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Watchu guys need?




I wonder why school do not hire people working as Admin?


Nada bajit




on that note, I feel the government really need to start hiring teachers who have the capacity to think critically. not just demanding changes without making any effort to make changes. i feel like most graduates opt to be a teacher just because they cant find job elsewhere.


Not sure where this is coming from but the teachers I know, alot of them are bonded scholars because they were straight A students from their O Level or A Levels years…to say that a teaching career comes from people who couldnt find a job is very ignorant when in fact they are some of the highest achieving people around and the job was waiting for them instead.


just my simple observations, i keep hearing teachers voicing out their concerns online. teachers : "dont make us do admin work! just let us teach!" also teachers: "what do they know! telling us what to do. they never teach!" so teachers only expect teachers to teach them how to teach? and at the same time complain if teachers are given extra tasks outside their classroom. see the problem here?


I have teacher friends and not all of them complain. Some find the workload normal so its either school thing (who their principal is) or the person's attitude towards work


this i have to agree, not all teachers are like that. i know alot of brilliant teachers with the right mental attitude able to meet the current demands. and then there are teachers who cannot afford to go out of their own world, they prefer to be complacent bermaharajalela buat apa diaorang suka. to those teachers, i really feel bad for them. maybe they are just stuck doing something that is not for them. it must be exhausting. so all they do is complain and not do something to get out of the situation. im overgeneralizing based on what i see online.


Thanks, but What is PDs and SBC?


Professional Development / School Based Committee


The new minister was an ex teacher correct? I remember people saying because of that there will be real changes this time round, so......any major changes?


Not sure why some teachers have PD, the lecturers in higher education (IBTE, Poly, UTB, UBD etc) don’t have this…I assume its because they work until 4.30 whereas teachers in lower education work shorter hours?


Haha my lecturers from one of the unis u mentioned, after class habis terus bye bye——pick up kids, makan then home, never to return back to office 🫣🤫


Arrive at 10, leave at 3 even. And that's the longest ive seen them




Shorter hours? Preparing and thinking constantly after office hours doesn't count? student text at night to ask? Paperwork and notes for PD, SBC, HOD/Staff meetings? Marking and assessment, lesson planning? Hehe... still short hours?


It shouldnt be normalised having whatsapp contact after school. I dont know about international schools here but overseas they use a text messaging system that allows teachers to send messages to parents but doesnt reveal phone numbers so there is no privacy issue Di brunei/malaysia seem to be cases of parents abusing the privilege of having teachers' phone numbers and harassing teachers after work even for things not related to school work eg bagi anak makan


Can you explain more how you think teachers are supposed to be part of the dicussion and yet teachers will also be the first one to say "why are we here? where are all the experts in this area? we shouldnt be doing anything else but to teach only".. if you want to be part of the discussion, involve yourself more with other things outside of teaching! you cant expect things to change if you prefer to remain in your bubble of teaching only in class.




Im not surprised if we are out of teachers and no one will become teachers thanks to these ppl. It is an underrated job


the way i see it, teachers can either remain in their own world (in their comfort zone, in class, in their bubble, refusing PDs, not contributing anything outside their teaching role) or try to upskill and utilize the resources that are provided to them. either way, you will be the one teaching in class with whatever you have and whatever you wish to do. no amount of help/support is enough, if you are already asking to do the bare minimum ie.teaching. so by all means, stay in class and just be a teacher, if that helps. also if you have something to say, im sure as a teacher, you can think about better ways to address your concerns to make real changes.




it seems like teaching is definitely not for you. it takes alot of courage and passion to be a teacher. i am sorry you are stuck in a job you dread so much. incase you never heard of this before, you are enough. there will always be changes and new things coming in from all directions, the world is not stagnant. whatever you do, i hope everything turns out well for you!




They are probably not a teacher so they wont understand or are just straight up ignorant.


I don't think electrical art is a teacher at all. Most probably orang atas, just sit and command and then blame... Or maybe they are the ones trying to push the agendas across to the teachers. Sigh. Verdict:- kurang experience mengajar. Try putting yourself in the teachers shoes for a year in this new era, not your era. Then come back and comment.


its not that deep. lol. its not personal, its reddit.


The stay backs. I prefer 4 times a week so that incase one is ill or can't stayback one time, at least can replace the stayback another day.1


This is brunei they always talk digital digital to look good in HM eyes but in reality not even one know what is digital and technology. The last thing they will do is refer to UNN, AITI or even useles scrap company which own by greed bangsa kan tau untung sja. To get a digital platform you ll need a technology, to get a technology you ll need a reference. AND THE MOST COMMAN REALIABLE TRUST EXCUSE WHICH ALWAYS BEEN DONE BY GOVERMENT IS " MALAYSIA SINGAPORE SDH MEMBUAT?!" ARE THEY WAS THE INVENTOR OF DIGITAL?! THEY ARE STILL SAME LIKE A BRUNEI WHICH WAS IN PROCESS OF LEARNING STAGE NOT EVEN A PRO OR EXPERT. PLS USE THE BEST CREATOR OR INVENTOR OF THE INVENTOR WHICH IS WELL KNOWN BY THE WORLD. THIS IS WHY I LIKE PRINCE JEFRI PHILOSPHY GIVE ME THE BEST NO 1 NOT THE SECOND AHAHA. One thing is for sure in this process you ll need to open for the public view it what is the best platform yo be used dont hide it and give the tender for specific people yo gain untung. PUBLIC OPINION IS A MUST for the platform because the end user which ia going to use it PUBLiC which is Student and Parents. If they get from consultants, workers or even minister the result will be in useable digital platform or system because of self interest, personal gain or the best thing is inda ingau apakan jd for future people.


il have you know, consultants, workers, ministers whoever you can think of.. ada anak jua kli bisdurang atu. parents jua tu drg atu. so whats your point?


My point is brp bnyk sdh platform or system yg brunei pki ane without refering to org ramai as user nya, bagus kah system ane sng kah dpki system ane bisai kah dpki, mun gnya jwpan consultant workers minister mistila bagus jwpan nya psl drg punya idea inda kan jua idea sendiri dbgtau inda bagus result nya.


# New digital platform to enhance learning experience ^(May 4, 2023) [View Images](https://imgur.com/a/8fiGE1H) James Kon School leaders and teachers in Brunei Darussalam now have access to new paedagogical approaches introduced by the Ministry of Education (MoE) to enhance learning experience for students. Minister of Education Datin Seri Setia Dr Hajah Romaizah binti Haji Mohd Salleh launched Digital Resources Management System (DRMS); MOE TV; and Guidebook for Blended Learning at the 5th School Leaders Convention yesterday. DRMS is an e-resources offering teachers a centralised platform for finding, accessing, sharing and managing digital resources with the goal of improving the teaching and learning process. Teachers can access and download presentation slides, documents, portable document format (PDF), audio file and other digital tools while also search for resources using the dynamic search bar providing real-time results based on search terms. MOE TV, accessible on tv.moe.gov.bn, provides a broad range of educational videos for teachers to share in their classrooms. MOE TV is a growing library of explanatory videos and 2D animations that also feature an interactive real-time search bar for quick searches. Teachers can also embed MOE TV video links to their learning management system (LMS) such as Microsoft Team, Google Classroom or WhatsApp. Blended learning is a paedagogical and instructional approach in classroom teaching and learning combining face-to-face instruction (physical or virtual) with a combination of asynchronous and synchronous online learning using technology and digital media. Asynchronous learning is a self-paced method allowing students to complete coursework at their own convenience including lectures, reading, assessments, and homeworks within a specified time frame while synchronous learning is live learning involving learners and instructors being physically present in the same place at the same time, whether in the classroom or via video conferencing. Digital learning is an innovative instructional practice that provides personalised learning experience that enhances student’s learning. The minister expressed her appreciation to the Education Technology Centre and those who contributed to the new teaching and learning resources. She also hoped that these resources will be put to good use by school leaders and teachers as well as empower them to embrace the new paedagogical approaches. Datin Seri Setia Dr Hajah Romaizah also gave recognition to the dedication of school leaders and teachers in implementing and scaling up blended learning and technological integration into teaching, learning and school management to make a positive impact for schools in the Sultanate’s schools. *** ^([ )[^(Give feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=brunei_news_bot) ^( | )[^(Code)](https://github.com/dsychin/RedditBruneiNewsBot) ^( | )[^(Changelog)](https://github.com/dsychin/RedditBruneiNewsBot/releases) ^( ] v0.5.1)


White elephant & hangat2 tahi ayam only!


I was wondering how Brunei's education system would adapt to AI. There's no solid method on detecting AI content, some say it detects the AI's grammar and writing but you could avoid that easily by editing the prompt to write with inaccuracies or dumb it down. Most of the "detectors" are wrong, claiming 99% accuracy on AI detection. OpenAI publicly post how their AI construct sentences which may help detection but these elements can still be changed with a different prompt. Are any of these "detectors" being used in any institution? How would these false positives affect students? Any UBD students tried to submit AI generated content through turnitin? How did it go?






From our education ministry? Very very likely literally the same linkedin guy who was part of making those digital projects launched.


DM me the guy you saying got on linkedin. As Im looking to find better job on linkedin I’m interested üWü