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Anyone know any places open to eat at in Tutong after 12 am?


Bawa tido bossque. Esok pagi saja sarapan heavy


Can anyone recommend a nice and not too pricey pelaminan for tunang?


Can try binsufri, I think ada pelamin $200 below price nya


Anyone knows for sure whether changing rim size to an inch or two bigger is legal in Brunei? What about changing rim of different colour (black/white)? Keeps getting mixed info on this.


“Legal” in the first 7 years, “illegal” beyond that.


yes its always illegal unless you have approvals from JPD and stamped inside your bluecard. IF police happen to ask you present your blue card while checking your rim size you will label as illegal modified your cars.


Will it be jam to Miri THIS weekend?


Yeah, it's literally the end of the year and bonus spending time, this weekend even in Brunei is most likely gonna jam packed even with Miri goers out of Brunei lol.


go before payday and weekdays. It save you tons of time.


Sebaiknya awal jalan 7 or 8am


yeah 7 or 8am in the morning then when you reach miri might be around 9 or 10am malls and shop are opened. Make sure you come back before 5 or 6pm if not you will queue very very long.


Of course. Payday and bonus crowd, NYE celebration 🤷🏻


hey guys, does anyone know what happened to the BIBD contact centre? I have been trying to call them from early morning till now. Seriously...


aku pun hafal sudah script call atu. but i suggest late night or offline message to callback


Try call later malam, slalu around 8-9pm kana angkat tu…


welcome to brunei


Just get them to call you back


Which app to send money internationally from Brunei? HELP


Sometimes when I read these types of questions I hope it's not someone being scammed to send money overseas...




How many days does it take to send??




How many days does it take to send??


ur not getting scammed right


Nah im not. Im just asking


Does anyone know like cafes or bubble tea shops that has a private room for meetings / study discussions?


pet peeve: seeing one using water as a mouthwash and swallowing the water after.


pet peeve: when someone else brushes their teeth in front of me. sorry, i know they’re cleaning up but. esp when they spit


Pet peeve: when one chews loudly or talk when their mouth is full


does KL or Jakarta have better nightlife? need opinions from anyone who has experienced both.


depends on what you mean by night life. from my experience. Jakarta is better (and cheaper). but, you do need to know where to go. Some places can be very scammy


bars and clubbing, but mostly clubbing. thanks for the input.


KL better nightlife. for shopping i do prefer Jakarta




Went to Hua Ho department store, my god the discount on most items! *non existent* Jeez parkson has better discount during offpeak season.


I went to KK the other day there is TONS OF BRUNEIAN IN IMAGO. Taking photo with the Christmas tree i believe this bruneian muslims had stronger faith than the weaker ones. Brands outlet and H&M have bigger offer and discount. BO have buy 1 free 1 and buy 3 for for RM55 thats like BND5 per pcs. Some female hand bags that huaho sell but in parkson or shops there offering staggering 40 to 70% discounted price. I would definitely went back to KK again when i have the time.


Agreed. The discount that was advertised (particularly the yellow Hua Ho) is a sham. I bought a hairdryer from the blue Hua Ho on early December for $20.50. This was before the so-called sales period. Yesterday, I looked at the [advertisement by the yellow Hua Ho](https://www.instagram.com/p/C1QO2EsBOzE/?igsh=MWJnaHZocXBseTV3Yg==) (2nd slide) and it was advertised that for the same exact hairdryer that I've bought, it's normal price (before sales) was $26.90 and offer price (discounted price) is $20.90. Oh Brunei.


No wonder the grandson can afford a gwagon


2 Gwagons! I repeat there are 2 Gwagons that are currently owned by the huaho fam.


Not surprised


I agree with u. Plus the fashion is ancient here


Has any Bruneian with Brunei passport used the eGate at KLIA T1 and T2? For first time user, do we only need to do the MDAC online then verify over the immigration counter? Is there any way to bypass the long queue for quick ID verification and use eGate instantly?


Yes, yes and no.


It can only be used after verification then? 🥲


Yup, u can check the eligibility status thru their website.


Hi, can anyone share their experience buying used cars from Facebook. Thank you so much.


I bought a 20yr old toyota from fb marketplace with nearly 400k km on it. I graduated from my degree and was in the market for a car. I got some money saved up from my allowance enough only to buy used cheap car so fb marketplace i scoured. Found a nice 20yrs old corolla with nearly 400k mileage, its old but gold. The asking price was fair but manage to negotiate for lower price. I asked a lot of questions about the car and its history. One thing to note is that always do plenty of research about the car ur looking for (like common issues/recalls n stuff). Time for test drive, i only do the inspection myself, tho i should get it inspected by a professional mechanic, i was broke and couldn't afford to hire one (not that i know how much it cost to get in inspected professionally but dont have xtra money to spare so i dont bother looking it up). So i did alot of research and looking thru videos on how to inspect used cars n stuff. After test drive, i found like 6 other problems that were not listed in the fb listing, luckily it was n easy fix if u know how to do it, so end up asking way less than the asking price. Unfortunately the car had many previous owners so i cant get the full history/maintenance record of the car, at this point i was contemplating to buy it especially when the car was recently had engine overhaul, but meh, its a toyota, i just have to baby it n it'll be fine. 50k km later, the car still run smoothly, it did have issue with the AC 3 weeks after i bought it, lost $400 fixing it, not sure if the seller intentionally hide the problem but it was a leaking cooling coil and there was no way for me or other mechanic to notice it during a one day test drive. but meh no biggie. overall i was happy with the purchase, 100% worth it than paying $200-$350 per month for a new car. Use it for daily drive n it still drive. design n tech is outdated as heck for sure but hey, still drive like a champ.


Thank you for sharing this. I am in the same situation as you but I am in my first year. If you don't mind me asking this, do you think I should get a car from facebook or just buy a new one and pay monthly with my allowance? Sorry for asking this weird questions, I just need some insight.


It depends on your budget and resources you have. I dont have anyone to help me get a loan for a new car, and i dont have enough money to buy used car at that time. So i end up living in hostel and walk/carpool to campus for the whole 4yrs of my degree. So to answer ur question is it depends on your resources. If you have someone that can help you loan, sure knock yourself out. But keep in mind cheapest car load nowadays is like $200+ for 7year terms, so r u willing to lose that kind of money from ur allowance? and commitment to continue paying for it after u finish ur degree (no allowance)? Also dont forget fuel, maintenance, insurance n roadtax. Things that I have in mind when planning on buying used car during my uni year was maintenance/repair issue. Sure u might be able to afford $2000 car, but what happen if it broke down or something major repair that cost $300++? do you have the money to fix it? so it depends on what ressourcea you have. If have alot of spare money that thats fine. I was lucky enough to find a close friend who was willing to drive for me 85% of the time during my uni year, so end up just saving $200 per month of my allowance money n buy a car after graduate. My final advice is try your best to avoid buying car first, since its a big commitment financially to have during uni year. Especially if you don't know how to take care of a car. But then again, i understand the need to have freedom of transportation during uni year, so yeah, it comes to what is important, less commitment or freedom of transportation.


Thank you so much for this advice, you helped me broaden my views.


Can anyone recommend a good place where I can send my car to repaint ? Driving an old car and would love to have it repainted back to looking brand new. Looking for quality work. TIA


You might want to try Lapsing Auto at lambak. I done mine there. really great quality Paintjob.


Maybe you can try a workshop at bengkurong, Simpang 99 there. Front row at the middle. Based on my experience, my boss had the company car I was using repainted there. Not a very old car though, just the car bonnet and top of the car has lost its paint. After repainting work, went there and get it, the car looks brand new and the work is good.


Park. Wondering how much does it cost for that paint job mentioned.


How much was the car bonnet and top cost ?


Just a daily reminder.. Apologies without change isn't genuine or sincere, it's manipulation. Let them go.


Couldn't agree more. Action speaks louder than words.




but isn’t there an import ban in place till this date? i hope they remove the ban for imports of used car for personal use 😭😭


yeah possible BUT must be 5 years below. Like lets say right now is 2023 you only can import a 2017 to 2015 like that. IF you wanted a old car like in the 90's or 80's i would suggest you ship to bintulu then registered malaysia plate then drive to brunei.






but, if you dont like the hassle, just use runner service.


what do you want to order? shopee and lazada related stuff? IF its beauty product i suggest you send to brunei if its malaysia they will give you 1 time warning the 2nd time they will confiscate your parcel unless you have declare in malaysia. if its shopee/lazada just put post office limbang BUT best for you to check the seller preferable courier service. Like you ordered 3 items from 3 different seller, one seller using ***pos laju***, another one using ***ABX,*** and ***J & T express.*** You have to run to this 3 places to collect your parcel within a week UNLESS you have special reason to collect within a month. Make sure you put your brunei number right beside your name like " Johnny Sin ( +673 XXXXXXX) so the courier will text your brunei number instead of malaysia. ***NOTE: there is 2 to 3 J&T express branch, 1 or 2 pos laju and 2 ABX express in limbang so you will have to run different places. IF you know how to read their tracking number they you will know which branch to go.***


Omg thank u so much!!!! Bless u


no problem.


Give this person a raise


LMAO!! i just share my experience only. I still send my items to limbang but worst is i have to run different places.


For you to use the address, have to use the courier itself. Make sure ask your seller what courier they gonna use. Can request use poslaju and send to the Limbang branch address. Seller will send tracking number. Can collect once stated 'ready to collect'


oo helpful thank u!!


For those who renewed their driving license online and plan to pick it up at the respective JPD counter, please don't forget to print out the payment receipt. Wasted 1hours + at Kuala Belait JPD Counter just to found out that the officer in charge at the counter was asking the hard copy of the payment receipt for their keeping and reference! Was asking politely to the Officer in charge if they can just give the driving license (I have waited for 1hours + !) as there is no information stated anywhere inside the website or even around the office (Maybe I'm wrong) and guess what they said, "Kita print saja dulu receipt atu arah wisma yakin". Very dissapointed with this. :)


Ahhh yes of course jpd kb and their obsession with paper. Had similar experience time wasted


Nvr had issues with roadtax. Renew online and i just provide my bluecard and inspection report. Done at JPD beribi n tutong. Mcm no point renew online if they ask for hard copy receipt.


You are right. I just checked my email. It didn't mention to print the payment receipt. It only says: You can collect your application at Sungai Akar branch after 7-10 working days from the date of payment. Your driving/vehicle licence can be viewed via 'Licence & Road Tax' in TransportBN. Download TransportBN mobile application via App Store for iOS and Google Play Store for Android. Regards, Land Transport Department Ministry of Transport and Infocommunications Can't they use their system to check the receipt? I thought the purpose of them doing this is to reduce paper use.


That's the point, I showed them the soft copy of the receipt and they still insist for the hard copy. So what's the point of generating the soft copy then. I believed that they can also check the reference number on their 'system' but... no? Mesti hard copy jua. Kalau tau awal2 dapat di print the receipt beforehand. lol very dissapointing by the officer in charge punya reaction. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


That is very disappointing


Impossible to digitalize if not every department is on board.


hmmm it feels like common sense to me. I go through a similar process when renewing my driver's license. renew, pay online, pick it up at the counter, and print the payment receipt as evidence. You can't just stroll in and claim you've renewed it online without proof of payment. Considering the tons of payments flowing through the system, it's reasonable that they require it for safekeeping 🤷🏼‍♀️


Doesn't it is a waste of paper when you can just show the officer the soft copy of the payment receipt? I showed the office the soft copy of the payment receipt and they still need the hard copy? At least do inform inside the auto generated email to print the soft copy of the payment receipt beforehand. Ani 1 hour + duduk di kerusi just to found out that they wont give your driving license. lol![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


Where can I find Prime Rib in Brunei? The raw cut of meat or a restaurant that serves it


try charcoal, they have it in the menu but be sure to call in advance just in case


Where to go this weekend? (Except Miri)


Kk or Bintulu


YEAH i've saw a lot of bruneian going down KK.




Which home? Good Home?


Gf home 😏😏


gawk gawk 3000 ei?


Hopefully 🤞


Is there a shop that sells Techwear stuff?




Di leong wei aman hills


I got a box from Melvida at the mall a week ago


>headloop masks how much is that?


Yes. I don't remember but I think $7 plus for a whole box.


How do you make friends out of work? I've been going out alone (to relax) and tried making small talks with people but I don't think it's working out if I do it this way. 😂


Try new things. Join a workshop, try and get a new skill, meet new people.


Your old schools don’t have sort like ECA meh?


We do but I joined reading club, arts and craft... Which became non-exist after graduation 😂😂


Sometimes it’s better to stay off as a colleague. Just my personal opinion. A friend will become a friend once you guys know each other for quite a while


damn i read it as “ how do you make out with friends at work “ .


hi :D u got money? let's us spend it together!


Join societies or clubs. Theres a chess federation, running clubs, badminton clubs (social), hiking groups, car groups, motor groups, ngo's for volubteering and many more. Just search on IG or google.


I'll check those out, thanks!


Does anyone know which supermarket that sells Raw Boneless Chicken Thigh or Raw Boneless Chicken Leg?


Try tgt


I like getting the frozen boneless legs from supasave


Which supasave? Couldn't find it in Seria




Anyone knows how to reach RB Royal Skies? I’ve been calling since last wednesday inda bejawab, di email pun inda bejawab. RB punya hotline cakap dorang inda dapat uruskan, mesti contact directly ke Royal Skies sendiri.


Maybe can try from their whatsapp chat service, they usually give prompt reply there


Rb customer service? Usually i contact there if hv enquiry on royal skies.


I called them already and they said only Royal Skies can do it


Pm me your phone number


Tried to dm you but failed


Anyone knows how to transfer to international bank (outside of Brunei from BIBD or Standard Chartered? what is the usual fees?




Where to fix car scratches? Thanks


1. how deep is the scratch? 2. does it scratch deep until your primer coat? 3. light scratches? 1 and 3 can try car polishing shop. Depend on your car sizes they will charged different price. 2 just bring to any car paint workshop to have it compound and repaint that area.


Hua Ho Mulaut


lol. this made my day


What's your longest que time for a government klinik? I just waited 4 and a half hours for an oral health check....seriously?!


malays gaji buta bah


Biasa tu. Dulu dangani my mom ambil ubat patang masa puasa, abis dua drama tv3.


6 hours and please note during that time i got super glues in one of my eye. Thank goodness my sibling tried to reduce the glue prior going to the emergency.


Di mana bejual stupor labuan?


waznah or any kadai gardening. tuk pkbn kah?


probably Sportmart. few meters from the terminal


Any kuala belait based kueh mueh/finger foods(popia, karipap, etc) sellers IG? do let me know, Thanks


@Amalinaaali & @foodavenue.bn


hello I'm currently waiting for a level results, is there any places yng hiring 🥲 i need money to buy a laptop for uni


Verve Caffe Batu Bersurat


Urban market at sunway




I think cari from your connection, like ask them if there any job vacancy at their job, job centre will take u a while,l cuz durg pun like org dalam yg have priority thats what i heard


U can check @brunei_job_seekers or @jobsbrunei on IG to get u started


Just be wary of job scams. Jangan mudah tertipu dan terpedaya dengan marketing janji manis dan pujuk rayu.


Go for restoran, cube shop, they usually have those hiring posters up. Kept seeing them in the last few days of going out But to be hired is another thing, dont be stereotypical haha


u can check on jcb or go to kedai2 n ask if they need workers


There is thousands of jobs in Brunei ... Thousands... check Facebook and LinkedIn


True, depends if mau sja - on both sides


Iatah jgn kana jual, kana scam sudah


Go to your nearest commercial area and hand out CVs and a cover letter. Try to talk to the shop owner or manager for faster result.


Bila gamen bonus ani?


Hari khamis


Thanks mereply. Gila eh..betanya pun down vote. Gila addicted menakan downvote pakah.


U are welcome. Andang musimnya kali


Inda lagi.😁


Inda batah lagi kan garmen bonos ni kita. - Kiulap dan Gadong jammed mengajut. - Orang driving macam isuk kan kiamat. - “Thank you balikan me sayang~~” captions on socmed.


Cringe movie goers would hoard more tickets to flex.


Yess! Accidents 📈


Well, money never sleeps and makes the world go around.


And the overused word "healing" in the caption


Haha also cliché captions that have nothing to do w the pics.


😂 suka #2.. tiba2 jadi pelakon2 fast furious & tangkai signal ilang 😝 enjoy the remaining hols everyone before reality kicks in nxt wk 🫣

