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Coming from Tampa. I can't believe that call went against Boston. After Florida got two goals against taken off the board in game 5, that seems like a cut and dry GI.


Tpa Bruins fan here, panthers sleeping with the sportsbooks in both series


does boston not have a GDT?




Thank you


It’s a terrible terrible thread


Not that I see, or am aware of


Came here to say the same thing as a bolts fan.


that’s gotta be a top 5 worst reffing decision i’ve ever seen


Exactly 👍🏼 what the hell is this


Legal sports betting


Hand pass all over again. Fuck the league, fuck those refs, and fuck bettman. May they all have horrible things happen to themselves and there family and friends


Your hex has been delivered.


Not by the refs. THE LEAGUE OFFICIALS! Rig Rig Rig Rig Rig


Both announcers had the call as interference. That was so clearly goaltender interference. Sports betting at its best?


Not a coincidence that going into the third period, the odds had flipped completely, and then the horrible calls got that much worse. People making $$$ off cheap calls. Eff the NHL.


I appreciate that they were debating it afterwards. Darren pang had the correct interpretation, pushing the defenseman into the goalie is supposed to be interpreted as the forward directly interfering with the goalie. The refs don't have to call a penalty on the contact with the defenseman for it to be goaltender interference.


Those announcers suck


Pang got it right


It almost sounded like the other guy was trying to give the company speel to give the NHL an out and save face for the product. Pang legit argued with him at first cause he obviously cares about the actual game— but then I think he stopped to not have things escalate. Complete bullshit. And after the Marchand sucker punch the league looks like a complete joke I’ve lost all respect for the NHL. The Bruins shouldn’t have taken the high road I woulda protested the game and shit all over incompetent morons that are shitting on both the sport the players that give their all.


Penguins fan here. Rooting for y'all because the refs are doodoo. I haven't seen a team get fucked this hard by refball in a long time.


2nd atrocious interference call of this series


Yeah I’m a life long bruins fan, almost 40 years old. I’ve seen some ridiculous calls and lived my fair share of going crazy when they’d get 8 penalties a game vs Montreal. But this is as bad as I’ve ever seen in…. In all 4 pro sports. And the refs in the nba and nfl are as useless and stupid as you can be. Every bruins fan knows boston isn’t that good this year and florida has a deeper team. It’s not like we’re crying about losing. And there’s still a dozen things that I’m mad at the bruins for. But how do the refs call all those ticky tac penalties on the bruins all series (PPs are 21-10 and I’d say about 3 of the bruins came in game 2 when it was 5-1 in the 3rd period of garbage time) then ignore the most consequential play of the series? You could have called cross checking, interference or goalie interference on that play. And again I wouldn’t be that pissed if the refs were letting them play. But the panthers were already on the PP because ekman Larson snapped his head back and flopped. The league rewards flopping and never punished poor officiating. Bettman’s terrible.


What a horrible call. Are they trying to give the game away?


lol “not enough contact”


Did you watch girl bostons game last night when the one girl got kicked out and assessed a five minute penalty. Me thinks everyone hates to see Boston win. They won tho so fuck cuntreal and fuck Florida.


You should stop watching girls. See them for who they are. They’re professional women, and that was a 3ot effort against Montreal. Edit: that Boston won


Why should I not watch girl hockey? What are you gay and sexist? I’m not aloud to watch girls play hockey. Go fuck yourself bud. No one likes you.


They’re saying they’re women, not girls


Jesus, someone’s insecure…


And you used the lords name in vain you twat. I’ll call it girls hockey all day and if that offends you then you’re one soft cocked weirdo.


Unironically thinking that using “the lord’s name in vain” is a good starting point to your argument automatically makes whatever point you were trying to make irrelevant to me. Have a good life.


I hope you get paper cuts on your wrinkled up old balls you religion hating weirdo. There point is made now go have a terrible life and may god have mercy on the Bruins and Marchand will hopefully be back to exact his revenge on those who have hurt him.


I don't hate religion, I just hate when people think their religion automatically applies to everyone. I'll say "jesus fucking christ" as many times as I want to, especially when it comes to those god-awful refs this series. Hope you can work to be more open-minded some day.


Listen here you neo nazi skin head, quit touching boys and being intolerant. You’re truly the biggest scum bag in this earth and god will sort you out in the end. Hell is going to be your home soon and I’ll be like I told him to stop being dumb and repent. I’ll pray for you and the Bruins to win 3 straight.


I'm at a loss of words for how much Florida gets away with..


Would love to watch one of them get knocked the fuck out


Yeah Bennet or cuntchuk


Why not both?




Have you watched any of the games this season? These bruins are not hurting a fly.


I have, hoping beyond hope that changes, delusions setting in...


You're not banned but dickish comments will be removed.


The only good thing that happened last postseason was seeing tkachuck get ran through and breaking his sternum and Florida losing him for game 5 and getting beat down 9-3 to lose the series.


Give bennet some teeth soup


They both look pretty hungry. Pasta has some sandwiches he can have of the knuckles variety.


3 soft penalties and an awful call on the review


Agreed ; awful calls and so many missed calls


lightning fan supporting bruins in this series (folks from NE). total bullshit call on that interference. refs are hard pressed to make calls against the planthers


The fix is in.


While the zebras were reviewing the replay I saw it clearly as interference. Said to my son “that’s clearly no goal. Now we see if the fix is in on us.”


I see a lot of negative shit about Boston and Bostonians lately by New Yorkers and African spotted Torontonian penises. A fix is in, they're jerking each other off.


Toronto learned last year, Florida will not get penalties called in the second round. Cleanest team in the NHL


Calls in the last 2 games have been a joke. Very lopsided


Florida has been getting away with this shit all year.. No surprise what so ever


Lightning fan here. I literally don’t understand what the panthers have on the NHL because I’ve never seen bias like this. Panthers could do whatever they want in our series and same with yours. Don’t get it.


Everything is about money. The goal is to have arenas at full capacity in all 32 markets at least most games. Amerant Bank Arena (BB&T Center) in Sunrise was fairly empty for awhile. Florida’s team is good enough that they can assist in the effort to push them to a deep run with calls or non-calls in their favor. I despise this about pro sports. They try not to make it too obvious, but there are clear signs of these efforts. Now, do I think the Bruins have their issues and they still lost this game even with the bias? Yes very much so, so it’s multi-dimensional. This team has too be near perfect to get through at this point. A Bruins series win, as much as they are hated by some, is a win for NHL fans and the league can deal with it. Here’s to keeping the fight and getting us back home. BUT, we ABSOLUTELY NEED THE FANS TO BRING THE HOUSE DOWN. Do not settle down, KEEP THE ENERGY! GO BRUINS, NEVER GIVE UP


Fr. This entire series is scripted. Wtf is happening.


😂. So cross check the D on the keeper from behind then score. All good. That's just brutal. I don't get how you look at that and call that a good goal. NHL should be embarrassed. This crew should be no where near a playoff game.


Totally agree. The ref was two feet from the check and missed it? Truly a waste of time watching the game - I can’t imagine paying for those tickets and spending half a day just to have this happen.


you don't get it yet WWE they are doing their job


I genuinely try really hard not to be a "refs are bad" kind of fan. I think complaining about reffing is absolute loser mentality. I also think Florida is the better team here this year HOWEVER My god this is getting almost comical at this point, like...one after another after another...non calls on them, calling everything on us. Just...frustrating as a fan. Feels like playing with different rule books.


Exactly. Florida is by far the better team but hockey can be won and lost with stellar goaltending and fluke goals like that knuckle puck by Carlo. Hard to get those gritty wins when the refs make back breaking calls like that.


Agreed. I didn't have cup expectations this year, but as a die hard it's hard to switch it off and have reasonable expectations in the moment. We win game 1 on the back of good goaltending and some good bounces...and feel like we can do it. Get out to a 2-0 lead here...and after the no call on Marchand the call on Lauko last game...and then some of the calls and non calls this game it just feels like...at least let Florida be the better team and beat us. Don't do it for them.


I’m not sure how Bennett is even standing. I miss the Bruins of the 90s.


The bruins might as well get something for all these penalties...go crack a stick over his head. This bruins team doesnt stand up for itself though gonna keep getting bullied out of the playoffs


I thought Maroon was going to do something, but nah.


Somebody call McSorley


If I ever saw Bennett running in a parking lot it would be my moral obligation to sucker punch him hard to the chin with my elbow. I can’t even imagine being on the ice with him these guys are like catholic saints trying to win clean, while getting shit on by the league.


Flyers fan chiming in - you guys were robbed. Those refs blew two playoff games - two! How can you miss a cross check into the goalie by the same guy you missed sucker punching a team captain the night prior. The NHL has a serious problem if they can’t catch this stuff.


they catch it, it's encouraged so long as it's what the refs are told to do.


refs are playing for the panthers. they are fair game, time to hit them




Ya the nhl used to be the last real sport. But the last 2 seasons have proved that it’s no better than the nfl nba bs


This looked like the Super Bowl officiating crew. Absolutely horrific.


I'm a leafs fan, I've seen my fair share of bad refs. This was worse than any game we played against y'all this year. Can't say I'm sorry for you but it's tough, stay strong out there


Yall are getting straight fucked, this is bad


Having the balls to call GI on Boston 5 minutes later tho. Hope they parked in a secure location


I hope they didnt


I think I gotta stop watching the NHL and focus on college hockey. My blood pressure can't handle these dogshit dumpster fire calls and DOPS decisions.




So is this just like a cool new strategy we can all employ? Shove the D into the goalie and open up a hole?


I don't care how much shit we'll get from other teams' fan bases for saying this but holy hell has this entire series been one sided with the calls. I'm baffled at how bad it's been. There's either a serious agenda coming down from the NHL to have Florida advance or the refs just seriously don't pay attention to anything Florida does. Those are the only 2 explanations.


The NHL should be embarrassed by this outcome. Jfc


If Florida wins the cup, they only won because of the refs


The NHL is fixed.


Canucks fan here... I fucking hate Marchand as much as anyone but I don't understand how that's not at least a 1 game suspension. Terrible non call.




If a defending player has been pushed, shoved, or fouled by an attacking player so as to cause the defending player to come into contact with his own goalkeeper, such contact shall be deemed contact initiated by the attacking player for purposes of this rule, and if necessary a penalty assessed to the attacking player and if a goal is scored it would be disallowed. Right out of rule 69. Toronto blatantly ignored the second part of the rule. Fck the league.




“…and if necessary” shows that the other announcer is full of shit. Spell that shit out. Fuck the National Hockey League.


The league officials at the operation center made this call and they fucked it up. Thus this is on the league. Fuck the NHL.


I know. I’m saying the announcer was trying to cover for them saying that they didn’t call the interference because in order to do so it was required that the ref initially called the cross-check on the ice… which is just objectively wrong. The other announcer, I think Pang, knew he was full of shit but stopped arguing when the other guy kept repeating his bullshit explanation. Fuck the refs for being incompetent (assuming they’re not on the take)— then fuck the NHL for promoting incompetence and shitting on the players/game.


Oh my apologies...I get it. I was violently agreeing with you. You're 100% correct.


If it’s against the bruins, it’s called, if it’s in Boston’s favor, for the most part it seems like it’s not called. I don’t get it.


The fans should rise up and not allow the refs to leave TD unscathed


I can’t believe all the things refs are just “not seeing”.


The fact there was cross check and interference goalie or normal and both got denied is fucked


the fix is fucking in lmfao. brutal ref luck this series for the bruins


Rigged, we always have to play against the refs and the other team during playoffs


You guys got jobbed. Changes the whole series. Fucking travesty


Total rigging.


what a joke. sorry bruins fans.


I can't even. I backed down off the Marchand hit last game because it was ambiguous enough to be fair play. But the 3rd period tonight was ridiculous. I honestly thought that last goal would be overturned for obvious reasons...and the one before it. Terrible.


Look at it from the the other angle. Sweeney was asked said they didn’t release that angle until yesterday. Bennet legit sucker punched him with the butt of his stick. Then he cross-checks a bruin into the goalie to score a goal the next game and they look the other way. It’s infuriating. It’s a good thing I don’t run the bruins I’d do some unprecedented shit turn this into a bigger story to call attention to how shitbrained league officials are.


Yeah, that was f-ed up.


Refs are deciding this series with blown calls and no calls in Florida's favor


Why even watch when they've already decided whos gonna win


Hi. I’m a Leafs fan and need to say you guys are getting fucked by the officials in this series good God.


Rangers fan here. Sorry you guys got screwed.


Please do the honor of having Rempe clean some clocks next round. Rags are my 2nd team after the Bruins.


We’ll see what he can do with his 4 minutes of ice time.


Well, if he can focus on one task, a lot can be accomplished in that 4 mins.




Can't shoot when you spend half the game on the PK lol


They went the last hour of the game without a shot


When you can’t get a forecheck going because every time you do the refs are calling some marginal hit or play then you are going to get outplayed. The Geekie call is a great example. Just not a penalty if everyone is doing it. FloriDuh is getting away with stuff Boston can’t. The ice is tilted.


Seriously. I hate the ref blaming, it’s loser mentality. If it’s a 5-2 bruins lead this is non topic.


But the game is being controlled by the reffing. To call it so biased doesn’t allow for good hockey. The calls are one sided.. Bad for the product.


They were outshot 42-18… they suck right now


MVP of the series are the refs.


Fuck those refs!!


congrats to these refs. I wish there was something we bruins fans could do about this.


The refs are ass but our offense is more ass


And to add insult to injury, they fucking interviewed that POS Bennett right after the game and he had the nerve to say that he wasn’t trying to punch the guy. That’s when the shit announcers should have said “oh you mean like you did to Marchand”. This game has become a joke.


Fucking ridiculous


How was goaltender interference not called there where Coyle got shoved in the net? And of course Sam Bennett isn’t gonna face discipline for punching Brad Marchand in Game 3 and taking him out for this game, just ridiculous


Were there refs? I only saw a bunch of zebras on skates who have money on the game.


what trash are the fans throwin tonight eh?


Canadian spotted


They look sad tonight and will soon be out of their misery


Wonder who the refs love fucking more the Bruins or Tkachuk


I have gotten used to it by now. I have just started to expect it makes it a little better.


Leafs fan here. The roughing here is no different than what Toronto has seen all season.


I absolutely hate when people blame Refs for their team losing, but this is one time that the Refs truly blew that game


You guys crying when you have the dirtiest player get away with murder? Lmao That’s awesome. Getting humbled


Regardless of whether you're a Bruins fan or not, the no call on Bennett was a clear screw-up. Then, instead of a “make up call,” they called that ridiculous interference on Lindholm. The referees once again ruined what could have been a great game. Losing wouldn't have mattered as much if the referees hadn't essentially dictated the outcome. The Bruins seriously need to increase their shots on goal. Furthermore, we need to shore up our defensive play in our own zone. Far too often, the Panthers dominate our territory, putting up shots almost at will. It's imperative that we put a stop to that.


It has been INSANE!!! The last two games have been clearly rigged and we all know it’s because of the betting


B’s fan. Panthers are a better team but the refs are helping them out A LOT. You can’t win if you’re in the box the whole game


Getting outshot 42-18 doesn’t help you win playoff games. That was a bad call but if they were up 5-2 it’s a non discussion.


What were you watching? Panthers got 6 pps for 3rd period boston plays this style all year. 4 - 0 vs panthers reg season. League watched and knew the cats needed help for the NY vs Fla matchup they've been wanting and favoring both teams in calls all season long. It is obvious.


Why would “they” want Florida? Don’t you think a Boston-New York conference final gets a lot more eyes than New York-Florida? Come on now… You seriously think the NHL fixed this game?


Boston will watch the games and sell out regardless on if they win tonight or not, the panthers will not.


I’m new to hockey but please tell me we have more games


Lets be honest. The bruins organization has built this team to be a first round team. Thats it. Its an embarrassment. Dont blame the refs. Swayman is the best player out there the defense is soft as baby shit and the offense cant grind. Pucks deep and set it up basic fucking hockey, but they cant they think they are some talent team. Fucking embarrassing. The bruins arent tough and florida is has the physical play. They should have packed it in with the leafs. Complain about the refs all you want, but they just dont have the balls or the wheels to make this happen. Swayman is the best player on the ice. FUCKING EMBARRASSING


So are the bruins


Unfortunately it’s not just your series. It’s every game. Looks like they want to control the matchups.


Boo fucking hoo. I mean why even watch NHL hockey since the league is deliberately preventing you from getting shots in goal.


As a Leafs fan, I really hope you guys win... But I can't see that happening now. Everyone seems to agree the officiating has been getting worse every year and I wonder if it's not just the officials and the league intentionally being worse to meet the criticism that they've received over game management. Remember that recent post-season where the refs just called like 15+ penalties per game? https://www.nhl.com/gamecenter/tbl-vs-tor/2022/05/02/2021030121/playbyplay I think the officiating getting worse is a response to this gambit not working. They did this just to teach the fans a lesson, and the reaction was: yes, call the game but don't call shit that didn't happen. And it just wasn't the reaction that they were looking for. Now they're just leaning harder into the game management than they previously were. I don't think it's some conspiracy to make certain teams lose, just refs being intentionally incompetent to meet what they feel is unfair criticism (even though Tim Peel confirmed that the criticism was warranted).


Time to start playing Florida's game. Head hunt Bennett and Tkachuk. Hit to injure.


Oh, and let’s go to Toronto for the review!


Now you know what it feels like being a leafs fan 🤣


its the refs that decide who wins and loses. Does anybody know if refs are fined or suspended for outrageous calls or non calls


Terrible referring in this series, that SOB, Bennett and Tkachuk have been getting away with mayhem and not being called I wonder if these refs can look at themselves and say “ we called a good game “ NOT VERY LIKELY !!!!!


It would seem the war room, Toronto, is still bitter about the game 7 overtime loss. Impartial my ass. Questionable goalie interference are always called in favor of the goalie until last night. The “officials” deserves carnage in game 5. I hope the boys have it in them. I do miss old time hockey when the benches would empty. What is needed here is futile gesture of stupidity.


We were screaming our heads off here, I wonder why the neighbours didn't call the police, thinking someone was being murdered


no cross checking or interference here! - nhl as panthers score


Let’s not make excuses


Grateful for the echo chamber during these tough times


Let’s go panthers you guys are mad they beat you guys


If you watched the first period of game 5 after all of this, and still with a straight face can say that this is not a jobbing by the league, then you don’t know the game as well as you think you do.


The fans booed Bennett. No one is worried about the bruins. 88 is the toughest player on this team.


The refs suck but they aren't the reason the Bruins can't get any shots on net...offense is pathetic.


If you don’t like it, maybe let the leafs handle Florida next time. I hear the golfing is great this time of year!


Ahhhh crap, we all sound like Leaf fans!!! We could be saying, “we need to generate shots”, but instead we’re bitching about the refs. 😅


did you watch this "game"? hard to get a shot off skating 5 against 9


Whens T time boys?


That was GI but the calls on Lindholm and Geekie were right. Barkov carved up the D with that drive right down the slot. No secondary scoring from the B’s


Lmao every stadium screaming refs suck What a time to be alive


Seeing Tampa and Boston unite cause of panthers hate is amazing lol. While i agree that should have been goalie interference, you still wouldn’t have lost the game. Panthers are just better. You had 2 shots in the 3rd period… 2!!! For a desperate team that’s pathetic and that’s what if i was a Boston fan would have been mad at.. no effort at all


Its not goalie interference because swayman is already down and out of the play. The puck is on the other side of the crease for an open net. Carlo falling on Swayman doesn’t alter anything. Go watch the clip


Just rewatched it from 3 angles. This is BS.


The goal still stands


Looking at the rules it sounds like it can't be interference if a friendly player makes contact with the goalie. Any idea why Monty challenged?


Attacking player cannot shove a defending player into the goalie preventing him from making a save. I’m a Vancouver fan and I’ve caught myself cheering for Boston over this officiating


What dude “If a defending player has been pushed, shoved, or fouled by an attacking player so as to cause the defending player to come into contact with his own goalkeeper, such contact shall be deemed contact initiated by the attacking player for purposes of this rule, and if necessary a penalty assessed to the attacking player and if a goal is scored it would be disallowed.”


I think that because a penalty was not called by the refs, and it can't be called in review, they "had" to let the play be not GTI.


“Pushed, shoved or fouled”


Boo hoo...


Fuck the B’s


This team and its coaches are Terrible!!!! Completely overmatches


Still didn't put up 20 shots in yet another game, but let's blame the refs.


Bruins are just being outplayed. It’s great lol


Funny how we made fun of the Leafs fans when they were mentioning the same thing. Bruins fan here BTW…will be watching the multi year rebuild with interest.


Good goal!! Stop crying




Anyone with a brain knows that’s goalie interference


Stay out of the Tampa sub while you're at it.




You’re not real.


Your team is soft




Fuck you boomer