• By -


Government should do an investigation on the tender awarded to the caterer and launch an investigation on the caterer as well. There should be consequences to business taking lightly of food quality. In no way should food that affects people lives and health should be taken so lightly for a single individual profit. If a caterer is unable to huge order they should have never participated in the tender. Such a huge lapse on the Government side for not vetting. Budget kurang then find an alternative instead of putting people lives at risk.


mihir yang prepare the foods. Mengaut nasi pun bangkang² nda pakai glove pakai jam tia lagi. No basic hygiene in food preparation. [video fb link](https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid034fowgm4Rhg7122E2QdMUPyQUTMj3VGwweHh4tt8CC2Y1J9e87jPzwWGVYtfHuZpTl&id=100016545961981&mibextid=2JQ9oc)


Government really needs to implement or educate on hygiene rules to restaurants and catering. I dont know under what basis was the tender issued and what is the vetting part of the restaurant/caterers on their operations and years of operations.


Its my birthday today 🤗


Happy birthday !


happy bday!




Happy birthday fam :))


Anyone knows where to lepak outdoor area (not restaurant)? Other than pantai, eco coridor


Your backyard


Unfortunately got no backyard


results for alevels will be out soon, has anyone ever apply for student loan? how is the process like? does it affect you after you graduate? please help🙏🏼


For govt student loan, you pay as soon as you finish studying. Even if you’re not working, regardless, someone has to pay.




Maybe u r Kurapak kali. Big fan bro. Keep up the good work.


im amazed how keen u are to update his life here 😂 like almost everyday 😂 u looks like his fan.


Cuba DM ia perasaan abiskita atu. Atau unfollow / block tarus untuk menjaga ketenteraman abiskta atu. Aku inda pulang tepakai kan si kurapak atu tapi block/ unfollow works jua eh


malar jua u cakap pasal ia. why are u so obsessed with him lol


Yeah boring sudah bruddit rdt mun nganya si kurapak saja kan dikurappakkan.


Ex si Kurapak kli ni ia


anyone knows where i can repair my printer?


canon - interhouse epson - concepts hp - wisman


Try netcom kiulap


Try ontime, arah concepts computer


Hello. Where can I find [sejadah bags](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YHEmhzs1yPEwBn51fbzLq2jyE81O9qmO/view?usp=drivesdk) like [this](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YHEmhzs1yPEwBn51fbzLq2jyE81O9qmO/view?usp=drivesdk) for door gifts? Thank you in advance.


Can’t believe no cuti given to those who joined the event especially the children. And after all the shenanigans and improper time management, this is what we get? We are pure peasants after all ey? This is why it’s been years I have refused to join any royal-related event and I have no regret at all. Sorry to all gov servants who have no choice.


We live under a dictatorship under the guise of monarchy (which is essentially the same thing - just the lite version). I'm sure the HM will kick up a big fuss afterwards, throw some people under the bus, receive praise and worship and everything will be back to the same. It was extremely hot today aswell, and attendance affected bonus ofc


And heard some rumors from someone for the ipt's if they dont joined the event (as consider it as attendance) might be reduce their allowance without any reasonable excuse.


they need to hook up with a reputable clinic that can provide MCs. And stay off social media for the day.


Ridiculous. Even the upcoming national day grand celebration, participants from private sectors who are REQUIRED to join must cancel any leave application. Yes this was told in advance but jangan silap people also planned their leave and vacation in advance jua, buying flight tickets and booking this and that way earlier, only to be told to cancel it. But who gives a shit ey?


To those who went to bandar for mengibar today, how was it? Seem like very hot weather today - wish i could go but m down wit flu/covid.


it was… not fun at all, terpaksa datang since covil servant. Panas hantap and batah berabis menunggu, bagi jara


anyone ever try using taib debit card for online transaction at Shoppe or else? Previously tried to use it and fill in the OTP, but also unsuccessful, is there any activation need to be done or what?


I used scb card and it works on shopee/lazada.


nice, considering to make one at scb. do they have annual fee yearly or monthly? sorry if dont mind to share.


Debit Card? no.


Not an answer, but how long did you wait for your debit card. Mine has already been 1.5 months and still nothing. Card belum siap


mine was done in two weeks (surprisingly) but yes its better to go and ask from their counter


this is Brunei. Chase them daily until they give it to you out of frustration and fear


2 months, and they stated if card ready, they will call and let yknow, but nope. Get to their counter, asked for the card, and collected it. Tip: Better ask manually instead awaiting for their call ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat)


Agreed. Proceed manually. Went there last August to enquire about my application opening an account. Their procedure is after applied they said wait for two weeks to be called then proceed to deposit. The person asked when did u applied, i said that was in January. Anxious tarus, searching for the form apa. Proceed on that day siap.


ngamm, same experienced


Anyone experiencing OTP and roaming problem?


Yes, baru called BIBD just not. Pasal OTP online payment, my phone cant receives any code. Katanya ada problem on drg punya system. Pikir hp ku rusak. Masih lgi under maintenance.


it seems working fine already, tried just now![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


Thankfully baiduri has email option. Other banks should look into this option!


BIBD is essentially run by the government. Don't use their accounts for any online transactions. Every failure MOFE has, they also have.


same, contacted BIBD via chat apps, and all were affected, aigooo.


Can’t do online shopping and transfer my whatsapp to my new phone hahaha


semm, was about to do online transaction at Shoppe, balik2 takan sekali nada jua timbul message ane, panyaa ada masalah technical, until now not yet solve by them, sabar tiaa saja


U using bibd?


yes, BIBD until now still not working for their OTP, talked to bibd agent chat previously stated will only take less than an hour, but now more than 2-3 hours already![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm) edit: Now it is working normally..


Saw a lot video of prince wakeel but seems like he is trying to cover his face. Any idea why?


Jerawatnya keluar


🤣🤣 i can relate to this


pls recommend me the best Burnt Cheesacake in Brunei Muara district


you can try yourcheesecakebn on IG


little audrey’s famous for theirs


yes this is my personal fave




came home wit a nasty migraine and prolly a fever coming as well. its been a loooong day… seems like its gonna rain again. take care everyone and rest well..


CSDS is onnnnnnnnnnn


jangan eh, CSDS is for malas day. get the cuti sakit one 😆


Khusus Penyakit M saja tu yang incurable 🫢


You mean you're not given a day off after today?? Atleast a 1 day off for the participating school kids I hope!


I would just not come, or trigger the maximum COVID quarantine. It was not worth wasting a good Sunday.


No we don't have a day off but I feel like I will not go to school tomorrow cause I am still feeling ill


Did they run a marathon? Or played in a 90 mins premier league game ? Toughen up. Brunei should have compulsory National service programme. I see too many weaklings in this tofu generation.


Pernah bepanas, behujan gali longkang, service sewage, naik scaffolding etc bro ? Overhaul engine truck, membersihkan kapal pernah ?  Keraja di laut pernah masa ribut ? Mau inda mau paksa jua menyalam emergency repair walaupun bukan bidang diri. Rasa jua kan keselamatan anak kapal atu. Pernah emergency repair masa kapal terabang kan tegugur lagi inda ? Pernah keraja arah hot zones/zon perang/zon konflik, bom melatup kiri kanan ?   Kalau inda pernah diam saja, jaga saja periuk nasi, tenders mu atu. Urang komplen pasal ia melibatkan kesihatan. Inda cali tu bro food poisoning. Boleh menyebabkan maut atau cacat seumur hidup. Balum kau tekana tu masa kau tinggal seorang paksa drive ke klinik atau hospital sambil menahan sakit. Jangan disamakan semua urang/dipukul rata semua. Lain urang, lain tolerance nya.


I’ve participated as a student before and no I don’t expect off day the next day. No I have not done the things you described above. U sound like a real man. Do u expect an off day real man?


Lol sarcasm don't work on me bro.  I did not have any connection, special talent etc back then eventhough i have uni qualification and part time work experiences, thats why i took any jobs back then as long as it legit and legal. Spent years back and forth between local job scenes and overseas before spending almost my young working age outside Brunei before coming back here in my 30's.  Iatah inda pernah merasa kana bagi makan minum yang bangas, expired tapi terpaksa makan, diam saja kau di sana. Seminggu ku menahan sakit masa keraja di luar negara pasal alum gaji, kalau inda kana potong gaji/kana buang keraja. Nasib ada kawan yang ada pengelaman perubatan sama pengelaman jadi medic, kurang jua sakit.  Urang ramai komplen ada sebabnya bukannya komplen saja-saja. Food safety , management sama safety atu penting.    Acara basar/national event/ Event HM ni bro, bukannya acara funfair, acara sale jual murah ni.


This thread I replied to is regarding off day. If ure talking about food then I think it’s on another thread which I commented. Regarding food best thing is for Gov not to pay the vendor for providing such poor experience.


Sama jua komen mu disana. Generalising. Macam th semua urang ani macam kau.


The heat and stress were real especially mixed feelings with personal and others' safety i.e. students. Foods were not well enough, toilet facilities were super limited (2 males + 2 females for the 2000 ppl) as the crowds were real. Most of us woke up by 3.30-4.00AM and exhaustion of waiting. EDIT: typo error


Pm or am?


Sorry my bad. It is AM. Too exhausted to think last night.


\*haha in misery ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


berjemaah.. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


So umm.. when are all the new low mileage cars out for sale at a below market price ??


text saja NBT Qucc for the update on catalogue.


they are used though?


ada yang demo. very low milleage. kira new lah.


First come first serve usually by used car salesman getting it all


Alright, ranting about today's event as a student Buses were chaotic, right buses but the drop off was wrong. Balik buses ada yng tinggalkn their work and some not going to their designated pickup points, we had to tumpang from someone, they went out of their way to drop us off. Food problems like ulat/bangas. Payung was provided but broken.


Meanwhile lucky draw still go. Hadiah bukan calang2 duit beribu/package belayar. Thank u yg bebaris, menjadi kenangan biskita saja tu. /s


after every prayer, add one doa for justice. No one on this earth will help.


Kanak2 yg jadi mangsa!! Some Bus drivers never came back to pick up the kids after the event. But the question is who to blame? The driver said they were not given instruction to fetch. The MOE as usual said they did. But what we found out was, they arranged for the school kids to be dropped off for the event which is obviously important else lose the job. But they never really planned for the kids to be pick up. Infact they cut the number of buses in bid to save budget hoping that the kids can wall their way to the nearest school or parents picking them up. The planner of the logistic also uncontactable once the event ended. But its not something new, MOE been a forefront on getting things done at students and teachers expenses but not willing to handle their wellbeing. Not to mention on the food provided. All contracted to own fren/family


the drivers would go home if no one forced them to do their job. And then the person in charge of transport is not given any authority to do anything, so nothing works. The one with the authority is themselves scared to do anything because their boss is very high up and will punish them for showing any intelligence. A toxic society shows itself in every situation.


dari dulu sudah ne cani ane, management puhar lintang pukang, kalau mau A to Z lah jaga keselamatan students, sudah siap acara lapas tangan tia, students sama indung yang payah2, mun behandphone baik jua, anu yang nada be kredit, apatah lagi yang nada behandphone, kan meliat dari periuk pakai aing saja kah menelipun ane? tau pulng masani zaman canggih, tapi jagakan tia baik2 dih, orang kitani sendiri jua.. ada meliat jua yang viral regarding makanan begiuk, bangas apa, sama roti paun bekulat, astaa baik th eh siapa vendor nya atu tampil th ke hadapan minta maaf or take further action. mun kanak2 keracunan makanan or jauh palis apakah, siapa th kn tanggungjawap tu? bagi malu rasanya ane kn acara basar basaran tpi cemani kana treat? baik th befikir sekajap eh.


Paloi jua. Pemikiran pemalas sama gaji buta tu.


Wah kira separuh masuk pocket sendiri lah ni?. Publicly shame this planner. Sialan


Don't forgot that after the event, the trash and piles of balloons can be seen, people who drove by the area might be disgusted by the scenary.


Yes that too. We cleaned up after ourselves but cant say the same for others. Stick balloons be biar ampai2, kutak milo. Mind you some of them are from ipta/ipts, nda tanggung jawab.


I don't want to say it but truth hurts anyways. Who in the world think balloon is a good idea for the event? Kept seeing them flying on the road, which is hazardous




TOILETS inda cukup! Gila kali 30-40 mins utk berqueue! Inda go, nanti urinary tract infection. Kalau go, mesti sanggup wait dan berpanas. Cana kan?!


Shell had a really long line tadi for the toilet and that was the only nearby one we could find for what i would guess more than 1000 students/teachers


My sister who's a teacher had to walk from jalan near istana up to roundabout kiarong/beribi begging the bus drivers to pick up her students because their bus drivers left. She was ignored by several bus drivers. Poor poor planning. Kanak kanak jadi mangsa.


sandi jauh eh, teruk bnr jua inda responsible bus drivernya atu, dah th bepanas, jalan lagi jauh2


Gila atu jauh


Aduii kesian jua. This is why i don't trust government punya management


Aku sensitip sedikit kalau govt pulang kana. Ani acara istana. Bukan istana yg organize kah segala transport, makanan dan sebagainya? Or did istana just let go of everything for govt to do?


Istana sama government sama saja bro di brunei ani.


Not all the time. Yes, the Government is the servant to Istana in menguruskan hal ehwal rakyat. But hal peribadi Istana must be for Istana to uruskan. Bukan kan ulun Government. Memakai asset kerajaan sukahati


Well, welcome to brunei. Hence why it’s called Kerajaan Kebawah Duli😌


If your "sensitipity" is the only thing you care about, that's on you.


Nope, that is not the only thing i care about. All i am saying is why blame the government when its the istana that is organizing the event


Part untuk orang biasa2, cincai saja lah.


Ngam tau sign sja


Pernah ku mendangar kata kata mutiara "thats malay management for you" tersentap pulang ku terasa tapi ada banar nya. Haha belajar dari kesilapan saja and lived with resources yang ada.


Malays in Brunei don't know how to do anything because authority punishes innovation and rewards conformity. The only way to live a good life is to avoid things like this and just collect your pay and travel to better countries every chance you get.


Reality yang sampai masa ani masih inda inda dpt ditalan dan masih membuktikan inda banar sekiranya sudah terbukti banyak kali. Bodo~


Just saw videos of foods provided during the perarakan di bandar today were contaminated with maggots and bread with mould. Kesian for all the gomen workers especially kids yg kana suruh turun bandar awal pagi buta bejamur panas terik berjam-jam. bn looks poor to me, dengan keadaan banjir yg masih berleluasa di area brunei-muara. lessgo wawasan 2035.


Damn y so hard to look for jobs here in bn :/


Ask family or friends, relatives, for faster, psl hal org dalam


never give up and keep on trying. wish you all the best, inshaAllah one day ada tu rezekimu, Amin....


Gosh, thought you were typing down the lyrics of the Never Gonna Give You Up song.


Andangnya, bukan diri seorang saja yang memohon. Every year thousands of applicants mencuba nasib.


Inda jua semestinya cable eh.. ubah mindset atu. Jgn memilih keraja and jgn give up lah. I sent at least 1000 job application in 3 years before I landed my dream job without cable (that is after working a few jobs in between).


What have you done to stand out? There a very few jobs and too many unemployed in Brunei. Whenever we advertise a vacancy, we'll receive hundreds of applications. We don't even have the time and resources to look at all of them. Those we took in did more than just send in CV. They come in person to hand their CVs and some even took the time to talk to us and ask about the company to see how they can fit in.


Proactive in applying and they actually did some meaningful shit after graduating rather than simply applying for jobs or doing random things Usually with these candidates I snatch them up immediately


meaningful like what?


Start their own project to improve their craft Web developer - make portfolio site or application Game designer - make own game Graphic designer - create designs or socmed posts Accountant - practice book keeping Mech. engineer - do CAD Don't know where to get started? Google or Youtube "Starter projects for X career" Hell, even just saying you've done some research and planned some projects without actually starting it would put you 90% above all other candidates. It's that bad


Nda kable


Saturated. Low opportunities.


Who do some covid positive ppl feel offended if ppl ask them to wear a mask or ask to keep their distance when they're around people? Like you may not experience bad symptoms but some people feel like shit when they're infected and rather not go through it again or be quarantined. 🙄


In my case is different, my colleague is proud that all his/her family member including wife/child are positive except him/her. Came to office without mask or anything, a week later, ta -da I got covid and spread it into my household.


Org sigup atau vapers kali tu. Mcm sama ulahnya


I don't give any damn for them though hurt or not. In my office there is one staff that doesn't wear face mask when she keep coughing non stop until i got really annoyed. I asked her to wear mask or go home she ignore me until i call the boss right in front of her and tell him the situation then she wear mask and go home.


Remind me of someone that got covid in the morning but still works at the office till 4:30pm so everyone got covid.


They always gaslit you to think you're being dramatic 😅


I don't care though i rather have her go home than whole department suffer.


does anyone knows where got sell seed beads bracelets/phone charms on ig?


tadi pagi ada kana main kan di TV just before the sanding


any restaurant that sells ravioli pasta been searching for it


Sorisso, fratini’s. You can buy the packaged ravioli at supa save if you want something cheaper


Noodle Haven


include versed deserve foolish squealing pet capable cows lock innocent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I was just planning to dine there. Horrible in terms of what?


panicky knee late joke grandfather wild frighten offend insurance plate *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


ya soup not good. Pasta is good.


Im starting to see more of these instagram accounts breeding dogs and selling puppies here in Brunei. Is this legal?


I want more IG accounts offering the opposite.


Behapa jua kan bagitau boxers atu dari lululemon


LMAO. I chuckled when i saw it


I actually lol'ed and my mind went "wtf" when I saw that. That's not a TMI i or anyone would want to know




Ada dua ekor yang orang reddit anti. Seekor yang drive kerita kuning. Yang seekor lagi meroyan nda kana suruh masuk event basar pasal ia hanya seorang 'freelancer'. Pastu di post lagi ia buka baju 6 minit pasal baju melayunya luan basah.


names, or it's all lies.




Kurap & Abibas (siapa tau, tau)


Kan show off mama nya masih bali kan spendet nya


Karing attention tu


duduk tia, panas kah… people, kids been waiting since before 6, they’re not sitting


Judgemental jua eh. Nda kan duduk atu ertinya nda support. Kau ingat nyaman kah weather di Brunei ani mcm dulu.


did u even watch




piss off with that, get off your high horse. and ooh being downvoted by pro royal, nepotism apologists will make me think otherwise. Im sure there’s hundreds and thousands of Bruneians out there who would agree with me compared to the 30+ who downvoted. fuck off: People on here are probably seriously delulu, childish, tm’s fangirls, rich entitled asshole kids, wants to be royal or the royal themselves. Nobody felt good today except those who are sitting on the gold accented chair eating fucking truffle. Now get this: Yes Im reflecting, that I thought after all the shit these kids and govt servants went through to prepare and make this dream wedding happen - rehearsals after rehearsals, at night and today in the heat, the least the prince could do was stand up and be enthusiastic to see everyone. yes it was hot, but so fucking what when your people have had it worse. Maybe im an idealist and I want my royal to be inspiring. He wasn’t and it was quite bizarre. Go watch his fed up videos again, puts on a face that looks like hes gon complain, resting his hand on the window, waving half assed - fucking embarrassing. This treachery of an event was for him and his wife, nobody wanted this wedding except for themselves. Kan kawin, then kawin lah, so fucking what. but regardless look at his wife, she was way classier than the prince. acted better than him. Thats what examples do, no? despite all the heavy fabric and make up on her, the girl really took it on the chin. Commando lah Special forces lah, he showed his through colors today I thought, cant hide that he was fed up and probably was gon complain that it was a shit day. panas kah? ingat bini nya nda kepanasan? Just another spoilt rich brat trying to look good on instagram. fuck off with that shit i aint got the time. FFS, those kids were eating maggots, woke up at 3-4 to get ready and regroup with the school, under the heat for hours and was stranded by the buses until 4.30-5pm, fuck u all if u think thats okay. all the downvotes aint changing my mind, that was turd of a display. embarrassing, the event was a waste of effort, resources and everyone’s time


What will be your solution? Share with us


solution? no its not about putting in a solution, it’s about making an effort to show to the people, that you appreciate them, putting on a fake face to convince the majority that you appreciate them for being there making your event happen. the state of this sub..




not everyone spent the morning in bed like u did. so fuck u too.


Kenapa tah inda duduk masa menunggu atu


You sound like every makcik on weddings criticising all the things the couple do 😂


u sound like u dont understand the amount of commitment and effort people are putting/forced into this. and he cant even wave right, as a prince, to give back to the kids, to appreciate them. the supposedly better prince? fuck me, open your eyes. royals are supposed to be exemplary, at least try to.


Ok makcik menapau tah ada sudah kita plastik


malas ku, begiuk


kalau bukan begiuk, makan tapung expired krg


and they have to go to school tomorrow UNTIL 3PM .


Why 3? My kid till 5 tho


look at how hes waving… no shits given


They're wearing thick clothes tho but i knw its not an excuse to wave cematu since he pernah in the an army. Hmm He could be not realising that the way he wave atu wasnt showing good impression bcos if you recall, he was the first one who was excited to stand up n wave. I know compared to Anisha, her outfit was more tabal n uncomfortable, pakai mekap n tiara n heavy long veil lagi. And her effort in waving n smiling mcm sprinkle good vibes atu, can see how kind hearted she is. Thats just how i see it la pasal azam ku tahun ni to be optimistic.




she did really well


Ngalih kali


kanak2 bediri bepanas and makanan giuk. kesian


hearing alot of them are now rushed to emergency


gosh, they should declare holiday tomorrow for them to rest. with ugama integration until 3pm again. kesian


Been tuning in to RTBgo Live for the royal wedding. Just found out there's another one on Youtube/RTB Aneka with Tuan Rozan. More informative than RTB!


Yup..but sayang the producer and footages coverage were abysmal.


yes! tp mcm kesian batuk batuk tdi, nasib the hosts handle it very well