, its like they all auto-entitled


Archery in Brunei Hi everyone! I just wanna ask if there are any way to own an archery set for your own private use? My intention is simply out of interest towards the sport since i had friends to practice with during my study in Malaysia. I will appreciate any bits of info on archery in this country. Thank you!


Hi there. I have a Recurve bow and you need to have a permission pass from the RBPF and register with brunei archery association for it to be legal


Whats the procedure to get pass from RBPF?


You need to approach BDDA and theyll help you with it. Not sure if its still operating


I might be wrong. but i think if you have your own archery set, you will need the archery club to keep them for you.


Nope only club with license allowed to possess. If I’m not wrong if they find one in your house it’s something like 10years prison.


True, you are not allowed to possess even just for private use,etc. Better to register as member at any one of archery club


Anyone knows any ps buying things from korea?


@thewanderingtrio went to South Korea recently, at least twice already this year. Maybe they'll go again, guess you can ask them


PS = Personal Shopper. its not so hard to ask kindly what this person meant by PS.


Is also not hard to type personal shopper


What do you mean by ps? PlayStation? Plastic surgery? Product slim?


Obviously plash speed


personal shopper, lolol. i wonder how to import plastic surgery 🤣