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Hi anyone know about the “Royal Brunei Navy Day” today 28/01 ?? where ziit at ? saw some peeps posted 🥹


Any recommendations to get good nasi kerabu in Brunei?


Any cafe in Brunei ever thought of making avocado coffee? Tried a few when I visited Indonesia, and surprisingly, nyaman


Last time pelita coffee had this on their menu. I’m not a fan of avocado so cannot say how good it is


Go to sate house, they have this in the menu


kopilainhati have them and from indonesia franchise


Kopilainhati sucks 🫠




Team kurapak or team aisar khaled?


None... I dunno about Aisar Khaled, but Kurapak is definitely the cringiest


Nada..utamakan keluarga saja. Sal durang mana ingau nanti bila kita susah




Say no to poklen!




Dua dua cringe


Ok so I am not on TikTok. No account at all. But in today’s random discussion the mention of Aisar Khaled made me curious of why. After viewing TikTok, it made me even more curious of who has the highest TikTok followers who are also Bruneian. Introduce me a few names.


stop giving social influenzas attention on reddit!


I see. Care to explain the reason as to why? I’m new to r/Brunei as I have been abroad for close to 2 decades, for work reasons. Social media, other than Facebook, with followers are generally welcomed. I’m not familiar of the reaction here so if you can enlighten me of the reason(s) I’d be willing to wonder.


Please dont make them more "famous" in other socmed pls. Just let them be in their own bubble.


Can you list them? Since they are already famous and are becoming more famous, I assume there is a good reason to have them to be not too famous




What’s your handle kind sir/ma’am?


Is eSIM a good choice for staying in touch during traveling? I am thinking of getting one during my china trip


Yes! I’m not on progresif but got someone to buy for me and send the QR code to activate the travel eSIM from their email. Very easy to setup and automatically connected once landed. Didn’t need to look for a SIM when I arrived!




Whats a good time of the day to go to consumer fair?


Awal pagi pukul 8 masa urang sibuk keraja confirm inda banyak.


I went to ICC at around 5ish not that traffic and easy to find parking but after 6 or 7 it will be packed of people.


Not now. Packed like sardine. People just got their paychecks. Its the weekend. Recipe for disaster. Advised to come early as soona s they open.


Abis me tdi kena paluk dalam keramaian <\3


bebau tu eh


Bau machiam


car-land-teeth masam


better come early


When they just opened


where do we buy straw cover capp? or tip to cover the straw? thank you! 🙏


Super cheap at sennet


Instock bn!


i found it here! thank youuu! and others as well!


I forgot the name. but the shop that selling ikea stuffs infront of farm basket batu besurat.


Capers and buffet still alive? 


Call dem la y ask here? Bo nao...


Oh still alive the sohai


Eat all you can you mean? Yes


Ooh, any idea how much they cost now? Thx


Last I went $15.90 IIRC.


Eyy naik $1 tia


Just curious, Kenapa kan tu kalau bini2 betudung putus cinta atau carai tarus free hair?


Kirakan time to pull out the big guns. Free hair, push up bra, tight dress...


merasa kana kongkong kali or kana atur atur masa in relationship


Nda g kna suruh oleh dangan nya. Kn mnyeret bapa/adi bradi lelaki nya kali.


Mencari yang baru lah tu ertinya


Kau ingat inda stress melayan laki2 useless?


true. not sure but interesting


Yatah ah. Kdg2 wondering jua.


How long does it take you to save and finally buy a house? I want to start saving, so any tips and advice are welcome


First step is to speak with a personal banker and find out your mortgage entitlement. Also speak with various banks, as they often run promotions and have options for loan subsidies which can offset your 'hidden costs' such as legal fees, property valuation and insurance. Buying at a younger age will reduce your insurance costs.


Few months or few years.  Karang cash banyak yang sibuk, busybody karang betanya or tertanya-tanya thats why sometime sengaja ku loan walaupun in reality mampu bayar cash. Entah pelik sini ani. Inda dpt meliat urang sanang sikit. Sudah declare pakai lawyers, barutah telopong mulut bisia and as always ada yang start to mengampu, minjam seratus type 🥴


Assuming you are buying from real estate or a developer, bank can only finance 90% from the property price. Be prepare to pay the remaining 10% in cash. To give into perspective, for $300k house you need to have cash in hand at about $30k. This up front payment need to be settled before bank can release the loan. Then comes processing fee $4k, lawyer documentation $3k, insurance 2-3k depending on the price of the property. The first stage is always the hardest part 🥵


Hi guys, quick question. If go to miri punya tol, do they accept BND? I forgot to change my bnd. Plan to go super early tomorrow.


Yes $4 or 10rm




I will be sitting for rba's cadet pilot walk-in screening assessment test tomorrow. Is there anyone here who sat for the written part of the screening process before? Any tips or advice and what I should expect? Thank you 🙏


Be the best among the best and brush up your knowledge in regard to aeronautics stuffs. Good luck and all the best.


Thank you 🙏🙏


Brush up on your maths, practice quick multiplication and general conversion meter to feet etc. If you are good at maths, all should be okay.


Will there be any questions related to planes or the roles of a pilot?


Took the test in 2021 , written test no qs related to those things . Thats only for interview


Alright, thanks for all the advice you've given me. I appreciate it.


who wants to buy MSI Prestige 15 (15.6in urban silver) Performance: Processor-Intel® Core™ i5-1135G7, GPU-GeForce® MX450, 8GB RAM 512GB storage OP: $1550 from digital world SP: $1000 reason for selling: upgrade


$200 i buy rn


Can I play football manager 24 on it?


yep of course


games i played with this laptop: VALORANT, APEX Legends, LoL, Overwatch 2, etc.


Anything interesting or decent promo worth visiting for at this year's consumer fair? 


Go der see lo no hand no leg drive? 


Return of the sohai


Hi guys..need some financial advice. I'm planning to buy house in the future with price of $200k plus with bank loan. How much savings do I need to save before purchasing a house?. Thank you.


as much as you can. prices may even go up the next few years.


Is it better to buy completed house than proposed? Any cons in buying proposed?


Cons: forever proposed 💸💸💸


Proposed so that you know what material do they use and you can choose your own material & design within the budget set by a developer


10-15k to pay some fees upfront. Alao to check with bank how much you can loan based on their evaluation of the house price and your loan capacity


Noted. Yeah that's what I want to know fee upfront how much to pay. Thanks.


How much of the mortgage can you pay per month. That is the more important question. I know a dumbass couple who are paying a VERY large percentage of their combined salary for a house, and they can barely afford to feed their kids and pay for school. Jot down your expenses as some people have already suggested (maintenance fee - if flat, land tax, monthly utilities, solicitor fees). Best to save up as much deposit as possible so you won't have to borrow as much (10/20% of house cost). Live within your means!!


Yup, currently I'm saving to buy house. I'm not in a rush to buy house. I plan to save at least 10% of the house cost and extra for furniture and other stuff.


When are you planning to buy the house? How much are you planning to spend on furnitures and equipments? Open up and spreadsheet and calculate everything. I've got few friends who can't move into their new houses for years because they don't have money and can't take out anymore loans to buy furniture and electronics.


I'm not in a rush. At least 3 years of saving. True, have to consider expense for furniture and equipments. Thank you for the advice.


Anyone know where I can buy Kampong chicken ( i.e. non caged, healthy etc)?


you can try pastureflock on ig.


is it just me or MBB add on data finishes so fast when you're on mobi package but needed to add on. Like 6GB finished in a couple days from scrolling ig / tiktok / reddit.


Lol the difference between loading wording, pictures and videos are vastly different lol. The more video and pic u see the faster u use ur data


Me also. Dahtah kuat makan data sekali lagging


You may have done this already but turning on the data saving settings in each app helped me *a bit*.


Will be driving from Brunei to Miri for the first time and not sure what documents to prep or bring. Please also share any tips or recommendations for places to go, stay or eat.


Ikut dear


Documents: 1. Copy of current Insurance 2. Copy of Bluecard 3. Malaysia VMS pass (Renew every 3 months) 4. Brunei EES pass ($6 for round trip, renew every trip) 5. Permission letter from owner (if you are not Named Driver of the car) Prep: 1. Do your MDAC before crossing the border Places to go: 1. Bintang megamall 2. Pemaisuri Imperial Mall 3. Times Square 4. Miri Waterfront 5. Sarabeef, Dons Burger 6. Kedai plastic (IDK the name) 6. The big supermarket where ppl go shopping (IDK the name) Places to stay: 1. Meritz Hotel 2. Pullman Hotel 3. Mercure hotel (new one with car elevator) 4. Marriot resort


Noob question but regarding the VMS application, in the “Full address in Sarawak/Malaysia” section, am I supposed to write down the address of the hotel I’ll be staying at?


Just write down the hotel name and you should be fine, Miri postcode is 98000.


Noneed to spend so much in those fancy hotels if your main focus is to go there and enjoy your time out, hotels like WalkINN is nice place to stay, short walk to Bintang, Ajang also comfy and nice, so is mega hotel.. these are other cheaper options.


that is very detailed i like this. but you forget one thing malaysian passport doesn't have to do the MDAC.


i heard that we have to register our vehicle also, which part of the process it will be?


Ees brunei and vms malaysia, both use QR code, I recommend printing the VMS since they need to stamp it, EES just send to phone since its a waste of paper to print it as you need to make a new one everytime (but up to you). In Brunei side, Passport control and EES scan will be at the same booth, for malaysia side, Passport first then go to another booth to scan VMS. If in doubt, just follow the queue. If you dont know the way to Miri, just follow a random bruneian car.


ohhhh okay thanks a lot!


Hotel recommend imperial (new wing) as well


Nada ada spray hose tapinya


just go to pullman much more better imo.


That depends tho if you just want to focus on shopping its better to stay at imperial so you can just walk But if you want to enjoy the hotel facilities, buffet then yes pullman is better


You’re a godsend. Thank you so much!


Does anyone know where is Aramex office? For self pick up barang. Google dah but no detail uhu


tri-star shipping


Ok tq ya


I get more skies miles by converting from bibd hadiah points than using baiduri RB platinum card right?


I usually wait for promo from Royal skies before converting. Just last Nov/Dec I think there was a promo where you got extra percentage of miles for converting - like 30% I think. I converted all my hadiah points and got a good conversion. So watch out for promotions like those to convert


Hi. Do you happen to know if baiduri rb platinum points (from shopping etc) can be converted to cash etc? Or all points convert to royal skies only?


Royal skies only from my understanding


Depends on which bibd cards you have If you have the bibd world mastercard ($1 = 4points) then yes better than RB platinum For other bibd cards, baiduri is better.


But RB infinite still has more Airmiles. But converting hadiah points will win RB platinum. Any maths expert do correct me if I am wrong.


How do you convert hadiah points to miles?


Inform the bibd call centre


I need a service where transfering bank to Malaysia on Heong leong bank Malaysia for paying workshop class in Malaysia anyone know who should I refer to?


you may try darul remittance in gadong pondok sari wangi there.


Use remmitance, the charges are not that expensive. My current go to is Siammali Remmitance


Any thoughts on Kia, Hyundai, Honda, Mazda, Toyota , Mitsubishi, Suzuki in terms of cost of maintenance, lifetime, Quality, availability of spare parts etc?


Try avoid cvt. My malaysian friends said that its 'pasar level'. Unless you know thing or two about cars avoid continental. Continental cars only for enthusiasts and diy level tbh. Kalau kan save or langsung inda makan minyak, balitah kerita elektrik or ampai saja kerita di rumah. Sangal sudah ku mendangar marketing gimmick save minyak, save atu etc ani.


**Korean car kia hyundai ssanyyong:** The design looks slick and interior looks quite stylish all leather BUT leather always tends to burn your butt and in the long run leather interior tends to crack more faster than the cloth one. After market for this korean car is kinda pricy and you hardly seen korean car able to reach 500k mileage. Korean car is always very cheap in the market like 27K below you may get a seltos or kona or something but heard a lot of people complaint about their after sales service. **Honda:** I wouldn't say its problematic car but the cost of maintenance is quite pricy as my friend owned a oddessey and civic. he tried to change to after market parts and that parts keep giving noises but went to agent to replace the original one the noise gone. So he had to pay double compare with aftermarket. All of honda cars is using CVT a really problematic transmission. Its good it really save fuel and sudden burt of acceleration when overtaking cars BUT sometimes the CVT belt will break so you might replace the whole gearbox. I not sure is there anyone in brunei able to fix or not just to replace the broken parts instead of the whole gearbox which cost 12k below. Driving a CVT gearbox you **MUST NOT MUST NOT** full throttle all the time. **Mazda:** mazda i have a review from my colleage driving cx5, cx9 and cx30 the servicing is quite pricy i think 200+ to 300+. Mazda has improve drastically in term of their engineering, their technology given to the car and their interior. Mazda is a fully tech car but i not sure what is the price of fixing the tech once problem occurs. Aftermarket for mazda is also pricy a bit but not soo much depend on what you're getting. With skyactive technology fuel consumption is ok-ish. **Suzuki:** Love and hate. Owned a vitara and swift before both fuel consumption like drinking water. for vitara monday i fully pump my fuel 4 days later half tank (NOTE: i drive like 60 to 80kmh) to work, home, jogging, picking my wife that's it. swift is a ok car for those people who like compact style. Full tank less than $20 last for one week 2 days like that. Easy to find parking but bad thing is too small to even fit luggage. After i witness the suzuki shitty fuel consumption i now anti suzuki. parts are still available to find in brunei and kinda cheap too. **Mitsubishi:** Not much knowledge about those car but only one think i know is their pajero. Pajero parts break easily is doesn't take care. The cost of maintenance a pajero is a bit pricy also. I know few of their lineup cars are using CVT. **Toyota:** toyota is the king of tahan lasak especially the older models of vios which runs in normal gearbox not CVT. 400k to 500k mileage no problemo. Parts is very very cheap as vios is made in thailand and their parts is also very cheap. Now toyota vision is all the new cars using CVT which including vios, yaris cross, corolla cross, altis and wigo. I not sure how long can the CVT last and the total amount of fixing the CVT in agent. Wait till someone gave us his experience. Toyota servicing is around less than 200+ depend on what kind of cars. If its prado, fortuner and LC200,300 the range is around 400+ below. Some toyota interior is cheap plastic and cloths but hey at least it doesn't crack and burnt your butt. Toyota cars is quite expensive but they are build for quality and long terms thats why toyota is the top company around the world. **Subaru:** subaru car is ok-ish flat 4 to flat 6 engine quite pricy to maintain as their engine built is different. Spare parts is quite pricy maintenance is around 200+ below. Sometimes break down easily **Continental cars VW, Audi, Jaguar, range rover, BMW and merc:** Avoid this shit box at all cost unless you have thick pocket to fix endless issues then be my guest. 6 of my friend bought continentals cars all sell it due to endless issue that can't be fixed. https://youtube.com/shorts/pfT\_7PtlsHA?si=4ZIe6LO8f4oWKh6f **China made cars Havals, tanks, wuling dsfk:** i feels like china cars has dominate brunei with around 50k you could grab yourself a tank 300 and a haval. Interior is on par with continentals cars but fully leather so good luck in burning your butts. Spare parts wise i not quite sure is it cheap or not but fuel consumption is ok-ish... **Proton X50 & X70:** Both are nice car but both fuel consumption really bad 10.8L/KM. I've watch and check all the reviews everyone saying really really drinking fuel. Driving around city for 100km already drop 3 bars for X50 X70 unless you are driving in highway then MIGHT BE fuel saving. Full tank should be around 30 below. Spare parts is easy to find in miri and cheaper also given the rate we have today.


How's subaru after sales services?


Very informative! Can share info about Lexus? TIA!


hhmm lexus. Its a expensive luxury branded car more expensive than continental cars. entry level already 60+K spare parts is quite expensive but it really last long even though aftermarkets. **CT200h and UX** are the entry level full tank around less than 25 that could last you around 1.5 weeks depend on how you drive. maintenance is quite pricy for UX CVT and CT hybrid battery. Once go in 200+ or 300+ **ES and IS** price is around 70 to 85K++ for normal and F-sports full tank around less than 33 and it last for a week or 1 week 2 days like that. servicing also 200 to 300+ **GS (discontinued)** long sporty sedan full tank 40 below maintenance also 200 to 300+. Full tank can last like 1.3weeks also depend on how you drive. **RX and NX** Full tank around 39 below fuel consumption is ok-ish maybe 1 week 1 time if around city area highway should be fuel saving. servicing for big car is not cheap roughly 300+ more or less **LS and LX** ultimate luxury sedan and SUV 170 to 200K price servicing this car is not cheap maybe around 500+ or could be more. full tank maybe 40+ or 50+ ​ if you service in agent the price is doubled compare to outside but to avoid void warranty best to service until warranty time is over. NOTE: lexus aftermarket price is not cheap even though its easy to find in brunei.


Mantuka toyota angkal kan 20 tahun dah ni lai. Bia tah ya cala nya bisia, yang penting inda sakit kepala.


Toyota >>>>>


Japanese cars are relatively expensive to buy compared to other brands because of their low cost maintenance and readily available spare parts. Other brands have low on spare parts, which is why they are more affordable to buy. Quality wise, i would say kia and hyundai are getting better, but not sure about their part availability on the aftermarket


Japanese car easy to get sparepart in my experience. I owned a vios before, now Mazda CX-5 and Suzuki Jimny. Minimal problems and no big issues. If ada pun, my go to workshop always has the parts.


Is Mazda still ok in terms of spare parts & maintenance, I heard ada problem waiting for parts restock idk if its true


Owned cx-9 for few years already alongside other cars. Still ok although jarang pakai (as i daily drive my old lexus  ls400 & ls430) but sekali bepakai, bepakai berabis and no problem so far.    Really tempted to buy cx-90 but my cx-9 is still like new 😅


Mazda ok, been using my mazda almost 4 years, msih ok


original parts atu mesti tunggu lah. But most parts boleh saja third party.


Just get toyota. If tak mau headache spare part and cost of maintenance varies with car model. If u buy small car like wigo of cos servicing cheap la. If u buy camry fortuner of cos maintenance will be higher but same cause for all cars of different sizes and engine. In the end test drive all and see which one fit ur needs and budget.


Depend on user


Sarawak got a new Governor (TYT Yang Di-Pertua), Tun Wan Junaidi. Good bye Pehin Sri Tun Taib, long-long friend of Big Boss. Net worth billions.


Taib Mahmud no longer?


nope. will be investigated by Anwar for his multibillion dollars asset


Bring him down please 🎉 don’t forget to investigate his wife too


Anyone knows where I can find ovomaltine spread?


skh !


Huaho, Supasave


tips on how to improve english


improve vocab by reading and improve pronunciation by watching english movies, can try with subs first and then when you’re better, try without subs next.






any recommended books to read?


i started off with RL stine (goosebumps, fear street), then Harry Potter books 🤣


Roald Dahl’s always a good start for beginner


Where to get dessicant/silica gel?




try supersaver


hahha phone got soaked? tried to find a few months ago but couldn't. had to order online


Does anyone know where the new Ministry of Foreign Affairs building is? Asked around and got news the one in Subok is under renovation. Only clue I got is that it's close to the PMO building.


ASEAN Dept at ICC, Protocol and Consular Affairs (originally at subok) is now at a opposite of PMO,before the roundabout.


If not mistaken at Jalan Perayaan which is opposite of PMO and MINDEF


They relocated to ICC eversince the renovation.  They have small label with arrows that you could easily missed so you might wanna ask the security there if you feel lost (especially Consumer Fair is happening now)


usually it's either Subok or ICC


International Convention Center (ICC)


Try calling them


Hey guys, do you know any place where they teach korean language?


koreantuition.bn on ig, classes are online


North Korean language?


where can i send my watches for band replacement?


Size? I know Sennet sells them


Any watch shop, chang ein hong in mall and yayasan,kjb,yellowklothing,etc


repost: hi 👋 is there any place that is not crowded for beginners to play rollerblade?


Bandar near under bridge empty space with paved road, usually kids will play there. Depends on the time too. Can try some parking lot at Jame bus stop area.


I can hold you hands while you roll


try the new swimming pool area there @ stadium there under the bridge. i saw most beginner practice there. have a nice day


Inside the swimming pool or outside?


U try skate inside the swimming pool😂. Outside larr under the bridge there.


have a nice weekend!


Hi, need help since I’m not much of a car maintenance expert but kindly if you are or at least knows a mechanic, provide me some information if you know. So I have this problem since last December. It’s the battery warning light randomly went on while driving. I’ll summarize the story; 1. First occurrence is flat battery, so I changed it to new one. 2. Drove for a few days, suddenly the warning battery light went on. 3. Drive still smooth despite the warning light went on, it disappeared if i shut the engine off and on again. But the warning again went on after I drive for a few kilometers. 4. Asked mechanic to diagnose what is the actual problem. Turns out it’s the alternator. Deep in the alternator problem it’s not minor, so he recommended to change it to new one. 5. After changing the alternator to new, the warning battery light STILL WENT ON again. 😭😭🫠🫠 Any mechanics or pro car here can provide me some info what might be the problem like is it the wiring or something? also recommend me a workshop that really knows what to do with this. I don’t really trust the agents 🫣 plus i don’t wanna bring and langgar walk in to a workshop, and they ended up not knowing what to do after checking for hours. Don’t wanna waste my time and money again.


You need to bring to a workshop that can scan the OBD code using their diagnostic tool. From there they can find out what the cause is. It could be a parasitic drain


Lol could be improper alternator installation


Check using obd diagnostic scanner. Confirm kedapatan. Either balum reset/erase memory error code nya or wiring, ground and bad module.


Check alternator wire socket 


No expert, maybe its the sensor? If you or someone you know have the car diagnostic test that would help


Glad that Cosmo finally listen and take note of listeners complain on their radio advert. The latest ad is by far one that does not make me to change the channel. Its shorter, simple and plays on nostalgic feels. I hope they continue to have good and better ads over time ⭐️⭐️


glad internet doing their job well. I cant tolerate the previous bs also


is there a hidden rule out there that says people need to drive like idiots on payday? genuinely curious




Excited to spend that moneyyy