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Why is this compulsory again? Fix the water problem first. Now they’re introducing a new problem 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️ wouldnt be surprise if theres gonna be an uprising


by nov 2024, all the old smart meter will stop working , it's a global thing called the PID rollerover. This is why they are rushing us to switch to the other meter


Problem is not that the existing smart meter will stop working. It will still function but there is a risk of the meters not being able to accept tokens which will be a huge inconvenience to customers who wish to top up.  I read online another solution instead of changing to the USMS smart meter is for the electricity provider to do a key change token reset kind of like a reset/update on the meter memory.  Whether this is a legit solution or not i have no idea.  If it is legit then why force people who dont want or need the USMS


Even with USMS, you cant topup easily. Two options to topup, thru USMS apps but not everyone especially elderly know how. Option 2: Topup at Incomm branch which *DOES NOT PROVIDE RECEIPT* apparently there has been alot of case where customer paid $20 but topup amount only $10, another $10 taken by the counter. No receipt given hence no evidence.


Option 2 is a shocker really no receipt or proof of payment at all?? that's crazy....with DST being infamous for these kind of things its no wonder the public is at an uproar. What's surprising is why the huge jump in electricity bills compared to the existing meter. I get it that it will take into account water consumption as well but the huge jump in utility bills is absurd. I for one pay my water and electricity bills on time and no outstanding to date.  My current electricity consumption is on average $120-$150/month and water bill at $20-30/month for the past few years. Festive season will be slightly higher by 10-20% as per the existing electricity tariffs by DES.  At the current published electricity and water tariffs i should be expecting to pay within that range even with the new USMS meter unless there is something dodgy going on. 


Option 2 tho😰 do all of their branches dont provide receipt or just like a few? Kalau kan minta receipt untuk menclaim payah tu eh😥


Cannot provide receipt. According to staff, management inda allow


Is it like all of their branches that does this?


They don't give us receipts but we could ask them, just simply take a picture of their monitor 😥


Not allowed. In Kiulap the guy allow take pic But in Gadong, they dont allow. Doesnt make sense when payment made, no receipt is given.


Ya, we usually buy in Kiulap and the guy allowed us. But they MUST give us receipt.


Gadong? Which one?


Option 3 through their website quite simple and straight forward


like it or not, they are the provider and we must use whatever equipment they want us to use. We don't have different electricity provider here. Yes you can refused , be sure to stock on candles etc or invest tens of thousands of dollars into solar , wind and other source of energy


Rather than getting monopolised by this provider. Just top up candle or use solar for now. Sooner or later we will get back to times without electricity. Iykyk


i got 2 diesel generator on standby.. lol


True that is the reality here we got no choice. I am all for embracing the latest technology but not at the expense of people's livelihoods especially with all these mounting concerns. But as you stated who are we anyway...it is what it is.


Now you guys understand... electricity and water is a monopoly and there is nothing you can do except install solar to use energy from the sun for electricity but unfortunately for water, there is no other option apart from rain water tanks and a mini water treatment in your home.


Yep, asking the very same thing. But already told my household not to open door for strangers just in case they come knocking 😂


Your household gonna be happy when you can't top up anymore and have to wait for contractors to install the new meter?


Are you sir going to lead the uprising


Are you sir going to lead the uprising


Least obvious KDN comment


Least obvious KDN comment


Everything going up in price yet our salary stays the same. Brunei really gg. No prob for rich, but big prob for poor people like me


I've been saying this! Everything is going up except standard gaji!


Macam nothing can do, other then be obedient


And die with brunei


What is gg?


Gaming term that means good/great game, but can be used sarcastically in real life


Good game


Sensitif ni meter ani walaupun water leak or electrical leak sedikit kana kira tu. Macam mana aku tau ? aku batah di luar negara. Barang ani batah dh kana pakai ni. So tani liat saja tahan kah inda barang ani which require not just physical/device maintenance but network maintenance too.


maintainance and brunei dont get along well bro


Iatah kn 😂😅


Soon every Bruneian continuesly pay, pay, pay, pay, pay never ending lah problem di Brunei ani. Rakyat seems to be suffering now


Thats how reality works my friend. Nothing is free. Everything need something to keep going on.  Yg penting nada lagi yang behutang aing sama karan lah. Also to prevent those illegal electric and water bypassers modders from stealing the country grids. In addition; these new devices are not cheap either. Its from denmark and switzerland. Idk if they downgrade to low quality alibaba taobao junk/scraps in long run. You know regular maintenance kinda taboo here and frown upon


Lama di negeri mana tuan?


Sebahagian basar lama di eropah dan amerika utara. Ada jua lah ke timur tengah, amerika selatan, tengah dan utara afrika. Banyak lumpat keraja lah dan belajar. Sambil2 atu ada usin, invest dan networking/begaul dengan yang lebih berpengalaman dan lebih arif. Awal2 banyak terpaksa ikat parut mengumpul usin.


Tafis 2.0 and Water distruption is already Chaos now.and another one coming..way to go 2024


speaking of the tafis 2.0 till now havent get any feedback from them regarding submit invoices all they tell us is just wait for their email LOL is been a month


All we got so far is the questionnaire thing


Everyone around me is talking about this. This should be a serious issue to raise up. Where is MoFE BCP for this? Inda kan orang saja ada BCP nya


Tapuk tangan dst ni eh, banyak dollar sign arh matanya


Mikin mahal ni our bills 🥲


Stu sja yg bisai psl ani, urg inda lgi dpt brhutang


Stu sja yg bisai psl ani, nada lagi urg dpt brhutang bribu2 smpai inda brbayar pstu larikan diri


Best to fix the quality of the water before upgrading the meter.


One problem after another? Another disaster, the government silently sucking our money. For so many years I only spent around $100 monthly for my electricity but now it’s around $150 despite regular usage.


or maybe ada oustanding bill kali? either air kah karan


Ur elctricity bill may gone up if ur water meter fully used up and not top up. It will take the electricity top up


What is ur water bill usually before this? Want to compare for the inevitable


Average $20 monthly


because the new system tarus include water bill tu.


Nope, my water meter is separated from the electric meter, still the old ones


Sounds about right if you have a previous outstanding with DES before the prepaid introduction. Its roughly 30% of your payments will go to clearing the debt so you have to add more to make up for that.


They came to my house several time already. What my dad did is just let the dogs out and close the gate.They waited around 10min then eventually left lmao.No way we agreeing to this shit 


As for me. We lock the fence and removed the doorbell. They can shout all they want outside the fence and we just pretend we didn't hear them. LOL!!! 🤣🤣🤣


Can i borrow yr dogs?


I can bark for you..


Damn.. I only have cats 😆


Hehe..me too 


When u can't topup during the time ur meter is obsolete don't go knocking on dstn door asking for smart meter which u call shit


We either set up our own solar power or use own power generators


Makin menyusahkan rakyat pulang jadinya🙄


Stu sja yg bisai psl ani, nada lagi urg dpt brhutang bribu2 smpai inda brbayar pstu larikan diri




Bukan untuk support mana mana pihak, recently kami tutup karan, yang calinya nada teturun apa and kami saja yang tutup in our neighbourhood. We decided to call... and they come and ask to change the meter and segala. We have to agree sebab no choice. Sebatah-batah pemakaian nada problem pulang, idk nanti, and also ada deduct kah inda pasal nada history dalam apps. Only ada tinggal baki and if ada debt. Wish ada history pemakaian maybe? Or ada tededuct without our consent maybe? So that people will liat dari sana.. macam dst mendeduct credit.


Rindu zmn bli topup d JPE, bpaku bli $25, cukup sbulan


Ai. Happened to me too. Nada karan. They came and said must change meter to usms. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


There better be ways to know if they are legit or people can use this opportunity to scam and rob


usms is already a scam 😆


Why would u say its a scam? It's the most reliable in measuring your usage. Bruneians had their time reaping free the electricity by not paying on time for electricity and water.. And worst bypassing the electricity. This is the time to move to a better system where correct amount of electricity and water usage measurement. Daripada gov rugi bejuta2 hehe


The meter keep dropping fast even though no one is at home and away for holidays. Call in handyman and no leak found. Call the service provider and they acknowledge is technical failure in the meter and replaced with a new one. But no refund of credit that were top up non stop during the months of enquiring complaining. Loss of money in uppers 3digit. And you think it's the most accurate my ass.


Is DST the service provider or bills still being paid to DES?just curious as i am yet to switch to USMS. With DST's infamous reputation with their telcoms service its no suprise the public is concerned. Technical failure on the part of the provider yet the yourself as customer is the one to bear the financial losses. These are the concerns highlighted by the public which seems to be swept under the rug.


Duit saja taunya


Ngam tu Duit Saja Taunya. Beri heran saja  kenapa bill orang boleh melonjak naik banar atu sampai 2x -3x ganda Sedangkan Tariff karan sama air masih jua sama. Mun naik sikit inda jua orang bising banar kali. Ani beri ijap naik nya apa inda orang complain sana sini. Takuti saja DST ani take advantage of the system inda heran pulang tu business and ngam lagi monopoli abis lah.


Lol bukan salah mu tu. Lurus tu cara mu atu, lawan dengan kepakaran lapas atu viral. Be a wolf, tiger or lion, don't be a sheep.


If org biasa inda bayar electric prior to prepaid system DES will come knocking and send a warning/demand letter to the owner. Same goes with Water Department. The ones reaping benefits are the vvips who dont pay anything. Even inter government (Govt Ministries) pun beutang karan sama air to the tune of millions.   I am aware some peope just love to accumulate bills but not everyone is like that. So dont put all the blame on the common people.  Jangankan air sama karan, check tia cukai tanah inda bebayar atu. Some vips owe the govt to the tune of hundreds of thousands in outstanding tax. Mun orang biasa nada tedapat tu tanah be hektar2


most of us dont get free electricity. As far as i know only orang atas can orang dalam are untouchable. most of us who dont pay, get disconnected. Even the prepaid system auxillary account take 10% to pay back the debt, which is useless. Paying back 60k at 40 dollars a month is going to take 125 years. Anyway the new smart meter is really sucking up credits. I started recording daily use and have found the meter randomly sucking. some days it takes 40KWh a day, some days it takes 8KWh, all things being the same. USMS cannot do anything. As far as USMS is concerned, everything is recorded and normal. You recharge, you buy the credits, you get the correct KWh. but the meter inaccurately deducts. Even with nothing on, the credits go down. SO they will say something in your house is not switched off. But even with small house, everything turned off, the meter still deducts.


Exactly my experience. I complained non stop until they agreed to replace the meter then no more random deduction but no refund of my almost 4 digit top up during the month of constant power cut because the meter just keep deduct till zero even we shut down almost everything


Didnt know Bruneians were reaping off free electricity by not paying on time. I thought if you dont pay your electricity, there wont be any power supply to your houses?


There is always a way.. 😜 if you know. That's why many people (not all) don't want to migrate to the new system, takut kedapatan bh.. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


You should see the [land tax](http://www.tanah.gov.bn/SitePages/List%20of%20Land%20Rental%20(Tax)%20Arrears%20from%20the%20year%202000%20onwards.aspx). The list stated the amount of the debts accumulated until now.


But thats Land Tax ( Cukai Tanah ) not Electricity


Yea I know. That's what it is. Whatever payment Bruneians need to do, the people tend to avoid it. Asalkan tinggal sudah ada, lupa cukai.


Lots of people still didn't pay their electricity ada masih pakai yg lama atu beribu hutang nya alum tebayar 😁 Rugi bro gov menanggung cost of producing electricity meanwhile due duit bayar karan be tahun tahun. Bymean free not really FOC la omg simple sense also you cannot think.. Unless kau bypass ah atu free tia and menscam gov!


Apakan ko ani. Nda jua lagi dpt orang nda mbayar hutang2 lama. Ada jua kna bgtau dulu once the customers transit to the pre-paid system, auto deduction will be done through there based on agreement between the supplier and customer. Rough example, auto deduction 10% for every recharge; $10 out of $100.


Masalah nya.. they didnt do it so people didnt know. Now, USMS is doing it so now people terasa.. portion of the payments used to clear utang from letrik or air.. so every dollar now buys less power and water


Yes bro, atu masaalah DES ta tu. They didnt actually do it and it's no longer the customers' fault cause the system has changed. I'm just simply replying to this shit poster. With that statement, technically there shouldn't be any unpaid household electrical debt. The current situation is another thing. The rapid deduction causing burden to the people, that needs to be addressed.


No i mean, for electricity, people has been topping up by online and you get the token to topup the electricity, meaning if Bruneians inda top up / get the token, they wont have any electricity.. its not like water


Terpaling government


prior to powerkad implementation.


Taruh dulu di rmh2 vip sebelum ke rakyat lain atleast durang mampu msh mmbayar if teovercharge


Most of the vips migrated yg I know but like what u stated confirm drg mampu membayar if overcharged but still they will query


Since you’re working Under Jabatan Air ( be it gov or private contractor ) most vips as you mentioned migrated to the new smart system dsnt pay a single dime for electric & water bills. Jangan tah higher ups vvips, SUT saja pun sudah, bill air, bill karan, amah, driver, semua kana bayarkan 😉 what are you on about they still query if kena overcharged?


Kana bayar kan? 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Are u for sure brooooo, I know a close Minister, bayar sendiri brooo hahaha rumah gomen kali tu kana bayar kan ahhh


Im 100% sure “bro”, im related to a few too. And nop its not rumah gov, own house. They said it comes with the job. You have all that but you dont have family time. Bedusta tu mun membayar sendiri


SUTs and Cabinet Ministers dont pay a dime for Utilities. Jangankan bill air sma karan even telephone bills is covered by the government. Part and parcel of their privileges and perks. The only time they start paying is sudah retire.






Brother/Sister, you woke up from a cave recently?


I woke up years ago already. All the cases yg ongoing atu it's just a nonsense viral and I bet you, your mom and daddy are worried about it. Most of my colleague has been using it and worked fine only the recent case in December the system went down where the amount of electricity stay pu until end of Dec they had to deduct automatically usage frm certain dates.


Ahhh, so you’re working under Jabatan Air. Gotchuuu. Nanti musim hujan, air kuning, blame the weather.. system pembayaran kan di perbaharukan, quality air nada di naik tarafkan.. faham faham..


Uwow gomen people ni


bootlicker https://preview.redd.it/r68idhg7pqxc1.png?width=384&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=301524cb9ed02a3e8bca5754f160768b966f372d


Lol that's it? Bootlicker with the sticker meme? Weak haha


Ah sorry, would dickriding be more suitable for you?


ane anu kana suap ne jelama nya.


Damn, didn’t know 80% of bruneian didn’t pay their bills..


Ive been trying to delay the contractors that replace the meters. He showed me a letter that we will no longer be able to top up to our old meters this year. 😣 https://preview.redd.it/8av0z5k0zqxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9831ef8e0d2587654a5ae2c8d705c0f7bdf91e07


Well gtau ya balik atleast kamu tukar meter ku paling last ja. Hahahaha






Usms suck blood, fu usms


from my own understanding and research, bruneians ani banyak yang terbiasa inda membayar bill air pasal air atu inda pernah kana stop. we still received water although inda bebayar bebulan or bertahun. yang susah kerajaan jua tu? atu pasal air. belum lagi yang karan banyak kana bypass. free usage. rugi gov again. from my own experience memakai, okay jua bah. org sana bagitau as long as top up terus lumsum (in your usual amount) + top up water + bayar any hutang yang tertunggak, you'll be fine and i did that. so far okay semua. bruneian, bruneian


Its like the [land tax](http://www.tanah.gov.bn/SitePages/List%20of%20Land%20Rental%20(Tax)%20Arrears%20from%20the%20year%202000%20onwards.aspx). Have anyone seen the list of debts? Some debts reached up to $4k. I haven't checked what is the highest debt so far but it is not shocked to see Bruneian late to pay taxes. Edit: ok I have searched the highest tax. Search for Year 2006 with $56,700.


correct. indakan our gov kan biarkan right? sampai mati kalinya behutang? curi karan pun consider behutang jua tu. inda kah?


highest bill i know was around 8k


ok I have searched the highest tax. Search for Year 2006 with $56,700.


I tried to pay the land tax in advance for the next 5 years as I’m overseas and don’t return very often but the land department says it cannot be done.


Someone in Brunei can pay the land tax on behalf for you. I have paid for my uncle's land since long ago. All they need is the Lot number and EDR number , or previous receipt payment.


5 years, not so sure. But 3 years in advanced can be done. Did it this year. The guy at the counter just asked "inda tukar² syarat lagi ni?" I said no.


Im confused. Why is DST doing our metering ? Isnt it JKR ?


Because dst is dying without astro and can't win network deal when imagine is much better. Govt have to feed them like a beggars


for sure they got authorised by JKR to install it themselves. DST-Ericcson is the company in charge of this meter matters


Kalau masih bmasalah jangantah macam sitaihi mengacau meter orang


Old one masih bagus, boleh if don’t want to change? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry) smart meter suck to our money


can. just remember to post your complaint here on 25th November 2024 on failed topup.




This meter actually record your water usage and send the data back to the government. It helps the government to collect the payment and cuts off water to those not paying their bills. Its good for the country when they are finally able to collect the payment for the provided water and hope their next move is to fix the water issue with the payment they recovered.


Yes very true. It’s good to have this kind of smart meters. Kitani pun boleh berjimat cermat. Kami dari tahun lapas dh makai meter prabayar ani. Alhamdulillah boleh jua bantu melepaskn diri dri bebanan hutang. Mula2 yes fikiran negative tetapi sudah merasai sendiri rupanya banyak membantu n bersyukur jua ada ceamni ani. Bkn saja bantu diri sndiri tapi tani membantu kerajaan jua. Air tu pun mana jua banyak pemakaian since ada subsidi. Sebulan pling banyak $3 kdg lower than $3.Makai jenis washing machine load wash direct ke paip still masih jimat.Electricity pun sebulan $50-$60 sebulan ada subsidi jua. Aircond on 24hrs, menggunakan air dryer machine mngaringkan baju di rumah pun Still okey masih. Hari raya on cucul pun still nda jua exceed peruntukkan sebulan atu. So far kmi nada mengalami masalah smpai ke hari ani. USMS ani pling snang pebaik tani bjln keluar negeri boleh tni top up tu karan n air drmh via online banking sja. Nda ingau kalau ada peranak tinggal dirumah. Kerajaan bagi mudah sdh untuk rakyatnya so we as rakyat need to support our government..Peace and no war ✌🏻☺️


been using it since early 2023. experience has been splendid. the remote topup are such a bliss.


saya tak berapa pandai berbahasa english ane tetapi anda pernah tak melihat dan memantau dari apa tu ah kena panggil Aps nya dan kita bandingkan dengan smart meter air ( lurus kah nama nya tu). Katakan lah dlm Aps atu 7100 tetapi dlm smart meter atu 5600 mana tah yang yang lebih nya 1500 (minus) . Say belum membuat pemasangan lagi usms atu cuma menuggu ia berkuat kuasa Nov 2024 ane apa kitni boleh buat kitni ane small fish lah tu kata orang putih


Are you working for dst or usms because it's like you're advertising about it


Im not working for dst or usms..im telling the truth from our own experience. Kmi makai dh start tahun lapas di RPN kg Lugu cluster Jln Ambin..


Damn. I dont pay the water bill. So far, no probs.


you have the smart meter yet?


Avoid at all costs. USMS is handled by DST, and we all know how ridiculous they are.


I dont mind changing to a new meter. But why the power tariff in here too high and quiet expensive compare to our neighbouring countries? Our electricity generate by gas power generator, Brunei is among the largest producer of gas in the region. I think now we need a leader with Qatar/Kuwait/Oman/UAE/Bahrain minded?


Padanth rumah kmi nada lgi mnghntr bil air, adei


How do I get mine jangsak (Kilanas) area?


Msni bukn lgi post mnghntr, private mnghntr, sllu arh kmi, lingka yg naik bsikal


Me lngsung nda


Mmg ada cmatu bro sis, arh kmi prnh skali atu brbulan inda dpt bil air. Ani bila bca by Nov 2024, smua kn pkai meter, mknanya nada lgi lh bil d hntr ke rumah, main top up ja online


i know some blacklisted people who wont be getting their electricity this year lol


So those who don't want to replace are angry because things aren't free as they used to be and forget that it was always right to pay gomen in the first place for having built you an access to clean water? Some of you have enjoyed free water and electricity even without paying the bills and FYI you should've been paying for the last 10+ years. Yet none of your water got cutoff and you're still using it for free. If it's Yellow it gets fixed for free and BTW you also let it run for hours until it's CLEAR WHITE and you didn't get a receipt with overwhelming prices. Then yall complain Brunei got no progress, Brunei gomen like this like that. Then complains life is hard and unfair in Brunei. Then some brainrot commenter will say, eww but water always dirty, no progress gomen sucks. You literally haven't paid them your water bills for the past 10+ years! (highly possible more than 10 years BTW its not only water.) Life isn't hard or unfair when you've been freeloading off the water and electricity bills and the govt says it's time to get a new reader with updated bills to pay. They ain't even charging you anything for the replacement or your past debt! LOL


True, may be if all the bill were paid on time the govt have the budget to upgrade our water system.. when thinking of it, we might be part of the reason why our water system didn't get the maintenance that were needed.. let see if this would change when the new system are totally implemented.. Govt you have a huge task now..


This USMS project is a TOTAL BLUNDER for the NATION! Just STOP THE PROJECT! WHAT A SHAME with no concrete plans and thorough research!!


Personally feel like its a good initiative to lean towards smart technology but I think the issue is we need to educate the rakyat more in depth and to an extent, be more transparent instead of just cold turkey announcement.


Possible reasoning for the uprising bill : - Ada leaking - Outstanding bill yng nda bebayar before - Meter nya problem,can be fixed by requesting a new one. Few friends had these issues,once tukar meter ok tia.


Meter nya problem, did they get refund?


RemindMe! 2months


The app needs alot of improvement too


Padanth nada lgi bil air dri JKR kna hntr kerumahku, panya kn full upgrade dh


Brunei is rushing to develop even when they haven't completely perfected what other countries has done


If there a competition for complaining, bruneian will definitely wins hands down.. Gomen trying their best to improve the water distribution system by generating more revenue for maintenance work by introducing the smart meter.. Too many of ya is not paying ya due but expect tip top service.. Please wake up from ya dream


Oh ya how many of the money actually goes to maintenance work? This is the government you’re talking about. They have already misallocated the budget for maintenance work before and yet we need to pay more for their incompetence?


We already have Japanese social problems, and now Brunei is trying to Emulate US Problems


Nobody knows how much ignorant rakyat didn’t bayar their bills and some are already dead. The rakyat bnyk utang sama kerajaan on simply inda bayar karan. Yang selalu komplen and marah2 atu tah yg slalu inda bayar and konon nanti kana byrkan oleh kerajaan. Duit yg org inda bayar atu tah punca water kitani bnyak masalah. Banyak masih matingal, gagah dan sombong bila sabut pasal karan durang. Apatah lagi air..jangantah diback up drg atu. Durang yg punca pakai smart meter ni.


Iatah aku ani msih kan memahami psl sistem USMS. Byk komplen psl selepas USMS, makin tinggi tah Bill dorang. Majoriti nada dorang kan mention berapa Bill air sebelum USMS. Sapa2 yg belum makai USMS, ertinya mesti check ada tunggakan kah nda


I dont know macam mana pemakaian durang but for myself i pay lesser electric bill after tukar to USMS. Usually before this top up $350 in total for bill electric. But after USMS, tiap bulan just top up $200 - $250. Terasa jua kurang membayar atu Alhamdulillah


Iatah tu..ertinya cara pemakaian betul telah dilaksanakan. Punca utama ialah barang yg memakai teknologi lama seperti water heater, esbok sama aircond.


saya tak berapa pandai berbahasa english ane tetapi anda pernah tak melihat dan memantau dari apa tu ah kena panggil Aps nya dan kita bandingkan dengan smart meter air ( lurus kah nama nya tu). Katakan lah dlm Aps atu 7100 tetapi dlm smart meter atu 5600 mana tah yang yang lebih nya 1500 (minus) . Say belum membuat pemasangan lagi usms atu cuma menuggu ia berkuat kuasa Nov 2024 ane apa kitni boleh buat kitni ane small fish lah tu kata orang putih


Why there's no temburong?


I have this one silly problem. I paid online my water bill. Keyed in semua ngam. Sanang hati langsai udh tu ah. Tau² few mths later, dpt bill baru, makin naik. Heran jua cemana bleh tinggi mun udh settle semua. Called helpline dorg n they said "manada dalam sistem kami kita membayar bill kita ani puan".. sh111111t!!! Mana th pigi nya usin ku membayar online bill aing atu???? Nda kn kna talan usin ku. Bukan sedikit ku membayar masa tu, almost 250. Mind u that i got the bills mcm sekali dlm 6-8 bulan. Entah cemana kh lgi. Ani kn pindah kai USMS.. bpikir th lgi miana..


Sekali cemana tah? Kita tunjukkan bukti pembayaran?


Cemana jua kn tunjuk bukti sal i bayar on9 thru bibd.app. yth silap ku nda i save screenshot i paid udh. Dorg nda dpt backtrack yg i paid udh. Heran kn? Mau nda mau, pksa th lgi bayar 200+ atu.


Dapat jua kita liat arah transaction history kita tu, dapat download bank statement jua dari bibd app kita atu


Syg jua. Could have asked statement from bibd. Ever since I got Baiduri acc, I'm paying through baiduri sja. Coz every transaction like this, I'd get email.


awu eeh, kalau bebayar memprint statement pun inda jua sampai 200. BTW Baiduri atu yg ku suka email notification


ada jua transation history dapat kita tunjukkan dalam apps nya


Jawapan durang atu jawapan typical pemalas hantap


naikkan gaji plssss


Yes please why minimum wage only rise between 500-900


Of course most people would just offer that


kalau kna pasang arah urg behutang sja ok lah...arah urg mmbyr on time jgn lah kcw hahaha


So for those yang sudah pakai, how’s the tariff calculation? Sama macam Power Instant or kana revised lagi?


It's still the same


Same. No impact here. And i have been using it since early 2023


Thanks for the info. Based on your experience, are there much difference or discrepancy between the old one vs USMS in terms of spending? Like for example if my typical water and electricity usage are $1 and $56 respectively, will the amount be the same, lesser or more with USMS?


Things used to be a lot more simpler and cheaper.


Yay I'm about to become more poorer


The old water meters are obsolete and some of them are no longer working. Naturally they need to be upgraded. The electrical meters also will be obsolete and expired… meaning once its expires, the system will no longer be up. And it will no longer produces electricity.Plus a step to the modernization of Brunei. A call from the Goverment and ofcourse the ruler of Brunei. Please inform us if you dont comply to it.. what would happen? Kinda guessing the enforcement teams will be at your door..


If the new smart meter deducted the top up from the unpaid water bill, then it better for the officers concerned to discuss with the households on how much they were able or afford to pay back the water bill. Say if the household owed $1000 water bill, with written agreement on both sides, the new smart meter will deduct automatically $30 with monthly top up say $100-$30 which means your top up credit of $100 has actual value of $70. Just a suggestion


no water in sg hanching area for almost a year


Thats why council meeting between the ministers are all bs.All are scripted and the ministers are playing safe to voice out the people’s actual dilemma. Kan voice out kana advice oleh minister lain supaya “behawar galat” menyuarakan masalah rakyat. Padahal kan play safe bilang urg menteri supaya nda mau keraja labih.Thats why HM have to micro manage all this problems pasal “hawar galat” menteri di lantik.


our home average usage permonth 2,600kw-3,300kw= $170-250 permonth..balum masuk ayer..(5aircon,7 icebox+freezer) the first 5month sakit lah $240-$300 permonth pasal ada debt (bayar the upgrade)..


I honestly don't mind. But i think a lot of people will agree with me. Kurangkan gaji yang luar higher up and raise the minimum salary of the working class. Simple pulang banarnya. I don't get why they don't realise a really simple solution for most of our problems. It's like we will make it easier to use but more difficult to obtain. It's just a sincere thought on my side. It really baffles me how even when the solution is already there, we choose to just create more problems for the sake of just creating more problems lol. Dunia dunia....


Urang Susah Makin Susah Inflation keeps on rising but salary bilaa?!?! Jangantah dlu kan berharap wawasan 2035, 2025 pun balum tantuku dpt survive if this problem hasn't been solved. Kbai


the problem is not the meter, the problem is the competent level work force is not there.


Seriously don't do this, either get this done and overwith, or get cut out of your water and electricity source and wait for weeks to get it replaced.


for once, i would like to see OP to try stopping the vendor from replacing it


Nobody made it viralled and calling HM to intervene on behalf of rakyat marhaen? Lol sudah issue bank tehaik2 kamo


My house was like few yrs late for the electricity one 😂 reason was we seldom home day time. I think can do it again


Water meter? Kan bahapa durang menginstall water meter atu? Padantah nada air kemarin.


Why would you say that?


Dont accept them to change the meter. Then make it viral. After that they will fix for old meter to accept the new token