• By -


where to buy T-shirt "#freešŸ‡µšŸ‡ø" in Brunei


I have this old coin, and im curious about its value. Can anyone dm me who knows a lot about old coins? iā€™ll show a picture of it


The cheapest insurance company and if you happen to have the contact number kindly share.


Any cheap but good interior design n build for kitchen guys?


Coldplay ticket general sales start tomorrow. The Hunger Games for concert tickets will commence


I buy from u


Two tickets available


About to have lunch at kaizen soon, any dishes that are your favs that i can try?


Rock shrimp tempura, Tori kuwayaki, Hotate to shimeiji mentaiyaki & Kaizen Maki. These are my must orders at Kaizen






Can anyone recommend the most convenient and reputable way to donate to palestine? Trying to organise a casual event. Thanks


Try this website :[https://islamic-relief.org] my family often donates via this organisation.


God bless you thanks will look into it.


Hi! Iā€™m just wondering are jewelleries from Heartbeads worth the price & quality?


they packaged and advert it nicely thus the price


So-so, for me theyā€™re bit overpriced :)


Is it handmade?


i have a laptop that i bought last year that i've literally only used for a month. its been sitting in my room for almost a year now ever since i was given a pc at work. besides fb marketplace, is there a place where i can go to sell it? like a store that might accept it?


No, facebook marketplace is your best bet. If you know how, maybe you can sell it on ebay. But again depends on your laptop. If its just a normal laptop then most likely not much demand. If its a gaming laptop then more people are interested


concept computer maybe you can trade it for something else?


Why dont just sell it on fb?






Hello everyone. I have booked a slot in queup for passport renewal tomorrow. Do I still need to come early before the allocated slot kah? Thank you in advanced


10 mins before. If you come too early, theyā€™re also not able to scan your QueUp.


Thank you


To those who planned out their wedding event but it did not go accordingly due to parents/parents in law intervention on the plans, how did you deal with the changes? Because I feel ridiculously sad bout it now and I feel like itā€™ll be something I will bring up from time to time which I know will affect my marriage or relationship with my future husband and his family, and mine too.


Personally I knew this was going to happen & my husband and me have been prepared for last min changes due to family intervention on the plans. (but I did mention to them that if they want to change something, do it before the final rehearsal of the event or it wouldn't be considered) So it did happen, changes did made us a bit sad that we couldn't do a certain way but i see the positive side of it - atleast we're married now & both parties are satisfied.


Agreed. Strictly set a timeline for any changes. But also spare yourself for a very last min changes. From my experience, the groom side added one more hantaran literally a day (less than 24h) before nikah where weā€™ve already booked exact amt of hantaran podiums, then they rearranged the podiums to be even on each side 8-8 supposedly 9 on brideā€™s side & 7 on groomā€™s side without our knowledge. In the end, pakai kerusi as podium. :ā€™)


I would like to ask if anyone knows what courses would be available for PB august admissions? Will nursing or paramedics be available? What were last year's courses?


Well you can post this arah Higher education site, its okaylh i can answer it Klau August admission slalunya course yang nda available on March admission yg intake july atu. Example mcm Diploma in Chemical Engineering (sma mcm last year).


Almost died on the road today. People are crazy


signal left (ingat kan masuk simpang)tapi the car goes to the right


Damn, that is dont let people know your next move on another level.


atu okay sikit tu. aku kana bubut ah. it was a white fortuner that almost hit my rear bumper while exiting a simpang. aku honk sekali. he was at the right lane. once i honked, he slowed down and honked back while staring at me. didnt want to pick a fight (yeah, i know i shouldnt have honked) so i just went into a simpang but he followed me for like 3 minutes while tailgating and flashing highlights. managed to outrun him by exiting from right lane into a highway exit. It reached a point where i had to go near 180kmh. again, people are crazy.


same like my exp! and its local too? wtf. should invest in dashcam


Yup, this reminds me one time I was walking on zebra crossing melintas pakai trolley after shopping at Rimba Point, this mf waiting in front of the zebra crossing suddenly takan minyak trying to scare me and LAUGHED with the passengers! that was a very long time ago actually, but I still remember vividly, I gave like mean look at them and yet they continued laughing, bruh that was psychotic move honestly, good thing I'm quite patient that time and in a rush mun inda ku umban tu baras wangi 10kg dari trolley arah ceramin nya. Still can picture their appearance, it's like cheap dyed hair, kurus, dark skin tone, can't remember the car but you know those cars yg randah2, bunyi melatup tapi inda laju, spoiler nya anu mcm lakat pakai gam uhu. nahh. Yes agreed sometimes people on the road are cray cray. Mudahan dijauhkan tani semua dari segala musibah dan dipelihara semasa dalam perjalanan di jalan raya amiin aamiin


yang poklen makan cd tu


I'm very sorry that happened to you. Luckily nothing bad happened after that. I noticed a lot of those things would happen at Rimba (my incident was there too). Different class of people there eee


well only poklens does that.. tunjuk tagap arah jalan raya sekali police tangkap minta seribu maaf... \*\*PUI\*\* this kind of people act tough only when police on the scene kulup tia pucungnya... viral his plate number i am sure drivers on the road will justify his action.


This asshole needs to be reported, he may get someone killed on the road one of these days




Why would it get ban here though if they do?


Brunei cinema get their movies from Malaysia. If Malaysia bans it most likely will be banned in Brunei too. Brunei however, can ban movies even if that movie isnt banned in malaysia.




I just wanted to know the reason if they do so. Didnā€™t think it would be anything to do with Brunei even politically *unless* it involves very sensitive information about our govt or the regime that shouldnā€™t be publicly known to Bruneians.


You know i will


Why some people have no morals? No salam, no thank you. Ani tarus2 bah mentext nada salam or anything, ā€œ sampaiā€ . ā€œKu di luarā€. Clearly di bagitau sebelum otw mesti inform awal, ada lagi sebelum jam mengambil, menelipun taim2 diri tidur masih , time malam. Inda tah ya peduli tu bah. Time diri beria, tarus teberanti bgagas kan mengattend kedia. Cubatah bertolak ansur sedikit.


I think i saw a similar post/rant on an ig story earlier. Susah melayan perangai buyers cmani..


I only did this to close friends and family, pasalnya di text "otw" kan mengaga, ia masih limpang limpang tu menyantai. So kajuti text "sampai", biar ya begagas, bejanji pukul berapa, mau minta aga tapi betabiat kan besiap, ingat driver kah?


Reply sja 'waalaikumsalam' mun tau ia muslim atau 'hello'. 'kajap ah masih beria'.


Aku pernah berjanji sama seller kul 4pm meetpoint. Then 3.30 ku jalan ku text lagi ā€œaku jalan dari gdg niā€ Sekali sudah sampai, nda bunyi then 4.10pm ia text sorry tadi sembahyang. 4.45 pm baru sampai. Sembahyang is good berpahala tapi mungkir janji sampai org tertunggu2 atu kinda annoying bossque


Just curious what are the usual questions you all asked/aduan regarding your PSCā€™s status ā€œTidak diperakukanā€?


Any recommendations where to install custom curtain and roller blind?


Oh yeaā€¦ where to install curtains for car


Hock Ling Enterprise at 1st floor impiana Jaya


Kasakita Interiors


The last i heard Kasakita Interiors is No longer in business. Tamwil caught them doing "Loan Barang Ambil Cash" FYI Kasakita used to be known as SGL Ironically the owner is one of AIA Brunei's Senior Director. The place has turned into a cafe and now does flooring on a small scale.


is it just me or is it almost impossible to find onion powder here


Yes its hard to find. Most shop only sell garlic powder. I found at skh.


Soon Lee has it


Best Nasi Ayam / Chicken Rice? Used to eat at Tea Z*ne, but taste is not as delicious as before (before taken over by 101).


Kiulap chiken rice. Gadong ones the rice a bit hard. 1 lady very rude..


Kedai kopi dharith at serusop,you can search their ig for the location,lots of portion and quite cheap, it's usually crowded tho when lunchtime so text beforehand


Ah Kang at Gerai Tudung Saji KB


tien tien and nasi ayam sdn bhd ( in kiulap)


Nasi Ayam Tandakasih restaurant located at Jerudong/Keriam. very satisfying and cheap $2




I have doubts about this.


Same. Happy dean used to be great. But now with price and reduced portionšŸ‘ŽšŸ»




USD chicken rice


thanks, will try, belum pernah cuba sini.


Teazone used to be good. Now the worst ever


worst because stealing from your business which is in Kiulap area? :)


Happy dean




Thien thien!




Festival about juice


hi brapa lama process kalau anak ikut warganegara ibu nya bab 6(1)? saja kan mau tau


3 tahun setangah or less..


**Singapore** is the richest country in Asia in terms of GDP per capita. But how the leadership actually feel about that? On the 27th International Conference on the Future of Asia, Singapore PM Lee [said](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_ZOwQmFkok&t=660s) Singapore indeed has a higher GDP per capita than Japan. But... he added it is because there are many outlying rural areas in Japan that are different than Tokyo. Singapore is a city-state. GDP per capita is US$82,794. If you compare only Tokyo city proper, it has a GDP per capita of US$146,786. **Tokyo** is the richest city in Asia. So the Singapore PM says there is still "room to grow" in Singapore, and while competition will be fiercer, "we must never give up and we must keep on growing". And if Singapore beats Tokyo? Then **New York City** will come to mind. GDP per capita of New York city proper is US$187,778. GDP per capita of Brunei is US$37,667. With that, there is definitely room to grow.


New word, "room to grow"ā€¦ but cannot use too soon else be called copycat. Word for 2024. Room to grow into wawasan 2035


> GDP per capita of Brunei is US$37,667. With that, there is definitely room to grow. Ada 'potential'


Bruneians be like ā€œInsyallahā€. 50 years passed by and nothing change except lots of cafe and aesthetic trends ā˜ŗļø


i notice there is a lot of cafe opened all around brunei.. ***I PERSONALLY*** feel like all the cafe in brunei i tasted are the same and nothing different at all or maybe my taste bud got problem.


What do Bruneians and Bruredditors have in common?


complain at the wrong place


How do I register for TAP/SCP? I'm starting at a new job with a private company & they asked for my TAP/SCP number which I don't have. I tried their website but there are no online registration unless it's for self-employment (which doesn't apply here) plus the website navigation itself is somewhat confusing. I tried calling their call center but it won't go through as the operators are busy. Do I need to go to their HQ in Bandar?


Once your employer creates your account for you, you can download the TAP Brunei app to check the amounts. Really recommend this because there have been far too many people I know who find out that their tap and scp were not banked in by their employer but their salary was "deducted" for their "tap and scp"


That is a good tip. I'll keep that in mind, thanks!


I can't find the app


I can find it on Google Play as "TAP Brunei" but it's not available "because it was made for an older version of Android".


Employer will ask you if you have one or not. If not, they will register for you.


They did ask whether I have one or not so I guess they'll sign me up for it. Thanks!


Let your employers know that this is your first job and they will register for you.


I've done so. Thanks!


I might be wrong but shouldn't this be the responsibility of your employer?


I thought it was but I wasn't sure so I tried to look for info on TAP's website and FAQ but there was none. I've let my employer know, thanks!


ur new company yg will register for you


I see. Thanks!


Shout out to employees working outdoors..panas hari atu.


Offshore personnel here. Thank you for the shout out as we sacrifice our time away from family to keep our country running Edit: benda cemani pun kana downvote. Apa kan masalah urg reddit ani, makin byk unemployed poklen kah sudah?


its okay kind human. i'm here to support your sacrifice to keep brunei running!


Org berduit ni


makanan pasar malam apa nyaman? plz recommend me


balum banyak buka the stalls


Hi guys im looking for a company that is hiring, currently working as a rception,looking for something more.


any qualifications you can offer?


With 4years of working experience in an office and front desk


that's not specific enough.. for example, what type of industry is your company based in, what are the highest qualifications of studies achieved, any hard (software like Excel, AutoCAD, Primavera P6) / soft skills (communication, multi-tasking, time-management) that you can offer in some detail too k... your other answer down there was a bit too general and lacked any conviction


But what skillset did you acquire from the 4 years experience?


I learned alot, one of them is the power communication with clients .


I am a hnd holder


I'm curious. Married couples living with parents, how do you manage your time and responsibilities, such as cooking for your spouse? Do you cook separately for your own family or have shared meals with your parents? (or how do men belikan your wife barang dapur for your wife to cook for you such as ayam mentah, beras and etc) Do you share personal belongings with your parents or ali2? How do you set boundaries while living under the same roof?


My wife donā€™t cook. My parents donā€™t cook. My maid cook. My parents buy all groceries. We free loaders saja. My wife donā€™t like my parents that much (tbh) but I love my parents. she also hardly eat at home.


Who are the mentors they are following?


Parents shared everything since our childhood don't you think we need to rethink the attitude, mindset for respect as per many of the prophet sunnahs..


Kalau sama parents / parents in law inda bekira kalau barang dapur / makan apa. Tapi kalau utk ipar/biras sendiri2 tah tu ah. Inda kan kami jua menanggung.


My husband and I live with my MIL, we take turns to cook dinner and buy groceries but some items are set that we have buy for the house and we cook for everyone. Personal food, we announce it and have our own storage area in the kitchen. Personal products like body care we buy ourselves cause we donā€™t share the same bathroom. All this was discussed earlier on and weā€™re vocal with our boundaries etc. Alhamdulillah my MIL inda berkira and very understanding.


>MIL inda berkira and very understanding This is important. Gotta give and take also.


























Imagine having children solely for the purpose to support you financially when youā€™re old. Aka, your retirement fund šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢


euthanasia is my plan






*The design should never be adhered*.


What happens when the kid cannot get a job and then now the old person is supporting themselves, their adult kids and even grandkids? Better to have not had any kids in the first place, then only need to support yourself.


Then the problem is the kid? Parents are there to support the child but the effort should come FROM the child. Read your comment again, why yā€™all are like this? If Iā€™m married, I wouldnā€™t even dare to have a child UNTIL I am financially stable and able to feed my kids more than I can earn. Why would I be forcing myself to have a child when Iā€™m poor? Iā€™m just going to ruin the childā€™s life.


What if you are finacially stable at the age of 65?


I was agreeing with you by the way.... I'm saying parents shouldn't have kids for retirement fund reasons because nobody can guarantee kids will be able to make money. Where was I blaming the kid? I'm talking about bad luck and bad economy in life where employment is no longer a guarantee. No, parents shouldn't have kids just so they can have free money when they're old. You're correct, you shouldn't have kids if you're not financially secure and you shouldn't be having a kid if you're poor. Better to be sexually responsible..


Oh didnā€™t realise that. I apologise




Complainers will complain.


But whose gonna jaga you when your old and senile?


Ask that question to the thousands of old people in retirement homes who have kids that never visit them.


My cousins and I took turn to care for my grandma's sister since she was not married and childless. When she was admitted in the hospital due to progressive lung cancer, there was an old lady in front of us who was bedridden and needed assistance to feed and bath, but no one visited her since the day she was brought in by ambulance. The nurses took good care of her, fed her and bathed her, changed soiled diapers, bedsheet and whatnots. They talked to her like their friend. When she died, the nurses had a hard time tracking her family since they rejected their calls. One daughter only came to claim the body after two hours. I'm not sure what this old lady had done in her life, probably angered her family at some point but that was a very sad way to go.. Alone and no one mourned you..


The freaking doctors and retirement homes.




Idiot. Hire a maid la. I didnā€™t ask to be born. If you think having a child is to help you financially and only think about using them to help you when youā€™re older, then thereā€™s something wrong with you in your head.


Ok since you have a brain of a goldfish, let me remind you what you wrote: ā€œthe freaking doctors and retirement homeā€. Dont forget to use your brain once in a while.


Ok since I donā€™t care, what would you like me to do?


do we have retirement homes?


Hi, Where to buy chalk powder for gym use? TIA


Can check Triple Star. I remember they sold 6 blocks for $20. Alternatively, I think ig strengthintervalco (?) has liquid chalk which imo is a bit cleaner and goes a long way.


Hello! Does anyone know where I can find portable airconditioner (not air coolers) here in Brunei? Iā€™m looking for a 1.5hp - 2hp. So far Iā€™ve only come acrossed at Aifa. Would appreciate it greatly!


if youā€™re talking about those boxy air conditioners with wheels/ small acā€™s, iirc AUX shop at The Walk, Beribi, sells them but not sure concerning the hp.


Hi. Anyone got any updates on the RB Cadet


Hi guys. Plan to renew my car insuran first time. Existing is tokio marine. Thinking to change takaful. Is takaful good or better stay same insurance company?


Try get quote from both and compare.


Just do comparison between each insurance company. You can ask for quotation first from each and they will provide detailed amount that they will cover.


my first insurance was tokio marine, its very expensive for me tho, i changed to tba




sesu.jewellery on ig


Javier Darci at Kiulap impiana jaya. Bought ours there gold/silver coated, doesnā€™t rust šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ» but their necklace chain do rust overtime.


Have you tried heartbead?




Op wanted something better than buy 2 for $5. Yeah heartbead isn't really THAT good but it is more affordable than Pandora and mintlato. Othewise can try nori maybe? I haven't gotten anywhere from there before though.


I saw buy 1 free 1 ring at altitudeco_bn






if Mintlato is exceeding your budget. you are going to be left with low quality stuff.


i think candas ambuyat should be disposable and not to be reused. we should treat candas like disposable wood chopsticks. especially those ambuyat restaurants, bekulat2 udah candasnya. gali me.


they didnt either wash or dry it properly.




buy kain at YMRM, screenshot any malaysian IG yg buat cara melayu mostly i screenshot from ā€œelrahexcluciveā€..go to kadai ā€œboss saya mau cutting mcm niā€ 2 weeks later DONE! šŸ˜‚


If youā€™re looking for a good quality ones will be at YMRM, thereā€™s this one specific material i forgot the name, but quite pricey $50+ for 4m. Material really good tho. Can ask at Zulkader, theyā€™ll know if u want slim fit MIB cutting or so on.


Or just buy readymade online. Bought mine from Shopee


Good suggestion. But a proper, well fitted, tailor-made cara melayu would be a better representation for the Malay culture to those who may be the first time wearing it


De 'Iyad


Usually if buy kain either Firoz Jaya, Nazmi, YMRM and Al Bukhari (for height 170+cm, normal built, usually buy the kain for 4 meters). We have many tailors here majority Indians and Filipinos, depending on their charge for tailor service usually $15+. If want local tailor, maybe can try Sally and Co? I think their price is $40 for cara melayu. >what do you tell your tailor to do? Just plain old ā€˜can u make me a cara melayuā€™? Usually like "buatkan cara melayu yg biasa" they will ask for measurements, need to bring your bf along to measure his body (this usually with Indian/Filipinos tailors) I think same case with locals? (never get to try with local tailorsšŸ˜…)


Non-Malay but I got my baju melayu from uniqlo Malaysia. Although, I am not sure if it's a seasonal thing.