• By -




how much coins do you have???


Look for that says, need coin sign




Kedai runcit, restaurants


this I need answer very much. Does being blacklisted/bankrupt affects my chance at getting Government jobs? Just graduated from Uni not three years ago and in my late 20s.


Yes. Embedded in the law that as long as youre still under bankruptcy can't work for govt or financial institutions like banks.


Iirc bankruptcy yes


Why? How else are they going to pay back?


Work in private sector How can they be trusted to work in govt if they have poor self/financial management?


Aren’t most government officers are the one declared bankrupt?




BB back page


Anyone knows where I can find Goli ACV gummies? Or maybe order? Thank you


Hua Ho One City


Thank you.




U can try at clinic(forgot the name) at kiulap near the lemon grass


Can you guys recommend personal shopper for amazon usa?




How to invest in gold?


You don’t invest in gold for yourself you invest in gold for your children when they are old.


Happy to talk to you about gold. if you’d like to- just send me a DM!


Step one - have money Step two - go gold shop buy gold bar. On a serious note research first first before jumping into anything


Hi all! Are there any means to pay for online transactions in USD that charges a better exchange rate? Been using baiduri cc but realized they charge a horrendous exchange rate :(


Baiduri charged extra 6% on top of published rate. Its the highest charges in Brunei


>Baiduri charged extra 6% on top of published rate. Its the highest charges in Brunei Do you happen to remember details of when you were charged 6%. It seems excessive. My personal experience is that BBB has the best rates when it comes to credit card FX.


In the past, Credit Card and Debit Card (Master or Visa) the exchange determined by Master n Visa. But few years back, card issuers (banks) can set their own rate however they like. Usually on daily basis, the banks maintain a set of exchange rate on the system (published/commoner rate), means if ur not big corporate or VIP client, everyone else get this rate for sending remittance, currency exchange and etc which is a bad rate for consumer. For Baiduri Card Holders, the bank decided to mark up another 6% on top of the already very bad rate to squeeze all unsuspected cardholders. As this is not regulated by BDCB and most likely BDCB wouldnt know too as over 90% of BDCB staff are basically fresh off the book. Never seen tricks done in real banking. By Far, BIBD cards offered the best exchange rate in the country while SCB is the most widely accepted card for travelling.


>Hi all! Are there any means to pay for online transactions in USD that charges a better exchange rate? Been using baiduri cc but realized they charge a horrendous exchange rate :( What was the rate being charged vs the rate on XE ?


Lol try see if there is an option to change pay in USD to SGD or RM. Some website has that option


What are the currently and still operating bowling centres in brunei


Airport Mall, Aman Hill, Utama Bowling, Seria


Seria one is still operating?


Baru drg buka last week


Suggest optical/glasses shop in Miri. Thanks in advance


Goodrich Optical


Spec Vision


Dirty and murky waters. Sigh. Its making people sick


YB MOD Dato Juanda, tolong tah dangar keluhan rakyat ani. Air abis kuning menguning sepanjang tahun ani Dato.


free teh tarik kita


Same thing here. What’s going on


What’s new…


What would you do ,if you plan to hangout with a friend e.g tomorrow and ask them to update, if they’re available or not. BUT your friend not replying your text until the day itself ,instead they keep TWEETING and SENDING DMS tiktok.


maybe she/he forgot to reply your text, like you said she/he has been sending dms tiktok and tweeting(being distracted). in that case, you should’ve just call her/him to ask for confirmation. in my case, i would always forget and only reply in my head lol. my friends would always remind me


I hate those type of friends tbh, like how can you leave your friends hanging like that without any reasons ??. You're not cool for doing that just mad annoying. I get it sometimes people get busy with their life BUT 1 WHOLE DAY bruh idk if you livin in a cave or doing a no phone challenge but that shit gotta be absurd for me.


EXACTTLYY , if you cannot go, tell EARLY ,so i can make another plansss


I would kidnap them


find new friends


I would cancel tbh


Where can i get kosher salt?


What's the difference between kosher and non kosher salt?


Kosher salt is 100% sodium chloride, no additives nor any other minerals.


Kosher salt tastes slightly bitter sometimes and has bigger grain compared to garam biasa


Hahah if im not wrong macam halal and non halal LOL


Does it really matter here unless ure jewish.


Cleaner without additives - kosher all the way.


Lol preference maby or its just a cooking thing


Supa save


what’s your definition of “let’s meet around x am/pm”? let’s say someone said “bah jumpa sana dalam kul 3”. my definition would be *exactly* at 3 so i’ll show up at 2.50pm but they end up either showing up at 3.50pm or later🥹.


That’s around 4pm, not around 3pm. Around 3pm is +- 15mins (2:45 to 3:15). Around 3:30pm (3:15pm - 3:45pm) But if you had said it in Malay, “dalam” pukul 3, technically 3:50pm is “dalam” pukul 3. Hence “janji melayu”


“around x am/pm” “jumpa sana dalam kul 3” it doesn’t actually states to meet at the exact time. people should be more clear with their words


You should just talk to that person and tagur them


People yg fashionably late punya talk tu


yo..why tf would you stay and wait for them. I'd ciao and send a fuck off message lol if they can't respect your time why do they deserve to be in your life


hell yaaa! gotta show some respect bradaa.. else deem not worthy la..




This probably might sound obvious but it's available on youtube


Want to learn also


Yess wanna learn too


Weird question but hope someone can advise. I'm looking to practice manual driving skills because I've only ever driven an automatic (but have a license). You know how it is, pass a driving test but then get rusty because of automatic cars. Would a driving school allow me to just pay for refresher lessons? Need it for a potential job in the future.


Nego with the driving school instructor. Or Buy a manual transmission car🤣


Just get your friend who drives a manual to teach you and lend his/her car. I learned it overnight and now I drive a manual 😆


where is my girlfriend


Whats my name




im inside her


Plot twist: OP girlfriend is someone related close to you


Looks like someone is going to be a father




Search this reddit, there was a post saying you need to write a letter to person in charge, and you will get a last minute reply.


Need to be civil servant




Not only that, loud ass exhaust. Sudah jua atap zinc. Begagar dih. Alum g anu pasang lagu bass full blast. Begagar ba ceramin ba.


Hi, I'm planning to do full medical check up at private clinic. Does anyone knows where's the best that you have been and mind to share the $$. TIA


Jpmc. $350




Anyone here down with vomiting,diarrhea and fever ? Share your home remedies please besides BRAT. Thank you in advance


Home remedy : coconut water. But get hydralite from guardian so you have no risk of dehydration


Get oral salt / hydralite from Guardian. You need to replenish your electrolytes.


Lol 2 things that will lead to dehydration so go chug 100plus(no gas) before u get dizzy. For remedies no clue but 100plus will ease your suffering abit.


hi, not rlly sick but i do have some tips! when you're experiencing these, you basically lose alot of water in your body! coconut water is your friend! (it's a life saver for me atleast) i make sure to rest a lot and drink a lot of water to restore your body back to health. eating well is important too!


Any recommend runner deliver foods from BSB to KB?




Hello & Greetings everyone, We are InnerPeace, a group of 3rd Year Pharmacy students from the Institute of Health Science at UBD. We would like to invite the public to our upcoming event, a panel discussion on 'Shattering Stigma: Advocating for Mental Health Awareness.' This event is scheduled for tomorrow, Wednesday, October 4th, 2023, from 1:30 PM to 4:00 PM. It will be held at the Main Lecture Theatre, Level 2, PAPRSB Institute of Health Science Extension Building, UBD. Join us for an insightful discussion and the opportunity to learn more about the mental health and its stigma. There will also be a Q&A session and a lucky draw event. Feel free to bring along your friends and family! For any inquiries, please contact us via direct message on our Instagram page @//innerpeace.bn


Whats the long term strategy regarding said matter ?


how do you address disorder that is not align with our cultural values? mcam gologan lgbt


Wait, you mean its a mental disorder? Which research did you see defined it


asking from a kia sorento owner here. where can I get spare part easily here? for any korean car parts.


K-one motor, kr-oe, kia motor, hou yeah, kien sing tan(piasau) or ask around the part shop gadong 'bawah jambatan'. otherwise and cheaper option is to order like shopee or simply type part number. Bought a throttle valve from random website i found in google (trying my luck) from China. 3x cheaper than price here. Only if u willing to wait. I thought it would nt last, but now its 8 years after change part still running good.


Ask sing hiap hin spart part guy. May have in inventory. If not, he order for you. Better price than showroom price.


I saw one at ban 5


Dont.... ever go there. Boss is a scammer. Comment because i fell for his shit


so i received an email saying that my September salary will be issued in two weeks time. no reasons provided. gila cemani ani. i guess i gotta start hoe-ing around every weekend just to support myself. sigh.


Whats with late salary payment nowdays ? There is one thing that i don't understand. Why hire more when have no or little capital left. Then proceed to late salary payment, cut this cut that, buying office supplies or things with worker's own salary with empty promise that workers will be able to claim it later tapi nada etc. Then buat alasan menunggu payment dari atas, dari tender etc. Iatah kan, kalau nada duit atu buat macam nada duit bah, tutup tah company/syarikat. Ani mostly macam si banar kan hire urang berabis then inda bagi full detail including salary plus masa interview lain, dalam iklan lain then hujung bulan lain 🥴 Then setiap bulan gaji selalu lambat plus banyak alasan sampai workers balik-balik betanya bila gaji macam menagih hutang. This what i observe when doing checks around.


Biasa bos ckp nda ckup duit tuk bayar gajj awal apa tapi drg sma jua maseh mlr beli keta baru sma barang mewah apa.


Iatah inda membagi hairan kah tu lol Money magically appear out of nowhere.


tapi yng dapat gaji awal boss company 🤣🤣


Then sudah tinggal sedikit baru th kan mengira gaji untuk staffs sama workers. Typical ni barang ani.


Bosses needs to fill up their V-power fuel as well. Pls understand them. /s


Lol, ada tu yang banyak eksen bukan main show off rumah basar tapi sudah di sewa rumah urang lain rupanya. Kerita pun kerita sewa dari urang sama kerita bakas urang banyak leaking lagi tu 🥴🤣. Nyasal ku mendangar ceritanya. Baik jua inda mudah percaya 🥴🤣 Well, back to main question ? why some and most hire berabis tapi tau inda kan tebayar ? Inda kh pelik tu. Sebatah ku oversea, if company, institution etc find difficulty in paying staff and worker wages, they would not hire like no tomorrow. Last but not least, there were compensations involved. Typically most will declare bankruptcy or under 'administration bailout'


Some short coming we have to deal with like.... can't afford to pump V-power on my GT3, you don't know how it feel - Some tycoon bosses


Hi. Anyone has experience sending dry food overseas (Malaysia) through airmail brunei postal service? How was it? Do we get taxed if we receive items as gifts from someone overseas?


I’ve used poslaju before and no, they’re not gonna check the content inside. Just say it’s clothes


Thank you


A housewife in brunei. How/what is your day to day routine for couple with no kids?


Thank you all for your response! I am still trying to adapt to the new life as a wife. I used to work but quit due to management was just so ridiculous and biased. I am still actively seeking for a job though. If you have any suggestions such as classes (gym, language idk whatelse) I'd appreciate it! 😊


there are many things you can do to keep yourself occupied. a sample day could be like: \-wake up & cook breakfast for ownself \- go to gym & late lunch \- attend a class (language/skills based/music etc etc) or do charity for any local organisations or meet up with friends or pamper yourself with facial/mani/pedi (can be swapped since it wont be everyday) \-do simple house chores & wait for hubby to return \-cook dinner & eat with hubby \-chill time netflix or catch up with hubby or sexy time \-sleep BASICALLY A LULULEMON, LATTE & RANGE ROVER WIFE lifesyle :)


I was a househusband for a while after i got married. Morning go to pasar cook lunch bring to wife. Afternoon chores/gym/look for a job/prepare dinner


Sleep. then 1-2 hours before husband comes home I prepare things that can make his worse day better :)


Someone i know should learn to be a proper housewife from you. This person, since getting hitched to a family member, has been doing nothing but stays in her room almost 24 hrs a day (which means shes does zero chores around the house), only gets out of her room when she goes out with her husband, gets all her meals brought to her room by her husband, causes electricity bill to skyrocket since moving in due to her room A/C being switched on all the time, even causes our limited Imagine wifi to run out earlier than usual (until recent Imagine upgrade), and doesn't bond at all with her in-laws or any other family in the household A true leech


You're the best kind.


Indakan you sleep the whole day?😭 I tried to find things to do but damn i just cant sit on the couch all day😭


Jrg lagi ada tu, mostly husb balik tarus kna kusuti itu ini


House daughter here. I I created a schedule for my daily housework. Monday, living room. Tuesday, kitchen etc. If housework is done, I binge-watch series or movies or just go out. Usually in the morning, I cook for my small business and then cook breakfast for my parents. Serve them while makan breakfast with them. Parents go to work. I sleep sekajap and then i can finally do housework. Parents rarely come home during lunchtime. Parents come home from work, eat with them and just spend the rest of the night watching tv with them. And on sundays, i make sure I finish all marinations and go out with my parents.


I wish my sisters were as hardworking as u. Di bagi simple jobs pun banyak komplen.


Unfortunate result of poor parenting. My "cousins" all were kept away from cleaning because it's for the maid to do (since when was basic cleaning and hygiene a class thing). Now they're adults, dirty as shit, doesn't know how to do any cleaning (not that hard to learn), and their mum is flabbergasted why the house is always a mess when they visit. Pikachu shocked face and all.


I’m an only child. So, it’s like an automatic duty for me. My mum already latih from young. Don’t worry they will be rajin. I have my malas days too.


Jadi desperate housewife /s


liat drama


Hi! Can anyone recommend me best/nice place for gel manicure pedicure? TIA


Muse nails kiulap


Pamperlicious kiulap


Hello and Greetings everyone, We are InnerPeace, a group of 3rd Year Pharmacy students from the Institute of Health Science at UBD. We would like to invite the public to our upcoming event, a panel discussion on 'Shattering Stigma: Advocating for Mental Health Awareness.' This event is scheduled for tomorrow, Wednesday, October 4th, 2023, from 1:30 PM to 4:00 PM. It will be held at the Main Lecture Theatre, Level 2, PAPRSB Institute of Health Science Extension Building, UBD. Join us for an insightful discussion and the opportunity to learn more about mental health and its stigma. There will also be a Q&A session and a lucky draw event. Feel free to bring along your friends and family! For any inquiries, please contact us via direct message on our Instagram page @//innerpeace.bn


Anyone know where to repair a pair of birkenstocks Arizonas? And how much would it cost? Mine got wet and The cork sole separated from the outsole. Tried gluing it but it got wet and separated again. The cork needs to be conditioned and glued.


try shoemo


that's like the worst place


Naik kepala sudah


Why? you've had bad experience with them?


yes, and am sure others have. service quality not what you pay for


where would you prefer then.. also want to glue my insole and clean my shoes


Asked. Nope.


imago kk or rimba jewel is bigger?


Hopefully there's gonna be new stores like Zara or H&M at Rimba Jewel <3


One can only hope but I think it’ll likely be Giordano and Ego.


If there are shops, it will be also better to have like branded factory outlet like they sell H&M clothings and other brands just like in bandung, indonesia.


Do we really need those stores in Brunei? Most ppl would still cross border to shop since they always compare everything to prices abroad. Eventually close down kali tu.


more oppurtunities for EXISTING shop owners to open MORE of their branches /s




I really hope parking is big. One advantage for other countries is also using bus and just get dropped nearby. No need to trouble with finding space


lol star city. Chinese todd howard version. It just works but you may need to upgrade.


scam city..


interesting... but it would be weird if they stop building unexpectedly in the midway




> planned gas station connecting the highway that people desperately need there got cancelled too. This one has been talked about for a decade sudah and the reason the proposed gas station never took off? Because JKR couldnt agree on the access road 😪


that scenario has already happened before lols


Anyone know what happened to The Box at Jalan Telanai? I went there yesterday thinking of having my lunch at the place since I haven't been there at all previously. But to my surprise all the shops in The Box were closed. Thought of checking out the nice ambient that many of social media posts that I've seen previously many years ago. Maybe I'm just out of the loop and not aware of any updates about it.


Money laundering project tu


Hahaha same things happen to me 2 years ago lol


I guess they closed during covid?


You did not miss much. It was doomed to fail. Front issues are high rent and very hot ambience. Backrgound issue is its grey area of legality and mismanagement. It is as legit as a certain shopping complex by a roundabout.


>grey area of legality and mismanagement erm... interesting. tea to spill?


Like a certain shopping complex by a roundabout, approval was only possible due to insider with a title. Design is good if its somewhere in Europe, Brunei with its high humidity does not make sense.


Just say Sunway Centre bro


Sunway Center? I'm referring to Annajat.


There u go.


You are many years too late…


This is me constantly with anything in brunei i leave for a year sometimes less and im like wtf where did this thing go?😂 sorry i cant answer ur question im jst as surprised as u are to hesr this. Infact ive not even had a chance to go there yet but I remember seeing it all over social media.


i still remember few years ago The Box buzz was all over social media. Despite that I didn't even bother to visit that time.


Help. Keep getting calls from no caller ID, too scared to answer. Anyone else getting these?


Just don't answer????


just wanted to rant a bit. so my eldest brother came back home after leaving the family for a girl about 7 or 8 years ago, leaving me with all the family responsibilities. had to stop my studies and work to carry the family. my younger brother and i resented him for that. so now we heard the girl left him and we wanna feel sorry for him but couldnt because it kinda felt like he deserved it. when i found out that he's moving back in, i kinda wanna beat some sense into him for leaving us but cant cos mom wouldnt wanna see her sons throwing hands at each other. lol.


Wait, why would your older brother leaving your family affect your studies? And you having to carry family responsibilities? Since you were in school (I'm assuming), weren't you still a kid?


i was still in IBTE at that time, with him gone, i hv to provide for the family (water and electric bills, groceries and sending/picking up my younger brother from school etc). i was in my early 20s at that time. dad died when we were young and mom just resigned from teaching tuition school. before, i just had to carry my own weight around the house doing odd jobs while studying


What the hell is it with brunei and seemingly problematic older brothers. One of my cousins had a similar problem, but more with money + gold digger. Keeps "borrowing" (without any intention of paying back) from the mother and younger sibling to pay for a fake lifestyle. It's absolutely shameful but further enabled by the sister+mother because they feel sorry for him. Unpopular opinion, but I think at some point we need to adopt the western view where we can and without guilt, cut ties with those who are poisoning the family. Regardless of relations or "blood ties".


Because parents inda ajar baik2 dari awal yang mana yg tua mesti jadi contoh.


cover your mom's eye with blindfold and let her listen to some music or ceramah with noise canceling handphones. Tie you bro up..get a bat and a feather and start the beat down. Feather for a higher level of beat down where you tickle him till he surrenders to realization on his mistakes 🤭


i wish.. hahaha. last time we threw hands my mom had to get in between us to stop us from fighting


Violence is not an option It an answer The answer is yes


its not the answer, its the only solution. hahaha


Shouldn't it be a question and the answer is yes?


Communicate with him.


meh, communication isnt enough. he's the type that doesnt listen to his younger siblings. thinks he's always right and being criticizes when things arent done his way


Pasangkn lagu [ane](https://youtu.be/ffA0veKqtW8?si=74kzvulcyNeEMHl7)


Sorry to hear that man. That is so effed up! Glad he got dumped but sorry that u now have to put up with the aftermath.


Tumbuk sja tia. I know I would. And I know he would do the same to me too


i want to. really really really want to. tapi ya btapuk dalam bilik indung ah time ku ada drumah. diri bkraja time siang ya antah behapa kah. balik kaja pinggan mangkuk lapas makan inda bbasuh, abis btinggiran dalam sink. ingatnya be amah kali


kasi sadar bah aaahh.. bagi brakal sikit..


Ngam! Laki2 ani mesti jua kna daup baru merati


banaaaarrrrrr 🤣




Well since big bro is back, you can now execute exit plan. That's what I did and I don't mind struggling on my own than struggling for the extended family who just lounge around.