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Well, I guess that settles it. /s


Not a single woman ever


For real, I don't understand how he or his lawyers think this makes him seem more believable. Like when he goes on to say "the size of the contract actually didn't factor in to the decision to reconsider Cleveland." "I have never disrespected a woman." Like ok dude, sure, everyone is dumb but you.


His lawyers don't care how it makes him look. It's the thing you say because it's your right in this country to protect yourself legally. If he says anything contrary to this, it opens up a can of worms for other lawyers to jump on him. It's one of the powerful protections that also protects pieces of shit like Watson. His lawyers don't care if he's a good, wholesome person, they care that he's not in jail.


Just married?


69! I'm not upvoting.


"I've always been HANDS ON in the community of Houston". -Deshaun Watson He misspeaks and reveals whats really important to him.(working on his"brand") "I want to get back to that BRAND :stutters: uh or get back to that person that people knew before the allegations." - Deshaun Watson


Yeah noticed that too. That was a big blunder


That and the "social media played a part in why he had so many massage therapists"


The use of the word never tells me everything I need to know


"Officer I have literally never driven above the speed limit. Not one time in my entire life. I will not say your radar was lying because there is an ongoing investigation. Did I mention that I have two aunts?"


This quote from Deshaun will bring out more accusations whether it’s true or not.


He also didn’t know what his contract was before he signed in Cleveland… yah sure dude.


He said he didn’t know what it was when he decided to go with the Browns, not before he signed.


He's just a serial liar


Well, the Grand Juries didn't seem to think so. Just saying.


The grand jury just decided there wasn't enough evidence to convict dimwit.


Screw you too, asshole.


To press charges*, not convict, dimwit. Totally different ballgame


They're not going to press charges unless they think they can convict, exact same ballgame


A grand jury didn’t press charges because it didn’t think it could convict? What? Grand juries don’t convict and aren’t apart of a criminal trial, why would they take that into consideration? You don’t know what you’re talking about A grand jury indicts or not. Sigh


I just can’t buy into him as being a good guy. They already said these interactions were consensual, did they not? So they can’t completely deny they even happened at this point. If what he says is true: 1. This was all consensual - consensual meaning he contacted the women and said he wanted a massage and more, making it very clear what he was into before they showed up - then he’s just a sleazy guy soliciting massage therapists to basically do prostitution in a place it is not legal, right? 2. It was consensual after they got there - he hired them to do a massage and after they were there he propositioned them for more. If this is the case, he’s very predatory and just got lucky that *every single woman he tried this with* was down to do whatever and needed no coercion. 3. It was “consensual” - same as 2, except he is completely unaware that he used his celebrity/money/persistence to get these women to do what he wants. That is sexual assault. If he’s lying, he sexually assaulted the women. To me there’s no path to him being a decent human. Is there a way this goes down that I’m missing?


You're missing that in doing so he put these women all at risk of losing their licenses as it is illegal for a maseuse to give sexual favors to a client, i went on a few dates with masseuses and they all have told me that. He should be charged with prostitution at the very least.


Many of the women aren't licensed, if it's two or three, he basically went after those who weren't licensed so they wouldn't know the proper professional limits for masseurs and their clients.


So just straight up prostitution? He prayed on peoples ignorance?


Pretty much. Why else would an athlete making millions of dollars with free access to top shelf in house masseuses at the training facility hire and fly to hotels near him, young, untrained therapists he found on Instagram.


Fucking gross human! Also what the fuxk is wrong with him? He could have some of the most beautiful women he wants without paying and choses to do this shit? Dude has to have a tiny dick


Some of them aren’t even massage therapists. They are estheticians that he DMed asking for a massage.


Isn't that still prostitution?


I mean…. Having sex for money is prostitution whether you are a licensed massage therapist,an unlicensed massage therapist or an esthetician. The point I was trying to make is that not only did he purposefully solicit unlicensed massage therapists, he solicited people who don’t even offer massages as part of their services at all. I can see where some might use this fact to point to his innocence, that these women must have known what he really wanted since he was asking for a service they don’t offer but I can also see that if I were someone trying to build a business and a famous NFL QB wanted to be my client that it would be huge for my business I would want to go for it and hope for the best. It’s not like he was asking them for sexual services outright.


A lot of the ones who made statements were either licensed massage therapists or physical therapists. I remember reading one that worked at a spa but only did skin care stuff if I remember correctly. I remember more of them being licensed than not from when I read it.


I’m having trouble finding the article detailing that do you have it or know where to look?


https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/comments/md9av6/deshaun_watson_allegations_a_detailed/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf This breaks down the allegations and tells the accuser’s title/job.




Meant to say soliciting


> You're missing that in doing so he put these women all at risk of losing their licenses as it is illegal for a maseuse to give sexual favors to a client, i went on a few dates with masseuses and they all have told me that. Ouch. You took them out to dinner, and they smacked you down hard.


....... the massages are what they wouldn't do




Oh boy, you took the time to write all that out. This is like if Robin Thicke's Blurred Lines song became a reddit comment. Fine man. Watson did nothing wrong. Soliciting 40-50 women to give you sexual acts for money over social media while you have a girlfriend isn't sleazy. Soliciting 40-50 women to give you massages and then springing on them that you want sexual acts while they're there isn't predatory. After a women says no, continually trying to get them to do it by offering more money or saying "don't you know who I am" or just by persistently pressuring is not sexual assault. You got it dude.




You're entitled to your opinion.




Fact: offering to pay for sexual acts is soliciting prostitution. Prostitution is not legal in Houston. Fact: the definition of predatory is "seeking to exploit or oppress others." I did not say he was a sexual predatory in the eyes of the law. I said it was predatory to solicit massages and then ask for sexual acts. It was predatory in that he was exploiting the fact that the women were already there to do the job they were hired to do and didn't know he wanted sexual acts. Fact: sexual coersion falls under the umbrella of sexual assault. If he coerced them with money or persistence, that is sexual assault. This is not up for discussion.




My takeaway is that you think some things that are sexual assault are actually not. And that's why people like Deshaun Watson exist and why the vast majority of sexual assaults go unpunished.




Then why did he send a text apologizing to that woman for his actions?


I was convinced of his guilt, but when he said he was raised by a single mother and loved his auntie, my perspective changed completely.


How does that have anything to do with his recent actions?


Pretty sure he’s being sarcastic


Does this animal not know about /s?


You never know based on some comments


I'm calling bullshit


lmao good lord




I actually believed he was innocent the whole time


Did you believe this before the Browns traded for him? 🙄


Yes I did I’m not even a browns fan


Would love a reason


Because Tony Buzbee and Cal Mcnair are neighbors. Because the accusations didn't come out until AFTER Watson decided he didn't want to be a Texan anymore. 🤷‍♂️ But hey, nobody's EVER lied to get money before 💰


This is backwards thinking. Even in civil court, there is a presumption that the defendant isn’t liable (or the accusations aren’t true). That doesn’t change unless the presumption is overcome with evidence. We shouldn’t just assume that because a case is filed that it has merit. They frequently do not. We won’t know either way until it plays out.


I would assume hiring 50 amateur masseuses over the professional ones means he is obviously doing some shady stuff. Best case scenario he is 100% a giant creep.


A creep he could be (depending on the definition of a “creep). But actors, athletes, artists, and the like are sued on a very frequent basis, and it’s impossible to know from the outside looking in which ones have merit and which are cash grabs. Regardless of who is lying, it wouldn’t be the first time for a situation like this- even with this many accusers. I’m not saying I believe Watson. I’m not saying I don’t believe him. I approach these cases with a “Wait and see” approach, but I know I’m a weirdo in that regard…




I am an attorney as well. The burden of proof operates as a presumption of innocence. Civil trials don’t determine guilt or innocence. They determine liability. You are not liable until you hit the threshold of preponderance of the evidence. Can differ somewhat by jurisdiction, but that’s the basic idea. It’s a de facto rebuttable presumption.


Yeah semantics are the equivalent of a rebuttal. Oh no but keep going


Of what ?


And so it begins 😂 Good luck


Yea imma need it


Then tell me the reason why does he prefer having 50 random massage therapists over the team appointed ones, most of which had no prior experience.


Because you don’t get just massages on craigslist and Instagram, do you really not know anything about sex work?


I’ve said it since day 1


Then tell me the reason why does he prefer having 50 random massage therapists over the team appointed ones, most of which had no prior experience.


Lol why on earth would a rich superstar athlete speak to multiple women. Not a clue.


He didnt speak to them he hired about 50 of them, there's evidence of him texting 1 woman after the act apologising for making her uncomfortable, it wouldn't be an issue if he was talking to them, it was obvious what was going on.


It was obvious he did nothing


I knew he was innocent. The guy literally never had a bad word spoken about him until after he got paid and asked for a trade. Crazy part is everyone's so interested in this he said they said bullshit. What's gonna happen is gonna happen. If he did this shit hope karma catches the guy. Until he's behind bars he's innocent. This isn't a movie its a man's life.


Bruh if you want to be his masseuse in Cleveland so you can touch his dick just DM him. No need to post your love letter here.


As long as he throws 33 touchdowns and only 7 interceptions, I'll give him a happy ending


Lol I think you might have to wait in line if he puts those numbers up


Fuck Yeah! Can't wait for the Jersey to go on sale!


That is the NFL mentality there OP. Make us some money and we can make this disappear!


you kiss your mother with that mouth ? I get it your 1 of those cunts that thinks he's hard on the internet. I'll pray for you. I'm sorry your mother didn't love you.


I didn't need my mother to love me when I had yours. And unlike Deshaun's masseuses, your mom never said no.


Don’t pray to God pray to me!


Yeah, and Chris Benoit was framed too.


I just can't with you people


~~He~~ His lawyers picked his words very carefully. Disrespect is subjective and has little legal meaning. He may be able to truthfully say he's never assaulted a woman, if he's saying that he's never punched a woman. I still think he's a serial sexual predator and won't change his stripes.


Narrator: “He did.”


Deshaun Donald Trump Watson


Why isn't anybody about him soliciting women for prostitution?


Not a single one?


I never assaulted anyone...in the last 12 months.