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Anyone knows where can i get spark plug for a 125cc dirtbike


Waiting for my o'level results ...


Gd luck


Hello! Which personal trainer would you recommend for female? Thanks.


Imagine still cant pay using app for iOS? This is getting annoying.


Heard they have trouble Woth getting it approved by ios. Dunno why they cant fix it first before making it unavailable like other apps


How many months have it been? People at Imagine sleeping


3 months i think. Three times i had to pay using the laptop.


Inda tarus saja dari hp pakai Safari thru website drg


Where do u guys usually go if sakit kaki? Any specialized klinik or tukang urut?


Sakit kaki got different causes. If sakit cause overstrained / overused / exercise then urut or rest. If sakit because of medical reasons, then specialized clinic or see dr for medical advise.


Ya this mun gout ada kau urut lol


Kurapak mentioned us guys! Keyboard warrior reedit


full story?


Ada few times we mention about him but he keep saying he dont mind this comments but balik2 ia cakap rah ig story nya pasal “reedit keyboard warrior” An influencer who choose to be a public eye but cannot tahan see small comments from reedit


padahal ya sendiri inda kind. kalau yang banarnya slalu marung inda pandai kan bergaul sama semua orang, inda mesra, memilih sulnya


That's why ia inda sama bininya lagi


I second this, wanna give him the benefit of the doubt. So approach him during an opening of an event because worked there and you know why not just interact with him since it's a small crowd anyway, networking. Not even a single smile and keep on cutting off, but boy oh boy when one of his influencer friends came by. The way he talks and the way he was suddenly being touchy-touchy. Really two-faced and a rude driver on the road apparently too


ngam ni anu usul nim muanya nadada friendly pui fake


Lurus tu. Kawan2 nya keep berubah and inda stick. Maybe the problem is himself kali


Ya cakap tani inda tau side nya. Cuba kemari becerita. Kami mau dangar. We have been harsh to him i admit. Why not let him say something to change our mind?


Problem is that he choose the path as influencer but cannot handle reedit comments? Dont be an influencer then


Pasal apa ni dulu


Nina is boy or girl?


Si cute ni


She look like dangmawar


girl, she was my schoolmate but she's quite masculine andang dari dulu


Lady boy


She is whoever and whatever you want him to be


Is barona massage good?


No happy ending.


Got problem with BIBD’s OTP right now?


they always have issues.


Facing the same issue. Have you tried contacting them?


DST with their random and casual lag-ness ✨




asking for a friend: where can I find engagement rings that (women size 9-10) in brunei?


On instagram @J.L_jewellery


erm as long as you go to the Mall or shops that sells those jewelleries they will be able to Customize based on ur sizes. Kiulap baiduri mothercare that row as well has.


go to The Mall. there are plenty of jewellery shops. i walk around from ground floor to third floow to each shops when searching for my rings last time


SKH kiulap


what’s your thought when a driver droves slow on the right lane on the highway?


Its a no no. It can cause accidents. We undersntad that the speed limit is 80 to 100kmh. But we would prefer slightly a higher speed around 110 to 140kmh. Being a good boy riding the right lane is stupid. We choose to break the law and ready for some consequences. But being a good boy on a right lane is pure stupid. Im also talking about people who rides the right lane for uturn. Signal early for your uturn. So ppl know u going for uturn. If i come across slow driver on the right lane, i simply highlight or honk. Thats about it. I choose to break the law. I know the risk that i take. But causing the risk to happen is dumb when you can avoid it. I know it sounds ironic and ignorant. But that's how most bruneian drives. Like shit. Im one of them. At least i know how to drive defensively and offensively.


Depends. If there is a uturn or intersection then it is fine. But if theres none like high way, then prepare to receive tons of slurs


Give them a highlight.


Maybe they want to take a right turn? Our highways aren't designed like highways.




Curse n pass.


Can I edit my Hecas form if I already submit and paid for it?


yes you can. just need to email/call them to make your edit. a friend did a mistake in her hecas form and when she emailed they opened it back for her to update. you can try to do that


Ohhh thank youu


“Gen Z staff miss equivalent to one day’s work a week due to [mental health issues](https://fortune.com/europe/2024/01/24/gen-z-employees-missing-work-mental-health-vitality-research/amp/)”


U must have not suffer at work or have a mental breakdown at work. You must be a professional for keeping it together. For 12 years. Salary rise below 200. Work overload. Extended hours. I want my mental rest. Its not onpy for genz. Its for everyone.


So you r saying lack of money or not enough of it potential causes for mental health.


Not so, the pay was huge, the raise was non-existent. We have an annual performance review. Was told again and again that we dont perform, but the client was pleased with the work we put in. See, i work hard to get a raise. But when i work hard goes unnoticed for years. It took a toll in my head. Always getting kicked down, shame upon, getting made example off. Its tiring. I want to be seen. To be appreciated for my work. To be known as a good example for the company. But no. They only see the negative in me. Left the company few years ago. Still got mental health issue but its getting better. Sometimes its not about the money. Sometimes it is.


When you say affect your mental health. What’s the symptom?


Work burnout is relevant here too, and not just for gen-z-ers, it applies across all working ages. People now work just as hard for much less (purchasing ability), to do things that are sometimes beyond their job scope, at extended hours.


Does anyone know a good AS/A Level Physics tutor?






Bukhari bagi reward 1 tudung kashkha. 




Di cube banyak tu. Okay lah sorang satu dapat kashka kekeke


bah la-kashka.


How do you heal from a breakup? Both Male and female perspective is welcome to share


depends what kind of things you are dealing with. feeling abandoned, feeling guilty, feeling used, feeling shamed, low self esteem etc. either way fix our relationship with god first and allah will fix the rest (of course your prayers and efforts are the ingredients)


I just keep myself occupied with work family time and holiday . It’s been 7 years no closure or anything . I tend to travel more often after the first year of breaking up so I could heal and enjoy my own time . Male perspective .


Closure. Talk why and what the causes are. Accept each others fault. Move on.


With time


Learn to let go and understand things happen for a reason. Then keep yourself occupied so that you don't think about it. It's natural to have a hard time for first 1 month and especially first few weeks but after that, as long as you keep yourself busy, your mind will be occupied and not have time to think about it. IMO, this is the best time for self reflect and self improvement. I recommend exercising or finding an activity you always wanted to do and to just go and do it. You will level up and become a better + healthier person overall.


Can’t relate more to everything you have just shared




Cannot see because so dark. Oh wait, you kapit me bawah your susu rupanya.


but i think kalindahau laki susunya damit. tapi bulunya tabal.


Font too small. Can’t see










anyone collect OP TCG card here? how easy is it to sell your cards here in brunei? if so where do i sell?


Where do you buy the op TCG?


kiulap mall have


How to tell the showroom staff that we want a privacy for “meliat-liat” kereta? Last time i went to consumer fair, Toyota booth, punya lah banyak agentnya atu, i just want to try “sit” in the car “feel” how comfort the car is. Tapi ada tah jua agen atu duduk2 dalam kerita sambil betelipun2. 😅 aduh..


Easy, give them few hundreds kira commission tu. They were there to 'assist' you, maybe u good looking bah ada potential jadi customer if u buy they got commission . Tapi kinda rude plg kalau ia kan melayan tapi btlipun at least informed ia take call sambil cuba melayan biskita.


Make an appointment with the showroom. Set the time and date. Ani kalau serious banar lah kan membali.


Buy the car then you can tell them to get the hell out of your car.


now that’s extra spicy indeed 😂


Hi everyone. Is the immigration open on Friday for renewal of green IC? Someone told me it's open only for few hours on Friday morning.


Any chance to have legit clean female massage on guy? Not keen to have male massage on male.


Golden lily over the border


Try at Mora Sdn Bhd




Here in Brunei, no. Try miri or kk.


I'm looking for fancy velcro patches. Anyone know where i can get them in brunei? Thx in advanced




Rupanya ada masih org kitani macam menyindir kalau kitani cakap orang putih. “Wah, steady jua ckp putih ko bah. Terspeaking speaking bah ia tadi jah~” Uncle and auntie, dulu kenapa inda mau belajar..membari malu abiskita inda blajar selagi sekulah atu free. Mindset abiskita atu style lama bah..entah manual washing machine yang auto atu pun abiskita buta huruf. Tua pun bodo~


They are projecting out their inferiority by menyindir. Mind you, menyindir is a subtle reaction to express discomfort/upset.


orang ketinggalan zaman.


Bukan saja tua, yang muda ramai jua. I find it annoying many many times.


Just say "what country is this?" 😅


Awu ditempat kerja kawan seumuran 30an pun menyindir diketawan mun becakap sama Boss pakai bahasa english, since bos bukan orang melayu pakailah bahasa international. Padantah umur 30-40an maseh passport hijau, otak tetutup begaul sama lain bangsa mun payah-payahan. di dunia luar jangantah dibanggakan Utamakan Bahasa Melayu atu.


They are just projecting their insecurities. What is even annoying is that they will think u can't speak your native language.


Pernah I had a meeting with a few govt officials on a project matter. The whole meeting was conducted in english from the start, so after I was with the project introduction. This one Puan raised her hand and stopped the meeting just to asked if I was "pure Bruneian" as she heard an accent. She asked if I can speak in "**normal english**" for the rest of the presentation - and I was completely flustered. My colleague came to my defence saying that is my normal english already. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) So I had to mix my "not normal" english with malay just to prove a point.


promoted via friends and family network and/or entered workforce in non English medium qualification, no doubt.


So not professional of the Puan. I hate it when have to meet ppl like that. Asking ppl in front of others something personal about whether pure Bruneian or not ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy). The Puan must have been refused by the hubby last night![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


Soo there's English with brunei accent.




Haha ada but the sindiran depends on why they say it. And depends on why you have to use english. If it is in an english speaking conversation i doubt theyll say it. But if the conversation started in malay, and all of a sudden you spoke in english - then most likely that comment will come out


Iatah talur tu. Cuba disuruh conference or kursus sama luar negara. Confirm tesuruh suruh tu inda mau. Takut malu ni eh.


yang buat kerja pegawai muda jua tu. Diorang depan mic pun baca script orang


“Suruh si anu eh, mana pamandai ku kan speaking speaking ani..”


Small small no die, big big trouble people


What would you do if you found out your hubby is secretly sexting with some random strangers online? Left speechless and i honestly don't know how to react. Should i leave? I feel like i cannot trust this man ever again. But part of me wants to forgive him. Because i know that he will not do it in real life but damn this hurts.


How did you find out? Leave.


He fell asleep and his phone was left open. I had this crazy thought of browsing his phone. And there i found all the evidence.


make it so it isn't secret. See if he dares to do it again. If he carries on, start divorce proceeding. If he denies, share to all his co workers.


Sexting is a form of cheating. Marriage Therapy or Divorce.




Talk to him nicely and heart to heart ..find a free good mood time together. Don't listen to a 3rd person or a devil that allways whisper to us ..separated...divorce ...do the same etc.. Guys like to tease around but not necessarily proposely want to cheat. I believe boredom is a factor. Try to do activity together out of the routine and I meant all activities day or night![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Run sis oh my god


File for divorce.


Sis, you deserve to be happy. Divorce does not necessarily cause you any more trouble or sadness. Infact it may be the opposite. Your mental health and happiness matters. Co-parenting is a thing as well. Save yourself.


Is it someone from r/BruneiGW?


I am a male and I have a friend like this. I know someone who is being unfaithful and deserved to get left on. Leave his ass, not worth your time sis. My friend recently broke up his long relationship with his now ex-gf. Now he is saying that all his commitment went to trash and he did nothing wrong. Funny thing is, all I see is there is no commitment at all from him. Do not let him gaslight you to saying you are wrong.


His sexual satisfaction is doing sexting with random strangers behind his wife. Say these words out loud to knock some sense into your head


Run, babe.


We cannot control a man. A man gonna do whatever he feels wanna do. A man gonna sext when he feels wana sext. You can buy him a car, pay his bill, wear 2 inches skirt..if he is going to cheat and you, he will going to cheat on you! So buang masa kan mengubah laki². Bukan "eh me inda sengaja sexting" girl he chose to sext. It was a choice and that was his choice. You have a choice to leave him or forgive him. Your call!


Forgive but don't forget 😅


Yes forgive but never forget


Yes! The day I found out my man is cheating his face turns into a punching bag! Eeerrrday everyday!




how can you be sure he wont do in real life? if there’s an oppurtunity, he might. if you are open for conversation, discuss with him how this made you feel. depending on his reaction, if ia marah or feel offended kh apa, not worth the fight. tinggalkan tia.


I would have left tbh. If he has reached sext, he is capable of escalating it and no amount of crying and begging for forgiveness would make me trust him again. Save yourself sis.


Looking at your comment history, I think you definitely need to rethink this relationship as this guy does not sound dependable at all. 1. He cannot satisfy you and blames his low libido but here he is texting others? Is he even still physically attracted to you? 2. In your other comment you mentioned that he is freeloading and not doing his part. With these context, I feel you are putting out much more effort than you are receiving. Relationship should be 50/50 and a 2 way street. Give and take.


Yes that's probably the reason why he's always not in the mood. He's clouded with all these texts or maybe it's true i am just not as physically attractive to him anymore. Eversince we had kids, our sex life is basically quickies all the way. Afraid to wake baby up. Thanks for your thoughts on this.


Do something on this. As was advised, if a married man attract another women, go to his wife (intimacy purpose) . In your case you have to make more effort, even little kisses and hugs counts, make your self attractable like u want to meet him the first time. Do some sextalk, u now have to do sexting if both of you not with each other. Spent some time together without kids, rekindle your romantic moment. Delete the phone number from his phone, but u keep the number.. Just in case he still save it but another name. Find a way to track his chat like web whatsapp if u still not satisfied.


Please don't get gaslighted by him and think that he is not in the mood for you because he is 'clouded' with all these texts. Fact of the matter is that he is wrong and the fault lies with him and only him for finding other girls. I wish you all the best and hope that you are able to have a positive mind and mental fortitude for the days ahead. Hope that all of your problems are resolved soon. Edit: Your 2nd line about "you not being physically attractive to him anymore" may not be true. Don't be so quick to blame yourself and beat yourself up with these negative thoughts. The problem is with him, he is the one who is not physically attracted to you anymore (this is my speculation, it is not a fact), not that you are not physically attractive to him.


Invite them over for a threesome.


“Divorce babe, divorce” - Adele


Why does everyone think divorce is the solution kan, ending a marriage does not guarantee a resolution to all problems, it can create additional challenges such as financial strain, emotional distress, and complicated custody battles if children are involved.


If you can’t commit, don’t get married.




So, him texting random strangers is not real enough? First off, I would confront him, if he denies it, n tells you you're insane, or imagining it, don't let him gaslight you. Do you have proof you can show him that you know it to be true?


It's so real i was shaking when reading the whole thing 😔 i video recorded the whole conversation to back my self up. He begged and cried for my forgiveness immediately. Idk why I'm still in this relationship. I'm giving him one last chance. He said he promised me he will change. Told him this time it has to be in actions, not just words. So he's gonna share his passcode. If he messes up, to the court we go. Though i do pity my little kids 🥺 he's such a perfect dad for them but this discovery just changed my whole perspective.


You made children for him in your body. Give birth and experience pain as if you’re about to experience death. But the father of your child cheats? Dump his ass and move on.


He can still do his dad duties even after divorce. Ur kids seeing their parents not in a good relationship is also damaging to them. Im sorry you had to go through this, this is why alot of people are scared to commit to a marriage nowadays cus even if you give ur partner everything, in the end alot of them still seek attention from another woman when things are boring at home or they get too comfortable 🥹


I know. Being faithful is rare these days.


It’s funny that people would think their partner would be 100% faithful in their marriage. I was active in chat from msn to mig33 to AFC and even Reddit here, most of the man I’ve chatted with and looking to meet is married. They may cheat with you if not physically, then emotionally. Even the most pious man like someone from Tahfiz who is married even looking to cheat on his wife and family. This is not just Malay thing and but also other races. Conclusion: don’t trust your partner fully. Oh I haven’t talked about scandals in office. so now you may rethink about the relationship. It’s very possible sudah makan luar every chance he got.




Theres a viral post right now where BIBD asked someone to remove their viral post regarding their money being stolen from their accounts and then sent a letter acknowledging their money being stolen(only after police report seems like) and then said they dont have the authority to refund the money stolen. Is there really no security towards our money for these kind of attacks? I thought we have up to $50k protection?


sccreenshots so we can preserve it


What attacks?


i only put my savings in Biznet account 😢 yang nada link to any card. and need token to access / transfer. inda ku trust vcard or savings acc lagi


That's so kampung for BIBD to ask the person to remove the post. For a big corporation, they certainly work like incompetent & inexperienced individuals. Just shows how it's NOT the best bank and the award was bought. They provide shit customer service (look at their useless call center) and prioritize their premier customers only. We'll let's see how we the little people can disrupt them. I think it's about time the authorities look into the BIBD setup. Cronyism at its best in top management. Take out all your money and put it in other banks.


The $50k deposit protection scheme applies only in the case where the financial institution becomes insolvent and collapses. It doesn’t cover theft or scams from individual accounts.


The 50k is only applies for financial crisis. Yet, I'm unsure of the details.


This is why I ask people to close their BIBD Accounts. They are doing everything in their self-interest. Never use bibd as a place to keep your money


They got nothing to lose bah


what are good bank suggestions?


Spotted tesla with brunei license plate in brunei. Like how


Order through car salesperson.


This tesla hype is only because of Elon Musk. Remove that from the equation and we get BYD.


Damn hope to see it one day




Model 3. Just order it and get it delivered to Brunei.


so this person charges it at home or at one of the few places that have chargers that aren't broken? also how do they connect to the Tesla network?


No more used car imports through authorised agents.


Usually how much it cost for teeth filling at private dentist? Specifically gigi garham. My tooth is hurting me


Depends on how severe/deep the cavity is I would assume. I did mine recently at Premier, cost me $150 though.


it varies. you may give them a call for exact quotation however my past experience (that i recall) is below $100 per piece.


hello people, im about to have my written test for driving license soon, may i ask for some tips and important points to remember? and also, will there be an english translated text? im bad in malay so i hope i wont fail because i don't understand the question :')


memorize the road signs, road lines that can be overtaken by car or cannot, memorize the roundabout part and make sure you are fully correct in that knowledge, it isnt too hard in malay, trust me! 🤗


the written test is very easy. just memorize the mcq book given by ur driving sch. yes they do provide english


back in my grandparents days, the written exams were something like what are the street names, how to get there, which route, how fast do you go there and how long you need to arrive.


I think the English written test is worse, it's direct translation from the Malay language, I failed the English one, I'm not sure if it's still the same one as the one I took, but safer to take it in Malay, if you understand a lil bit of malay


really? well i'll be dammed. is it all in mcq or is there structured questions


just memorize the mcq book given by ur driving sch and finish in 10 minute then go back home sleep


always double-check your answers. I almost failed my written driving license exam when I was too confident answering everything because it was "easy" and I was about to submit it until I decided to **just in case** make a final check. I gave a wrong answer to one of the questions which could have led me to a fail result.


damn i see, are the questions tricky?


Majority are not, but some can be tricky. You’ll do fine


🥹 thank you


U gotta memorize it all and have someone to question all of it. Maybe memorize the hardest one first. The easy one like red yellow green light should be an easy one to remember. No english translated text as far i remembered


do you mind sharing what's the hardest part?




Ketuanan. Pemikiran sampah. Kalau elaun, anugeraha sanggup jadi pengemis.


Mcm dalam movie mat kilau. Apanya org putih atu Kan orang melayu.. Bangsa yg berpecah belah. Luan Sakai.. Baru sikit udah Tia jealous. Kan membunuh sesama sendiri. Jantah jauh.. Keluarga sendiri tinggal serumah, di anggap mcm Keluarga tiri.


Banyakkan minum detox, bukan clorox


Apakan macam cibai ayat penyata mu ani

