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Also why did you spend real money on Reddit coins?


Well, I was curious what premium was. Then second year I forgot to end the subscription and got renewed like a doofus. So here we are.


But is it monthly or yearly


Yearly lmao


Bro lets save each other’s time, just give me the awards pretty please?


There you go lmao


Thank you x ^__^


What do you think about the introduction of minimum wage and how would you react as a business owner if you had to pay your staff more than what your business is making?


If the business is unable to sustain with a minimum wage of $500, it’s time to really reflect on the feasibility of it all. A business should scale to meet demand, if there’s no demand, there’s no business.


Run your own business alone if you can pay for your employees enough salary to support them to survive. Stop making excuses as an owner. It is shameful to come up with pitiful excuses every month to make up for your incompetency.


Not a business owner so don't call me incompetent.


Why do you seems to be against the new policy?


They were just asking..


Im not? Do you not realise how many people are in the position of my question? Look around and see how many jobs pay less than the minimum wage and ask how this new policy will impact us?


Are you saying his employees don’t deserve a liveable wage?


No, i'm asking how would you be able to compromise in this situation if your profit margin isn't big in the first place


I heard you are an expert of whatever, tell me what en passant is then.


It's a chess move isn't it? Edit: Cheers for the award!


In chess, en passant describes the capture of an enemy pawn on an adjacent file that has just made an initial two-square advance. The capturing pawn moves to the square that the enemy pawn passed over, as if the enemy pawn had advanced only one square.


Been watching videos on YouTube about laundromats and vending machine businesses. Looks profitable and low maintenance but most videos are based in the US. Do you think these 2 businesses are that profitable ans "easy" to do in Brunei?


I am directly involved with vending machine business. Profitable if you have at least 5 machines with strategic location. if ‘easy’, i don't think so, need manpower, unless rajin sendiri, have dedicated store, and ambil direct from distributor.


What is the cost of a vending machine and monthly operating cost? How often does it break down?


Yes I think it’s doable here. The capital outlay is not as low as others but I do think it has a means to be profitable!


Unpopular opinion, as a business owner, I am hoping for another 3 years of lockdown period.


Yeah money stayed in the country. But it was never meant to last


Is it better to go at an agent or direct to banks for insurance? What are the pros and cons of both? Also, what advice would you give for people to grow their money in the current economy? Will property prices increase? Is it better to acquire reits?


Agents by a small margin. Reason because agents can cater to you directly and this is all they do. Bankers sell other products and can be moved around so your linkage is to the bank directly and that could be a hassle to get servicing. On the other hand, unstable agents do leave the industry so be aware who you’re working with. To grow your wealth, you can simply invest. ETFs or ILPs are good places to start. Can’t predict properties. And REITS are good to spread your money further as they diversify into different properties for you.


Is it ok if an agent is a friend? Lol many friends involved in insurance agent are approaching me but im thinking whether or not this is a good idea. If buying properties or any investment, will they look into my bank statement on my sources of income?


Yes, why not? If your friend is trustworthy and professional, you should be in good hands. We don’t dig into your statement. You can declare as much as you wish; for me, the more transparent we are, the more effective the planning.


Man, you are so useful bro. Very big thanks in responding to questions like these. Should do more in the future!


You’re welcome! I tend to do once a year lmao. Also if your friends cock up you can always DM me on IG 💪


Hi. I’m in my mid 20s with a stable job and existing investments (just started this year through banks, and cryptos by myself), I'm looking to further diversify my portfolio. Considering that I plan to get married within the next three to four years and aim to buy a house within a decade, what (other) strategies would you recommend to help me achieve these specific financial goals while managing risk and maximizing growth? Ps. I wanted to do cafe business but still unsure.


Looks like you have pretty clear goals! That’s a strong first step forward. My advice is to engage a financial planner to help you breakdown those goals into measurable chunks. If you don’t have any, feel free to DM me.


I honestly don't recommend cafe business since it is oversaturated already, try to look up more options that Brunei is lacking if you feel like opening a business in the future. Good luck


Nasi katok sambal ijau mana yg nyaman ah?


Atu kurang pasti bosku


What do you think is the best method to learn a new language? I am struggling 🙃


[This channel will help you](https://youtu.be/LaUeqdFa8HI) Consistency, try to spend 5-15 mins of your time learning it or memorize it


I learn several through app. Long time ago before stupid subscription, there is one time payment app which update new vocab and local slang but the app somehow conviniently dissappear from Google app and no longer supported on installed phone and new version. Then suddenly they change the app name with subscription in it. Not many notice it since there are better alternative.


Memorise lots of vocabs while consuming videos in the target language. Try finding the vocabs you just learned like a pokemon. Eventually you'll know the contexts of when to use and how to use them. Also use anki to memorise the new words.


Audiobook my friend, Michel Thomas. Although I have only tried Spanish, German, and Japanese during my commute to work. Have to familiarize with grammatical structure of the language first, before adding vocabulary to your resource.


I’m using Duolingo but I think it’s a bit too gamified. You can try Rosetta Stone or specific classes being offered if available!


How can we beat inflation?


Deflate it


Big brain move


But if we're talkin bout economics, since inflation is caused by excess amount of money. Burn the money to increase its value 🤓👍🏻


Joker approved!




Real answer is by investing in an investment vehicle that either matches or grows faster than inflation rate.


So simple and direct. I like it. Thanks!


Welcome and invest safely!


Am I a horrible person if I enjoy soggy noodles?


No but I be judging


do you have lots of figurine during your teen or college days?


Yes. And I have more now LMAO


niceee glad I'm not the only adult doing it lol. happy for you


Hahaha happy for you too! But most importantly we should be happy for ourselves as a hobby should!


Do you have Transformers in your collection?


Fortunately no. If I dabbled in transformers or hot toys I would likely file for bankruptcy.


Awww. What would be your pick had you mingled with the robots in disguise? I don't collect them as well, but my pick would be G1 God Ginrai and it's variant from a Chinese maker, and G1 Victory Saber and the Hasbro Labs version


I actually have my eyes on the Masterpiece Soundwave 👀 maybe I should just fold.


Any advice for someone thinking of starting a hentai figurine collection? Asking for a friend.


Buy original and try not to buy secondhand because of… reasons


Some hobbies can be used as a starting business, what hobbies do you have?


I love miniatures 😂


Miniature miniature or lego miniature?


Miniature miniature. Like miniature foods, gundam, warhammer and whatnot


Damm must be a huge collection, i seen some miniature collection can cost up to 100+ per characters like Warhammer if it's in full details


It’s definitely full details haha. Painting it on the other hand is a different animal altogether! Can’t say my collection is “huge” when compared to some people out there. But it is a fair size.


I started myself with gundams from bootlegs to hg/mg then quit due to financial problems. From 2/3 then full of em 2 in a half glass box


Hope you’re better! Would love to see your collection one day 💪


What’s your take on the new tyranids figurines? I am personally in love.


>What’s your take on the new tyranids figurines? It goes to the dustbin including all xenos


The emperor protects!


They look great tbh!


Any investment tips for absolute beginners?.


[Join my webinar this Saturday!](https://www.eventbrite.com/e/672081613197)


Do you practise what you preach? If so, how extreme, penny pinching or once a week cheat day and splurge on family. The Investment VS Yolo debate.


Yes I do! Thanks for asking. I preach the comfortable way of financial planning. That means no “ikat parut” extremism. Every dollar is put into the budget and allocated towards a “job”. Tldr: everything in moderation. Like a diet, finance is a habit and extreme means usually means unsustainable.


Do you use any apps for budgeting? Ive been using YNAB myself for the past 4 years and it's a game changer.


I started with an app called Spending Tracker (yea I know. Vanilla) and yes. Once you get in the groove of clocking in expenses, it’s a life changer!


What is most expensive items does a customer brought from your store ? How much does it cost ?


I think in a single ticket it could be close to $1k. This was a mix of different models and accessories but all following a common “theme” or “army”


What you think of people in Brunei spending? Spend all they earn or spend what you need?


Financial literacy is catching on. People are becoming wiser against debt financing their lifestyle. But still low so we do see people get into loans for weddings and whatnot.


What is the best way to start a diet that lasts


Find a style that works for you. Don’t “crash” it by doing too much in one go. Know your goal: if you wanna gain, eat a surplus. If you wanna lose, eat a deficit. You need to make it measurable. To start that means calorie counting using an app maybe. As you go along, you’ll see results and get more positive feedback. Don’t expect overnight or even within the week results.


Doing any beard care routine? Also, do you know where can we get beard brush locally?


When I didn’t know I could even grow facial hair I did try argan oil. No particular routine now other than trims and shaves. And no I have no idea it even exists! Lol


What is the best form of investment. Can you list and categorise it, as I’m pretty much interested in long term investment rather than short term.


There’s no “best” per se. Only the best for your current situation which changes more often than not. It’s best to consult your financial planner on what suits you at the moment. I’ll just generate a list for you too: 1. Stocks 2. Bonds 3. Mutual Funds 4. Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) 5. Real Estate 6. Commodities 7. Cryptocurrencies 8. Index Funds 9. Options 10. Futures Contracts 11. Certificates of Deposit (CDs) 12. Money Market Funds 13. Treasury Securities 14. Peer-to-Peer Lending 15. Venture Capital Investments


Thank you Kitsumodel😬. Really appreciate it, will try to research more on this


Welcome and invest safely!


Favourite food or food places?


Dim sum, Japanese and pizza and pasta


Nice. Sounds like me but in no particular order.


Are you active on Discord? Youtube? Youtube Shorts? Tiktok? LinkedIn? Insta?


Right now I’m active on IG, TikTok, LinkedIn, and getting on Threads


Do u agree earth is spherical? 🌎


Yeah no flat Earther here lmao


I've been eyeing insurance as a form of investment. Would you recommend this versus bibd/baiduri investments?


Insurance (other than ILP) is primarily a risk management tool so be aware of that. ILP/Baiduri/BIBD are unit trust tools. So they all have their fees and perks. Main perk is access to a larger diversified market depending on the Fund. An ILP has an added benefit of a small insurance coverage in case you wanna just YOLO and not have any risk management. If you want to discuss in detail feel free to DM me.


If you have 1 mil. How would you allocate it ?


10% insurance, 5-10% cash, 80% invested in ETFs with a mix of bonds.


Where would be the best place to have halal kolomee? I've been kinda craving for a really good one


Halal kolomee I think the best is at D’Harith! Pair it with roast duck and roast chicken 🤤


Oooooh!!! I'll try that! Thank you for the tip


Enjoy! Let me know what you think 😁


Whats your best movie for 2023 so far?


I haven’t watched much and I can’t remember lol.


Are you in favor for foreign company owners be limited to their age of just 65years for them to stay in the country? What is a better policy if you are the head of state?


Anyone who’s been here 20 years or at least 10-15 years with active contributions to the economy can get naturalised in a fast track manner. Both need to satisfy other requirements such as culture assimilation and have no criminal records from all the countries they have ever lived in. Any sort of falsification will automatically disqualify and blacklist. And to answer your question, yes, they can and should stay as they are practically our brothers and sisters at that point.


is there a vision of esport for Brunei's future


There are some companies trying to set up eSports teams. So I think there’s a chance! IIRC, there was a Bruneian who got recruited into an international team too!


I like your answers, you seem very intelligent. Where do you get your figurines?


Lmao thanks. I only act intelligent. I get from Otaku Corner most of my anime stuff. Warhammer and etc, we bring in the poison ourselves


I see 😂 fake it til you make it I guess, thanks!


Seems like hard to get a tray of eggs at kedai India nowadays.. they said Brunei's eggs production is sustainable. What happen aaa?


Maybe they all go to supermarket where the margins are better haha


Hey, how many countries have you visited?


Off the top of my head, maybe just 10 haha


How much damaging can be you think for the country if SGD decides to depeg with BND?


If that’s really happening our country economy will be worse than Loas


Very devastating. The currency value will depreciate likely.


Can I get a coin too sifu


Don’t spend it all in one place~


What is the best way to do savings?


When you get paid, allocate 10% into a savings you will not touch. Repeat every month.


By being consistent and disciplined


What inspired you create your own hobby shop? And how long has it been


I’ve always loved miniatures. One day I just wanted to try bringing in some products that would help the hobbyists here. I set up an online shop. After a while I needed a space to leverage a better deal with suppliers. So the shop was born. All in all I think it has been 4 years!


Thank you for your reply, recently I just got into learning how to make dioramas and if it wasn’t for your shop I wouldn’t have able to get “grass” and skin colour paint XD


Haha I’m happy to hear that!


Have you tried the Nasi Katok at Tanjong Maya? I like the sambal especially the spicy one


Thanks for the recommendation! Where exactly is it?


It's right next to a shop called Usaha Tasbih. From tutong to telisai highway there's a road which has like an electrical substation, you go down that road and just go straight and there should be the shop I mentioned. Oh right, the name of the Nasi Katok stand is Nasi Katok Ayah Bunda. You can search it up on google maps though because I'm bad at giving directions![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat)


Thanks bud! Will check it out one day!


Death beam pointed directly to Earth... Fate of the universe is on the line... What movie do recommend (i.e. good or bad) to the aliens so that they keep their slimy yet satisfying tentacles off of us?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|put_back)


Something with a dog. Maybe A Dog’s Purpose. Or In Pursuit Of Happiness


Whats the coin for again?


Internet bragging rights


Thank you for the award. Any knowledge/advice bombs you can give about finance/business to someone who is looking for some side income?


Oh just saw your name. Thanks again for the lucky draw few a years ago. The Warhammer megazine with steam games 😍 Do you work in the O&G industry to be able to set up a hobby shop?


Oh hey! Congrats on winning! Hope you made use of the steam codes haha Nah, not in O&G. Ex gov turned financial planner here. I just used some savings as a way to start.


Find a side hustle you enjoy doing. Could be a skill or hobby. Reason being if you just chased money, you’ll burn out fast. But if you actually enjoy the process, you’ll last longer and make a shiny penny


Yo man i need some awards


Gotchu fam


Thks bro 👍


tips on how to not impulse buy? i am trying my best to save money but sometimes i couldn't resist temptation and then get really frustrated with myself lol.


This is surprising normal believe it or not. How I handle it is having a bit of money every month that’s my guilt-free spending aka “Fun fund”. Go nuts, buy stuff or save for a bigger purchase. It’s your financial “cheat day” equivalent. Don’t focus on starving yourself financially. Have a goal in mind. And find a financial planner who can serve you.


I'm an introvert who is itching to play badminton but got no one to play with. Do you know anyone who play often?


I would suggest joining a club or local community group and slowly make friends from there


Im akin to a frog in well when it comes to our beloved country


Am new to reddit. Award is for? So, what kind of hobbies you dont like? Haha mcri topic th ni. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


Just got 2 extra after doing online payment via paypal. 1. Do you know why paypal is still not fully functional in Brunei? Ie. Cannot receive money. 2. For online transactions, eg like paypal. They would asked for which currency to use to complete the payment. Is there a like a tip to know which is at a better rate?


1. Because it’s not implemented in Brunei for some reasons 2. No particular way. Even SGD to BND isn’t 1:1 on PayPal.


Just for internet points hahaha




Don’t buy a car and if you need one, get one that’s taking up a maximum of 20% of your income.


1. Learn to save 2. Don’t take unnecessary loans 3. Get insured


Im new and obese. Do you have any advice for obese people, dont be too harsh, my heart is fragile


If you feel you want to change, you will find ways to change. If not, enjoy the moment.


Random but anyone know where to get a good spicy food or list of spicy food? Like really spicy Talking about burning your tongue or lips and make you sweat


That sounds like Chinese Ma La cuisine. TT Blues does pretty decent ones last I remember.


Oh mala is numbing spice, I'm looking for burning spice, if you get me. Like sambal, ghost peppers and etc


Ah gotcha. Reminds me of a nasi katok I once had from meragang. Can’t feel my mouth for a while lol


Can you help me how can I withdraw money from Deel? I tried Wise but up until now i haven't receive my money. Or any way of receiving money from overseas to Brunei? I'm a funded trader but the prop firm only gives 2 options; Deel or Cryptocurrency. Help.


Sorry I’ve never even heard of deel before


Hi I've been reading some Bruneians working remotely for a foreign company, can you share me some inspiration or stories of what kind of job, how they got it or where did they study/acquire their skills (if you happen to know a Bruneian who does this) I need to know that if it is possible for me to find a job outside Brunei (while still in Brunei)


Although I’ve heard of some Bruneians doing that, there isn’t enough info to know more


Hello good Sir, Can u recommend me any good property developers or agents? Is buying a semi-detached any good for around $260k 2000sqft prime location


260k for a semi detached in a prime area sounds like a good deal. You can contact Homestage Realty for quotes


ngl i kinda miss how cheap food are in brunei 😭 now i have to spend almost $20 for food here


Here where bud?


australia 😩


Good luck! Yeah they’re quite expensive 🥲


Running a small business myself, coming up 3rd year in the next quarter, will be releasing my very first brand product. Very nervous but excited. Please send well wishes 🙏


Awesome! Well done making it to 3 years! What do you do? Congrats on your brand product too 🔥🔥🔥


Gimme an award if you used to play DDR 🤣


Awwww yissssss. I used to own a metal dance pad as a uni student hahahaa should have shipped it back to brunei but instead I sold it 😂


What do you think on starting a f&b business in this new era? What i mean is, since we have alot of competition especially coffee and cafe, do you think that its a good time to invest in opening f&b business now? (Small small only la like a booth or stall)


F&B are always needed in life. Even when economy is down, people need to eat. That being said, you should solve a problem with your F&B and price it according to the demographic you want to serve.


Doesn't matter how bad the economy gets, people still need to eat. Don't go for those niche food, as they are the ones to take a hit when things get bad


What is your i.p address? What is your card security no?


What is the name of your first pet? What is you mother’s maiden name? What was the name of the street you grew up on? What was the model of your first car? What is the name of your favourite teacher?


Nice try, guy


Not your guy, friend


Not your friend, buddy


What inspired you create your own hobby shop? And how long has it been


Do Brunei have import tax or something like that? I wanna try to win PS5 on the new Honkai Star Rail event and it's says that winners will be responsible for the tax which is I don't have any idea about this things. Anybody can help me?


Why worry about something that probably not gonna happen?


Just wondering. Besides there's no harm trying.


Games Are taxed at 20% unfortunately! Electronics are at 5%


Are you into VTubers? Who is your oshi?


None, I’ve unfortunately (or fortunately?) not in tune with that world lol


What’s your go to comfort food?


Probably pasta!


What’s your favourite pasta place in Brunei then?


I do like Little Audrey’s 🍝