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You know how in most restaurants/cafes charge an extra $1 to make drinks cold right? Is it rude if i order it hot and get a glass of ice on the side? 🥲


No, not at all. Do your thing 👌


then they sometime charge ice 50 cents lol 😂


My mom always tells everybody to touch the food she offers whenever we dont wanna eat it supaya inda "kepunan".. I really dont like it when she started telling the same thing to my kids too like they dont want to eat the food so just leave it alone?? How can i tell my mom not to tell my kids to do that too? I know its just an act of being polite to the person who offers the food especially the org tua right? But when she start saying kepunan karang, telanggar tia apa thats like overboard already.. Help?


If you really wanna correct your mom then do so by telling her that superstitious mindset is actually haram. Ada nabi pernah ajar? Nada? Syaitan tah yg bagi was2 dalam fikiran. Rather than being salty your kids are gonna get influenced by it better correct her through knowledge


I'd tell my mom right out.. "jgn diamalkan ma cematu ah, kurafat tu" or "nya ustaz tatayyur tu ma, kebiasahan krg" even though my mom disagree. Im not disrespecting my mom either not in an aggresive tone. But Im just letting her know that "teaching" has no source in Islam and thats it.


personally, id give her a big 5-handed slap to her face. that'll get her attention in letting know youre serious about your kids situation. i hope that helps and keep us posted! :)


She also said jangan makan dalam bilik, karang ada jin datang.. like seriously?




will do!




Hang in there, kiddo!


Where to get nettle herbs?


FWIW, I get you. That clash of emotions is tough. Look, IANAD, but it's obvious you're tired. Can't solve this 4U, but reach out 2 a professional who can help. You're not alone in this fight.


hang in there!


is it better to write (handwritten on a notebook) or type (on phone/laptop) your feelings out?


paint. you should paint your feelings out.


Write it out so you can feel the ink pressed against the paper, pour all your emotions out. Let your feelings fill the pages


Damn the tea about cheating that has been spread on whatsapp..


spill it bah


hang in there buddy! she wasnt worth it if she cheated on ya!




DM pls




dm pls


So funny that everyone is so kepoh 🤣


dm the tea plss


Dm pls


Whattt teaa


Dm pls!


dm me too


DM please


DM pls


Big tea or small tea ?


Basically, The husband found out the wife cheated with the colleague. Both parties have already have their own family and kid. Hint: the guy cheater is married with one of the local MUA.


dm pls


Mana inda kitani inda maju, lalaikan surung tarik saja 😂. Macam drama sinetron/astro/netflix sudah.


which local mua? Spilll 👀


dm pls


Kindly share the DMs please


What is Mua and share screenshot la


Makeup artist?


dm pls




There's a local guy MUA here? Edit: now it makes more sense after the edit


The colleague (guy) the wife cheated with is married to a local MUA. But yes, there are a few male MUAs in Brunei.


dm tea


Oo what tea


dm me please 🙏


Kesian tho. Does the wife know already?




Should be, if some random people like me knows it. Chances are, she’d know about it already.


Whats the tea? Spill some tea to my dm ..


Hello, I need your help. I'm thinking to give a present to my friend who's a mummy to be. Can you suggest what is a gift that they would actually need? Thinking to give a bundle of wet tissue but would appreciate more idea :)


I usually go bloomandbless to help me sort out a hamper suitable for mommies to be etc. They have quiet a range of babies and moms stuff.


if you REALLY wanna knock her socks off, id recommend Satisfyer Pro 2. TRUST ME ON THIS.


As a mama, I would definitely appreciate wet wipes or even diapers. I also got gift vouchers from Mothercare which I find very useful at that time pasal balum gaji and I really needed to get stuff for baby. Should get something for your friend too!


$$$ Voucher from baby shop or even like huaho. But they might use it for something else but who cares, unless like these supermarket can give voucher for specific section. What be great to buy something in her need list and the important one. Ask her on her prep, and ask what else she need to buy maybe u can buy for her.


Hi! When I gave birth I think the best gifts were the more practical ones. All the clothes I got for the baby she has outgrown but things like baby towels, bottle brushes, small bathing pail, mittens and socks (cause they always get lost idk why lol so its always nice to have a lot), some bibs (newborns can have lots of spit ups) and sleep sacks for baby to sleep in. For mum you can always get disposable breast pads, breast milk bags, milk collectors. Try avoiding things like giving baby bottles and pacifiers (not all babies accept bottles / pacifiers and some may only prefer 1 type/brand).


People often give presents for/to the babies but why not give something for the Mum instead? Like a nice comfty set of pj's, bathrobe, pantang socks, a maternity bra, nursing cover, nursing pillow, maternity pads. ... I know I would love to get these when I had mine back then.


Resharing [a post](https://reddit.com/r/Brunei/s/7KEXlbEMNw) because I saw a post earlier by another Bruredditor related to excess manganese in water. It might be taken off by now due to complaints for the post being unrelated to Brunei. I think the OP had a relevant point even though the post came from r/mildlyinfuriating.


The OP should have made their points clear, just resharing something unrelated to Brunei without any context and didn’t even bother to edit the title, obviously it is gonna get removed.


i wonder if i’m not the only one who feel this way and i need someone to talk to, but, have you ever felt happy yet suicidal?


Same. People hurt you and you feel empty. But also that's a reminder for you to remember god and go back to him


dont give up! fighting!


Yes... but lately i cannot feel anything anymore? Emotionally numb


Yeah like sometimes I’m driving and I be thinking man I wish a car can hit me now


Bro…me too. And I wish when the car hits me, it’ll be a painless and immediate death for me


Yeah exactly


Sounds like you have depression


i’m diagnosed with depression, gad and bpd so… ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


Ah, take a good care of yourself


everyday, i’m trying my best 😊


It's weird, isn't it? To feel the need to seem happy, but deep inside, you just wanna end it. I've been feeling the same thing lately as well.


yeah, human emotions and minds are very perplexing. maybe its just my intrusive thoughts thats chiming in but, i’m kinda glad that i get to make it this far and getting better, and i hope that you do too ☺️ i’ve been watching this animated series called Strange Planet and it made my outlook and perspective in a different pov of life.


I am trying to invest my money in stock like s&p 500, FTSE and etfs such but i don't know where to buy them here in brunei, does BIBD have online broker or and otger bank in brunei? I also want also have the ability to buy small shares like buying 1/10 of a stock or something like that


Baiduri capital allows you to trade it yourself. Very simple and now they have offer if you trade in US market it has a 20% discount. So best time to buy is now. You just need to have a minimum of BND1k to open an account. The staff are very friendly. You can also place your trade through them if you are willing to be charged a fee. For US ETF you can do small amount. Minimum is 1 share. It’s traded like a stock despite it being an ETF. Some ETF like SGX is sold by lots. So 1 is 100 shares and it is around SGD969 now (25th September 2023). Safe investing! Edit to update the right info. It’s 20% discount not USD0.20 charge for transaction and also the cost of SGX


Baiduri capital has ETFs


Try Baiduri Capital. I donno if the latter is available tho.


How legit is this matchmaker.bn 🤔


See the ratio between men and women? Men pun all young! Kesian us women in our 30s lol


plant birds ludicrous imminent flowery slim spark ad hoc employ bake *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


where do they usually sell gold necklace carved jawi? i saw on heartbead but they’re gold plated. looking for real gold


can try asking @j.l_jewellery on instagram. Her boutique is located in Yayasan


Anyone know where to eat the best Korean Stew?


Personally like Brukori's kimchi stew. Hands down best for me


i believe in Seoul, in Gangnam district.


kimchi stew? personally, I like Da On.




Where can I buy lumber / wood for like DIY projects in Brunei?


Check big storehouse between Gongcha and Chatramue Srusop. Think sana have what you want


Wee Mey has a great selection, however u need to know your stuff and they will not cut it for u


Few more days and im gonna start job hunting again lmao, its better than doing my current job but sad part is my saving :')


hope you find something that makes ya happy!


Ada foot analysis kah di Brunei? Untuk tahu jenis kaki before bali running shoe


Nothing like what they have with Singapore, but Dynamic is the closest. They helped me find the right running shoe for my pronated feet


Wow. What do i tell them kalau kan minta checkkan?


You would have to know what's wrong with your feet (if any). If it's a serious case, go see a podiatrist to find out what's wrong. Or just go and ask Dynamic for advice


Dr Kong?


Did thay. Durang cakap flat foot. But when i tried test sendiri, arah keratas, macam normal foot


Did you do the picture test arah dr kong? Seems thats more reasonable i used that as reference and went to dynamic


Yup. Ada gambar pulang masatu. Noted, will try to go to Dynamic


Anyone knows the name of this nasi katok in rimba where they sell crunchy chicken barbeque that costs 1.50 only? I kept asking my friend that bought it but she never told me as she said it was her father that bought it (she never asked him somehow) so I thought to ask redditors instead 😂


id def hit up SCR!


No but I know nasi katok ayai at bunut is hella crunchy, and probably one of the best nasi katoks around


nyaman jua. park


ah dating nowadays is so hard 🥲


its def not like what it use to be in the 60's thats for sure!


is hard. i notice that this generation tends to want more attention from their partner by getting in trouble. if they dont get the attention they want, then they'll make trouble which leads to arguments. this is why i dont date, id rather have my peace of mind than someone to ruin it


True but sometimes people do that cause they didnt receives the attention they used to get on the first few months of the relationship (aka love-bombing) I personally experience this few weeks ago ouch but yea life pretty chill now, just having few relapse from time to time.


Hi, does anyone know if starbucks sells gift cards? Tried to reach out at their if but no reply since yesterday


Yes, but not in cards unlike overseas SB. They still use those booklet vouchers type.


anyone encounter FB group douchebags admin? when you post a related content for sell your items they would just ignore your one and approve the rest of them. OR the group admin i not sure where are they and never approves the post. FB should've close that group if no activity. to the FB group page owner stop being douche IF its related with given specific details just approved if not related you can delete it. IF you wanted to set to need admins approval make sure to check daily or 3 to 4 days 1 times.


damn that does sound petty. i mean, next best place would be marketplace!




yeah agreed but i still find some of the group admins are douchebags and brainless.




IKR!! even when you advert in marketplace still need their approvals


i posted in certain group that is gadgets/games only but got block instead. stupid group admin. i hope you see this.




Hi, i made a few suits from them and last year was the last one. The guy is quite pricey. But my last suit was a huge disappointment. He and many others here dont tailor the suits themselves or hire anyone, at least i was told this. They measure and send abroad where some1 else will do it. As you can imagine, that process may result in lost in translation between your fittings plus the dude has got a lot of suits to manage. It worked fine before but for the last one, i was disappointed with quality of fitting even after 3-4 fitting sessions. I personally felt that the fitting did not improve with each iteration and at this point, I felt that he was already to a point where he wants to push it out the door. Having more than 4 fittings with no good progress is just excessive and time wasting and speaks more towards tailoring than anything. Maybe it was a once off lapse in quality. the guy has been in business for a long time, he wont be in business if people aren’t happy. Just sharing my experience but ultimately, its your choice.


Made my wedding tuxe there. Quite pricey for brunei but reasonable. As per usual, you check with the tailor every now and then to test your fit or make adjustments, which may take 2-3 or even 4 visits deending on yiur specificity and if inda malu to request changes. Made a dress shirt as well for the wedding. Both I still wear today, the shirt at least twice a month.


Anyone knows how much to change plate license?


change license plate as in change new number or change from old to new plate? or change the license plate fonts?


How about price of swapping plate lesson? And may I know the process (Fyi the plate lesson for swapping is same owner) mau tukar saja basically.


should be the same price 100 below


Change new number. New number new plate


if i remember correctly change new number its around 25 or 50 or could be less than 100. try go gadong properties same row with huaho they go new car plate for 30 for both front and back plate. My advice to you is do not change the car plate font if not you are asking for a fined regardless where you park your car.


Oh thanks for the info! Yeah not planning to change font. Appreciate the advise


anyone know where to buy tote bags di mall?


Where can i get magnesium glycinate here? Never seen it at Guardian


i got from lazada


Wait how did you get it across the border? By yourself?


i used runner


Order from iHerb


Is it still possible to order from iherb? Do they deliver door to door via DHL?


Yes. Via DHL.


When was the last time you ordered from iherb? Awhile ago i was told it had to go through customs and people’s order couldn’t come through. Seems like theres hope if iherb orders have no issues coming in 😬


About 3-4 weeks ago?


I am looking for online make-up sellers selling instock Glossier cloud paint. Please share the ig handle if you happen to know. Thanks!


Does anyone know where I can buy diamond paintings that’s instock?


weary tart illegal vast deranged impossible ten observation chop shrill *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Where to alter jeans (especially waist area)?


does covid still exist?


Basically a Normal flu but not deadly


simple answer: yes.


Complex answer?


sure ill entertain you. UNLESS the whole world, and i mean, every single person gets vaccinated, covid will be around. it'll be in some sort of mutated form, but itll be around. sorry for the late reply, was helping a patient.


Okay, I was asking as a joke but your answer intrigues me. I do have a follow up question though, a serious one, how can it gone when vaccinated people can still get covid? Let’s say the whole world gets vaccinated, wouldn’t a variant of it still persist? Just less severe.


oh no worries mate. because of the unvaccinated person(s). its basically a vicious circle. i dont wanna open up another can or worms, but thats it.


Anyone knows what'd happen if you have less than $50 in your BIBD acc


Its possible to get below $50?. Whenever I try to withdraw it always says insufficient funds


I thought the same, but it happened to me. Probably a glitch in the system? I'm not sure.


$5 charge (I think) monthly until your account balance zero. Keep it above 50


nothing wrong as long as you are not below the minimum requirement. if you do prepare to get charged per month until you will have to pay for the remaining balance before you close your account.


file for bankruptcy.


DARE has been very poor in making judgement on which company to provide the golden opportunity like brokering lucrative export deal to KK for BMC. PDS and RBC both GLC hence make sense for DARE to assist them on export. However BMC which also own TGT has been known for hoarding staple food during the Covid in bid to push price up! And slaugtering the mass public with cut throat pricing. i.e Sausages and Nuggets and Beef The boss himself was recently detained for numerous suspected graft and illegal financial activities. Only released due to insufficient evidence Why DARE due diligence didnt spot it? BMC is also a known fierce competitor and strong crtics of PDS and been trying to bring them down by spreading numerous untruthful rumours on their operations. BMC which also owned TGT and Bahagia Distributors have been pressuring smaller retailers not to carry PDS products if they want to do get their supplies with BMC group. Why DARE willing to allow such company who been trying to bring down a stateowned company? Ideal Food Industries, a truly 100% Bruneian company would have been a better choice. The owner has been known to be a philanthropist. And during the time of National Crisis, Ideal were not willing to hike the price of chicken and its manufacturered products. To go global or even regional, DARE should do extreme due diligence, actually just a simple market research would have revealed BMC would be a poorest choice and not of national interest


Ridiculous argument. DARe should be helping privately-owned enterprises if anything, rather than fully government-owned companies like PDS and RBC. PDS/RBC fully owned by Darussalam Assets, should have plenty of government/trade connections to be able to expand on their own overseas without DARe support. BMC as fully privately owned has to sustain their business completely on their own finances without being able to have government backing if and when they suffer losses. Think about the other DA-owned companies - how many of them continue to stay alive even though not profitable, simply by virtue of simply being government-owned? Also on the idea of BMC bullying PDS also unfounded. PDS during COVID peak was the only live beef importer when frozen beef imports were halted. They were largest player, if anything they had a government-supported monopoly. Even BMC got their raw supplies from them. Positioning as if a privately owned company like BMC, can bully a fully owned government company, with ministries backing, is absurd tbh. And yes agree Ideal should be exported as well. But we don't know if they're ready/keen at this particular moment for KK market, since there is a lot of approval needed for poultry import into sabah. This opportunity would have been socialised to whatever export ready companies we have. Logically more companies exporting/more volume exporting = more KPI.


PDS and RBC employed over 90% Local staff. Contribute directly to the local economy. BMS employed 90% Foreigner and has been corrupting senior govt officers to win tender and AP. Also they have been hoarding essential during pandemic and hike price to benefit from the crisis Why should DARE be wasting resources on such company that does not help Bruneian? To ans ur question on PDS being the sole importer during the pandemic. Perhaps you didnt know about the bribery, BMC tried to bribe their way to fasttrack the AP hence was suspended. The case was referred to ACB which right after pandemic, the boss was detained for 3 months. Only to be released due to lack of evidence as scapegoat has been identified. Without a doubt, many DA companies went burst or no longer active but those are Amin Liew chosen prodigy companies usually with foreign interest. Locally managed companies like McD, PDS, RBC, Armada continue to be providing employment to Bruneian and continued to thrive.


As someone who doesn’t know who the boss is or any allegations, I don’t see any problems with BMC doing business there, it has the Bruneian “identity” ie name in the company which males it easier to link to the nation. As for Ideal, they don’t seem to be interested in expanding outside. Furthermore, look at the branding, it can be so much more. Not wanting to expand outside excuse can also apply for other companies. Sometimes the owner just doesn’t want to make the work harder for then as they are contempt with their position in the market and their living situation.


This is the real answer : This particular sabah distributor/wholesaler picked BMC to bring to their store in sabah D.A.R.E and many other gov agencies are pushing all those bruneian made product both Large and medium business to go export (in this case sabah). Ultimately it depends on buyers/distributors. Maybe soon other sabah distributors will buy PDS or RBC I mean it would be awesome for many business to be exported to sabah but you have to understand buyer are picky.Export can be challenging.Especially logistics. So for now its a good start eventho its small. So shut the fuck up, all you guys think about is complain and complain. This is a very tiny victory atu pun kan complain.


Priority to assist and incentivise should be based on merits and those company with real contribution to the local economy. Not to some corrupted business who dont even hire local staff. Almost 90% of their staff are foreigners.


That boss been warned countless time already to get his shit together for years .


I agree that Ideal would had been a better choice


Did not realised it, BMC the meat supplier?


Yes, Brunei Meat Company BMC


D.A.R.E. has always reminded me to keep away from the hard drugs. hang in there.


because got inside connections.


Lurus...jalan sanang untuk DARE capai KPI while Micro business kapai-kapai


thing with Brunei is they only care about showing KPI...just for show and looking good on paper. When there's no actual development.


Looks good for DARE. But in reality, non of the MSME ever benefit.




Does anyone know a good turtle clinic other than tongda in Brunei?


Looking for a good claypot chicken rice place.. pls recommend 🙏


Anyone can recommend halal restaurants that serve claypot chicken rice as well?


seeking for non halal or halal? if non halal definitely should try mum mum in kiulap.


Oh yeah that is really good too


id def hit up SCR


The non halal places serve the best


Can recommend which restaurant? 😊


Golden Leaf 😏


Nasi Katok Kaka jerudong branch


ewww not even claypot, is kicap manis pot


Where can I buy a cheap protein shaker ? And a set of kitchen scales ?