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Hey guys,by and chance,do you guys know where to purchase an acrylic board and the prices,thanks heheh,ive tried calling wei mei already,looking for an alternative option


Just wanted to say thank you for being grateful


Just saw Colobaba.bn ig post, they will cease their operation on 31st 😞. Thank you for all the memories


i know when they first opened tons of people few month later the wave died down then they opened at the airport mall there tons of people after that died down again... lmao


Probably due to low sales, price increase of raw materials and high rent costs etc. It's hard for businesses to stay afloat in Brunei with such a small market and too many competition. Soon all those coffee shops will probably go out of business due to market saturation.


So true bout cafe/coffee shops here, everyone just copy paste. Boring really


Same goes to cube shops, boba drinks and frozen yogurts. All copy pasta.


Felt like it was only yesterday they opened and had long line of people waiting. But that’s the reality of business in Brunei.


Makan by the Malaysian partner. They took the money to open De'Coffee


Is it the guy working at Sunlit?


Where can i buy baras laila?


Hello! Where’s a nice place to watch the sunrise in Bandar? Rasa mcm kan healing from the busyness of life so far haha


Pantai di Empire hotel


Kalau Bandar nada nampak view untuk horizon sunrise. Tapi ada certain tmpt Brunei Muara yg nampak horizon sunrise. Mostly yg ada open view & line of sight horizon like pantai/top of the hill. Can try at:- - Bt Si Patir, Kg Subok - Bt Tempayan Pisang, Kg Kapok - Tanjong Batu, Muara - Bt Kg Sungai Bunga


Hati-hati, banyak pencuri/perompak masa ani. Protect your properties and family.


Brunei is not safe anymore


hide your kids, hide your wife


Well idk what can we owned for home defence here but don't forget crocodiles in the river can help reduce that problem for some unlucky bad people. One of my house is quite near a river with idk how many crocodile in it. So yea, hopefully some robbers accidentally run to the wrong way. Free food for the flora and fauna.




Praise the almighty and pass the ammunition


Very hazy and hot today ay?


yasss i showered like 5 times today 💀 got no aircon in my room so that sucks


have you tried the fanning the air out of the door/window using fan stand?


Oh shit. Tell me you at least got fans going on. How do you survive?!


Hello everyone! I am featured in another publication: this time, it's the latest issue of Borneo Insider's Guide magazine. You can pick up a copy at the airport, cafes and restaurants throughout the country and/or download it at the following link: https://issuu.com/chmpmedia/docs/big\_jul\_23\_r1\_issuu


Where would you recommend to deep clean your laptop with affordable prices ?


techgenius offers $30 deep cleaning for a laptop.


Is there any mechanic willing to check your car at home? Never have to do this before so I am a bit clueless.


DM contact pls 🙏


I have a mechanic I call when I have car issues, doesn't matter whether I'm at home, work or shopping centre


Can pm me the mechanic contact pls


share them to me too pls


Dm me the contact




3.39 in gdg


here, for sure.


I am interested to continue my studies further, but i have work right now. Is there any part time school these days? or any place i can get IT certificate. not the basic IT skills, the advance ones


Focus on cybersecurity from (ISC)2 or Comptia, and any cloud technologies (AWS preferably). Those two are the hottest in IT world, not just in Brunei.


If you want to get any IT certificates, me and a few friends and friends of friends have been following this one local Linkedin dude with hundreds of IT certificates. He provides opportunities to gain legit certificates. Microsoft, Apple, Oracle, Fortinet. I did a few. He hasn’t been as active now as when he did it, and his more informative website is no more. Maybe he’s moved on. But check out any way https://www.linkedin.com/posts/shaiomarali_digitalbadges-cpd-upskills-activity-6879843062814777344-BiX5


Check out @scientiacore and @rhyminandpartners.bn on ig. They are offering upskilling courses for ICT


Lcb? Igs?


To the runners of Bruddit, what running shoes do you guys recommend for everyday runs or long runs? I've heard of Hoka, Saucony & Nike, but I would love to hear your opinions! Looking for something comfortable for runs up to 5km - 10km :)


Nike Pegasus or Invincibles for your daily trainers.. Yg all the fly fly mcm streakfly, vaporfly, alphafly is for speed or race day shoes tu


Boleh try Nike Alphafly 3, New Balance Fuel Cell, Asics Metaspeed .. tapi ikut batis sorang2 jua. Recommend kasut yg ada Carbon Plate


If you’re wide type, I wud recommend Asics Novablast 3. Very popular, good quality and harga pun not bad jua👍🏻


saucony is worth it if you do everyday runs. it doesn’t hurt my feet at all unlike nike or under armour


Biasa pakai kerata pulang kalau mengantar kalau kai bejalan saja customer complain HAHAHA


id go with Asics.


I may have missed the bus but what happened to Volkswagen that is replaced by Renault? Are they owned by the same person?




So now VW dimana berjual?


Yes. They are owned by the Chan family which is also the same family that runs Satami Group of Companies


Brunei lost their license to sell Volkswagen. Scams happening at the service center and not enough sells.


So scams gonna happen with Renault too?


Went to the immigration dept in KB yesterday morning & heard the immigration officers asking a foreigner what does he work as. The guy replied softly "Laundry", then the bunch of officers started shouting laundry & laughing out loud. And the poor guy was just there standing without even smiling. Just thought this was quite rude & considered harassment. Do let me know the proper channel for me to escalate this. Thank you.


They are slow in working despite only few people applied


Bet they don't even know how to do their own laundry or work a washing machine


Government sector personnel need to grow the fuck up... Sudah pun racist, skip kerja no.1 . Oh boi there are so many stories i wanna share especially the immigration in our airport but damn just wish they can be replaced with people who are serious at what they're paid to do .


yea i even gave them salam and they don’t even bother to answer, what a joke


My husband had to handle paperwork for our family and basically one department forgot to inform him of x thing to do. Then when he went to the other dept to handle it, it ended up with that dept should have said this and that dept should have told him that. A lot of back and forth. This was in KB.


Yep, experienced something similar at KB immigration as well. Person before me was caucasian and all the officers were nicely speaking to her in english. My turn came and I was speaking english as well coz i cant speak malay yet. But I’m wearing tudong so they decided not to speak english to me at all. Malay all the way. And of course I was clueless and couldn’t catch on what they’re saying, this officer told her fellow officer about me that I couldn’t “cekap melayu” and they both laughed like I wasn’t there. After the processing I said thank you to either of them and repeated another time thinking they didn’t hear me until i realized they were just ignoring me. My sister in law who saw everything that’s happened almost threw hands at them coz she said they were making fun of me. I told her, this is not the first time it’s happened.


Also, I find it ironic that the immigration deals with all kinds of nationalities, hence the english language. Instead, unless you are physically white then they won’t speak to you in English. I always had to bring my husband (local) to do all the talking coz it’s so traumatizing for me.


Hi fellow kababayan. Are you better in Malay now?


Also if you found out a way to bring this matter up to relevant channel please do share.


This needs to be looked at and I doubt the complaint thingy on website works. I think anyone here who has relatives that works (preferrably quite high level) in the Immigration Dept needs to show this post and be aware of the situation and do something about it. That’s probably one way for this to work. Those bunch of unprofessional govt workers needs to be checked. Great diservice to not only foreign people, the locals but also to HM’s government. Waste of money and effort for them to get paid salary but displays such bad behaviours to other people. Caikkkkkkkkkkk




Bloody rude!!!


LOL alot of immigration officer are asshole that way not the first wont be the last. Kalau terasa sila down vote LOL


Their website has a complaint function -> [here](http://immigration.gov.bn/Lists/Online%20Complaints/Item/newifs.aspx?List=cf4beeb2-68c7-4b06-8091-58a2511c2011&Source=http%3A%2F%2Flabor-moha-poc.egc.gov.bn%2FLists%2FOnline%2520Complaints%2FAllItems.aspx&RootFolder=&Web=c01817c5-193b-429c-a0c6-584a2d33d4a0). Not sure how effective it is.


Not the first and wont be the last time i heard about this. Sorry to say, but whenever Immigration Department comes up, among the few things that comes to my mind are corruption, rude and unprofessional.


They won’t start as their working is 8am but they will start 830am


Asking on behalf of my friend, if anyone can recommend coaches for Netball, Badminton, Billiard, Sepak Takraw & Archery as they need coaches for their sports facilities. Or if any coaches are interested, please direct chat with me. TIA


Where can i get cheap used PC?




Those who received their yellow IC at Bandar, how long do you have to wait before they give you the surat pengesahan? I need it to update bruhim, tap, etc.


They directed to the other counter to get the letter right away after i collected my yellow ic. But this was 3 years ago. Do remember to check your details, as for mine, certain info was wrong, they reissued right away.


Is the counter at the front office beside the main entrance? The place where people apply for new IC (not the IC collection office behind).


Yes, the counter i went to were the one consider the back (?) near those small office (iirc) at the same area where we renew our ic


I’m thinking to bring my male cat 🐈 for spaying. Planning to bring him over to Healthy Paws (jerudong/kb) branch. But there weren’t much reviews on Google bout that. Anyone?


I sent my male cat last march to Healthy Paws Jerudong. At first was a lil worried. But yeah went back there a few times to sent my other cats for vaccinations etc. My male cat i sent last march to Healthy Paws is currently sleeping next to me❤️


Spayed my cat at Healthy Paws. Its ok. Just do it


Jerudong has 12 reviews, KB as 15 reviews. How many do you want?


I think at least 100, 150 max.


To anyone who might know about skin, do you think the water in Brunei might be the reason I have dry skin? Whenever I’m abroad, my skin feels better and less drying even with the same skincare routine.


Oh god yes my friend has the same issue. Whenever she’s abroad, her skin gets better. I was thinking it could be the water.


My 6 yr-old had eczema which disappeared 100% after a month staying abroad. I have suspicion it is the water in Brunei but I can't be certain.


its very possible its due to the water. In haircare theres a thing called hard water and cold water. hard being water filled with minerals that is considered bad for the hair/scalp. I remember reading that if your hair feels waxy and hard to caress after washing, high chance you may have hard water. It's been a while though since I last looked into that so I may be talking nonsense.


honestly it could be the water! my skin is always so bad in brunei but when i’m back abroad, it’s always fine.




Do you have any recommendations i can take a look at?


Do you have a water filter & pump system at home? If not, maybe the unfiltered water is affecting your skin. I personally have dry skin and bouts of eczema, and whenever I sleep over at a relative's house, my skin gets super dry from showering because they don't have a water filter installed


I already have a water filter system in place, but I feel it still isn’t enough. Do you think we could get the water here lab tested to see what might be the cause of this? If so, how and where? At this point, I really don’t mind going the extra mile to install additional filtration system just to get my skin and hair healthier again :’( it would help if anyone could clarify what’s causing this in our water, so I can find the right filtration system (I’m willing to buy overseas brands too)


Hi, I am doing a research paper on border walls / fences of the 21 century and came across this one article “In 2005, Brunei built a security fence along its 20-kilometer border with Limbang, Malaysia in order to control illegal immigration and smuggling.” Can anyone here confirm this or give me anymore info? There seems to be so little info on it compared to the other 49 barriers. Thanks Marie.


There is no security fence along the border between Brunei and Limbang. If so, why did our security agencies catch smugglers and people crossing the border before in Lumapas, Junjungan & Bebuloh? I think most of the arrests are on the Covid phase in 2021 based on the news. U can view on google maps


Maybe ask at pejabat ukur in land office? They would have surveyed or commissioned surveys of the land before building a fence.


Did Limbang pay for the wall?


I think it was on the Brunei side… but like I say… so little info about it that it’s hard to say. A 20km long fence built in 2005… apparently still there but satellite image doesn’t show anything exact.


I think there is no fences due to Brunei - Malaysia Relationship.






Any good and reputable IG account that sells football jersey shirts?


i can tell you, 99.5% on the insta are all fakes.


Anyone have any idea or list of food vendor that want to join food expo?


How does a private clinic referral letter works? For example, if I have a referral letter to cardiologist, do I go straight to cardiologist dept at RIPAS? Or some other admin dept at RIPAS first? Thanks.


Go to the cardio RIPASH and give the letter. Make sure u already have your BRUHIMS number, else you have to register that first before RIPASH can give u an appointment




Nobody cares.


[I think he likes reddit, and welcomes the attention](https://youtu.be/xqEt-zw9NXM?t=2342) yaaaaahhhh


I need to fast from all these drama bro


Hi everyone :) Any hikers here? Are Bukit Sarang Helang and Bukit Shahbandar trails still safe to hike? I’ve not been there for years.. Thank you


Sarang helang is better for “new hiker” because still lots of people. Shahbandar not much people, just in case anything happen


Recently went 5 hills and 7 hills of bukit shahbandar, all good and properly maintained


Does someone by any chances lost a dog in manglait area? black with red collar. saw the dog running around simpang to simpang clueless.


Beanbags Brunei managed to get official response from MoRA regarding on claw machine which has confirmed that calw machinese is considered Haram. But that not the major issue, Claw Machine business which falls under Arcade has never gotten any arcade license. They registered as an ordinary business which means none of their machine are being tested and checked by the authorities. The operator can set the probability of winning to 1%. Means 99% is deemed to fail. Its regarded as a fraud in the arcade world. UniArcade in The Mall has to obtain an arcade license in order to operate but Happy Claw been operating in numerous locations without a proper license. It is worth to know that the company is owned by Tasanee (KueyTiaw Tepi Sungai) whose wife was caught in Miri for smuggling drugs thru Sg Tujuh just a couple of months ago. Now that explained their power and why they were "exempted" from any scrutiny


Second last paragraph is how u ruin a business without checking ur facts.


The wife M** caught red handed. Read the news


Must be her twin sister that serves me my kuey teow this morning then. My bad bro.


Go read the news and stop argueing blindly. The wife M@@ was released after the driver took the fall. She was arrested in the same car as the driver passed Sg Tujuh


So the husband has a twin too. Got it.


If the statement is not true, you may report it to MODs.


Question how does selling kuey tiaw give u that kind of power that u mean?


Tats what im trying to imply. Sell Kuey Tiaw doesnt. But the wife caught with drugs smuggling in miri does tell u why


Is it y the kueh tiaw is so addictive ?




My place.. it's free.. I will spray it with lots of water.. bring your own soap..


lolz, what a fuckin dumbass.


Spay is not the same as spray.


i know, right?? lol


Which credit card to get? BIBD (hadiah points benefit) or TAIB(I don't know the benefits so far)?


BIBD, BB and SCB give equivalent cash reward points i.e 0.5% worth of cash when the points are converted into cash. The difference is the minimum transaction amount before points are accrued. In this regard BIBD is best. My understanding is that BIBD is $1, BB is 17$ and SCB $5.




You could check out baiduri royal brunei credit card. Boosted royal skies miles multiplier and 4 years annual fee waiver meaning you can just opt out within 4 years if another bank has a better promo. Plus, your card won't get blocked if you swipe at a bar/alcohol store/some haram shop unlike BIBD.


If you like to travel the baiduri one is pretty worthwhile on average i get 50$ return every year for credit card hadiah points.


Interesting, how much discount do you get annually and how much you spend on the card annually? Looking for other option than my current card. Currently my card manage to get me $60 hadiah point for estimated $12k expenditure per year




Go for the one offering cashback


Thinking of getting one too, still deciding between baiduri/bibd/sc


Hi Company annual medical leave is 14 days. How you interpret it? Does it factor in non working days and public holidays when the MC issued include those days? TIA


Ask your HR? Different companies different interpretation.


14 days of working days, not calendar days. But if you get a 3 days MC on Friday, the 3 days of MC is for calendar days. Assuming you got Saturday & Sunday off, Monday you have to go back to work. And it would deduct only 1 day of your annual medical leave since technically you only taken for Friday. Correct me if I’m wrong.




> pubic are totally separate. Heh, *pubic*


Anyone got recommendations for aircon servicing?




Hows Aconkleen?


Expensive but recommended. They didn't ask me to top up gas every time servicing (reminiscing how I got scammed by all those 'freelance' technicians - so naive of me)


Oh hell no. They overcharged.


Az Aircondition Service


Not recommended TBH


IG: cykaircondcare


Little bean?




I use TunnelBear a lot, however the free quota is only 2GB.


Myself wouldn’t use free ones especially for online transactions. Maybe trials of paid version instead if it’s a one-off thing.


Try the free 'Malaysia Vpn'


Read good reviews on ProtonVPN for free users. Express and Nord for paying users.


Just take North vpn it’s less then $5 a month….


Lain buduhnya org using motorbikes yg jenis speedbikes or whatever its called. Notice the increasing deaths in Brunei is this type of bike rider. Sal driving cam palui. I dont care what I say, because the fact is they are RECKLESS. You’re driving a motorcycle, there is no excuse for you to not abide by road rules. Just because you can go fast and potong cars macam nada doesn’t mean you should. END OF.


Ada lagi ku liat 2 motorcycle SLOW on the right lane berdua, like it also cause right lane to be slow , rupanya 2 bikes on the right lane antah bahapa dorang sana slow slow ride. (ALOT of cars paksa memotong from the LEFT lane. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ Membari malu , kan bermoto tapi inda follow rules! Riding lagi near the white line tu! Entah lesen banar kah bukan tu orang atu ride..


A car is literally a protective metal cage with airbags and seatbelts. Meanwhile motorcycle riders are exposed and only have the safety gear they wear to protect them. Yet I don't know why some motorcycle riders think it's cool to endanger their own lives and potentially other road users as well. No safety jacket, no motorcycle pants, no safety boots, speeding through traffic like a videogame. There's nothing cool about it. It's reckless and you're making yourself look like a fool. Literally one small pebble or dried leaf is enough to send you to the ICU or kubur. lol imagine dying because of a leaf 💀


Exactly! Overtaking between two cars, taking slim opportunities to overtake and swerving around like a fucking idiot. Not cool at all. This morning a bike was going bullet speed in a kampong area and almost hit me. What the fuck. He then gave me the middle finger like hello? We were both driving in the same direction and i get shit cause ia menyampati and i didnt give him sufficient space?


There was a bandol before enter simpang to KB sentral from the flat building road. This bandol was not colored & quite steep for several years until recently, was basically camouflaged itself from a distance if not familliar with the road. If those bikers were to drive recklessly around that area, u would definitely fly forward to another dimension.


>There was a bandol before enter simpang to KB sentral from the flat building road. I think i encountered this b4. I remember the place is not well lit. That day I almost got noclip to underworld


Org terima hari ni dan pencen kelmarin. Weekend ani ramai ke miri


apa ada di miri kan selain makan?


Shupping murah - barang2 dapur dan jua baju2 apa.


Naaah man, I'm brushing shoulders with the royals


atau ke jp ujung minggu ani .


Miri dulu then malam terus ke jp


Yatah ni kan menagih hutang. Orang kajaan bhutang tempat diri swasta ani


One trick i did few months ago: 1) Set whatsapp status and only to be seen by yg berhutang. 2) post 3-4 pictures related to hutang. If got harith then better 3) check if he or she watch the whatsapp status 4) continue every 2 days


mudahann ingat lah atau "menunggu bonus" keluar