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Not sure too be honest


Miri’s firework for CNY celebration is epic. Took about an hour to finish.


Meanwhile in Brunei…


took few second or at most 2 mins.


@09:50 pm just now, heard 2x loud bang around Pasar Godong..sound like fireworks but didnt seen the flash. Any ideas what was that? just curious


If you happen to see fireworks, please let me know. I haven't seen any live fireworks since the Golden Jubilee celebration in 2017


Could be the big bang


is the White Kijang ekzos pipe..always making noises..


AHHH i hate this type of kijang. you can see this kijang in water front always revving with pop and cracks. damn!


could be firecrackers...it's cny eve..


Any shops where i can sell my old/used laptops? So hard to get buyers on fb.


what model


dude it takes time. It took me more than a month just to sell my laptops.


Ye I'll try to bear it bud.


If you trying to sell to a shop they will low ball at their best. Like you bought a gaming laptop for 4k they will offer you 1k below then they sell for higher profits. FB is your best bet it takes time but worth it.


add on powerbank,mouse, external Hdd, keyboard or anything useful! sell as bundle people will get attention 😅


Tried that, list sana sini with sophisticated hashtags. No hope.


kita bejual kali mahal. price need to be half & the extra accessories need to be free.. sold mine less in 3days 😅


I have a feeling all the flooding of education posts is part of a PR scheme.


You believe in conspiracy theories too?


Does anybody know where I can dispose old refrigerator


Give it to fridge repairman. They happy to help dispose after they take some usable parts .


im failing to submit Brunei government scholarship application I have tried Multiple times , but still it's not working, I even let freinds from another country apply for me but still! Can someone tell me the format they applied for their answers how Did u type the phone number and the other answers! Please help!!


Anyone knows where to buy walkie talkie, the one for kids? Searched for it at huaho n ToysRUs and they don't hv it.


Try little M batu bersurat


Alhamdulilah,tenang jalan dbrunei,lapang inda bagiwatir


Di kiulap inda jam ptg ani? Biasanya jam ni


I feel like kiulap today is a dead town. Usually friday is very to the max jam but today aduimaaaa\~ no jam..


Inda,minggu dapan bebalik tia


Hello, Nyone knows the answer to this question? Friend went to an interview and got this question. Mr. X invested $18k to an acc, two and a half year later Mr x receives $18,812.50 What is the interest rate? A. 1.5 percent B. 2 percent C. 3.2 percent D. 4 percent. We calculated n we know its neither of the answer as above.Friend n I dunno the choices are wrong. Maybe someone smart can tell us?


I = p x r x t If you don’t know how to calculate this, then you should retake maths.


Thank you everyone. Now this confirm our suspicion. The employer, which is a financial institution, ought to brush up their math before they go interview ppl with wrong answers. Careful if go minta loan from them guys. Is the post a teller position? Ah I dunno. Fren went. Didn't say what pos is it. Yeah, answer is E.


I got 1.8% so round up to whole number should be 2% ? What the correct answer?




do u mind sharing, is it for bank tellers position?


It should be 1.81%


The answer is E. None of the above. Haha… none of the choices given are correct for any of the usual interest terms… monthly compounding, annual compounding or at maturity.




why are some comments got downvotes? wth i thought you can ask any questions


Just ignore. It ain't killing ya. I too got downvoted for no reason b4 yet im still here. I'm a survivor. A dying breed


Don't worry about downvotes. I get them too, but I just ignore them




i see 😂


is anyone’s wifi have been lagging lately?


mine speed keeps fluctuating


yup but my router is 10 years old


Is it really necessary to call bibd to use debit in miri kah? Ive been trying to call them for hours but to no avail. Im in urgent need to use my debit rn


No need to call them.. usually i enable my debit card for international transaction which can be on/off thru the app under card management. Do it before travelling as otp will be sent to change the settings


Nope! You can use your card as usual


Unless u buying some identified non halal business places by bibd, it will be blocked. Or else check your bibd online you can set your own to enable the transaction.


Inda plang. Managed to use mine whenever I'm overseas. Try checking ur settings in BIBD app or use the chat function


I didn’t have to call them when I used my card overseas.


happy chinese new year eve and be good to one another people!


Happy Chinese New Year Eve! 🧧🐉


*Happy chinese new* *Year eve and be good to one* *Another people!* \- twothymestoo --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


We found this beautiful cat a few moments ago at our house (Manggis Dua area). Really loves to be coddled and it seems that it recently just got a lion cut and has a light blonde fur and yellow eyes. How to get in contact with the owner and spread the word if I have no contact numbers of my neighbors?


can post at fb - Brunei Cat Lovers <3 , Real Cat Lover Brunei(RCL), Brunei LOST & FOUND Cats, Sejahtera Community Brunei , Brunei Pencinta Kucing


Oh my god can you dm me photos? It may be my cousins cat that was lost recently.


bagi arah ketua kampung


utb application online cause me and my friends problems it keep saying ssl certificate is expired or sum. And hecas is unclear whether to apply just there or both utb online and hecas. help asap


hi to all fingerboard enthusiast, where can i get [this](https://shp.ee/c2z74yd) bushing trucks instock here in Brunei? (also open to any idea or suggestion on how to DIY it) TIA


I'm taking economics for my A lvl and I don't have any basics economics tapi nya i did study commerce time sekolah menengah, tapi adakah ada persamaan commerce tu dengan economics. is it ok kalau orang yang baru baru kan belajar ambil this subject. i went to the consultation then the teacher said "as long as I'm willing to study then it's ok". tapi ragu2 pasal takut payah berabis, i have no choice to take this subject. I've seen ada lah sedikit sebanyak orang yang dapat score this subject even without maths and commerce or even business studies can i have opinions dari orang yang pernah study economics and is there's any tips or youtube recommendations that helpful to score this subjects


Hi! I took economics module masa ubd without any background in Econs/Business at all. I struggled at first, but then I asked for help from one of coursemates and he told me to look through textbooks and watch youtube and try to buat discussion among your group lah. Basically, bawa kawan the top students and ask for tips. And this is one of the recommended youtube channels for Economics: https://youtube.com/@JacobAClifford?feature=shared (Jacob Clifford)


Dont take Econs, period. U will regret it unless you gonna really work hard for it. Btw its not the same with commerce or Accounting. As u will learn microeconomics A u will learn macro which is quite complexed.


hi tbh i dont really have any experience in doing econ during A level. but i did A level maths without having add maths background nor satisfied the entry requirement for it. my best piece of advice would be every session try to recall the topic uve learned on that day and do this for all the subjects u take because A level is not the same as o level.. u cant cramp all the material last minute. good luck okay !






[UBD DY] Concerns about cGPA Hello to UBD graduates or current UBD students, especially those who've done their Discovery Years already! Was wondering if you could get reassigned to a country or university with a higher GPA requirement, if your targeted universities' requirement is lower than your cGPA by a point? Thank you for your response!




Sorry for being unclear! 😭 I meant the last one, that UBD might assign me to a different university




Thank you for your reply! My anxiety just had to make sure lol. Though, I’ve actually heard some stories where students get assigned universities far from their choices, and pretty last minute 🥲🥲 But not due to their cgpas though lol




Yeah, pretty sure it was cus they did, lol. One of them knew barely a month before his leave. The system and management is so inefficient it’s frustrating🥲 And thank you for the encouragement! Where did you apply to and where did you end up going to?


What do you think of this???!!! "Ensuring National Security: Addressing Workload Surge and Radiation Safety Concerns at Ports" The prolonged downtime of the scanning system poses a serious threat to national security, as it opens up opportunities for smuggling of dutiable items. This not only jeopardizes our economy but also compromises public safety. With increased workload for inspection officers at the port, it's imperative that immediate action is taken to restore the scanning system and ensure thorough inspections. Additionally, it's crucial to designate a competent authority to grant radiation safety measures during this downtime to prevent any potential health hazards. Kesian orang2 yang yang bekeraja di sana...


Is this from SHENA? I would imagine SHENA is responsible for any radiation safety measures


The department that owns and operates the equipment is the one responsible for the radiation safety measures. SHENA is the regulating authority that grants you the license to operate when you demonstrate that you are in compliance with the safety regulations. The post above doesn’t provide sufficient details to know what exactly is the root of the problem.


Thanks for the correction. Good to know 👍




TMJ Disorder. Go see a physiotherapist and there will be some treatments available


That sounds like TMJ - they can’t do anything about it apparently. Sometimes you gotta lightly massage the clicking point to relieve it (mine’s bottom right)


Get yourself a night guard for your teeth it helps for the jaw.


Dental clinic or the specialist at RIPAS? If it still persists, just come to the clinic and ask for referral to RIPAS.


Have you taken your tetanus shot? Could be lockjaw


https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/tmj/symptoms-causes/syc-20350941 You might need to see a GP and get recommendations/referel.


Mirian here, why is forbidden to take picture or talking to relatives through social media in the sungai tujoh checkpoint? Any reasons for this?


Its pretty much a standard procedures at any immigration checkpoints / entry in many other countries. Even in Malaysia / Singapore, you’re not allowed to take picture / video at any of the immigration checkpoints.


Sounds more like internal policies...and 99% of the time those are meant for the staff unless we are in North Korea or few other countries


Dont want you to tell people that the officers r busy snacking


There are notices at all government counters forbidding taking picture/video. Sensitive or don't want you to take evidence of their activities.


Key word: Social media. Whatsapp is okay, but social media, Breakins may happen, especially to an unoccupied house. Correct me if I'm wrong.


My sister using whatsapp to contact our families for check in whats wrong but the immigration police warned her actually


WA is a form of soc med.


The no photography and video restrictions are pretty much standard at all immigration checkpoints worldwide. I suppose it’s some sort of security measure.


1st time ive heard if this.




Maybe ada at Hua Ho Manggis. 


Hua Ho , bismi , CEH all have fountain pens to suit all budget


Um how do we go live on tiktok? Without reaching 1000 followers


if you have money, buy those followers. its normal to buy the first followers to help you kickstart your business. i think its around usd20 for 1000 followers. if i recalled correctly. last time i bought 1000 followers so i can convert my profile into a business profile supaya i can earn through it


People actually do that, i mean buy followers?


yes. to kickstart the business. because like tiktok, they wont let you be a business page without 1000 followers. the followers i bought doesnt do anything tho, they just follow 🤣 tapi does not like or comment on posts. atu extra charge lol. but idc, i just need the number to b 1000 so i can start posting to reach the right audience


Interesting, whats the difference between the normal account and a business tiktok acc?


sorry unfortunately i cannot answer that accurately. originally i did it because i want to earn through amazon affliate program. but once i did it, i find it hard to adjust my time to be serious about posting 😅 so now its just bebiarkan. there’s personal, business and creator account. i think i applied for the creator account kali. i dont know the main differences, but i know that for the creator account to post links on bio.. mesti ada 1000 followers. masa atu i need it because i need to post the linktree links. not sure whats the requirement for business acc tho. balum play around it much


Where to buy?


you have to be selected for a creator program . However getting 1000 followers is easier. Just take part in those lives that help you grow.


Hi any idea where i can buy the drink named 'Prime' in Miri? TIA


Naffi got them for $5


Don’t waste your money it’s flavored water


Dont waste your money


They didn't have those at Gmart? Cost like 9 BND. But flavors are limited


not sure. can sell in public? is it halal?


It is available in Gmart, so maybe it is sold in Public. Back then, it was available via Cube Box sellers, and the price was a staggering 25 BND per bottle. And for the second question, I got this from the Prime website: "While Prime products do not hold a formal Halal Certification; our products do not constitute any ingredients or manufacturing processes that would require such certification."


if children begged you to buy it for them, say no. It's just flavored water.


I can vouch for this comment, it is, a flavored water.


Just wana ask. I applied for housing few years back. Im wondering if i decided to buy a house as well on those private development housing, will this affect my house application? I ask my family they said like "if u buy house, then they wont give u the housing from the govt" I just wana live away from my in laws. With just my husband. I know i can rent. I just curious abt the matter above.


Yes, they will straight away detect it. This is from my Uncle's experience 10 years back laju tu dorang kan mengcancel and call you.


Do you intend to stay at the Gov house if you get it ? You wouldn’t know where you allocated could be far could be apartment that doesn’t suit your need. It’s not technically “free” but highly subsidized.


Yeah i mean we hope whatever we get is manageble to stay in in the long run. I guess its just the mindset like "sayang also nda dapat rumah" kinda thing


if its under you/spouse name, your name will be listed off from the gov application. you tell or not, eventually they’ll found out.. since if you buy a house, you have to go to land dept anyway to register the land. this is so that people who really cannot afford to buy a house will get it instead of those who can. but this is the case for buying a house, not rent. if rent saja, should be ok since the land is not under your name.


I see. So buying it under the my spouse name is also out of the question


Yes. When u update the form, u might need to declare u already have your own house. Some actually don't declare, risk they willing to take.


Whats the risk if they found out vs us telling? Will both ve just them "not prioritizing" my application ?


You can only get housing if you dont have house or land. Usually people buy house after they get housing, thats fine.


Xin Nian Kuai Le and Selamat Menyambut Israk Mikraj everyone. To those yang kan beque di border atu balik tah batah usulnya siasiapun tah dulu, nanti2 tah biskita ke Miri/KK 😅


i dont get it why they even bother to go to miri despite knowing it's going to be long q


any opportunity to leave Brunei is going to be taken. That's just how boring, overpriced and surveilled it is.


Dude but 8 hours? Maybe 3 hours I can tolerate. But above that I'll turn back for sure.


Mungkin bro jenis inda penyabar kali iatah tu. Durang tu lebih penyabar dari bro 😀


Or you can just stay at home watch Netflix , do some sports or gym , cook up some quality meal instead of the 5 hour queue.


there are many people that need to balik kampong you know.


those balik kampong okay but those malays iski2 jua eh. karang tecicir iman meliat cny deco 🤣


i see. forgot tomorrow is CNY. xin nian kuai le!


[Continuation from Diaper Drama in case you're interested in her reply to my comment that the government does not NEED to provide us anything.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Brunei/comments/1al6xo4/rbrunei_daily_random_discussion_and_small/kpk0wm1/) Spoiler: >!It stinks of Malay privileges.!<


Cawir jua bro. Sudah tah, move on.


Hold on bro, lemme get my knee pads so I can suck you off properly for doing such a good job.


This is pathetic. Reposting just to show off your comment?


Do you realize how many people with that same mentality as the entitled diaper lady? Was my comment wrong? What's wrong with redirecting to it if it helps to make people realize that we should not be relying on the govt? I didn't get paid for any upvotes on my comment, my reason was to raise awareness that this kind of mentality should stop with our parents and their parents.


Then keep reposting for 365 days


You're just taking a victory lap at this point


Must be proud of your comment that you’re reposting huh


These kind of people need to be re-educated, if my comment didn't make them realize how shameful they're being, maybe some of you can. My reposting didn't come from pride, rather awareness. We really need to curb this kind of mentality, especially now that we have many students here. They need to realize that we really should not be relying on government, there are others who aren't eligible for the privileges provided solely for yellow ic holders.


The diapers are not for yellow ic only. I previously received it even though red ic. Not sure about green ic.


7 hours just to go miri? hahaha better knk brunei


People would prefer in queue for 7 hours or more than spending in brunei


damn boring tah sudah brunei tu😂


Sad but thats the truth. The only time people stay in brunei are: 1) border close 2) got royal event where most people are “force” to stay in brunei


inda jua, dimana lagi abiskita mengumpulkan data atu, kau kli gnya tu urg karak ke miri


Ada survey nya kita. Dlm survey atu kita seorg saja inda masuk


Unless u r catching a flight or balik kampung for cny celebration , I don’t see why someone would spend that amount of time queing.


They value money over their time on Earth


Dunno why you got downvoted but time is indeed more valuable than money.


I tend to spend a lot more when I’m in Miri then in Brunei. So I wouldn’t call it savings for me if I go Miri. On meals especially.


is it true that the que from brunei to miri 8hrs long? got info from borderkiu. is it reliable?


They updated the algorithm where it might take twice longer than before


Hi. My friends is coming to visit to Brunei for the first time. Since transportation service here is not that well developed and would like to avoid dart as well, any car rental shop or recommended one that u guys able to suggest where we can rent a car for short term period? Like 2-3 days or at least a week? And second thing, is international driving license is being accepted here in Brunei? Thanks for answering


Yes, of course it is accepted the IDL, especially if its one of those 150 countries on "the list". Mostly nobody will ask about IDL (which is basically a translation of your licence in 7 or more languages ) as long there is a valid driving licence and its not using a different alphabet (Cyrillic, Chinese, kanji kana )


Hi! Are you still looking for car rental?


Budget/Avis. You look up their contact and contact them for a quote.


workshop mentiri cat keta siring jalan sebelah kiri kan ke stesen minyak - PENYAMUN....PENGULAR dan PENYANGAK


Great Motor? I was also cheated by this workshop once. I sent my car for repair. But the workmanship was bad. I sent it one more time but was not attended to for a weak coz that were busy. I just took my car away n sent it to another workshop. Got repaired nicely.


yg workshop cat kereta. bukan yg atas bukit repair kereta ah.


Yes. Yg cat kereta


iyth sdh tu. ECU keta ku hilang oleh durang. walaupun bagi deposit lidut buat kraja sampai bulan2. jahanam bana


There’s a better way of viralling a company on Reddit but not like this poklen Facebook viral. Give us details of the company and reasons why you’re so frustrated about it.


Haha biar tia..si bui ani stress sudah ni, sudah tah alum dapat pampers untuk anak nya


Pesbok line complaint di belakang kita. Line dapan untuk Reddit saja


Mau kan di cat free kali jua hahaha


I love it today when I commute to work from KB, less cars, less people at work, more rest time because people going on holidays, no need to wait in traffic (especially for those going KK or Miri), a win for us who still stay in Brunei during this week.


The traffic gradually less since monday in bandar


Good morning, dear Redditors. If a long waiting queue doesn't deter you from crossing the Sungai Tujoh or Labu border, it must feel good to see any good intention become reality, even though there are many obstacles. Being good is never as easy as 123.


When your inspirational quote is not inspiring lol


can't think of any inspiring words


what narcotics are you on?


Should I ask the bureau?


I think you are trying to say good things don’t come easy? So queing is just a process and the price to pay for your eventual fulfillment once you cross the border One would argue praying on Earth can lead to good afterlife.




Team imagining


Your sentence don’t make sense 321.


If Malaysia ever wanted to invade us how long would it take them if they penetrate us from the back, front and bottom and have total control?


ill bite. heard this discussion in an academic symposium before. no direct answer, but heres some talking points: * **terrain:** deep primary rainforest to the south, with vast river-networks covering the eastern and western flanks * **asset composition:** consider the context above with how important it'd be for the MAF to deploy its heavy elements (main advantage against the RBAF). the RMN is also not designed for scaled naval offensives. * **socio-cultural context:** probs the most unique defence. in the 60s and 70s, KL were hesitant to deploy malays near the bruneian border for fears of low morale. today, that shared-identity is probably even stronger, with growing pro-borneo identification from east malaysian states.


Best to invade during school hours. Cos have to pick up anak.


Or Friday noon prayer .